Cartoons you once enjoyed but no longer do

Have you ever went back and watched a cartoon you loved as a kid, only to think "Man. That was complete shit."

(Know Im gonna get some flack for this one)

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I still love Code Lyoko, but certainly when I came back to watch it again I found the CGI Lyoko segments bored the arse off me and couldn't be over quick enough, while I had a renewed appreciation for the real world lives of the kids. Comfy levels dialled to maximum, I still think they're some of the best written kids in Yea Forums media.

To catch some flak of my own, probably Inspector Gadget. The theme tune's still great, the VAs are still great, but every fucking episode is the same.

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You might be right. I started back watching it recently but I couldn't get past the first 6 episodes. Is it one of those "it gets better later" situations? I don't really remember much of it from when I was a kid

Digimon (season 1)
Pokemon (season 1)

all pretty juvenile

Tamers was kino though.

I haven't even tried revisiting pokemon. From some scenes I remember and ash's voice, it was probably pretty bad

As someone who didn't watch CL back in the day, the dialogue is a complete fucking deal-breaker regardless of how good it may get later on (which I doubt anyways). And no I'm not fucking watching it in French

Code Lyoko gets better in the second series, when they introduce overarching plot. iirc they were prevented from doing so in the first series because the network didn’t know if it would warrant any further episodes, so it also suffers from repetitiveness.

I didn't know there was a french version. Was it made by a french animation studio? And yeah the dialogue is what made me stop

So if I did start back it would probably have to be from that point huh?

Code Lyoko is 100% French, user. The English version is a dub.

I felt like the CG holds up alright, and it did certainly get better with each season once they got a better handle on the animation.

As for the show in general, it's still pretty solid, but rough around the edges. If I can ever get off my lazy ass, I'd be tempted to write a reimagining of the series that trimmed off some of the unnecessary filler moments, but added in some of the deeper lore elements that only came about from the untranslated novels and that awful live-action spinoff show.

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Frontier's kind of fun if only for the break in formula. Shame that after they beat the first major villain, the second just has an unbeatable duo of minions that trash the group for like 10 episodes before the kids turn the tide.

My issue with Code Lyoko was that by the end I was tired of the romantic plot tumors and XANA attacks that ultimately got undone and never really accomplished anything. After a while, it just felt like the antagonist was too incompetent unless a season finale was happening.

Not him, but I would say go with this.
Start with the first episode since it was basically the intro to the series. Then skip to episode 24 "Ghost Channel" and watch the two-part season finale after. From there, it's the rest of the series. There is a two-part prequel that was released with the third season, which is also an option to start with, but it does contain a few in-jokes towards things that are introduced in the second season.

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Yea, it did wear on a smidge too long, and with a whimpering kind of payoff when the finale hit. Still, the romance with Aelita and Jeremie was pretty cute, and at least didn't pull as much "will they? won't they?" crap.

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For me it was the original ben 10. Its episodic nature meant that every episode (excluding ones that had callbacks to earlier episodes) felt like it was missing something, like an extra half hour of content was missing. Many cool concepts felt like they needed more time to be developed.

When XANA took control of the satellite that shot lasers, why didn't it aim at something that could've caused a lot of damage like political places like the white house for example?

I'd still say it was the most competent show of the franchise. Alien Force and Ultimate Alien had potential, but squandered it very quickly. The former had cool ideas like Ben taking damage even in alien form, but dropped it almost as soon as it became a factor and never even said why that was a thing. While the latter was largely a toy cash grab gimmick when the idea of fusing aliens was much more interesting, which as I understand, the reboot series does explore). Omniverse was pretty fun, but did feel a bit too reliant on both nostalgic throwbacks, and of course pandering too hard to the original future events shown off in the first cartoon, which meant that Ben wound up with a terrible girl for a wife who just conveniently evens out by adulthood. Haven't seen much of the reboot show, but from what I understand it's not entirely bad, just lacking in the art department and the fact that it rebooted a series that didn't need a do-over.

