Why have The Simpsons been so PC and self-censoring lately? First Apu, then Stark Raving Dad, what next??

Why have The Simpsons been so PC and self-censoring lately? First Apu, then Stark Raving Dad, what next??
Does anyone know if there's a MEGA for this show? I would love to have my own copies. It's entirely possible the the golden age will be banned in 10 years time.

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I once got drunk and bought the first 10 seasons (i.e. the only ones that matter) off eBay for like 70 bucks. I should drink more

>Stark raving dad gets taken down because of the documentary
>All of the openings made by John K are still around

Very Cool.

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Just wait until a documentary about John K is released in 20 years

It's probably a plea for approval after the show's response episode to the Apu 'controversy' was met with disdain. They fucked up on the front of trying to stand up for themselves so now they're kissing ass.

Just last episode they made a joke about how girl gamers are praised no matter whether they deserved it or not.

the dog has human eyes but the cat does not.

I bet he would love that, but no one gives enough of a fuck about John K.

I prefer the Sneedsons

This meme was never funny user, stop

It's easy to miss the joke, but the implication is that the shop name follows a scheme that rhymes with the owners name. Sneed ends with eed, so the following words also end with those letters. Following this pattern, the previous owner, Chuck, would alter the rhyme scheme to end each word in uck. Given that the next two words begin with F and S, respectively the only logical conclusion would be that Chuck's store would have been called Chuck's Fucks and Sucks.

What makes this already comical situation additionally funny is the simple fact that such a name is hardly reflective of the store's wares. It could even be considered a perfect vulgar sonsequitur. I hope this explanation has been useful to you and will allow you to enjoy this recurring inside joke. Most "memes" have a lifespan of a few months, but I think the sheer wit and fridge logic behind Sneedposting will grant it the same sort of internet immortality that's enjoyed by the likes of Pepe and Woljack (AKA feels guy).

El Homero would be 69 if he had aged with the show

Peter Griffman would be 65.

Stan Smith would be 55

The cat isn't even a character 90% of the time and the show itself implies that there are multiple cats that run away or die that get replaced.

The only credit I can give modern simpsons is that they haven't yet started scraping the bottom of the barrel with shit like that. They've had shitty celebrities like Lena Dunham and they've had dozens of feminism and marge hating homer for being a manpig episodes, but at least they haven't had some shit episode where cletus joins the alt-reich and dabs while a guy wearing a pepe costume gets beat up by bumblebee man.

>Simpsons season 3 DVD has sky rocketed in price

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Dunno if this is a copypasta, but I've never understood this interpretation of the joke. It would just be Chuck's Feed and Seed, it makes no fucking sense for a seed place to formerly be some kind of prostitution store.

I've viewed it as just how coincidental the new owner's name ryhmes with it.

The downfall of physical media is just part of the grand plan of megacorporations to control and redact culture at their leisure.

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Fuck off /x/

Keep """"buying"""" digital, little brainwashed slave

he's right though. a mere decade ago, you would be so physically enraged at the idea of corporate slavery being bad. But nowadays, you fear to be cast out of facebook and twitter, so you "take it for the team" and defend mother fucking Disney like the dearest member of your familly.

I remember when you used to be freely able to call something shit, but now that's trolling, racist, sexist or a Russian bot. Because heaven forbid we not support a bad movie.

Has anything actually been proven with this new information about Michael Jackson or did they jump the gun in banning the episode?

Why isn't "Do the Bartman" banned?


so your saying....

Luckily I found mine in a thrift shop for $6

>Does anyone know if there's a MEGA for this show?

No it's all speculative hearsay that will never get proven.

Torrents Yes
MEGA? No there's to many episodes for that. it would be too big 600+ episodes

you know why

well la-dee-dah mister park gucchi loafers

>Bart starts wearing a MAGA hat
>Lisa dislikes it
>Milhouse becomes a hardcore fake feminist to try to impress Lisa, attacks Bart
does Milhouse still like Lisa? I haven't watched a new episode of the simpsons in like 15 years.

It's not new information. It's reaffirmed statements that were previously recanted, stretched out to two hours per "victim" to make it seem really really serious.

>does Milhouse still like Lisa? I haven't watched a new episode of the simpsons in like 15 years.
yes he does, he and Lisa have even been off and on dating for the last couple of seasons

>8 years old

This kind of shit is why Nu Park the the Zombiesons suck. The kids don't really act like kids.

Yes he still does episodes

Season 29 Ep1 "The Serfsons"
Season 29 Ep9 "Gone Boy"
Season 29 Ep10 "Haw-Haw Land"
Season 29 Ep17 "Lisa Gets the Blues"

Lie-ing to Lisa about what happen to Bart so Lisa could hug him longer in "Gone Boy"
and "Lisa Gets the Blues" there was even a joke with Bart saying "Why don't you wait for Maggie" and with Milhouse saying they have a lot in common.

Dating and fucking are two different things, I for that matter dated when I was a kid I went to the park with my third grade crush.

I think people think of dating as Lust + Meet + Dinner + Sex = Dating. Is what's people problems

Lisa is 8 Milhouse is 10 the same age as Bart.
Kids have crush's too you know wanna Google that!

No I think of it as the cringe "romance" that they have between the kids in south park because that's literally how these retarded shows devolve, with the kids going from kids to being little adults. It's the entire reason Lisa is some buddhist vegan genius now instead of just a well-meaning little girl who could play an instrument.

Go back to bookface, boomer

It wouldn't be that bad. DVDrips in SD would be around 140MB each. The first nineteen seasons were in SD only (Season 20 was the first season with HD episodes) and consisted of 420 episodes. This would be around 58.8GB of information.

While a basic MEGA account only allows 50GB of uploads, a Pro I plan on MEGA allows for one terabyte of storage, which not only covers the SD episodes but could potentially accommodate for the HD episodes of the show as well. A Pro Lite plan, while cheaper, caps out at 200GB of storage per account.

That's why I stopped watching Letterkenny.
Fucking shame.

I have the TV rips of season 8?

Keep those; they're relics of a bygone era and belong in a museum.

>bought the DVD set back in the early 2000s when it came out
>disks are scratched and won't read on my PC

Well pardon me. mr gucci loafers

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its because they literally didnt end it after the year 2001

What other episodes will get censored?
>Cartridge Family for portraying the NRA in a positive light
>Any episode where Apu has a large role

Off topic

Milhouse is Sad

It's an absolutely retarded plan if it is. You kids need to learn piracy.

It's hilarious that you think shitting on Disney isn't normie-tier.

>a change.org petition at that

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>Any episode where Apu has a large role
except the showrunners were smart enough to not erase a whole fucking character, unlike here.


formerly funny