What did Arnie have that Arnold didn't?
What did Arnie have that Arnold didn't?
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Jew nose
A big dick?
He actually approached her and asked her out instead of just seeing her as an ideal?
All about that attitude.
Propeller hat. Bitches love propeller hats.
That oh so special something.
Autism confidence. That slight disconnect from society that allows pressure to just slide off of you. Basically, he don't take lip.
she knew arnold has a small penis, and CHAD arnie had a biggie.
He was from the country and she related to him
The girl.
>boring as nigga was able to get the girl
It hurts bros.
>The chad version of yourself
How this guy would look like Yea Forums?
I´ve been told that men with bigger nose suck pussy better.
He would be an interesting person to be around, and not be boring.
Blinks out of sync?
that sweet hipster outfit
Lack of self-doubt.
This. The quiet dumb ones ALWAYS do.
This. Arnold looks like a faggot with that skirt.
I’m surprised more people don’t know about autism confidence. When girls think you’re some aloof unflappable badass but really you’re just autistic as fuck and can’t express yourself. Not that I’m complaining, the pussy is decent.
Ya faggot lickin,
Pretty much this
Big sniff energy
Not just a big dick he had a giant retard cock.
That only works in cartoons.
What are you talking about? she originally liked Arnold, he ignored her... Arnold had the chance to have everything, but he ruined it.
oh shut up fag
He wouldn't have glasses for one. Society has ruined glasses but I'm not getting contacts. Also he wouldn't be cursed with a round face.
But Arnold has asked Leila out several times
Arnold’s original head shape
Arnold DID ask her out in her first episode. She was introduced as a girl who was wet for Arnold, then he rejected her. Later he realized he liked her, confessed his feelings, then she went "yeah, no".
You are all idiots. She liked him because he was a country bumpkin just like she was. Arnolds a city boy. He just don't get it.
It isn't so much that it doesn't work, it just costs you you're job if it goes wrong. Women who act like everything a man who isn't a /leftypol/ Adonis does is the same as violent rape make up 90% of women born after 1989.
I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and bring a woman from Gen X into the present.
autism. gives ya hope, doesnt it?
waifu faggin'
Would've transitioned into a hot girl long ago and have an open relationship boyfriend who get into several threesomes.
8 inches probably.
Leave your basement
Unless you’re an important person she will benefit from screwing over, she’s not gonna waste time accusing you
Normal women just make fun of you behind your back after rejecting you to reaffirm their status among friends
Wait what the fuck?
It's just me but he is not afraid to leave Yea Forums
Wearing clothing that is too big for you is common among poor kids. I wore hand me downs from older cousins until I was 19.
Big dick is correct, but he doesn't realize its big.
Me with a gf and 2 kids probably a gang banger/Drug Dealer also.
im not entirely poor but i much prefer baggy shirts, very comfy
The only women whove meant anything to me have been ones I've viewed as ideals
Or you do what I did "Find your Wife when your in school and young" (You get a bigger Pool to pick from) and stop bedding random women, that era is over with.
This episode puzzled the shit out of me why is Lulu sad? show could have always left him.
Me but muscular and exactly 1 inch taller
Nah, the oversized plaid button-ups are a 90s thing. It originated as grunge fashion, but it was such an inoffensive thing that it very quickly became mainstream.
I'm bi, so it doesn't really matter anyways. Also, I live in a pretty kick-ass basement. I have more living space than most bachelor apartments, queen sized bed with six inch pillowtop, loads of Yea Forums and /vr/ as well as Yea Forums and /toy/ so I've got all I really need.
Get back to rddt son, you must be a wn or a woman...make us a sandwich and vote Clinton 2020
Exactly the same but more confidence
Arnold was a manlet.
>The dumbest pound the hardest
He unironically had the white BBC on his side.
This is what I think happens at death. TV static.
He had a pocket lint collection.
Everytime i’m taking a shit and forget my phone, i read the back of shampoo bottles and feel like Arnie
Your chad self would laugh at you for even thinking about drilling holes in your crotch to "become" a woman.
