James Gunn

Yeah I'm thinking he's back.

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He's the only one who can do a good job. I'm conflicted about this because you can't make pedophile tweets and work for Disney.

So a pedophile Liberal keeps his Disney job but Rosanne loses hers over a misrepresented tweet. Got it.

>a pedophile Liberal keeps his Disney
He's not a pedophile, he just likes edgy jokes.

Again with this shitty news? we know, don't waste a thread for this shit!

So a pedo then.

Yep, and all those kids out knew in middle school that also told dead baby jokes grew up to be pedophiles. Jokes have never been “just jokes”.

You just reminded me that I used to tell dead baby jokes in school too. Good times.

Neither of them should lose their jobs. Jokes aren't assault.
Also Gunn was probably fired over the Fox merger thing, anyway. Brought back now that the conflict has been resolved.

>the level of autistic /pol/faggotry itt

He apologized for and took down the shit years ago before he was even employed by Disney and some vitamin pill salesman dredged it up from archives.

Roseanne was on her third or fourth national PR embarrassment before they let her go.

>bringing politics into this
fuck off and die

He was joking and said jokes were made 7 years ago. Roseanne was being serious and had a history of making similar comments in the months leading up to when shit boiled over. Pretending the two are the same is so disengenuous.

On which side? It's become so fucking blurred with so many moral police that it's hard to tell who is or isn't "/pol/" anymore.

If anyone cries about any kind of joke, that's on them. Board or political affiliation has nothing to do with it.

By that logic 90% of Yea Forums users are pedos.

>Yea Forums is triggered
Just move this board to tumblr, they can use the traffic

Pretending she wasn't also telling a joke is also disingenuous.
They're both jokes and neither should be fired. Neither should Gilbert Gottfried, thinking back on it.

It's like everyone pretends that they haven't seen their stand-up routines before. It's only a problem because surface-level retards get upset because they know nothing about the person and their work and just blow a gasket over some text on a screen.

Fucking pansies today would be asking for George Carlin's head if he were alive.

How is the new Roseanne show ever since she left?

>>James Gunn Makes First Statement Following "GOTG 3" Re-Hiring

See, if Carlin were alive, he'd do this just to watch the moral police shit themselves.

This reminds me of Futurama
>>I can't wait to tell my husband!

Shit's cancelled

on the one hand woody allen gets work so there's some mileage in the liberal paedophile stakes.

On the other hand, no one really gives a fuck about the james gunn scenario because they're obviously jokes (shit jokes but still) and he'd already aplogised for them before guardians 1.

>It's not pedophilia when we do it
Every fucking time

>Making pedo "jokes" all the time
>Going to pedo theme parties
>Being close friend with confirmed pedos
But yeah, he's not a pedo. He's just joking.

>Jokes have never been “just jokes”.
Do you even know where the fuck you are?

The bonus points is where we get to hear you whine about it until the end of time.

It's all so tiresome to have this discussion on Yea Forums of all places.
Twitter or Tumblr where people have chosen to be humorless fucksticks, I can understand. Here? No. This is the origin of the "The internet is serious business" meme.
I think that was sarcasm.

>Jokes have never been “just jokes”.
>tfw /pol/ has lived long enough to become the SJWs they criticized & rallied against.

what the fuck is society nowadays?

You mean same Yea Forums run by SJWs that ban every "problematic" threads they don't like? That Yea Forums?

Less of a pedo than you.

>Making tweets about wanting to fuck little boys
>Naming them "jokes" when you get exposed
Whatever faggot

Ah shit that actually might've been sarcasm indeed. Guess I've become too jaded from exactly what you mentioned.

>Drawing moe girls makes you a pedo
>But making pedo "jokes" doesn't makes you a pedo
Typical libtard hypocrites

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I don’t care that he was a whiny faggot on twitter that got caught being a hypocrite. As a director his movies have more heart to them than 90% of the mcu. FACT

>Jokes have never been “just jokes”
unfunny retard detected.

