What is Bruce Timm's obsession with making Batman fuck Batgirl?

What is Bruce Timm's obsession with making Batman fuck Batgirl?
Between Batman Beyond and the animated The Killing Joke, why does he genuinely push Batman as someone who, while having one of the strongest moral backbones in his DCAU, is a man who would not only fuck (and impregnate) his adoptive son's on & off girlfriend behind his back, but also enlist the daughter of Gordon into his war of vigilanty justice, AND fuck the little girl of a man that is supposed to be one of his closest friends?

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Timm understands one of the fundamental truths of the universe - The dick wants what it wants, regardless of morality.

It's a good decision and we need more of it.

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Shippers gonna ship.

Timm had nothing to do with that Batman Beyond comic

Why is Stephen Merchant drawing Batman?

>Batman fuck Batgirl
that's the most natural, beautiful thing. All men like young girls. what's your problem user?

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>the little girl
love is love, and age is just a number

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Batman never loved her.

in the old btas, she had romantic fantasies of being with batman

Well she had romantic fantasies about killer moth in the comics.

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Are you all raging homo faggots or something? Just look at them, such a cute couple. I ship them hard.

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Batmoth >>>>>>>> Brubabs

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How about you ship the superior ship.

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>superior ship
mothfag you funny

It's funny because it's true.

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>Batgirl with Batman
>Not Batgirl with Harley

Come one, we all know it's the better ship. Batman/Batgirl is just cringe.

>animated The Killing Joke, why does he genuinely push Batman as someone who
He wasn't even the director or the writer for that

well it can't be any worse for her than her hooking up with Dick

you don't fuck your friend's daughters, user

>Cute couple

It's all the cringe of creepy father on naive adult daughter, combined with inappropriate mentor/apprentice relationship.


>creepy father on naive adult daughter, combined with inappropriate mentor/apprentice relationship.
but that's exactly what makes it so hot.

fucking normie get out

If you like older men with younger women pairings but dislike betrayal and emotional manipulation of Brubabs then Batmoth is for you.

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Who knows what's going on in that man's head. He has a fart fetish afterall

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He's getting old and keeps thinking about tight teenage pussy.

>keeps thinking about tight teenage pussy.
and you don't? what's wrong with you?

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I’m thinking maybe it doesn’t sound as creepy in his head as it does to everyone else. “I mean, she’s over eighteen and they get along. What’s the hang up?”

It's hotter when it's older woman on younger woman.

I fail to see the problem

Girls with daddy issues is the biggest redflag there is.

Of course. The better an artist draws pretty women, the more likely he is to be into farts. There's a correlation based on irony (pretty women, ripe gas).

"Batman And Harley" was just Tim indulging his interest (Harley farting in the Batmobile).

Milf pussy > spinner pussy

He was the executive producer, he gave it the thumbs up, probably even suggested it.
He admitted in one of the Batman Beyond DVD special features that he knows it's messed up, that's why he likes it.

>woman on woman
user you know homosexuality is a mental disease right?

>Harley farting in the Batmobile
that was really funny scene, I laughed so hard...

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I like lesbians, including "older woman on younger woman".

It was fan-service really, lol. I'm one of the people it pandered to (and even I thought it was totally unnecessary. Harley passing gas like that is not in character).

the better question is why is he such a massive batfag, to the point where he can't write Superman at all

He clearly doesn't get Superman, at all.

This shit again.
Barbara and Bruce have no father daughter relationship.

Barbara has a father. A damn good father that loves her. She isn't going to Bruce for that Dynamic.
Bruce didn't genuinely meet Barbara until she was bordering or already at adulthood. He never knew her as a child, so you can't even pull that "My parent's friend who has been around so long I just call him/her uncle/aunt" dynamic.

Batman started out as an obsession for Barbara that got her teenage panties so moist that she wanted to do what he did to get Bat-senpai to notice her. Sexual tension is pretty fucking normal. Especially during a brief time period where Dick fucked off to another city and Barbara and Bruce were out there together without a Robin third wheel.

At that point there was no mentor student relation. It was two coworkers giving into temptation and fucking on a rooftop because they're two physically fit sexy people.

It would have helped then if "B:TAS" hadn't sold us an image of them not being sexual towards each other (until "Mystery Of The Batwoman" introduced it).

It was incredibly jarring to see sexual tension come out of bloody nowhere.

