Hench III - Electric Bugaloo Edition

>Batman did the impossible.
>By raping the man responsible for causing the universe to rip at the seams, he reset everything.
>Now were back where we started, henchman in a crappy union dealing with unstable bosses.
Honestly, this shit sucks. Could of let Earth get purged while we're terraforming a better planet with Lex, but no. He's got to rape somebody to make everything right. Not fair bro's.

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2.5 is not considered cannon.
But nice artwork, kek.

Not mine, but I thought it be good way to bring others in. To that user, shout out. Not considered cannon, that's good. Wait till this one dies, or are we just jumping in?

Maybe if you fucks STOPPED Toyman from kidnapping Super Bait and Shota Boy and put a bullet in his head by the time he made Aqualad Sushi we wouldn't even be in this mess.

I knew I FUCKING KNEW Toyman was a kid fiddler, why else would he know that Robin was a girl? The dude groped her that's why.

And now we broke the bat. It wasn't with mass murder or brainwashing, it was with a fucking pedo toy maker.

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Eh, I'd rather just not have 2.5 as cannon. I'm Hench 4 life user. I'm away with lex technically. Not getting raped by batman... And 2.5 was like a praody it seems

That's fine. Hell, I'm Ivyanon. I know the others are going to be coming. Make it, and they shall come
>getting blamed for not stopping Toyman
Do you think I can get from Gotham to the other side of the country in a Telsa fast enough?

Fuck now I'm back with Manchester Black. Swear the dude mindrapes everyone who crosses him. Dumbass Brit didnt even enjoy the chips we got him. Not even Pringles.

HAHA! Sucks to be you. Seriously though, who the fuck works with Manchester Black?

Employment office stuck me with him after my stint in blackgate was up. Would have liked to go back to freeze.

Is it just me or do some of the capes remember the universe resetting? I know Booster Gold always seems to remember because hes' a time traveller and shit, but I think Superman's son from the last universe survived somehow and is trying to get the current version of him to remember. This Superman hasn't even been active for more than five years. It's kinda sad actually.

I'm a Lex goon, and they're flying and talking like right outside the window of the 26th floor. It's kinda sad actually. The kid's crying and everything.

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Manchester is going for Toyman now. Pissed he got the Supershota before he could kill him

Wouldn't be surprised. It seems like memories are slowly trickling in and out. I don't know why, but I'm really fucking pissed at Batman. He took something from me. I know Hench 4 Life is around though. That guys always remembers what happens.
Wonderful, it seems certain people fully remember last time. Well, here's hoping two faggots get killed with one rocket.

Where the fuck did Trigon end up? Wasn't he going after that Hench for life guy?

I don't know. If the Big T is gone then I'm happy. Gotham looks different though. Looks cleaner. Weird.

I've found that the best way to figure out whether or not if Trigon is invading is to take a look at Raven. If she's gone all demon-y then that's usually a sign that her dad's going to wreck shit again.

Aight. Anyone try and see what newsfeeds have on her? I'm stuck in Metropolis and last i heard the big guy was headed here

If Big T isn't here, then it means her death has been fixed, which means all the capes are alive aren't they? We've got to get a list with who's alive and who's not.

According to Google it looks like the Teen Titans haven't been formed yet in this universe, because I'm not getting anything when I look up Raven other than pics of birds. So we may or may not be fucked.

On the NYC scene it looks like there's only the OG Spider-Man once again, and it looks like he's young again. Must be REALLY early in his career too because his suit is awful. The Avengers building as around, so they're still accounted for.

Speaking of them, why the fuck didn't they help when the Earth was going to shit?

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good question. could be that the government still has some control over the avengers and their activities

Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. If Spiderman is that fucking young, were in brand new territory. I remember a Lexcorp user being here, wished he was here. He always seemed to have the answers we needed at the time. God damn, my arm fucking itches.

I swear the Avengers are always the worst no matter how many times the universe resets. Their stupid Civil Wars cause more property damage then the villains we work for! It makes us look like good samaritans.

I’m glad the Justice League stays out of that shit whenever it happens.

Bats is still a cuck to Gordon though. Commissioner is ancient and still stalling the shots

One good thing the Justice League does. Guys, I've got a terrible, terrible, but wonderful idea. We remember what Hench 4 Life did, right? Why can't we do it again, but better? We don't like these shitty union's, and our bosses for the most part can be cunts. If one angry Henchman could bring the world to it's knees and fuck it's following reset, a group of us can far greater.
Well, at least that hasn't changed. Who's in the Batfamily?

Please, Gordon ain’t shit without Bats. Without the Batman he wouldn’t be able to handle even a quarter of the shit that happens in Gotham.

