This is Miles Morales. Brian Michael Bendis' Oscar award winning character. Revere him and praise him

This is Miles Morales. Brian Michael Bendis' Oscar award winning character. Revere him and praise him.

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The way his upper body is stretched out like that is so fucking attractive

Call me Salty, but I'd be a bit embarrassed if I create a derivative of a already incredibly popular character, a character that for eight years does not move the needle in terms of comic book sales (my occupation, so I failed there), only to have a movie studio show up and do in two hours what I couldn't do: create an entertaining, mainstream story starring said derivative.

It's like people giving KSD All this admiration for Carol, KSD TOOK AWAY story elements and ideas from Carol with the amnesia wipe. The only thing the studios actually carried over was the original backstory and Mike McKelvie's costume. They're both idea guys; the do the absolute least amount of work but are first in line to receive the passing grade.

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Yeah, instead of doing all that, you've done nothing but sit on your 300-pound ass shitposting on Yea Forums(nel).

Not saying HEH HEH, AT LEAST BENDIS DID SOMETHING, but saying, "I would be EMBARRASSED if I made Miles!" is pure cringe.

Get off Yea Forums Bendis.

If I did your job better than you, I'd certainly believe you'd be furious. It's called having pride, having confidence in your work. How could you not be embarrassed that a project you work on for eight years gets no noteworthy mention, but another team comes in, and EASILY creates the most popular version of your creation? That could of been YOUR glory. Your paycheck, your validation. And now all you have to show for it is a few measly twitter posts about how "proud" you are that "your creation" (trade mark marvel trade mark disney) is doing better with you having no input on it.

Miles save the city
Almost got the girl.
Getting his own villains in the comics.
And won a oscar.

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One's a film, the other is a comic. The majority of casuals didn't know who Thanos was until Endgame either.


>Getting his own villains in the comics.
I like Collision over the two from his own comics.

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what;re the 2? I know ultimate prowler is one but whose the other? I haven't read this comic but this page looks a lot better than the other one that gets posted from it

Reminder that Bendis contributed nothing to Miles finally becoming a good character and, if anything, merely prevented him from becoming one until he finally let go of his reins and left Marvel.

A redneck guy that control children
A crazy WE WUZ KANGZ guy that shoots out frost beams

oh from the new comics? The one off joke villains the racist author wrote to be racist? Yeah those weren't great

I cant tell if he's a shuri villian or miles villian.

Eh, villians have their small beginnings.

Remember when sandman was beaten by a vacuum cleaner? Or when punisher was just a hitman?

>Praise him
Miles? Sure. Bendis? He did nothing and gets nothing.

sandman was made to be sandman a guy whose made of sand. The first evil white dude was written to show how white people are bad for having a border the second was to show that white people are crazy and steal peoples history, I can't for the life of me figure out a pattern in the writers works

Michael Bendis my ass the only common thing that spiderverse's miles and that bald fag self insert is the color of their skins

I see him as a miles villain because he was fighting him first and I he fits miles better than shuri

You forgot he was kidnapping fucking children. Why are you inserting a kidnapper because he shares your views?

th whole arc was a thinly veiled attack on trump, I'm fine with some insertion of real world politics into comics but if every arc is going to be that the shit gets old. For a character like Miles I'd call it a death keel since he;s going from no character development for almost a decade to just a mouth piece for some guys hate boner he gets no time to breath. Though I'd like to call it a death keel but god knows no one actually cares about quality in his books they sell because of the name he stole

Praise who? The people that made the movie and made Miles popular? Or Bendis, who had years to make Miles popular and failed and literally abandoned him to go ruin DC and create new OCs?

It's not like Miles wasn't getting praise for just existing or multiple books before the movie though
So why would you be embarrassed?

The nigger spider will never be a good character no matter how long marvel pushes him

I think you are looking for excuse to get mad at comics.

Only thing that miles did in the comic was help the rhino finds his kid and feeling bad for the kid for losing his dad.

>I think you are looking for excuse to get mad at comics

welcome to Yea Forums, though seriously the whole thing was just another soap box arc. Meant to straw man a complex issue and mix it into four or five different things than deflate the tension by making the big bad an ineffectual white guy

This is such a strawman argument.