It should have appeared in "B:TAS" throughout, in veiled form.

>At that point there was no mentor student relation.
Their relationship up to that point was a mentor student relationship.

Which "B:TAS" showed us for season after season. There was no sexual tension until "Mystery Of The Batwoman" which is direct-to-video.

And since I don't consider "The Killing Joke" part of "B:TAS", the relationship remained at flirting level (going by "Mystery Of The Batwoman).

And even then, people did not like that Barbara was even flirting with Batman.

So seeing a throwback like "The Killing Joke" is just an insult to Batgirl for me.

Barbara fantasized about him in the dream sequence that starts off Batgirl Returns.

And let's not forget that Batgirl was originally created for the specific purpose to be a love interest for Adam West Batman.

>age is just a number
I bet that's your defense in court too, you sicko.

Because it was either that or round up a couple dozen of his "mates" and go down to Buckingham Palace.

>you sicko

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Can Yea Forums bring back the fat threads already?

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BTAS was the same thing in the end.
Barbara became infatuated with Dick.
Dick fucked off to Bludhaven to do his Nightwing thing
Barbara gravitated towards Bruce.
They fucked as confirmed in the comic continuation and Batman Beyond.

People not liking it doesn't mean it's implausible.

They handled it terribly, considering how strong-willed "B:TAS"-Batgirl was.

She'd approach Batman in a much more composed manner, with her experience.

Is what Yea Forums says true? Are all the people complaining about adult male + young female pairings in media all women i.e. "roasties"? I genuinely do not see any reason for men to complain about them.

I.e she's a VETERAN super-heroine.

I'm a male. There was barely any setup for Batgirl/Batman and I don't like how the relationship was handled.

An experienced crime-fighter would actively court Batgirl, not spur-of-the-moment sex him.

Batman, correction. God I'm not awake.

>not spur-of-the-moment sex him.
90% of the sex bruce has is spur-of-themoment, normally he repress hornyness as a monk

That has no bearing on anything.

Prison is just a room.

That explains a lot.

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(Don't freak out. They clearly have clothes on. And considering how messed up Bruce Wayne, I could totally see him being into this).

It just feels....wrong. It does not work.

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t. 30+yo woman

Best ship. So much so I’d argue it’s canon worthy

It's not about it being implausible but unbelievable.

It's also a funnier schtick than just being a loser supervillain.

You see only what you want to see.

Having a strong will doesn't mean you become a sexless robot. And part of what made BTAS so great was that all the characters had flaws and acted like human beings who make mistakes. For all the Batgod memes the DCAU spawned, Bruce Wayne was a deeply flawed individual and I can believe full well that he'd fuck Barbara if she came onto him, given how badly he's been burned in the past by Andrea, Selina, and Talia. Deciding to go with Barbara might have also been his last chance at anything happy. He already lost out on Diana by that point because of his stubbornness to mix business with pleasure.
And for Barbara's part. Any woman would eventually fall for the super hot loner billionaire with a heart of gold that shut himself off from the world after a series of soul crushing events that resulted in him continuing on is own iron will. I don't care how strong willed she is. Bruce was a big strong brooding puppy who had nobody left anymore and she was in the special position to mend that fucked up heart.
And who knows. It might have actually worked out if the Joker didn't replace all of those walls with a force field after what he did to Tim.

well some anons are flaming faggots. some are cucks. some are canonbabies

>Batgirl fucking Batgirl is 2deep4u writing
Get fucked timm.

>I can believe full well that he'd fuck Barbara if she came onto him
I can't, barbara was never that special to him. He's gonna make the biggest mistake in his life for batgirl? I don't buy it.

I just feel it should have handled on its merits. Episodes should have dedicated to Batgirl and Batman daring to reach out to each other.

Considering there are much sexier women out there, him going for Batgirl feels like settling.

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Batgirl courted Batman in the manner of which he's accustomed to women initiating courtship.

She initiated combat on a moonlit rooftop and then got sexually aggressive upon pinning him after his guard was lowered, having a night of sweaty passionate sex half costumed under a gargoyle.

However she forgot to maintain her composure after the act and got bitchy and clingy, and didn't abandon him on that rooftop after sex, and she failed to wait a few days before interacting with him agai.

