Why there was no token female in the gang?

Why there was no token female in the gang?

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They're literal hobos.

product of its time, cool women didnt exist
either that or becasue theyd have to an episode where shes in heat surrounded by 6 males

You look at them and tell me any of them is straight.

Why was Barney blue? And also a cat?

who fucking gives a shit!

that stoner one could be a girl

And why are Mexicans so obsessed with Top Cat?


>didnt exist

are you implying that now exist?

culture of criminals

I'm okay with this - and all-male squads in general. The dynamic of a group is usually completely different when girls aren't a part of it. I kinda dig that.

Because shows like this were spammed in public television during mornings and afternoons and we were too poor for cable, that also explains why Mexico and latinamerica as a whole is obsessed over DBZ, Sailor moon, Saint Seiya, Oliver atom, The flintstones, Scooby Doo and other Barbera crap.

The dub, it was the dub. To this day I don't know Officer Matute's real name.

Also Brazil, but that would apply more directly to others Hannah Barbera shows. And well it aired frequently on public television so thats the answer

Why is mexico so obsess over dubs? I'm a latin user and everytime I discuss popular shows there are some anons whose Say those shows are good because the dubs and they got bad because the fucking dubs. They don't talking about the writing, the plot develop nor the character design, they only discuss the dubs.

What was his problem?

What is his problem?

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it's Officer Dibble

>that episode where Benny fell head over heels for a female con artist and the other guys agreed she was a looker
Just admit you never watched the show