How did Frankie afford all those cookies?
How did Frankie afford all those cookies?
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she had to do horrible...unspeakable things that people would say is too much just for some cookies.
They are just cookies, cookies are cheap unless you buy them from some fancy store with belgium chocolate or some shit.
She just did.
She imagined money friends that are all self regenerating 100 dollar bills. Killed them, they regen rinse repeat
This reminds me, my wife bought Oreos knowing how weak i am and how much I've been trying to lose weight.
Sabotage, I call it. I'm gonna go eat them and it won't be my fault. Right?
Is she into heavier dudes? Why would she do that?
>Is she into heavier dudes?
She only seems to like me, Sean Penn, Indiana Jones and handsome anime guys that look gay. And I've only been gaining weight lfor the last year, I used to be really skinny. No, I wouldn't say she's into heavy dudes.
Please tell me it's not my fault if I choose to eat the Oreos now.
Don't eat them over the keyboar it will be hell to clean it later.
Sucking Macs dick
She lives in a mansion, you do the math.
Both underage, dude. Not cool.
Are you saying it's wrong for a woman who was in her twenties to perform oral sex on a minor?
She's like 22
They are imaginary cookies, no one ever said you can't have more than one imaginary friend.
>Both underage, dude. Not cool.
You're right it's Hot.
Don't, you'll just regret it later.
I ate them.
Post it
Get revenge on her by buying her favorite cookies and watch her will crumble as well.
Just go to, user
Not what I meant
I’d pay money to see Mac and Frankie do it. Yes, I know. Eight-year-olds, dude. Whatever. Shit would be hot.
Your fetish is shit and you should feel ashamed.
Took you guys long enough to get this thread to the real point.
Weren't they pretty expensive though? I remember as a kid being aghast at one cookie costing 5 dollars.
No sir, I don't like it.
$5 is not a lot of money user... Franky works full time as well.
>Seasonable voice of reason abandons logic for selfish pigging out
Oreos are my weakness as well.
>Franky works full time as well
She also lives at her place of work so all the bills would already be payed.
Same way Madam Foster funded the imaginary house.
Insurance fraud!
Insurance fraud only paid for her gold plated safe.
They are very good, and I definitely ate too many of them before breakfast, but also I had soup for breakfast.
So that balances things out, right?
Go to bed Martian Manhunter.
what kind of soup?
If being a faggot means I'm not into Americans, then so be it. Give me those tight twink asses, you can keep fat loose vaginas.
Frankie was made for this and she can never have enough cookies.
Eat, Frankie, eat.
She tries to get you fat so other girls won't find you atractive.
Actually, she dresses me nicely and likes to show me off.
I was a typical jeans and t-shirt guy until I met her.
Maybe she wants to leave you. And in order to do that she wants to get fat.
There’s a Garabatoz comic about that
Lock them up
I heard once, that women tend to feed up their male partner unintentional to keep them
two reasons why
...first, they don't want that another woman stills them
...second, they want that he doesn't go away, cause they gave him good food
Not wanting to fuck an ambulatory blob of body odor, cellulite, and poor life choices isn't bad no matter what your degenerate brain believes.
That’s Mac’s flaw, too. A little sugar becomes a lot of sugar becomes a naked raging id.
>Fattened up by your GF
Where do I find such a woman?!
She's 23 you mongloid.
>tfw no Frankie/Mac mutual gaining
>Tight Twinks
*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*
I refuse to look into this myself.
What is this?
>$5 for one individual cookie
> Has boxes full of the stuff
What do you mean not expensive?
unless I misunderstood something which is very likely
The pay is awful relative to the amount of work she does from what the show says but she never has time for leisure activities anyway so it sorta balances out.
I second your mourning. They need mutual pigging out.
this reminds me of when one user calculated the amount of calories Frankie ingested in the course of that episode.
it was pretty fucking hot
>198 pounds gained over the course of an episode
Holy shit my dick
this is what the thread was going to be about and we all knew it.
if you came in, you knew what you were about to see.
>200 lbs weight gain
Do you think Grey was actually stuffing her face in the booth as she was recording her lines?
Lauren Faust was based. A based feminist.
>Do you think Grey was actually stuffing her face in the booth as she was recording her lines?
now that you say it, I sure hope so.
>Grey Delisle stuffing her face in the booth
>Gets addicted to cookies
>starts eating cookies every time she goes in for a recording session
>by the end of the series, she's enormous and can't even exit the booth without help
We need to bring these threads back to Yea Forums.
This is like the jelly to Yea Forums's peanut butter.
I'm down to bring this back.