This is why Selina is so successful at getting that bat dick in her and Barbara is not. Selina practically wrote the book on how to properly fuck Batman, and no matter how tenuous things get between the two, nobody will ever give Bruce a better lay than Selina for that reason. Barbara needs to take notes.

>barbara was never that special to him.

Do you know who was special?
Andrea, Selina, and Talia.
All of those were disastrous.
Makes sense that he'd stop going for "Ms. Right" and go for "Ms. Right Now Dick is fucking an alien princess anyway so why not?"

Batgirl just isn't dominant enough. She needs to take charge from the beginning.

And the thing is, she would KNOW this by now. She knows he's been with Catwoman.

With Batman, you have to establish dominance from the beginning.

The people ITT that are okay with Bruce fucking Barbara, are putting themselves in Batman's shoes when they should really be looking at it from Jim's perspective.
>be a head of a police force in a city falling apart with crime
>trying desperately to make a difference, but you have your hands tied by the law/half your cops are crooked
>decide to put not only your career, but the lives and wellbeing of your family on the line by actively working together with a vigilante
>you know it's wrong, but he's helping you do some good. You work together over the years and really make the city start to change for the better
>find out he recruits your daughter in his violent war on crime
>and on top of that he's been emptying his bat balls in your little girl on regular
would you still call Batman a hero after that?

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I'd call him anything so long as he did his damn job with the Joker

Then is right and that just makes it a bad character direction and if that's what Timm and Dini intended then it's a little pretentious.

It does have bearing because it sets a precedent. It's not like a Batman/Batgirl romance came out of thin air as a concept.

I would also like to know where his obsession with banana tits comes from.

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Batgirl is not for Batman. Catwoman is for Batman. Hell you could argue Harley (pre-"Return of The Joker" where she crossed the moral event horizon) is a better lover for Batman than Batgirl.

Batman needs a wild woman in his life.

Harley reformed TWICE (the second time successfully as she survived "ROTJ"), so it's not like she couldn't be saved. Once she was rid of Joker's influence, she stabilized.

It also helps that Harley's last memories before she fell in "ROTJ" aren't negative about Batgirl.

A stray rocket is what propels Harley nearly down the pit, and her last memory before the fall is Batgirl trying to save her life.

So her slate is pretty much clean to reform once she recovers (beyond clearly needing a cane to walk).

he said pinup and bomber art from WWII were a heavy influence on him. The cone shaped titties come from the style of bra and the banana sag is his own little flair.

Thanks doc

I'd fuck Killer Moth and you're lying if you say you wouldn't too.

You should still not fuck your best friend's daughter, user. Not only is that sick, it's scumbaggy as fuck.

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Batman has mommy issues and whether that manifests in a dominant partner or talia's whole "YOU WILL BREED ME" thing makes no difference. BM/BG doesn't fit Batman's character, only bab's need for a daddy.
It's a bad ship.

Bruce never fucked Clark's daughter.

I want to find Bruce Timm's "secret art folder". We all know he's got a whole book full of fart stuff hidden somewhere.

Correct. Batgirl isn't dominant. She's professional but at heart, she's meek.

Ill-fit for Batman. Bad ship.

Batman is meant to be dominated.

>the biggest mistake in his life
Having sex? Are the Eurofags really right about Americans, why is sex such a big fucking deal to you? Two people can't fuck, and then everything be okay after? It has to change everybody's fucking lives for ever?

Batgirl is submissive. Batman needs a dom.

DC should stop fucking around and either give Bruce Selina or Talia. I don't have a specific choice between the tho Talia, i'mma just saying but those two are much better for Bruce than Barbera.

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As far as comics go, Talia is too far gone and past the point of redemption, since all of her abhorrent actions in the last decade are unforgivable in Bruce's eyes. "Killing" Damian was a step too far.

And Tom King single-handedly set Bruce and Selina back by years. If the next writer wants that relationship to finally happen, it's going to require a LOT of work, and just as much hand waving to make it seem plausible.


Start Catwoman and Batman as love interests, from the beginning. Classic pull and push away. But Batman senses Catwoman can dominate him, and Catwoman senses he's receptive to it.

So the domination begins.

At least Bruce Timm didn't "Batman And Harley" this scene & put his other interest in it.

I think her taking off the costume is what really feels out of character to me.

I don't see her removing it.