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>Marvel fanboys being pedo apologists

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The /pol/ is strong in this one. Go cry about that Roseanne show you never actually bothered watching till she got canned some more.

>Showing a sample of pedo Marvel fanboys
>"Muh /pol/!"

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This really captures Paul's gross lips

>liking someone’s movies makes me a pedo apologist.

Take your (you) and beat it faggot.

>Defending a pedo
>"Waaaaaaaah! Why they they call me pedo apologist?"

give them a couple of months too process that they lost user, not like they immediately didn't try too get multiple people fired or anything all in some vane attempt too pwn the libtards, they sure didn't do that, because that'd be pathetic.


he's not a pedo, you dumb fat faggot

>purposefully ignores the difference between talking about as a director and as a person

Separate art from the artist guy. Trust me life’s much more fun when you do

stop fucking replying to obvious bait you fucking newfag

>Social Media Almost Destroys Career, Makes Statement Reminding the Exonerated "We're Still Watching You"
why do people still do this, let alone screencap and quote it? What's wrong with you? are you literally satan?


Don't tell me what to do you sexy bitch

Im out of the loop on this but I see lots of people saying he's a pedo and others saying he's not. so has anyone like actually accused this guy or is it just some shit he said on the internet?

He made edgy pedophile jokes on twitter a decade ago
no one has even accused him of touching them or their child whatsoever.
I wonder what the venn diagram of people who condemn james gun vs the people who defend michael jackson looks like

Die mad about it.

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he apologized for those jokes years before disney fired him, you stupid horsefucker

It's "vain". A vane is like the blades of a windmill or propeller, or most commonly a weathervane.

tl;dr when Roseanne got fired for tweeting dumb shit again, /pol/fags tried to dig up shit on a bunch of celebrities who are on less than friendly terms with the current administration. Only worked on Gunn since he used to tweet edgy shit like pedo jokes. Back then they would've called him /ourguy/, but now he was an sjw ripe for the slaughter.

>be James Gunn
>make jokes almost a decade old on twitter
>jokes include references to fucking boys
>years later have them dug up against you
>lose job

That’s the gist of it. There’s other things like how he was friends with a convicted child molester and attended weird parties dressed up as a priest. Either way, he’s certainly an odd fellow; but looking at his film resume that’s kinda expected

He made edgy Yea Forums jokes on twitter for a while.
He stopped, apologised, got hired by Disney
When Roseanne got fired for twitter jokes, a human shitgolem whether you're left or right, there's no defending Cernovich as a person dragged up comments Gunn made in retaliation

Solid theory I've seen is that Disney only fired him because they were in the middle of the Fox deal, and they wanted to avoid tarnishing their brand. The deals done now and he's been rehired.

How many of you guys are zoophiles because you made "a cat is fine too" jokes years ago?

jk lol no one on Yea Forums is old enough to remember that meme anymore

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The difference is that Carlin was actually funny. Gottfried's line that got him funny wasn't funny, and was in bad taste at best. Carlin didn't go after victims either.

Yeah sure mate

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Given how the morality of those kinds of people changes with the wind, either works.

Imagine hiring a guy because he put your favorite dadrock in a space movie. Gunn is nothing fucking special. People who like Guardians might as well have a stamped retard sign on their forehead.GotG2 sucked was compared to the first one and deep down you know it's true

rosanne makes a racist joke while under the mouse, get's fired.
/pol/fag go full twatter mob too "pwn the libtards" and try and get multiple people fired, only worked on gunn because the mouse is extremely sensitive when you threaten there revenue in any way. they tried it on roland and harmon of rick and morty, adult swim has more experience dealing with angry internet retards so they have harmon apologize, then they tried it on sugar and it fell flat on it's face when the only thing they could come up with is a handful of self insert pics and some ed edd and eddy porn, and that shit had been known about for years and nobody really fucking cared outside of themselves and "concerned" outrage-tubers.

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Just like 90% of /pol/ shoot down mosques