East of West ending

>East of West ending
>Black Monday Murders ending
>Dying and the Dead ending soon
>Frontier never ever coming out
>going back to Marvel
What the fuck is his endgame?

Attached: JHickman.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Getting more exposure

I just want another Manhattan project issue. That's all

>hear Hickman is coming back
>it's on fucking X-Men
I love you man, but I'm not buying a single issue of gayniggers from the savage land.

It's over, dude. Pitarra killed that book dead.

>Dying and the Dead ending soon
brother please no delusions

Exposure for what, he won't have any creator owned ongoings by the time his first new Marvel project comes out.

He's a mutt hack through and through and he's living up to his reputation. Why are you surprised?

They'll still be in TPB form.

Plus, you really don't think he wants to make another Black Order that can be used in the MCU?

They probably offered him more money and it helps for exposure

Look at Brubaker for example. He releases new books and nobody gives a shit anymore unlike 10 years ago


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The artist is an asshole and bailed

why? is he drawing capeshit for a bit more money or what?

I don't know what happened exactly but the book is over
Pitarra started a new comic with Layman last year and that's MIA too

>Pitarra killed that book dead
Why do you blame him?

Because Hickman was getting artist delays problems in all fronts at that point. Secret Wars was the most well known one, with insane delays from Ribic every month, and Dying and the Dead has a famously slow artist as well. Pitarra kept missing deadlines and this obviously didn't endear him to Hickman, who already had some alleged conflicts with Pitarra and decided to just pull the plug on the whole thing.

Why doesn't Hickman get another artist to continue it?

Because it's a creator owned comic, not a Big Two IP. Pitarra owns a percentage of it, maybe even half.

Maybe with the time these kind of contracts changed but didn't the Walking Dead guy changed artist multiple times?

Contracts aren't an universal thing, creative teams reach different agreements each.
Tony Moore did take Kirkman to court over TWD by the way.

I see, thanks for the info pal. Bummer since Manhattan Projects was his Hickman's creator owned series by far.

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