>lengthy fart sound effect as the camera pans up

King's character assassination of Batman might be a blessing in disguise. Maybe once casuals see how depressing the inevitable endgame of Frank's deconstruction is we might swing back towards 'Bruce Wayne is a competent human being' and away from 'Batman is autistic.' I really hope the industry sucking King's dick is hyperbole and not reflective of the actual audience otherwise we're fucked
I think the more lighthearted approach makes Batman as a sub more palatable to mainstream audiences and all of his best ships are somebody able and willing to take bruce in hand; Catwoman, Talia, Zatanna,Clark, Diana. Hell, even Vicky Vale takes the piss out of him and she's just Lois Lane II.

At least not the top

Nah, he'd put it at 0:25-0:30.

All you people bitching are missing the point that some of the other Anons in this thread have made. The relationship was not healthy. Barbara was creepily obsessed with Bruce, and Bruce sensed an opportunity and took what he wanted. Like Timm says in the TNBA features, it's supposed to be wrong. It's a fuckup on Bruce's part, even if it is a sexy fuckup.

Bruce having a relationship with Barbara is just one more milestone on his journey to being who he is at the start of Batman Beyond: a lonely old man in a big empty house who's sitting in the dark waiting to die. It's not bad at all, it's brilliant writing.

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Barbara would not have let it go. She was after something and would not have stopped no matter how often Bruce rebuffed her. The fact that Bruce wasn't what she thought he was is not his fault.

The thing is, "Return Of The Joker" established already what happened to Tim wrecked Batgirl and Batman permanently.

The sex thing wasn't necessary when you have emotional trauma over a forced brainwashing, a murder in self-defense, and what was thought to be an accidental death at the time (they didn't know Harley was alive, but suspected she might since no body was found).

The sex thing was ALREADY happening by the time of the ROTJ flashback. It's not something that was added in later. What happened to Tim was probably what ended their relationship, if anything.

Agreed. It probably showed her that this wasn't all fun and games anymore.

Because then Nightwing is free to fuck Starfire

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Let me guess. In the direct-to-video movie "Mystery Of The Batwoman"?

That's literally the only time I remember a sexual relationship being implied by the franchise, aside from "Batman Beyond".

This is just not tasteful.

Batman Beyond implied that it was happening throughout Barbara's time as Batgirl. It probably really started when Dick fucked off and left after the flashback in Old Wounds. The time before Tim showed up, when it was just Bruce and Barbara alone together in Gotham, is probably when it began.

I really dislike how she looks when she pulls off her top. It doesn't look like Barbara to me. It looks like some stranger.


They needed to commit. Because throwing Batgirl getting it on with Batman in one of the ugliest Joker stories is going to leave a bad taste in people's mouths.

>Batgirl lusting after Killer Moth while his daughter wants Robin's D

Uh, why does Batgirl want Killer Moth again?

From this panel , people ran with it. It's actually Oracle disclosing to a friend how awkward and petty she was when she started out, and how she grew from that.

Only way Batgirl and Killer Moth could work is if he came to care about her. If he's a jerk, she'll just pummel him.

If he's nice to her, sparks could secretly heat up. And yes, it does result in some drama.

Killer Moth keeps pulling his punches with Batgirl because they're lovers.

>it's brilliant writing.
Disagree, with Andrea, Talia and Selina it not only makes sense why it started, why he let it happen and why each left him feeling more broken it also justifies a reservation to let himself love or trust the same way again just fine to get us to Beyond where he's three angles of jaded.

The rest like Lois and Zatana are sort of superfluous, hamfistedly gratuitous in fact when you get to Cheetah and Diana and realize the DCAU staff were just throwing every woman Bruce's way at some point.

But Barbara being thrown into the mix actually not only adds nothing, it subtracts. It makes Bruce come off as someone who is knowingly unsympathetically predatory, no this doesn't help color his later character a darker moral shade it makes his prior relationships with Tim and Dick now suspect in new light, not sexually, I'm not that lowbrow, I mean it suggests that to him vulnerable children are really just tools to his whim. All those jokes about Bruce endangering naive children because it's better them than him become dangerously closer to true. Instead of Bruce taking in Dick to prevent him going down a bad road and seeing a kindred spirit it was Batman just buying himself a meatshield, and Tim was the replacement once the first went soft. It's all calculated, callous, sinister.