I think we had some brat as the newest Robin. Dunno about the others. We also have some dude in a white robe running around with a sword and shield

>We also have some dude in a white robe running around with a sword and shield
What the fuck? This isn't fucking medieval times. Someone's going to shoot that fucker right in the face. God dammit, this itch is killing me. Feels like something's under the skin.

Did you see an excorcist?

Not yet, I usually go for a proper hospital before pulling shit like that. Now is anyone's memories from the previous universe clear? Mine are still pretty damn hazy. I remember Batgirl being CLAYED pretty clearly, and explosions. A lot of explosions.

I remember some shit with the magic house. Not sure who it applied to

I think you might have been that guy who got cursed by Klarion and started growing a demon out of one of your forearms that you named Franklin. Does that sound familiar?

FranklinAnon here still chilling in the Magic House in some purgatory dimension with 2 drunken magical Brits and a motley crew of other magic folks (about 12 of us in total plus Franklin).

Constantine was really banking on getting Fate on board to fix some of this shit but he was busy with Klarion, his cat which transforms into a demon furry cat girl, and a horde of magical chaos "zombies".

Constantine and Willoughby are trying to figure out how to deal with T-demon (war told not to say his name here as it would be like Frodo putting on the One Ring and Sauron knowing where it was).

Con is kinda worried that since Raven got gibbed by H4L getting TD back to his dimension will be like "trying to thread a needle while skydiving blindfolded".

So right now all the magic folks here are pouring over all the books, scrolls, tomes and magical doodads to figure out something.

Man...I was just an ex Joker hench who got pulled into this mess cuz I got handed chaos demon ice cream.

What about the TMNT? Donatello had died during the apocalypse

Wait never mind. That guy’s over hereDo you remember anything involving Poison Ivy? You might be lucky sonova bitch who scored with her, and iirc one of his arms was fucked up too.

Yeah, I remember you. Shit, yeah. It's weird here man, Batman did something and there's no teen titans, the caps are younger and seem to be less organized.
I remember red hair and green eyes, and shit. I remember now. Batman is going to fucking die for this shit.

Hey, any fellow Gotham henches know a guy named Matches Malone? It took me a while to start noticing the pattern but it happens EVERY TIME the universe resets without fail. He shows up, runs with a gang for a few weeks, then Batman hits that gang. Malone is always mysteriously absent whenever the Batman shows up of course, and a few weeks later he's running with a new gang. I think this guy's a rat for the cops or Batman. We should put out a hit on him.

The TMNT look weird this reset. Check out this pic I found of them on the internet.

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That's me, FranklinAnon.

Just so folks have a headcount of who is here we have
Willoughby Kipling
The Avatar of the Magic House
Boston Brand
Detective Chimp
Mary Marvel
Madam Xanadu
The Question

Oh plus Franklin and myself. The Magic House blipped between dimensions I guess before you guys had another reset...so this may be weird when we get back. At least Constsntine was able to get our cell phones to work between dimensions so we can keep in touch.

Now that you mention it, I do remember working for a Matches Malone before Mr. Freeze hired me... everyone oh his gang was arrested just a couple of days after I left.
We should go after him. Does anyone remember how he looks?

>I remember a Lexcorp user being here, wished he was here
LexCorpAnon here, things have become a little weird this reset. We've got actual cartoon characters wandering around the streets, interacting with people.

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>Matches Malone
Find him, get the Bat. I like the idea. Thought he had short black hair and a messy short beard.

Malone kinda looks like Bruce Wayne with a porn mustache actually. The guy always wears shades too and carries around a lighter with matches.

What the hell did Batman do? He has fucked this place harder then H4L ever could. Fuck it, I'm going to Ivy's hideout. I'll have to be careful, she might not remember me. God damn, arm still itchy.

FranklinAnon here, I think he did a job or two with me when I worked for Joker. Best I can recall is about medium to tallish height, built like someone who practiced some intensive fighting regiment a couple times a month, 70's porn stache, dark aviator glasses, brown(?) hair and always carried matches with him.

Yeah kinda pissed at him. He bailed during a heist once GPD showed up knocking over a couple canisters of a mild joker gas (which I got a hood whiff of). Seriously couldn't unclench my jaw from a smile for like 2 months after that. Looked like that Willem Dafoe guy.

Godspeed, IvyAnon. I wish you luck.

Gordon just posted this to Twitter so apparently Batman and Scooby Doo are a team now.
What the fuck is going on?

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>Bruce Wayne with a porn mustache actually
That's fucking hilarious. You're telling me that either Malone could pass of as Bruce, or Bruce could pass off as Malone. Or maybe Bruce is Malone and he's working with the Bat?

... Could it be Bruce Wayne himself?