He had confidence bro.
No I don't :(
Arnold has to hide his mirco penis with the shirt, Arnie has to keep his massive wang up with suspenders.
Arnie was pure autism and always read out loud ingredients on everything he can find.
^plus he liked to show off his pocket lint and count things.
Everyone said he was a much uglier version of Arnold and got creeped out by him. Yet somehow he had Lila jumping madly on his dick.
Maybe he had a big size? Only thing that makes sense.
A much calmer and more accepting person who isn't driven by spite and mostly baseless assumption we would probably agree on racial politics though and women though.
What if it turned out that everything was just Lila as a dominatrix trying to get Arnold to fall to his knees and beg her to love him? Everything, from "falling for" Arnie to that time at the Cheese Fair, was just Lila on a pre-teen sexual power trip. A "PTSPT". A pitspit. Lila was on a pitspit.
>Did better in school
>Consistently stayed employed and moved up as he went along
>Developed more productive hobbies and interests and worked harder at them
>owns a banging car and has his own place, is constantly and frequently hanging out with or going out with friends, probably travels because of work too
I hate how little I've applied myself, I'm trying harder now and setting goals for myself. But hey, it's not like this is the Chad Thundercock Club here.
Lots of women just want a guy that respects them and makes them laugh. So maybe he did just that.
basically me except
>actually good at programming
>actually became confident of his imagination and became a successful artist
>manages to make people laugh while having people still take him seriously to approach him instead of the other way around
>perfect clean face
Testicles so big and low hanging and heavy and fucking grotesque that Leila can choke and suffocate under them and their unwashed stench for hours at a time while he just sits on her head with a glassy-eyed expression while her little legs kick around wide open.
A younger Dwayne Johnson
the virgin arnold vs THE CHAD ARNIE
Spoken like a true beta niceguy. You make her laugh. He makes her cum.
I always thought it was one of his dad's.
Underrated post.
Actually drew this shit once for my art class in High School. He was 6'1" with corn rows and muscles.
Hopefully he's like evil Jet Li in The One and he's currently busy murdering all the shittier parallel versions of ourself across spacetime. Not long now before I'm finally fr
What if she's into Reverse Netorare. Enjoying seeing Arnold suffer.
Arnie was the embodiment of IDGAF and like it or not, there is something about that utter boldness women love. Fuck you, fuck what you think of me, I’m doing what I want and if you don’t like it too fucking bad there’s the door.
B'hOrT Sb'PLOGggIn
Hyper competent smug asshole who doesn’t feel horrible guilt for mildly hurting other people’s feelings
The chad version of Yea Forums is Yea Forums.
That’s not how you spell Yea Forums
Sour armpits.
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Wasn't she, y'know, like, abused.
>better room than Randa.
You retard.
Haven't been on Yea Forums in years. What the fuck happened?
Has a clear skin, confidence, knows how to fight, can't speak english
SJW my friendo
>HA thread
I really fucking loved the soundtrack in this show, and how sometimes Arnold would just lay down to think as that light jazz music would play. I think this was the only cartoon that really captured the feeling of 90s urban America, right down to the little jazz revival that was happening at the time. The full version of the ending theme is a great example of that.
One day I'll have a room like this. One day.
Don't act so special. We ALL wanted a penthouse room like Arnold's bedroom.
Wait what
She gave a lot of signals about that IIRC.
That room must suck in the summer.
probably like a criminal-type Chad.
Shaved bald and meaner than hell.
Would be intellectual in all spheres and confident in himself at all times, while also doing something he actually enjoys
Is it hopeless after you've finished school?
>THAT Episode
Thanks, OP. For years, I had successfully blotted our that rage-inducing memory, only for your malignant ass to bring darkness and despair here.
Fuck you
But why was Lulu sad?
>great chin
>fantastic artist
>no problems with his jaw
>nor eyes
>big dick
>not balding
>already made it into the animation business
Big Bob did call him poor, though, didn't he? Alternatively, the room was already like that when his grandparents first got the apartment block/the money they had diminished over time.
My older brother
No one knows