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>XANA possesses movie monster
>catches Ulrich and Sissi halfway through the episode
>instead of killing them, he just leaves them and waits for someone else to show up
>even though someone would have shown up to look for Ulrich more than likely even if he was dead
>and even if they didn't, he still would've at least killed one of his enemies

Early XANA was certainly lacking in efficiency with its scheme. But as the show went on, goddamn did it start to get almost bloodthirsty in some instances. Possessing a pack of wolves to mangle the kids. Making some kind of electric sludge that probably fatally wounded the ones it shocked, and nearly freezing the entire country to death.
Makes you wonder if the kids wake up in bed after a reset still feeling some of that shit, if only in a kind of phantom limb syndrome way.

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>Jeremie creates a program designed to fight in place of the Lyoko warriors
>Something goes wrong and it starts destroying the Lyoko world itself
>XANA teams up with the Lyoko warriors in order to save the digital world
>Later on XANA possesses William and destroys the world of Lyoko anyways

That was in season 2, when it was still tied directly to the computer and at risk of being terminated by the program, which would have also in turn killed Aelita.

Ah, I was thinking that was in season 3

I've never been able to watch Tamers when I was a kid and it still hurts to these day, every kids in France only had eyes for Pokémon, it seemed like I was the only one to like Digimon. I was fucking hype for Tamers, the card shit seemed so fucking amazing and Fox Kids here broadcast it in the fucking afternoon when I was in school. I still cry myself to sleep every night because of that.

Sucks that Toei will never release the older shows in their best formats.

It's a little fishy but you could argue that all the goofy shit from the first season were spoofs from XANA who just wanted to force the kids to trigger the time-travel function of the computer which increased his power every time they did it.

Could have been a bit of both. It was willing to kill the kids if it could, but also taking advantage of the qubits it gained.

>Digimon (season 1)
Do you mean all of Adventure or just the first arc with Devimon? I think the real world stuff later in the show is pretty good.

Probably meant all of Adventure, since it wasn't until the fifth series, Data Squad/Savers that the shows started using subtitles. Seriously, it was confusing as hell when you would just see "Digimon" on the guide and not know if it was Adventure, 02, Tamers, or Frontier.

Quite the opposite, didn't care that much for it as a kid but rewatched all of it about two years ago and thought it was great.

Loved it back in the day, though someone was live streaming it not too long ago and I just couldn't get in to it.

Code Lyoko's is one of France most famous cartoons. Thought everyone knew this.

Shame they hardly do anything with it. Granted, that live action "fifth" season was just awful. Still wish the film trilogy rumors had been true.


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yea Reboot

Why's that?

Most horrifying XANA attacks:
Causing earthquakes all over France
Causing a mini ice age in Europe
Creating a song that kills you if you hear it
The electric dust that petrifies you
Making meteors almost hit France
Literally turning off gravity
The zombies

my taste got shitty I guess, I can't sit through a single episode nowadays

Early pokemon is a mixing feeling, It's really feel juvenile but it also really memorable the rest of the show

>Creating a song that kills you if you hear it
Zombie one was pretty freaky, but since they didn't eat anyone, it's not quite that scary beyond just being stuck in a kind of controlled state for however long XANA decided to keep the people like that.

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Man opposite for me with Digimon. Watched the dub as a kid on Saturday mornings and loved it. Went back as an adult to watch the sub and love it even more now. It's a kid's show, but it's a really good one, I think.

I liked the fanservice

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France is better at sexy cartoons that Japan.

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Debatable, but France certainly knows that you can have sexy characters and still make them likeable unlike America where they rarely let the girls have any curves beyond a "bump" for a their butt and either nothing for tits or a very angular "chest"

are there any good places to watch that have the french audio, english subs? all I can find is a youtube with closed captions, but the auto closed captions are usually trash

Only one I know is the one channel that has everything in French, but so are the subtitles. Video quality looks pretty good, and I think the same people run the channel for the English version.

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oh no i'm growing up and being more experienced and the children cartoons don't entertain me anymore help Yea Forums

I've stopped enjoying Star Vs. since Season 3. I still haven't deleted my images folder for it though.

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I rewatched a few years ago and still liked it.

You'll grow more experienced, start noticing all the flaws even in the best of shows and either become a genuine asshole who hates the medium or flip a switch and use your experience to look for and focus on all the good parts of the various shows you come across.
That doesn't mean you'll watch every horrible CG, German-made cartoon aimed at kids or a movie tie-in, but you'll come about and enjoy a lot of stuff you would "not waster your precious time on" now.

>Digimon (season 1)
>Pokemon (season 1)
>all pretty juvenile

it was kino