>Gordon is using twitter
>Scooby Doo is working with Batman
>There's literal toons walking out in the street
This really is the worst timeline. Fucking Batman.

I just showed this to Constantine...he hasn't stopped laughing for a minute or two now. Said he's not gonna let the Bat here the end of this.

Man...this is all so awkward being an ex hench surrounded by capes. But at this point I don't think they'd care if they knew.

You honestly think Wayne could throw a punch or even consider schlepping around in hench territory. Maybe Matches is a cousin or something trying to get dirt on the white collar bosses so Wayne can take over more of Gotham.

>Or maybe Bruce is Malone and he's working with the Bat?

I'd think you were joking but I do vaguely remember one reset a while back where Bruce publicly revealed that he's been funding the Batman for years. I thought it was just that specific timeline being weird but maybe you're onto something.

What if Bruce normally works with Batman EVERY reset by going undercover as Matches Malone in addition to giving him money for the gadgets and stuff?

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I don't even know any more. Who hires Deathstroke to kill a literal bear?

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I concur. They're more trying to get everything back to semi-balance of order.
Yeah, you're right. No way in hell it's Wayne.

Now were Mad Hatter level of insanity, yet it makes sense.
This is far past Mad Hatter and I'm....I don't even know what to say. It's a fucking bear man! You don't need to send Deathstroke to kill a fucking bear wearing a tie.

A friend in Metropolis just sent me this... is this true? How fucked is our business?

Also, has anyone seen any Gotham baddies? It feels pretty calm here

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They're probably running away from Nghtwing's new BFF. No one wants gorilla lice.

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I'm about 5 minutes away from Ivy's hideout, and everything is calm. A bit too calm for my taste, to be honest.

>tfw some friends think Bruce Wayne is the Bat

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Beller's being a Bitch again, god I swear ever since she took control over her father's "company" it's like she's a completely different person, one day she's running papers, the next she's beating Phil from level D with a pipe wrench. Anyone else have a Boss like this?

Oh hell no, that shitter is alive as well. I hope he doesn't remember me hitting him with the car and dragging him for a kilometer.


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Are you Ivyanon? Do you remember the sex? Was it good?
Mr. Freeze's lair is empty by the way, not even his wife is here... weird

I’m a Joker goon and holy shit what the fuck happened to the boss’s face?! Apparently he was believed dead for a while this reset only he shows back up today acting like nothing happened looking like some shit out of a horror movie!

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Is her name Josie Beller?
Yeah, I'm Ivyanon. I remember bits and pieces, but I do remember it being good and a bit painful to be honest. Felt like my pelvis was going to get crushed.
Man, that's fucked up.

Are you guys sure that's him? He looks like he cut Joker's face off and now is wearing it like a mask

heard the rumor that the joker is actually an mantle? I swear I remember back in like the 70's he was a pretty stocky guy, couldn't have been more than 5'9" now he's lankier that that shaggy guy and 6+'

I'm lucky I left when I did. What the fuck happened. Is Harley there? Last I remember she was in a coma.

yup, I'm visiting Phil in the Hospital rn he broke his right arm, and dented his shoulder

Hey henchanons, manage to survive most of the fuckery going on the surface by ending up underneath Gotham after shouting "Grenade!" and throwing a grenade at Batman.

Long story short, there's a whole city underneath Gotham. Did anyone else know that?

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Watch out, the League of Shadows operates out of there. If they catch you then you're dead.

Well if that doesn't make Harley go full lez with Ivy (sorry IvyAnon) then I'm not sure what will

Harley was leading the gang after Joker disappeared. She seems normal all things considered. She looks kinda weird though this reset. She has the same white skin thing the boss has going on.

Maybe. Couldn’t tell you for sure though.

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>there's a whole city underneath Gotham
You mean the hobo's that live with Croc right? Because if so, this is new to me. I can see Ivy's hideout and it looks deserted. Plants overgrown all over the place, but no sign of life. Do I go in, or throw something at the house and see if someone comes out?

Sadly, can't blame her.
Hmmmm, she does look weird.

You should go in just like you used to everyday. If she doesn't remember you, try explaining the reset (skip the sex though); she is pretty smart so she will probably understand

Try to call out and see if someone’s in there?

>You should go in just like you used to everyday
Hard do that when I wasn't originally one of her henchmen to begin with. Hell, she tried to fucking kill me, which is why Ace Chemcials blew up. Kind of weird to see it standing in the distance. Ahh fuck it. I'm going in.

wait,you said are really overgrown plants inside? How thick are they? If we're talking arms wide run like hell

Oh that's right, you weren't her henchman... I wouldn't go in then but good luck

Not arms wide, maybe finger wide but all over the building. Like that crepping vines you see on house, but everywhere in here.
I'm in and there was a fucking raccoon sleeping in a ripped up sofa. Fucking dusty as all hell in here.