Congrats, instead of a tragically over his depth individual who makes the mistake of trusting his best intentions won't go wrong, Batman's faults are no longer accidents, they're intended. He wants the worst, fuck everyone else. His operation is designed to be a honeypot for the naive so he can exploit them. Gordon, Dick, Barbara, Tim, Terry, they're all just things in his utility belt to throw at problems and then throw away.

Bravo, Nolan, the BTAS is now Deathstroke the Animated Series which by itself actually would have been an interesting original pitch, but that's missing the point of what's being lessened.

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>KILLER MOTH: "This isn't your fight Batgirl. Stay out of this."
>BATGIRL: "You know I can't do that."
>KILLER MOTH: "Then keep attacking from the inside. Avoid the ledges. I'll try to make it look convincing."

Exploitive Batman feels like a betrayal of the character.

The other vigilantes are just Batman seeking an extended family, which makes his relationship with Batgirl.....have unfortunate implications.

The only way I can buy Batgirl/Batman is in another decade, and she's had a prolonged period of crime-fighting without being in Batman's shadow.

She becomes capable of standing on her own, and thus can court him as an equal.

Did somebody say Gail Simone?

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Why do Yea Forums of all places acts so repulsed by this kinda shit when half the threads are nothing but waifu and shipping threads?

"B:TAS" was the childhood of a lot of people. Batgirl/Batman is like watching your parents have sex, lol.

Barbara Gordon was a grown up woman that fought crime together him. There's nothing exploitative about their relationship.

Closer to your dad having sex with your older cousin on your mom's side.

So, the only way to save BatCat is a total ground zero reboot on the level of what the New 52 did to anybody who wasn't Batman or Green lantern?


They've ruined Batman/Catwoman that much in their current canon.

>It would have helped then if "B:TAS" hadn't sold us an image of them not being sexual towards each other (until "Mystery Of The Batwoman" introduced it).
>It was incredibly jarring to see sexual tension come out of bloody nowhere.
>It should have appeared in "B:TAS" throughout, in veiled form.
>There was no sexual tension until "Mystery Of The Batwoman" which is direct-to-video.
It did appear in BTAS, way before Mystery of the Batwoman, and it wasn't even veiled.

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Why would you serve BatCat? It's the worst ship possible. It's what has been ruining him as a character for decades now.


u wut?

It's the worst ship because DC won't commit to it.

All you self-inserting , daughter wanting weirdos are so creepy.Do you think a grown-ass man with a grown daughter is going to get triggered by the fact that his daughter is having sex? Do you think millions of men out there are unable to process their adult daughters having a relationship with sex? He's not gonna want to know the details but once she's an adult he has to have a healthy understanding that those things happen.

Batgirl would court him. It was a typo. I fixed it in the next post.

>so long as he did his damn job with the Joker
You mean the express thing he failed to do throughout the DCAU?
Tim Drake and Terry McGinnis put a stop to that psycho, tragically only after he's already taken Gotham down to his level.

At least Rocky Ballantine was cute.

Still, based on what Timm did with Harley Quinn and Nightwing, I can't help but think that Harley Quinn should die in a burning car.

It's like Timm likes to rub his dick all over the characters. Dini had a better point on everything.

Dick was always free to fuck Kori.

>Always free

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>Do you think a grown-ass man with a grown daughter is going to get triggered by the fact that his daughter is having sex? Do you think millions of men out there are unable to process their adult daughters having a relationship with sex?
TV told me that a lot of grown-ass men actually are triggered by their daughters having sex. Did TV lie to me?

It's the worst ship precisely because DC have committed to it. It only made sense as a brief affair between a hard-boiled detective and a seductive femme fatale. Not some serious romance where Batman has to be dragged down as a character to justify it.

That Batgirl was a grown ass woman. Timm Batgirl is half Bruce's age. How would Bruce fall so weak for his bro's ex and withstand against the perfectly available Wonder Woman?

Just his wife

I almost thought that was summer gleeson

It's a pretty explicit betrayal coming from Batman. Not only is he putting Gordon's daughter into Danger but he's taking advantage of their student/Mentor relationship.

That's the real point. Let's say you're 50 and you start a business with a trusted mentee who's 35. Your 20 year old daughter starts helping out at the office on summer break and your partner hooks up with her. Are you going to give him a high five after you find out? Not likely.

Because he's not really that strong in that realm. He confuses repression for discipline and lapses when overwhelmed which is why he keeps fucking people he shouldn't.

