>Mr. Black
>Mr. White
How did they get away with this?
Mr. Black
they should named them Mr. Top and Mr. Bottom
Because it's a cartoon
Were they the first interracial gay cartoon couple?
Weren’t they flipped? White was black and black was white?
Yeah, it’s supposed to be a racial joke.
Most likely. Black is a more common white last name from Irish, Scottish origins. And White is a fairly common African American last name.
Because despite everything, Canadians can get away with a lot of stuff.
I literally had gay grade school teachers that were named the same way.
You were living in an episode of Johnny Test and you didn't even notice.
Are you implying that I was Johnny Test user?
Cause I'm not sure if that's an insult or a compliment.
Real missed opportunity not having an Asian guy named Agent Orange.
>calling someone black or white is racist
god, you people are worse than Tumblr
Mr and Mr Black-White
I'm sure OP really is totally outraged by this user. You sure got'm.
Man the Singapore dub was wild.
Jack Black's Jewish
>not Armond White
Explain this "Jews aren't white meme" to me
It just sounds more like "Throwing the wealthy whites under the bus"
Jews are Semetic, like Arabs
Wait a minute...
>"Why are you police officers?"
>"I blew up Malaysia"
It's kind of a gray area.
>Explain this "Jews aren't white meme" to me
Whenever it suits them they are.
For the vast, vast majority of judaism, they inherited their religion through their mother's bloodline. Jewish communities only really bred among themselves for so long, they developed their own unique physical attributes, along with a very different culture and society.
It's relatively recently in civilization's history that we've seen Jews branch out more, and now that they accept far more converts than before.
Some have pointed out that the Egyptians enslaved the Jews and therefore blacks enslaved whites before whites enslaved blacks and liberals often respond by saying that Jews don't count as white as they are a minority.
>he thinks egyptians were black
>black enslaved whites first
I'm using this on my sister
Their first names are Top and Bottom respectively.
people were less faggoty back then
Mainly because it's the most unoffensive racial joke you can make, it's literally the color of their partner. Race was basically never mentioned in the show and the show had so many other problems with such a minuscule following of people who weren't just kids that very few people who'd otherwise care probably easily avoided it.
Jews at that period of time and a good portion of if not almost all of them now are middle eastern. Unless you count non Arab Syrians, Armenians and Lebanese as white.
what is there to get away with? who could this possibly offend? it's not like they called them mr. mayonnaise and mr. watermelon.
Egyptians and Israelites were both white back then.
>mr. mayonnaise and mr. watermelon.
Common enough last names and the show is Canadian where there really aren't the same racial tensions. Canada is monochromatic as fuck outside of Vancouver
well if you or your sister ever bother to get a clue you'd know slavery is a catch all term for multiply different types of services and can be a simply apprentice/master relationship to a master/property relationship hell it can even be a boss/employee status
>Explain this "Jews aren't white meme" to me
they claim to be white when it suits them... but they're jews first and foremost when that suits them better than being white does.
they're just really light-skinned middle-eastern people, like persians. nowhere near northern european "real" whites
2 ball
Most jews do not consider themselves "white". I hate to link this website, but here's an okay explanation by an actual Israeli blogs.timesofisrael.com
Also what says is true; in fact I believe jews have a tendency for being schizo due to this
It's gibberish.
Same kind of people who say that Slavs aren't white.
Bullshit. Slavery is exclusively a property status, not a "relationship". If and only if you legally own another individual is it slavery, otherwise it falls into any myriad of other cases such as human trafficking, indentured servitude, community service, imprisonment, extortion, serfdom to name a few.
Those who hate white people hate me because I'm Jewish and therefore, according to them, white. Those who hate non-white people hate me because I'm Jewish and therefore, according to them, non-white. Basically, Jews are hated by both the left and the right and don't get the luxury of deciding whether or not they're considered white.
>Basically, Jews are hated by both the left and the right and don't get the luxury of deciding whether or not they're considered white.
yeah, let's pretend they don't both get the racial bonus from being clamped with whites on universities (unlike say asians), and to say "fellow white people" to go into "actually i'm jewish :^)", when it suits them. Also murdering semites in Israel, while claiming that talking about that is antisemitic. Face it, even the religion is named as the ancestry to do the double flip when nessescary, that's just how the jews work. From all the rule bending in Talmud I'd guess. Also that hate gives 30 bilion in US dollars to Israel, and free murder palestinans card, so there are reasons for hate.
Only according to the old testament user. There are no credible sources that confirm the claim they were slaves in Egypt.
The inclusion of what is or isn't white has expanded as time has gone on.
At one time the Jews and I think the Irish weren't seen as white, but as time went on they got lumped into the group.
>White is a fairly common African American last name
>slaves are freed by government decree
>they'll need surnames for legal purposes
All semites are white, moron. Israel gets to kill palestinians for the same reasons that any civilized country gets to kill their enemies, and to deny them that right simply because they are Jews is indeed antisemitic. You're basically taking the side of mudshitter insurgents because you don't accept that the Jews have their own country.
jews are originally asian, and anyways they don't consider themselves white
>All semites are white, moron.
ah yes. when it suits them
> any civilized country gets to kill their enemies
ah yes. Except you still get reparations from Germany right? When will the Palestinians get theirs?
> You're basically taking the side of mudshitter insurgents because you don't accept that the Jews have their own country.
I don't accept forced sterilisation, removing people from their homes and killing children, yes. Even if they are mudshits. You serve the purpose of dividing the Middle East and I would very much prefer to leave it the fuck alone and let you fight your own battles.
it was a different time.
>all semites are white
an image for ants? have a different one instead
omg it's real
What are some jokes from Johnny test that actually made you laugh?
>thread about Johnny test devolves into argument about Jews
Palestinians aren't America, England or France so nobody with any perspective needs to give a shit about them.
>a bloo a bloo poor muslims
Fuck off, you're the reason Europe is weak and pathetic.
>Fuck off, you're the reason Europe is weak and pathetic.
no rabbi, Rosensafts we keep in are. And not being allowed to question jewish dual loyality. Without your traitors funnily enough we woudn't give a shit
Black is common white people name and White is a common black people name.
>that the Egyptians enslaved the Jews
>egypt is white
Not everything is Black or White, Mister.
Fuck are you talking bout? I live here and it's a mix of whites, indigenous, east indian and Asian here, Barely any blacks, but they're there.
indentured servitude, serfdom, classical apprenticeship, and chattel slavery are all listed under the catchall term of slavery. All of these relationships ( No Idea why you put it in quotes the definition of relationship is a connection to a concept) are connected by the idea of being owned (chattel slavery) or owing a "master" an amount of time out of your life in favor of goods or tutoring ( indentured servitude and apprenticeship)
It's a common safe race joke.
Das Rite
Johnny Test will be airing in the era of /copol/
>Egyptians enslaved the Jews
This bullshit again?
that explains why we won't see the rest of season 2
On one hand, you are absolute cancer, on the other hand you have sorta hot sisters with cool gadgets
Johnny Test is as un-Jewish as it gets.