A major film was always going to get more eyes than a comic book. Watchmen is one of the most iconic comics ever made and yet 99% of the people who went to see it didn't have a clue who Rorschach was or that there was a giant squid in the book

Spider-Verse and Spidey PS4 made me interested enough in Miles to read about him. Does he have any recommended reading or do I just stick to everything but the conics?

Some people recommend the new run but I'm staying clear of it because the writer is a Saracen.

considering the two things you listed are not only both vastly different characters, neither one is anything like the books. I recommend just reading any other peter book and coloring him in black because that's pretty much all Miles is at this point, 9 years in
what this user said. spider-verse is probably the best version of him, the vid i linked covers how comics-miles is at best just black, uncharismatic peter. ps4 version is a little better, but still can't touch the film imo

I prefer the game mostly because they tried to write Miles into peters life without killing him. Spider-verse looked prettier but it's pretty telling of the character that even though they felt the need to kill peter off at the beginning of the movie they knew that Miles couldn't support a movie on his own and needed to shove in as many iterations of peter that they could

Miles was a good character for once because he wasn't the one writing.

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I dunno the dude was handled by Waid Hickman and that crazy white Muslim lady from ms marvel and each interpretation was wither just peter or whatever the writer needed him to be in the particular scene

Are we talking about sale wise or story wise?

both, the story both needed him to be taught by peter but also inspired by his death, which is normally fine(at least from a story perspective Miles has yet to do or add anything interesting enough to the franchise to be the wholesale replacement for peter he was meant to be) but as we both know that wasn't the order it happened in

Let's be honest: Bendis deserves as much credit for Miles as Liefeld deserves for Deadpool.

What's this guy's powers? I can't find him on the marvel wiki
He needs a better getup but the glovers are cool

Man, make up your mind. It is spider-people or just peter?

Peter, the only spider person who matters, the fucking character whose font is used for the title of the movie and who was the one and only spider-man till 1994 the fucker who was three out of the seven spider people in the movie (4 if you count peter porker) but if you want the specific peter I suppose Peter B since he's closest to the actual character

I liked how he became enjoyable when other people were finally allowed to write him

The original tital have mixture between miles, ulitmate, and the original.

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once again whose font is used for the title of the movie

>All this admiration for Carol
Fucking WHERE? Literally everyone that watched that that movie admits that she's the worst part of it. The fucking CAT gets more praise than she does.

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Nah, he only became a salvageable character when another writer came in and he was surrounded by better characters.

I thought people already realized this after other writers were allowed to write Miles other than just Bendis.

The general consensus I saw on Yea Forums was that Miles wasn't bad as a character, he's just bad written under Bendis.

I thought he was pretty good in team up books, and in the PS4 game.

Don't you have a SHITTED thread to start, Milesfag?

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He is new so the wiki hasn't been updated

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wow it's peter but

black so innovative and


i hope you guys also like my new original character that will save DC, please do not steal him as i am sure he will make a lot of money and win a lot of awards in my name

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Reminder that most of the media still praises Bendis for ITS' success because his alleged bravery in creating a POC Spiderman is the only reason anyone cares about Miles to begin with, and that will never change

>copyrighting powers
literally wot

I always wonder if writers like this have enough self awareness to realize when this has happened.

but he's a villain, why would he care about copyright infringement

Thats not what a strawman is and everything Bendis wrote for miles was mediocre at best.

A better question would be why would they care that much about characters that they don't own outright.

You say that, but I recall some author's get pretty pissed when a character they wrote takes a different direction or so on. The only one I recall is She-Hulk at the moment, but I'm sure it's not rare.

It disgusts me that Bendis will try and take credit for Spider-Verse

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>The general consensus I saw on Yea Forums was that Miles wasn't bad as a character, he's just bad written under Bendis.
No one's a bad character if they're written by someone competent, but Miles is and forever will be a shit character concept.

Like I said, it is mixture between all of them.

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Yeah because the credit should go to Slott

Through I blame bendis for being bland about miles getting his own style. No joke, he literally can't think of a adjective for miles.

>he is just spider-man cause he is just a normal spiderman.

Or some shit.

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And why is that? He's no better

He's 14

Because he created the Spiderverse concept

The idea was done 20 years ago in the 90s spider man cartoon and the villains slott used were based on a character and concept created by JMS the only thing slott did was kill a bunch of spider-people for shock value