I can't seem to find Sky High, it's not where it should be and I can't find anything about it anywhere.
Does it not exist in this reset? Maybe the villains haven't found it yet?

Is anyone else there? Any signs of Ivy other than the plants?

looks like the place is abandoned, If she was still there you would've found arm sized tomatoes, and a glowing aura surrounding flowers

I don't know man, half of the caps and villains are just gone.
Hell, there's nothing in this god damn house except for moth eaten and rodent infested furniture.
None of these plants look special, just regular plants. I'm leaving, going to look elsewhere. Shit, I hear footsteps nearby outside.

Maybe it just hasn’t been built yet? Not as many capes this reset so no reason to make a school for them yet.

>I don't know man, half of the caps and villains are just gone.
Did the reset somehow send us back in time?

>I hear footsteps nearby outside.
Wait! Check who is that first

So I'm just strolling around underneath Gotham and you guys won't believe this shit!


Should I jump in? 50/50 I get superpowers or die! Henchanons, is it worth it?

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I'm typing as quietly as possible. It's fucking Batgirl, but she's a red head. Oh god, my balls have retreated into my body. She's looking around, but hasn't found me yet.
Don't do it. Just don't.

Is her costume purple or black?

>Did the reset somehow send us back in time?

I think it might have. Spider-Man looks younger here as seen in Wait idea. How many capes had public identities? If we can get to them before they get their powers we might be able to turn them to our side.

I know the X-Men don’t really bother most of the time but there are so many of them it’s hard to keep track.

>My girlfriend just doesn't exist anymore
>I had to shoot her before the reset because she tried to attack Lex
>I could never ask her to marry me
Fuck me

>Mr. Freeze is also missing
Double fuck me

It's been less than a day since the reset and I already don't know what to do with my life anymore.
Any suggestions, fellow henchanons?

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I'm still driving my camaro, and it still has that dent when a Range rover sideswiped me, and It's definitely not new, got rust where the paint chipped off

It's purple, and she's backing off. Going to hide in the closet like R Kelly for a couple of minutes until the coast is clear.
I'm sorry big guy. For work, fuck man we're going to have to find out who all the players are now. All I know, is that I've got to find Ivy and not get my balls kicked into paste by Batgirl.

Weird. I think I’m about 3 years younger than I remember being last time. I guess it only affected some people’s lives but not everyone?

Rumor has it some purple dude is starting a magic rock collection. He's like a cosmic level boss though.

Perhaps this is the reason everything is fucked

Ah, so the retconning has already begun.

Who will remember what never happened?

Thank you, Ivyanon. I'm sure Ivy must be alive in some shape or form if her lair is covered by plants.
The best advice I have for hiding from Batgirl is not letting your heartbeat get faster, I swear that bitch can hear it from a mile away

Shoulda posted sooner user.

Tastes like Ecto-Cooler, tho.

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I guess
careful, she's the meaner one, I remember she visited Sacramento a Couple years back, but a batarang through some thug's leg, and by thug I mean me, still can't feel my toes

What color are you turning? We might see the birth of one of our villains, boys!

LexCorpAnon here, so I checked through the records and the Justice League hasn't formed yet. Hell, even the JSA never formed. I can't even find rumors about the Flash, WW, Dr. Fate, Green Arrow or Aquaman. What's even more interesting is that Queen Industries and STAR Labs were never formed. LexCorp and Wayne Enterprises are basically the two biggest companies in the US (60:40 with LexCorp being the bigger company)
Also, I'm now only in my early 20s and I'm already earning 7 figures.

Good news, I think she's gone. I know there's a cellar door outside, I've just got to find it. Need to check the whole building before I leave.
Well buddy, I hope you become something good and not goo.

huh. Anything on Stark Enterprise or the Tenth metal stuff?

Is Lex still a villain? Also nice new life, you deserve it

>No Justice League at all
Anything on the avengers? If this reset fucked with all the caps, then maybe we've got a better chance then I expected.

I'm getting nothing for either of those names, also Spider-man? apparently he's going by Black-Spider now, even the avengers are different, no Cap, Thor, or Hulk

Avengers are confirmed existing here Google says that the current members are Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Ant-Man and The Wasp.

Stark Enterprises is a thing but it was bought out by WayneEnt in the 90s. They still keep their name on the buildings in LA and NY, but otherwise the rest were folded fully into WayneEnt.
Thanks. Yes, his hatred of Superman surpases timelines. He at least lets us research what we want, though. So I'll be moving ahead with the solar suit material research.

Nope, nothing on them. Got any specific people you want me to look up?

Which heroes do exist? Is there a Superman?

