He saved DC

he saved DC

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By killing it.

Marvel still didnt recovered from the damage he caused.

by giving it mercy kill?

He ruined the big 2 forever.

I'd say he saved Marvel by going to DC.

Read Image plebs.

DC? You mean like DC comics?

Who is he?

to kill DC

He did only leave after the damage on Marvel reached the point of no return.

Modern Marvel is a rotten carcass.


And part of that was his fault

What has he done to ruin DC? Not shitposting. Gimme details.

Half Bendis, half Quesada

nah, they are fine.

Yeah, that's why I said part.

he is a good writer tim is back

He was given control over the Superman line, which is arguably one of the corner stones of the DC line, and he completely threw all the good will that was built up previously out the window. Superman's relationship with Lois, Jon Kent fucking off to space and being aged up, all of his shitty OCs, ESPECIALLY Ravioli Scar, who is now the real reason Krypton blew up. It's all just really bad, and the lack of any good editors is causing the Superman line to get dragged into the mud.

They gave him too much power over their flagship character in supposedly good faith.

From being quantifiably good and superior to Marvel for the first time in a generation? I guess if you consider that "saving" it.