Teen Titans #28 storytime

Late Storytime

Teen Titans #28

The Terminus Agenda Part one

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>Slade killed hottie doctor
>turns out she was a MILF too
Then he deserves all that comes

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How long until Priest gives a resolution for the Power Girls?

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Hope you enjoyed

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pussy hood?

Kiss already dammit!!!

I mean to be fair he was being mind fucked by in asylum by Hugo strange and she was in on it too

Hopefully by the end of this. If the book is done at #50, he doesn't have much time left.

>new 52 superman
>donna's classic outfit


completely forgot about the tanya suicide, damm deathstroke has been running for a while

Based Crush

It’s quite impressive. I wonder if Priest will make it to #100

thanks for the storytime, this is really good so far

Glad to see this finally storytimed.

continuity is messed up

Didn't Priest write the Lazarus Contract story that had Deathstroke not go after the old Teen Titans? So he never "nearly eliminated" them.


Roundhouse no

I wonder what priest will do after deathstroke?

Deathstroke obviously lost on purpose to see what the fuck this new attack on him is about

I like how Wallace has developed over these years. He’s really grown as a character.

Aaaand yep, I'm right

Batman I hope

I'd love crash to smash me if ya catch my drift

Thanks for the storytime.

At a recent con he said he was on until 50 which is still one long ass run in the modern market where most shit doesn’t make it out of the single digit issues.
I’m hoping DC isn’t stupid enough to let him go but it’s DC. They bend over backwards to give people like Wolfman and Jurgens work even though those guys are well past their glory days, but let anyone worth a damn go. I’d have given Priest Aquaman but I guess KSD gets that book. Not sure where he should go next, there’s not a lot of open spots, and I have no idea who he’s want to write. He wants Batman and Iron Man but both of those are covered for the time being.

At a recent con he said he was on until 50 which is still one long ass run in the modern market where most shit doesn’t make it out of the single digit issues.
I’m hoping DC isn’t stupid enough to let him go but it’s DC. They bend over backwards to give people like Wolfman and Jurgens work even though those guys are well past their glory days, but let anyone worth a damn go. I’d have given Priest Aquaman but I guess KSD gets that book. Not sure where he should go next, there’s not a lot of open spots, and I have no idea who he’s want to write. He wants Batman and Iron Man but both of those are covered for the time being.

Is it just me or could you cut the sexual tension between Wallace and Emiko with a knife?

Will Raven be mad?

Why does this artist draw Wallace with such high pants

The way things go now Superman wore the armor in the middle years

Good old Marv and George

It could have something to do with Slade's "death" in the next arc. Maybe he goes to the same limbo as them and the three get knocked into some other dimension or something.

I wonder why they draw massive lips on everyone


I wonder if it´s a joke about wolfman and perez,

Glass sucks. I don't really care for the way he writes it.

Damian+Deathstoke = great banter.

I hope that one bat-book..
-Batman? goodbye King
-Red Hood and the Outlaws?with artemis and bizarro here again

So.. Maybe Lobo will know about her existence for Slade?

Well user from 14 hours ago, she's not dead. She's in between universes and came into contact with the other Power Girl. Everyone just thinks she's dead.

Pedo gets his ass handed to him .

Kid beats up a pedophile.

Damian is legendary.Adrenaline can kill. Good for you for beating the shit out of him.

it warms my heart when people like this get their ass kicked. i have a little boy and if this scumbag attempted this is my neck of the woods, Slade wouldn't reach prison!

Everyone saying Slade should be killed... No, the best way to punish somebody is to give them a lifetime of suffering. Being a pedophile in prison is pretty much a death sentence anyways.

You mess with kids like that... gone...he's LUCKY Jon wasn't there... he would've SMASHED his face in!!!

"It was time for an ass beating"

Honestly, its about damn time someone just went after Deathstroke and took him out. They've been giving him a free pass since the 80s

he wasn't actually taken down in a dumb way. Not like they could have taken him head on, had to capitalize on the unexpected. Idk how Wallace was able to tear his mask though if he has a shield

Well this feels very Teen Titans ish I love it I really hate Deathstroke so whatever happens to him I’m cool with except for if Damian kills him he doesn’t need that he’s going through to much right now as it is

it's always nice seeing bad things happen to Deathstroke.

Slade going to “father” Damian?

child molesters don't get killed in jail..they get put in protective custody.

>basic iron bars

>holding fucking supervillains

>easy to talk and plan between them

I thought Damian was supposed to be incredibly intelligent? There's a thousand ways someone could tell this is a bad idea. For fuck's sake, at least put space between the cells.

Okay, Slade is the kind of guy who deserves a serious beatdown. It probably won't be his last, either.

Why prison? Execute him.

So he can stage a jailbreak later and show Damian why keeping a poorly managed private prison underground is a bad idea.

Keep up.

He should have been killed.I wish they never stoped beating the shit out of Slade.

Damian Should have hung him on the nearest tree.

one less child molester on this world i see no issue with this

Damian couldn't even trust his own dad..im usually against violence but no bro this couldn't be solved just with words.. Batman needed some really nice punches

I sometimes forget that Damian is only 13 and already severally scarred. I keep expect him to hold up as older heroes.

thanks for the story time

yeah it makes no sense.


Good that Slade

Give it time. Deathstroke RIP is coming! :)

So, is this actually good?
I tried to read it, but I was so disgusted by the blueberry fatso that I almost immediately dropped it. Did it get better? Or at least did he get less scenes (as close as possible to zero, hopefully)?

it's gotten better with the new writer

>So, is this actually good?
Damian deserves better .

His team deserves better. This team was specifically created for Damian and he's going to alienate all of them by the end of this story arc.

Not yet.

Assuming that Damian's telling the truth.

They broke up

>child molesters
What child did Slade molest?


Why do they like this word so much?

Because good ass anti-hero doesn't have the same connotation

>His whole character is being a super fanboy
>Doesn't know who Deathstroke is

If there is any character that benefited from post-Rebirth storylines, it's Lil' Wally.


That's pretty cool

Wallace tapping into Negative Speed Force?

Slade looks so smug

It's because he knows there's a loli nearby who he's already planning to groom and rape

Are you sure?

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