Then he got her pregnant.

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If he was someone you trusted and liked why the fuck would you have a problem with that? Isn’t that like the best kind of person you can imagine wanting for your own daughter?

>I'll have to congratulate my dick.

No, because it's creepy as fuck for a 35 year old to be fucking a 20 year old, much less my daughter.

>it's creepy as fuck for a 35 year old to be fucking a 20 year old
No, it isn't unless you're female and hit the wall, even then you'd enjoy banging a hottie of 20 years old.

>No, because it's creepy as fuck for a 35 year old to be fucking a 20 year old, much less my daughter.
A 35 year old and a 20 year old is completely fucking normal. What is wrong with you?

I love how Yea Forums thinks 35 is super duper old. Anime has ruined a lot of you. Up until he got alls skeletal, a ton of 20 year old women would've fucked 52 year old Johnny Depp. hell, even now.

>completely fucking normal
No, not in the slightest. The fact that you think this way is deplorable.

The fact that you think a 20 year old is still a child is deplorable.

Older guys prefer younger women for their looks, younger girls prefer older guys because of their status, it's the perfect match.

True, but that's not a healthy foundation.

20 year old women are basically still children user.


Guess we better raise the age of consent and start calling men who like 18 year olds pedos.

>If he was someone you trusted and liked why the fuck would you have a problem with that?
Because he was someone I trusted.

I'm not saying it should be illegal.

Bingo. This guy gets it.

Yea Forums's overpowering autism about this pairing is baffling to me. Honestly, I fucking love this pairing, especially when we consider it as part of DCAU Bruce's broader character arc. I've honestly never understood what Yea Forums's problem with this is, other than that it's a bunch of comicsfags who get hung up on something that never happened in the mainstream DCU.

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It's not the age difference but the age difference and the student/mentor relationship that creates an imbalanced relationship.

>Bingo. This guy gets it.
No he doesn't. What he's saying makes no sense and if you agree with him you're mentally deficient.
>I would have a major problem with someone I trusted petting my dog.
>Why would you have a problem with that?
It's retarded.

We're talking about fucking someone's daughter.

if you're younger than 25 you are a fucking baby.

I fucked my good friend's mother, sister, and girlfriend (they had broken up for a bit). We're still friends despite of it. Of course he doesn't know any of it, but still. That doesn't make me a bad person or ruined our friendship in anyway. Everyone's cool about it.

Bruce Timm Was A Mistake

>We're talking about fucking someone's daughter.
Hey I found one!
>Do you think a grown-ass man with a grown daughter is going to get triggered by the fact that his daughter is having sex?

>I fucked my good friend's mother, sister, and girlfriend
No you didn't.

It's just not equitable to petting a dog. Once again for clarity, petting a dog is in no way shape or form equal to fucking someone's daughter.

>Once again for clarity, petting a dog is in no way shape or form equal to fucking someone's daughter.
"A trusted person doing a thing is bad because you trusted them" is retarded logic no matter what the thing is. Fucking someone's daughter may well be different from petting their dog, but "Because he was someone I trusted" doesn't explain shit.

>Because he was someone I trusted" doesn't explain shit.
It makes it an act of betrayal.

Reminder that James Gordon is always shown to be older than Bruce Wayne. Gordon's almost a father figure for Bruce.

Just wait for the Art Of Harley And Batman book

If I trust someone not to pet my dog, and then they pet my dog, that's an act of betrayal. Fucking someone's daughter is only an act of betrayal if you demand them not to do it in the first place. But why would you demand that? Why is fucking such a bad thing? Nobody has given a reason why it's bad, they just act like it's obvious that all fathers want their daughters to remain virgins for life.

Petting a dog is not the same as fucking someone's daughter.

But his point stands, the act of fucking Babs isn't bad in of itself. The issue is more Bruce's track record with women, and maybe generally just not liking her fucking an older dude because the implications.
However this ignores the bigger betrayal of HIS DAUGHTER WAS BATGIRL. Bruce pretty much enabled her to risk her life in doing an illegal activity, even Dick was pissed about that forget how Gordon would feel.

>Why is fucking such a bad thing?
Fucking is not a bad thing in itself but it feels incredibly out of character for Batman to be fucking Batgirl based on their age difference, previous relationships, and their mentor/student relationship.

Batgirl was created to be Batman's love interest.