Well at least that's been cleared up, searched up their aliases, and nothing, Steve rogers never became Captain America, And Dr. Jonathan Blake is just a regular surgeon, and no article mentioned tony stark being Ironman

Good news, I've found Ivy. Bad news, she's sleeping in some kind of plat cocoon thing and I can't get near because the vines will attack me. Worse news, the new Batgirl is back. I can hear her moving on the floor above us. God damn, she's a fucking bloodhound.

FranklinAnon here, so I told Constantine and some of the other magic people here that Fate has no record of existing outside our pocket dimension and how the big leagues just arent there or never were there. To say they look worried is an understatement. They arent sure if this is like "normal" reset or something got royally fucked.

Franklin is still going on about "the Doors of Chaos bleeding into our world"...so fuck whatever that means.

Constantine and a couple of the other members who were part of the JSA/JLA want me to ask if people who can connect to any sort of database to look for two men; Kent Nelson and Jim Corrigan. They arent telling me who they are but said that they are important.

just leave her Ivy-user, I'm sorry to say it but she is a completely different person, hell she could still kill you if she hasn't met the bat.

Ya might want to either get her attention to lure her away from Ivy's pod or get her near the vines so they attack her. My money is on her trying to gibb Ivy while she is vulnerable.

*Batgirl could still kill you
my bad

LexCorpAnon here
Kent Nelson died back in WW2. Nothing out of the ordinary, poor guy wasn't even married. Jim Corrigan was a police officer, nothing special either.
I do have a file on a Dr. Steven Strange, though. Calls himself the "Sorcerer Supreme". The only photo I can find of the inside of his base has a lot of knickknacks and trinkets, and what might be the helm of Dr. Fate, but it's too low res for me to make out properly.

Screw that, go help Ivy. Even if you two dont hook back up at least she owes you and can help you out in this screwy reset.

I'll leave her because is probably right. I don't need Batgirl trying to kill/capture Ivy because she's weak. When she wakes up, I'll see if she remembers me. Wish me luck guys, because I'm about to see how nasty this Batgirl is.

Nothing man. I didn't turn into a monster or a glowing green skeleton. NOTHING!

So scary is out of the picture.

No shooting lasers or even grow tall. HOWEVER, this assassin dude jumped me.

I thought I was going to be cut into ribbons but instead some sort of green plasma shot out of my hands and DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY!!! In her existential crisis I knocked her out.

So I have fetish powers...FUCK. In my quest for power, I gained powers no one should have. Is this what being a supervillain is all about?

Here's a photo of what was once a dude assassin. Now a full blown chick AssAssin.

What kind of supervillain have I become?

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Sorry to hear that, user. Cobblepot is looking for new bouncers if you are interested; it seems like he is not a criminal in this timeline

You could probably make a lot of money doing this for spy organisations or just rich trannies. No need to become a villain (but if you do get the chance, blast the Bat)

Ivy-user, you still with us?

>What kind of supervillain have I become?
The one that makes me laugh. God damn, that's fucking hilarious.

The best fucking villain ever. You should turn Supes and Green Arrow into girls, they would look hot

FranklinAnon here

Ok, Constantine is pretty upset over that Nelson guy being dead (maybe he was family or something). But he says that Corrigan needs to be shadowed and watched over...but preferably by someone who hasnt royally screwed up their soul.

He seems relieved that the helm is still potentially around...but is kind of worried about this Strange guy. Con says he knows most people in the magic circles (no pun intended) and has only heard faint whispers of the title of "Sorcerer Supreme". Basically it's supposed to be myth or something and considering the stuff he deals in that's kind of telling.

According to him the average person has enough magical energy in them to be the equivalent to a match, then you have others that might be like a campfire or a house fire...but this Supreme is like combining the beauty of the northern lights and a massive forest fire.

He thinks if someone can get the helmet and have Corrigan put it on that might give enough magical juice to fix everything.

(Seriously, I was just a fragging Joker hench and here I am dealing with end of the world magical crap. I think Franklin and I are gonna be alcoholics by the end of this)

So Penguin is back? Well good for him I guess...beats being polar bear crap.

I'm going to storytime Let's Make a Comic! #5 as I feel it has relevance to our current predicament and may offer some insight.

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Fucking hell, the bloodhound is fucking rabid. is right, this Batgirl is as nasty as they come. God damn, pulling a batarang out of your ass is not a fun feeling. Got to keep moving, keep her following me till I get into the city. I can lose her there.

I wish the post cool down was still just 30 seconds when posting with an image.

It made storytiming so much faster.

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Florida guy better not be a fucking hero in this universe. I can't take that much insanity in one lifetime.

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This is where things start to get... topical.

Oh, just watch this unfold.

