What Batman villains would be best for live action that haven't been done before in live action?

What Batman villains would be best for live action that haven't been done before in live action?

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The Joker

Mad Hatter and Firefly as secondary antagonists

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We've had 5 jokers already all versions outside of flashpoint have been covered at this point.

I agree with Black Mask but only if at the end it turns out it's The Joker again.

We need more

Assuming you mean movies only?

Black Mask, Man Bat, The Ventriloquist, Professor Pyg, and Dr Phosphorous.

(I say movies only because all but Mask and Phosphorous have been on Gotham.)

And there have been several live action black masks


Oh, and Clayface.

Mr. Freeze done right.
Red Hood.

>Mr. Freeze done right.
Add on the Riddler done right as well.

Mask was in Gotham, but they did him a disservice.

What's wrong with Gorshin?

How dare you

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Isn't he gonna show up in Reeves' The Batman? That's why I didn't count him.

Good point, still I would love a modern version of that.

They killed him in his second appearance is what i mean

I feel like him being in gotham is odd considering how much he's tied to Bruce.

His dad was the Black mask in gotham


Arkham Origins, specifically the slade trailer.

Wait i just checked and apparently he never was established to have a son but he shares his name with Black Mask's dad in Nu52 so he maybe has a son i guess?

Uncle, I think. I dunno, that was three seasons ago.

Mekkan x because all dc villains are eventually bat villains.

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Fuck you. Why did you have to remind me of that

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Black Mask and Clayface would make a good team, considering BM has a cosmetics company, tying to Clay’s origin.

I unironically lol'd.

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Clayface if they can pull it off.

I think Black Mask is going to appear in that Birds of Prey movie.