Do atmospheric cartoons exist?
Do atmospheric cartoons exist?
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Any half decent one should draw you into the setting.
What's that? Doesn't look atmospheric just looks like a piss poor rendition of OP.
Looks like WITCH
> he doesn't know magnum opus of western animation
Look at him and laugh.
You could say the Spawn cartoon is kind of atmospheric.
You guys aren't doing a very good job of imitating me.
For the record though, W.I.T.C.H. is almost too atmospheric. Especially in season 1 just about every scene in the castle of the main bad guys is almost over-dramatically dark and gloomy, though it fits said characters quite well. (Plus it's in a parallel world anyways.)
>a piss poor rendition of OP
Only a retard would compare a sketched still to gorgeous finished animation like that.
I'd say VERY atmospheric
>weird, understated soundtrack
>shadows everywhere
>that fucking cape
>the Violator's whispering
>color switch when Spawn gets dragged through the Cathedral roof
Courage the Cowardly Dog is very atmospheric
The Clown seems like Yea Forums personified.
Batman animated series is very atmospheric
>t. Autist
This one's pretty atmospheric.
What do you mean with "atmospheric"
Source of that image?
>t. hater NPC
samurai jack