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Do you need any backup? I don't care if I die anymore, I lost everything

Just get to your car man, If she hasn't met the bat yet, it means she'll probably be running around without that fucking Batcycle

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What should my supervillain name be?
>The Gender Bender?
>The Transistor?
>King of Queens?
>Twisted Sister?

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Nah man, I lost her. I've got to get back to my car get my ass out of here.

I don't think she's met Batman yet. She's a bit too sloppy. Makes it up with aggression and speed though.

Look at all these familiar faces.

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I like The Transistor.
And this is why I don't trust Gordon.

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Great. What did Batgirl want with that Ivy though?

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I don't know, didn't really get to talk when she's trying to kick my head off. Jesus Christ, I get that the Batman hasn't taught her anything yet, but she's a fucking gymnast at least. Fucking pulled a Matrix move on me when I swung a branch at her.

And this is why Gordons can't have nice things.

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Good luck FranklinAnon. I'll put out a notice that Corrigan should be shadowed but whether or not he does isn't really up to me.
Oh, and you know that lasergun I gave you? Outdated. Apparently in this timeline we've had various rayguns since the 60s. When you actually stop by I can send you a better one.

Hope rides a triceratops, Jesus Christ!

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My god.

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At least you survived an encounter with her, it's more than what any of us in this thread has done since the reset

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I second "The Transistor", but you gotta make your costume (if you so choose to wear one) look all steampunk/atomicpunk

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Honestly, I got fucking lucky with her. My ass would be fucking grass if she was better trained or had a partner. I've got to get supplies and a plan.

Now the tourists show up and things get weird... er.

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>Only Over Gordon
Fucking hell, there really is no gods. Just stronger assholes.

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The hell kinda timeline is this? Seriously, I used that thing briefly and it cut through some of those black eyed ghouls like hot wire through cheese. But I appreciate it. Got the pack set in my room in the magic house but not sure when Constantine is gonna blip us back into the current timeline. With so many magic users in one place that apparently havent existed or have yet to exist might cause some sort of paradox according to him and Kipling.

So Im making the most of the situation and reading some books that I think are older than King Tut (actual pharaoh, not the villain). Also getting some neat pictures taken out the windows of the dimension we are in.

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You fucked up!

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hmmm, smart move I guess. Have fun on your inter-dimensional journey.
Funnily enough, the old timeline's laserguns were marketed as portable mining lasers (but we all know their true purpose). In this new timeline we're allowed to straight up sell them as weapons.

Thus concludes Let's Make a Comic! #5.

I hope this brought some insight to our current situation.

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>The hell kinda timeline is this?
A fucked up one. Hell, the previous one had more sanity then this timeline does. Fuck this crap, my car is full of supplies and I'm heading back to Ivy's. I'll dig myself in deep like a fucking starving tick and wait till Ivy awakens and hope she remembers.
It did. We may be getting close to this kind of insanity if too many resets happen.

Yes, only the strongest of assholes will be able to endure the Over Gordon.

Let's hope the next universe is without him. Maybe we'll get a version of Gordon 66 and the times will be simpler.

Alright Henchanons, its been great. Fell into a pit of chemicals in underneath Gotham and became a gender bending super. Now, I'm think of going full villain.

I'll still stick with you henchanons so I would never forget my roots. Right now, I'm thinking of recruiting. Any henchmen that finds me after all this shit is blown over, you get free gender bending. I know some of you fucks out there are just confused about your identities so I'll be a big help.

Right now, I'm making my way out of Wonder City and avoiding assassins. Doesn't make any sense, tho. Shouldn't this place be better guarded? Oh well.

In the meantime, I'll just chill with these Victorian era robots and work on my costume ideas. It's been fun henchanons.

OOC: I'll even try to sketch some costume ideas for a gender bending super villain.

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quick Q: is WW around? haven't seen her in awhile.

Well good for you, buddy. Hope you find henchanons for your cause.
I believe LexcorpAnon said she hasn't been located yet. Might be a good thing, since the last timeline she was ripping people in half.

She apparently didn't even participate in WW2 so she might not even exist in this timeline

You must have the wrong guy, Matches has never been a gang leader before.

And the fact that you guys are talking about putting a hit out on him frankly disgusts me. Matches is a stand up guy, he always gives great advice, he knows people on both sides of the tracks and can even get you legit work if you want an out.

Just because he has a sixth sense when it comes to really big trouble, like the bat, and knows when to bail doesn't make him a rat.

I swear he has a legitimate super power when it comes to sensing impending disaster.
You ever work a gang with Matches and you notice he's disappeared, you best also disappear.

Hey FranklinAnon here, so after a group meeting that took a few days (time works differently here) we decided to kind of "nudge" against our normal dimension. Basically like trying to look through a foggy window according to Con and Kip.