But is it really?
Different Batgirl

He'd be done by now if you would just LET HIM FINISH

We're not even talking about Batman anymore, we're talking about this guy's hypothetical example:
>Let's say you're 50 and you start a business with a trusted mentee who's 35. Your 20 year old daughter starts helping out at the office on summer break and your partner hooks up with her.

I'm fine with my daughter having a sex life. I am not fine with my best friend fucking my daughter. There is a difference.

I want to marry Huntress.

But in the end she wasn't.

Timm is keeping things straight. True Batman fan.

I'm against Batman fucking anyone in the Batfam like Robins or Batgirls.

Because by the time she was established, Bruce was too much older than her for it to not be creepy, plus he was too much of a teacher and secondary father figure for it to not seem gross.

I trying to find the his Supergirl fart image but I'm having no luck

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It's less about that and more about the fact that his ward had a relationship with her and Barbara's father was James Gordon who is a close confidant of Batman and fucking and dumping his daughter is a giant dick move.


>unless you're female and hit the wall
Nah you just have to be attractive period, no young woman wants an ugly looking balding fat motherfucker either.

Well unless they have money but young guys do that with older plastic Michael Jackson looking women too.


On a board and site that extolls /ss/ and /ll/? Spare me.

When Timm isn't kept in order by someone else his creativity severely drops and he thinks with his dick and just has the female characters always act horny and be slutty all the time, any and all sexual innuendos included.

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Yeah I just hated Brubabs mostly because Bruce just became an asshole towards her and she kept pinning after him and honestly after the new Adventures of Batman and Robin Bruce turned into an asshole who just fucked bitches and left them. It was also acknowledged in Batman Beyond with that pretty women throwing themselves at Bruce and him walking all over them.

Say that when you get your teeth broken

he's not a niggerfaggot like you

Batgirl was created to be Batman's slut in the live action TV show, the pre-Crisis comics, and the DCAU cartoons. I don't know why you guys are so butthurt about this.

I'm thinking that user above was right. You all watched the cartoon as kids and thought of it as your awesome dad fucking your cool sister levels of gross.

Hi R. Kelly.

>no young woman wants an ugly looking balding fat motherfucker either.
You have no idea how weird women's taste in men are.

>You all watched the cartoon as kids and thought of it as your awesome dad fucking your cool sister levels of gross.
Because that's the natural reaction to it as a kid.

How is it possible to be this much of a retard

Clark doesn’t have a daughter.

I could definitely see Bruce chasing Supergirl though.

>fucking your friend’s family
>breaking the ex rules
>not telling him
Yeah, nah. You’re a cunt.

I maintain that he has a mental schism on Batman being gay or straight. Thus, he ships him with barbara to convince himself he likes girls.

I like plot about Batgirl falling in love with Batman
it's kino
But Batman in love with Batgirl is amoral and out of character

I think it wasn't well spelled out to the audience. More like the pork then we miss the scenes where everyone realizes they made horrible mistakes.

It also kind of goes against the grain considering how they potray batman as never making mistkaes. So, obviously, screwing an old ffiend's daughter who has showed unhealthy interests in you must not be a mistake.

reminds me of a video I saw once....

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>That doesn't make me a bad person
Look, you can justify that kind of behavior any way you want so you can believe you're somehow virtuous, but by any moral standard throughout human history, you're a bad person.

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Friends don't do that shit. If my business partner asks me to date his daughter and I acquiesce, that's different. Bruce never asked Gordon if he could rail his daughter.

>Friends don't do that shit.
You inscrutable Americans and your strange taboos.

As a friend you're supposed to want what's best for your friends daughter, they're like your family and like your family you would want them to be happy. Bruce knows he isn't best for Babs, Bruce knows he can't make babs happy in the long term. Bruce isn't going to marry Babs, he isn't going to raise children with her and you could make the argument having a child with Bruce would be worse than no child at all, at best you're saddling a kid with the Bat legacy and at worst you're bringing another soldier into the war.
Bruce knows this because he's a grown ass man entering into his middle age, as sexist or problematic as modern politics might paint it Bruce is an old school patriarch and looking at how best to form a traditional family unit he knows he's not it. Bruce knows Gordon would agree with his assessment of himself as a bad match for Babs. Bruce fucks her anyways. Bruce fucks the child of an old school patriarch knowing as an old school patriarch that it's contrary to his wishes and her best interest.
It's a bad ship and a shitty thing for one man to do to another.

