What waifus does Latin America have to offer?

What waifus does Latin America have to offer?

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That girl from Villanos is pretty hot, like an evil Frankie.

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Remember when America wanted us to ban Memín cuz "he's racist!11!1"?

When was this released? Holy crap

The date's there to the left.. April 28 2008.

>When was this released?
April 22, 2008. It's in the cover

April 22, rather.

remember; the only people who deserve to be shamed for racism are those western white devils who abolished slavery.

Demencia Villanos

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Chilean comics? Ok.
Condorito is really very lame and unfunny, OP. Mampato on the other hand deserves respect and has good lolis. This one is 10 and has a hot body.
The comic is also unfunny but it's not meant to be.

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You should fucking kill yourself.

>The comic is also unfunny
shut the fuck up, the antics of Ogu are comedy gold

I dig that artstyle, Amigo and Friends did some good stuff with it

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I can see you're triggered, and that amuses me so.

This one is more recent and is popular with kids. I guess it's cute.

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Lara is a top tier waifu

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>autism facial features are top tier

you can't waifu a child, look at what happened to Arby's

They got a ton of porn, pissed off a load of moralfags and it was generally hilarious? Or did I miss the end of that story?

>Condorito is really very lame and unfunny,
And of course the unfunny cunt is also a pedo

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There's some.

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La Catrina need her own series.

The ultimate

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Which among those were created by Latin America?

>chile flag
that ain't a peruvian dance?

I think it's Mexican but either way, Chileans just don't have a culture of their own.

You just know

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their pose and handkerchief looks like form la marinera to me

peruvians and chileans hate each other too much alway complain about one steal from the other

They are dancing cueca. All those lame spanish inherited dances look the same to me tho.

t. Chilean

fair enough

Quite a few

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Chileans also steal from Mexicans, Argentineans and so on. They seriously don't have any culture of their own.

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>the unfunny cunt is also a pedo
Pepo was a pedo? You don't say...
Well, that's not uncommon, Themo Lobos was one and the guy who drew Barrabases literally raped children up until his death, and almost got away with it.

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>almost got away with it.
How did they caught him? What did they did to him?

In 2012 the Chilean police cracked down on an illegal child exploitation operation. Very poor teens and children were whored out by the pimpiest pimps and some TV producers were among the usual customers, as was this old man.
The police intercepted communications and one of the guys even said "I've done her already, yes I need a new one... 14? I don't like grandmas"
Anyway, this old guy was respected for his comics and he was over 80 when caught. Turns out he was doing kiddy cunny since the 50s, and was caught 4 years before dying. Didn't do any time in jail because the trial didn't come quickly enough, but he died in disgrace.

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Despite that, I imagine him thinking "I didn't went to jail, I won!"

I know you're being ironic but you're not wrong technically

He ruined whatever reputation he could have had, and he died alone and sad. I don't know if the decades and decades of smooth child puss was worth it.

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she looks fine, but whatever you say.


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>and he died alone and sad.
like every one here

I have a wife, and she's bringing up children as of late.

but user, we are all already dead here.

>we are all already dead here
You may be, I have a very normal life and things to do.

>I have a very normal life
>post on Yea Forums

Mafalda's mum.

Really? Ok...
I guess she's kinda cute.
I'm capable of doing both. And you could too is you weren't a bitch.
IRL and internet shit are meant to be kept separated.

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Does Sonia Conchita Hernandez from TTGO counts? Silkie got a very hot one

American production, so, no.

>No results
Gwen Stacy.

The ones in the red boxes are made by Mexicans

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We're not that creepy, and we're no longer enemies with Perú. We actually get along very well.
I don't really think we're enemies of anyone, not even Bolivia except for that one issue. And we wouldn't even have the one issue if they listened to reason.

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in the context of that comic is mainly cos she is an overprotective girlfriend of Mex though

Shouldn't Haiti be Chile's BF?
I work with about 20 people and 2 of them are from Haiti.
They barely speak Spanish.

because Haiti native language is fucking french so is not a surprise they cant speak spanish and no, the author paired Chile with Mexico also because Mexico "ex-girlfriend" happens to be Texas which has a similar flag

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I think you did because no one outside of Yea Forums noticed

>the author paired Chile with Mexico also because Mexico "ex-girlfriend" happens to be Texas which has a similar flag
Deepest lore, I see...

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Yeah, pretty much. But we're not stealing, we're taking and adapting this and that from different cultures.
You can't argue with results, though.

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I never even considered her, but holy shit you're right

You're wrong. White people don't deserve to be shamed as long as any other race continues to be racist. We either shame all racists no matter the skin color or we shame none.

>We either shame all racists no matter the skin color or we shame none
This is 100% Church Truth.

But I'm not really into shaming people, I prefer to ignore assholes when I can, and I can always except when they mess with me or those I love.

kill yourself fag

I could do that, but that wouldn't trigger you.

This. Every latin american country hates every other latin american country.

But the one thing they agree on is to laugh at Venezuela

Wrong on the three points you made.

Nah. Maduro is a fucking meme. Everything he says is laughed at.

Yes, we laugh at him, but we don't laugh at Venezuela.

Chile flag was first reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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Fyto manga get out

More like Fyto Manga gets off... to sexual depictions of children!

But when he does lewds he goes by Madoc.

Wasn’t there a big war over slavery? I wonder what happened to the pro slavery guys...

Our boy Bolivar had the slaves covered aland ost a decade before.

But yeah sjw nonsense is horseshit