They figured that getting close enough wouldnt cause any sort of crumbling paradoxes and summoning any "Over" entities (whatever those are) and then they could get a read on earth's aura to see what might be wrong.

Well...this is where things get really, REALLY weird guys. Ummm, not sure what time of day it is for you all right now or if you can even see this...but well...here's a pic of what we can see right now from where we are.

The fact that Constantine and Kipling are just so gobsmacked over this and havent said anything for a good solid 5 minutes is worrying. Will get back to you when I can.

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So the Earth is undergoing mitosis to escape being dead.


Huh, well that's neat. Guess we're fucked.

A dying world is bleeding into ours? This is some really weird shit. Phone almost dead, going to get it on a solar charger and hunkering down in Ivy's basement. Doors locked and barricaded, and the vines have seem to calm down a bit. Something is in the air, something big is going to happen. Keep safe everyone, hopefully talk to you later when the phone's up and running again. I've had three hours of sleep last night, so I'm heading off to bed. If the thread is up in the morning/new thread starts, I'll jump in as usually. See you guys tomorrow morning.

FranklinAnon and the magic crew here

Yeah...that's kinda what Constantine said. He thinks whatever bad stuff happened in this multi reset kind of made the universe skip like a record and it's trying to correct itself...but instead of keeping both the bad and the good together it's separating into what is in the pic.

When we nudged Swampthing screamed out, saying something about "the green and it's daughter are dying"...then he went comatose and is starting to look and smell like the back of the vegetable crisper drawer.

Hey guys. I've been thinking about moving to the US (Illegally) And becoming a hench. Any recomendations?

Manchester Hench here. The Brit moved everything offshore. Said they needed to get "Bunny" back. Whatever the hell that means

if you're a loving furry manlet Ms Penguin is the best choise
and don't worry about language barrier, Penguin uses pictograms on blackboard to show his plans and you don't even need to speak english. so of the guys make only duck noises
i'm one of the biggest guys in the crew, it's really funny to see you little guys trying to run around in penguins suits but of course i will not make fun of you, i don't want to be stabbed in the leg again
oh and remember if you see Batman somewhere "BA QUACK" are the key words to alarm rest of the guys

Batman here. I'm leaving one warning now.

Dont do anything.

I've had strange urges to rape thugs and i don't know how long i can stop myself...

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>Batman rapes somebody to save the universe
>Instead fucks everything up
Good Job, Batnigger.

Well shit. I wonder if anyone from the Old Earth can still contact us here through the internet?

LexCorpAnon, what do you make of this?

>Old Earth can still contact us here through the internet?
Last I remember, Big T was fucking shit up and literal hell was on Earth. I don't think anyone is alive to use said internet.

>LexCorpAnon, what do you make of this?
LexCorpAnon here.
Honestly, I have no idea what to do. This is quite literally, way above my paygrade. I've spent the last several hours trying to contact every magical contact I know of, even ones going as far back as the first reset I remember, and it isn't good. All of them were either dead, never existed in the first place or never got taught magic.
So I did the next best thing. I tried t otreat it like science.
So as far as we know, the forces of reality are splitting into two worlds (good and evil). In one world (now known as OW, or old world) there's a bunch of evil, and magic is significantly more common, in the other (now known as NW, or new world) there's commonly available super advanced tech, very little magic and less evil than we've ever seen before (to the point were less heroes have appeared). The only thing that's weird, though, is that both worlds are evenly connected by the internet.

So what I suggest is that we swap data from the two worlds. So people in the OW contact what living mages they have to draw up the largest, simplest (to the point that it draws in enough mana to be used by non-mages) ritual circle for a portal spell they can. While we in the new world, send over data on how to build a super-tech portal. We place them in the same spots (leylines, places of power, and even technological hotspots) on both worlds and have them set to open to the exact spot they're placed. Might work, might not but it's the best idea I have.

My other idea is to just get people to summon the big T and various demons to ruin the world and keep on resetting until things go right. Do remember that I'm not a mage, I'm just trying to think of this like a sci-fi bullshit comic logic electrical problem.
If anyone has a better idea or think they can improve upon mine they definitely should.

Honestly, that's a better theory then I could come up with. This is way above whatever I learned in school. Still, it's good to hear that both you and FranklinAnon are trying to figure out what the hell is going on. This New World is strange, it's too clean for my tastes. Hell, Gotham looks as bright and clean as Metropolis. Ivy's still sleeping, but the vines have become surprisingly docile since I set up shop down here. Truthfully, the NW is freaking me out. I keep thinking it's all going to come crashing down, because it's too nice. Too clean.

dude, if this is permanent and without weird side effects you stroke GOLD!