>We're still friends despite of it
>Of course he doesn't know any of it
>That doesn't make me a bad person
You fucking son of a bitch you don't deserve happiness you're a leech and I hope that for once karma does it's fucking job and exerts on you a revenge so terrible that i can't imagine it.

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Sure, because everybody fucking each other with complete disregard to the family unit is great for society as a whole. The West is fucking doomed lads.

She was in college by the time this was happening, and Grayson in the DCAU was an absolute cuck

No she wasn't. Nightwing/Grayson in the DCAU distanced himself from Bruce and Barbara before the events of TNAB and the rest of the DCAU and Barbara had countless cases of hero worship for Bruce, much moreso than childhood infatuation for Dick. Barbara herself called her relationship with Dick "puppy love", dwarfed by Bruce

Why does exploitative Batman feel like a betrayal even though, psychologically, he was going off the deep end ever since Justice League and Tim's abduction

I'm trying to understand who actually thinks this way. All I can imagine is that it's older women and younger men who don't like the idea of people in different age groups "stealing" what they see as "their" men/women.

Do you have a daughter user? I do. I want the best for her, and that means abstable healthy relationship with someone close to her own age.

Well that's interesting, user because if fact the most stable relationships ARE older man/younger woman relationships.
>Many people assume that age-gap couples fare poorly when it comes to relationship outcomes. But some studies find the relationship satisfaction reported by age-gap couples is higher. These couples also seem to report greater trust and commitment and lower jealousy than similar-age couples. Over three-quarters of couples where younger women are partnered with older men report satisfying romantic relationships

And in fact, the biggest obstacle to such couples' happiness appears to be disapproving people like yourself
>A factor that does impact on the relationship outcomes of age-gap couples is their perceptions of social disapproval. That is, if people in age-gap couples believe their family, friends and wider community disapprove of their union, then relationship commitment decreases and the risk of break-up increases.

There's links from the page to the studies.

A college professor sleeping with his student is unethical.

You can't have it both ways, did Batman have sex with Batgirl because of his inner demons or not?

I don't care about your statistics. That's my little girl.

>Bruce never fucked Clark's daughter.

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The problem isn't their age but their mentor/student relationship.

>him getting all the pussy is actually a character flaw.
Not the way it was being shown.

Right. It's not an honest "gee whiz, Commissioner, I sure do love your daughter, I hope you don't mind that I'm older than her" thing. Let's be real, that's half the reason Babs is into it. She knows fucking Batman would really cheese off her old man. Not that she wants to hurt him mind you, but the danger is probably thrilling to her.

Who you say you want to have a stable, healthy relationship. Which I've just demonstrated is entirely possible, if not even more likely, with an older man. So is that really what you want, or would you just not like it because of your own irrational feelings of it being weird?

This whole obsession with power imbalances in relationships is dumb. Take any two people from the general public and one of them is going to be more self-assured than the other. One of them is going to have more social capital or earning power. One of them is going to be more submissive. That's the case in the majority of relationships - If it's extreme, sure it's unhealthy because you end up with battered wives and husbands, but for most people it's normal and not so extreme.
>A college professor sleeping with his student is unethical
In that particular scenario it would only be unethical if the professor abused their power to give the student preferential treatment (or if the student is just using the professor for those ends) which would be difficult to avoid doing if you cared about someone, so it's probably a bad idea, yes.

Go fuck a jar of pig fat you feeder fuck.

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autistic retards

>seeing this in theaters
>batgirl takes off her shirt
>theater erupts in laughter and applauds

do you think it was the intended reaction

>This whole obsession with power imbalances in relationships is dumb.
No it's a legitimate thing that needs to be taken into account here. This is an entirely one sided relationship where Batman holds all the power.

But not really, she's a voluntary sidekick. Nothing is at risk for her besides the ease of vigilantism.

Daddydaughterfags are the absolute fucking worst.

Sorry dude, it's creepy to me. No amount of statistics will make me okay with it.

I think it's fine for you to feel that way, as long as you admit you have no rational reason to believe a closer age relationship would be more healthy or stable and that what's actually at work here is your own squick factor.

Just can't explain it. As a father, the idea is off putting. I'm not saying that it would not be okay under the right circumstances either.