The Dragon Prince

So... CLAUDIA...

This sweet funny girl will go nuts and evil like Azula on TLA right?

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not likely. Claudia is more compose and not hellbent to kill anyone and not trying to rule of power. However, her connection and uses of black magic might affect her mental state after years of using it. But thats another story.

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I wanna give both of them big smooches on the forehead, among other places.

>uses of black magic might affect her mental state after years of using it.
That would be so lame. It's also LOL MAGIC VOICES CORRUPT ME.

Now she got that Guts look with the white/gray hair

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Dont even be surprised if that what they will do. So far the show is telling us that "Muh Darkness is bad". So better prepare to be disspointed user

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What are they trying to set up with that bird the fake King had in his room?

The bird was the KANG all along?

Yeah its so obvious he trapped the kingnin the bird what im wondering is how the hell he will get a new bosy to transfer into or w/e since his real one is ashes at this point

If she gets corrupted further then yeah

But Azula wasn't power-hungry either, she had daddy issues and wanted to prove that she was better than Zuko.

Azula is the bitter sister Claudia is the sweet sister. Both are great and have a place in my heart.

I just don't get this.

>Dark Magic Is Secretly Good
I just as much of a cliche these days but that doesn't mean DARK MAGIC BAD hasn't stopped being one.

At best all I can hope for is that it turns out Primal Magic has it's own costs and all forms of magic are neither inherently good or bad.
Doesn't look like it though.

It shouldn't be either. It's the user who makes the difference. Blaming the power is robbing the characters of their own responsibility

>Blaming the power is robbing the characters of their own responsibility
Which is going to get undermined if turns out Dark Magic is coruptive.

Also the fact that nice and pure Primal Magic can apparently be practiced by humans doesn't help.

which was my whole initial point.

Has the show established whether Lords and Vassals exist in Katolis?

I can't remember any, unless you count the army generals, but the aesthetics seem very feudalistic.

Otherwise I'm assuming the kingdom is actually filled with those Dirt Farmer collectives from Python's Holy Grail, who just ignore the Kings existence.
There's no way Harrow can control all that land by himself.

>like Azula
Azula was always an evil crazy bitch

>Which is going to get undermined if turns out Dark Magic is Dark Magic.
What kinda circular logic is that?

Fine, Recycling Magic.

As someone who has never seen this show, but loved TLA and especially Azula (my imgur is full of her, this page is a bunch in a row, but it's usually just intermittently) would I like The Dragon Prince? Does it have any awesome, cruel characters? Who may or may not be villains, but probably are? Avatar as a series had Azula, Kuvira, Hama, Zhao, and Ozai. Does The Dragon Prince have characters that can compare?

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so did the guards free him or is he still chained?

>five finger Rayla
this is cursed.

You know they’re a guy, right?

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"Woke" SJW pandering trash

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it's a bit like TLA with the characters and the main is voiced by Sokka, but the plot is stupid and there is a lot of pro-disabilities propaganda in the story (not that there's anything wrong with disabled people)

The Dark Magic "bad guy" Viren is the only one who makes sense and isn't a cuck.

6.5/10 show

Rayla is funny

I thought she was a rip-off hentai 3d model of Asami but...
I agree with you in this case

he's free, or at least was found by guards, it was in some credit art.
No real cruel characters, no. Lots of good guys though, even Viren is good in his own way and his children have good hearts even though they're antagonists.
Azula was shown to be a petty bitch even as a child, as was raised to be an absolute monarch. Claudia is nice and has a warm heart-to-heart with Ezran when she's supposed to be capturing him. Imagine if Azula caught up with Aang and let him leave after tea.

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No, she'll get elf'd and realize the wrongs of dark magic ways.

>Dark Magic = Blood Magic
>Dragon Age did better
Can you at least think finally with your brain & assume that Dragon Prince is basically Dragon Age but in cartoon form?

I like how he's still so positive.

does that mean Claudia's gonna fuck Aaravos to make a dark magic god-baby?

When is the game coming out?

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I get that Claudia is a much kinder person than Azula, that's not in doubt, what I'm saying is that Azula acts the way she does; not because of any greed or pride on her own part, but because she desperately seeks her father's approval. Even as a child she acted the way she did because she idolised and emulated Ozai.

You can see it in the beach episode. The one time in the series when Azula is neither with Ozai nor carrying out a mission for him and what does she do? She slides wildly between falling back on the supervillain routine she's worked on all her life and the aspergic awkwardness which; I would argue, is closer to her true character.

I feel like being as pro-monarchy as it is means it can never be truly woke. At most it's neo-liberal woke.

Shhh, that theory is just the magical realm of a few degenerates like myself

damn Netflix making me skip credit sequences.

It's still trying to be "#woke" and cater to SJWs with the whole "evil magix baaaad" spiel.

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wtf is that blush

she was brought up by Stalin 2.0 still without a heart but now spitting fire edition
they made great job showing how someone like that would turn out mixing the cold exterior with an interior of awkward loneliness that always keeps you guessing what will she do in the end leaving plenty of what ifs along the way

although I am certain that how great the characters of the fire siblings turned out in the end was a happy accident

also The Dragon Prince is a 4/10 show for me

best girl

Meanwhile, Claudia had a pretty good dad.

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will literally never stop complaining that about their 4 fingers per hand decision

i'd murder some kids for that guy

>Claudia going evil


Or maybe she masters dark magic without going evil.

>tfw you will never be raped by yandere evil claudia

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>Dark Magic users have hot brown morning potion
And yet the Elves and Dragons call them evil

Honestly I can't think of any comparison of that to real life issues other than Veganism, which the heroes don't seem to uphold so that cancels out.

If anything Primal Magic>Dark Magic reeks of traditionalism.