You know how many tranny would pay everything they have to actuallu become women without surgery and chemicals?

Welcome to the new world, where insanity seems to be the norm. Better then getting eaten by demons or torn in half by Wonderbitch I suppose.

stop fucking with resetting universe you fucking bootleg of Made in Haven
you guys think you're funny of something? i tried to rob some fucking museum and bank here and each time i'm done, while taking advantage of chaos around the town, you fuckers keep resetting everything over and over again
now i'm with Bane for some reason and all he did is to giving some fucking drugs to guys so everyone goes berserk (for the love of god i will end like the rest if he will keep going), i didn't sign for this! I was with Joker's crew for past 2 years and now i have no idea what's real or not
Clean my ass, did you even get into ruins of old town under city? It's a fucking freakshow here and like i said don't come near Bane's area, crew just start to punch one another, it's like a fucking fightclub here

Come on now it's a random doodle a child would do in class for a cheap giggle.

Well, I'm above ground since the last time I went below, I almost got my ass torn asunder by Killer Croc. With the resets, something fucked up. Half of the heroes and villains aren't even here, I'm watching the news and crime is at the lowest point I can remember, even with the resets before. Shits fucked mate. My only solstice is being in this barricaded cellar/basement with a sleeping Ivy feeding the plants and hoping she wakes up before that damn bloodhound comes back.
I know. However, I find it hilarious that they deleted it.

"Artist" of the pic here. Don't know why they deleted it, did it in like 2 minutes. Surprised they were offended by a shitty pic of batrape, it's clearly just a joke

It was great pic in my opinion. Thanks for making it, made me laugh.

FranklinAnon here

So magic crew is thinking of trying that 1:1 trade of good evil stuff to see if it balances out and the two worlds merge.

If people can find anyone with any magic ability on either side you need to get them all to a specific area to try a transfer spell. Constantine is giving me that spell to send out over the internet.

What we are gonna do is set up in that spot that's right between the worlds to act as a conduit. Figured since we have enough OG magic users here in magic house we can act as a lightning rod.

Also...this may be what Franklin was talking about when he was doing that creepy demon whisper about "the doors of chaos will bleed into our world".

*sends out pic of transfer spell formula*

What's both the best case and worst case scenario with this?

Thanks user. Wish boards on this site allowed more OC stuff based on the topic instead of the same on topic threads because they always end up being the best ones

Worst case scenario: No more universes at all ever.

Best case scenario: Things stabilize to the point where the universal turn over rate goes back down to only happening every so often instead of every other day.

Lovely. Just fucking lovely.

Anyone know where Hench 4 Life went? It’s too quiet right now, aside from the universe splitting in two.

Did getting raped by Batman actually get the guy to stop?

I don't know man. Some fucked up shit this whole thing's been.

Uh, Metropolis goon here. I found Darkseid just sitting on my loveseat when I got home from work today. I was terrified enough that I just left, but how do I get him to leave if he's still there once I work up the courage to go back?

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Well buddy, you've got yourself a new room mate. Considering since this is NW and not OW, he's probably just chilling. Well, maybe. This is Darkseid we're talking about.

Worst case: total implosion of the multiverse

Best case: things level out, no daily resets

Absolute worst case: 25% of the population become Over Gordon's

>Absolute worst case: 25% of the population become Over Gordon's
That's just terrifying. Rather get eaten by demons then that.

Update. Ivy's finally awake and after a tense standoff, I was able to talk to her and she somewhat remembers me. Her memory seems hazy of the moment, but like what's happened to all of us her memories should start becoming clearer over the next couple of hours. I'm on gopher duty to get her some civilian clothing so she can see this NW Gotham, but she seems a little different. She looks little younger then she originally did, and her eyes don't have the same sharpness that they did when we met in the OW. Keep me posted if anything new happens, guys. I want to know if Over Gordons start popping up all over the place.

So I actually went back to the apartment and it turns out Darkseid is actually pretty chill. Apparently he's tired of all this universe resetting shit too and is just waiting this out until it's fixed. According to him there's no point in searching for the Anti Life Equation or invading Earth if it'll just get reset tomorrow.

Right now we're just eating chips and watching reruns of old sitcoms.

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>reruns of old sitcoms.
Nice. Which ones? Shit, you think Ivy likes dark green or bright green?

The ruler of Apokolips likes to watch The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and Everybody Loves Raymond. I'd laugh if I still wasn't afraid he'll kill me at any moment.

Suggestion-wise? I'd say go with dark green for Ivy. It always goes well with red hair.

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>The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Well shit, Darkseid has amazing taste. Also, dark green it is. Thanks buddy.

I wish you luck, IvyAnon. Good luck scoring that green pussy (again).