I might even drawfriend for you guys if you're nice - but I'm kinda shit still
You can buy this kind of cookie 10 units per 3-4 dollars.
Do you know about multiplication? Or addition?
>690000 calories
Jesus christ the only thing I know of that even comes close are certain bears capable of eating 100000 calories in a day.
What if the reason Frankie got so fat is because she's an imaginary friend and can make herself as big as she wants
that would be nice.
could you drawfriend somthing for us, perhaps?
jesus user you don't know what you're doing here
I've definitely missed Fetish Frankies
I hardly know what I'm doing to myself.
>tfw it's not just Grey
>other VAs that she works with join in with her to have cookie parties
>Tara Strong gets enormous with even bigger tits than before
>Mae Whitman balloons until she's even bigger than the rest
Why am I thinking of this shit and why do I want it so bad
Wasn't there a comic where Frankie met a busty bimbo imaginary version of herself that everyone liked better?
She blew her life's savings. She has a problem.
Those numbers seem way the hell off; that's roughly as many calories per cookie as an entire bag of, for example, Chips Ahoy cookies.
They most likely used the calorie count for an entire serving rather than an individual cookie.
Good idea, Satan
The user was probably basing their calculations off of those larger single cookies, like an Otis Spunkmeyer or something. Those get to be pretty high in sugar, calories, and fat.
Even those large cookies would still be roughly a fourth as many calories per cookie as they used there.
So they are. Just looked, it's like 140 calories per triple chocolate chunk cookie. Would still lead to a significant weight gain, but not nearly as severe as the OP.
>You can make imaginary friend version of real people
>Changing their personality and body type entirely
I'm glad I don't live in this world.
I'd have so many imaginary SSBBW models around me
she whored herself out
havent you seen a single r34 of her?
I'm pretty sure most people with a fat fetish aren't actually into real fatties
I can attest to this. Shit gets disgusting the moment cellulite forms.
Yes and no. I don't like really fat women irl. Chubby and even up to a pot belly are fine. Got a gf who's around 250 lbs and it's nice enough, but we're working on slimming her down a bit. 2D fatties are better for bigger sizes.
I'm the one who does.
I'm fine with Chubby to SSBBW.
Most SSBBW models actually take actual care of themselves.
I think the only model I'm indifferent about is Echo
You know already the answer
Tell me if I am wrong...
Fuck you. Dimpled butts are the one true religion
>gets other VAs addicted when she starts sharing her cookies
>she and Tara get a second Just Desserts episode made of FOP.
While a little dimple is nice, you have to pull it back when shit starts resembling cottage cheese.
Give me nerd Franky with the attitude of bulge Franky
I may be weak, but I know my limits.
Correct answer: Cartoon logic
Realistic answer: She lives in the home and seems to have a limited wardrobe. We can assume she doesn't have a lot of living expenses. She might have just blown a few hundred bucks in that episodes.
its canon
Hahahahahah wouldn't it be funny if the real Frankie fell in love with the imaginary version and they started making out ahahhahaha and then Imaginary Frankie starts stuffing the real one with cookies ahahaha wouldn't it be funny
It's almost exactly 24 hours later. I don't have Oreos or soup today.
What are you talking about user?
we definitely should revisit that concept, it was fun
She borrowed them from Clover.
This thread made me eat my wife's Oreos before breakfast yesterday.
The dirtiest of dirty bulks.
This thread didn't make you do anything you filthy animal, you did it to yourself. Now go for a five mile jog to make up for what you did.
This whole thread is a plot to make us Frankie-Crazed for cookies. We'll all waddle off our computer chairs, lol.
Fat Clover x Fat Frankie lewds when
They belong together for sure. Union of the cookie pigs.
I always thought the cookies and Frankie were imaginary.
No one is real in the Foster's universe.
Explains how she could get so big
Why would we care what some random twitter person has to say?
You don't need to be like this
>tfw she will never facesit you
$5 for a singular cookie, not a box
Why is it I get the feeling these Frankies were all imagined by Mac during one of his daydreams
She's testing your willpower, to see how easily guided by temptation you are. Everything a girl does has a motive, don't fall for it user.
I miss when these threads were usually about a hot woman seducing a sweet little boy. Now it’s ALWAYS weird eating disorder stuff.
What if Frankie and Imaginary Frankie fell in love with each other?
Imaginary Frankie loves boys too much
>Why is it I get the feeling these Frankies were all imagined by Mac during one of his daydreams
from what I remember in the old threads for that idea, Goo was the one who imagined them after meeting the original Imaginary Frankie(kinda like how after meeting Bloo for the first time she imagined up like 20 variants of him), except the one on the far right, that one was imagined accidentally by the Real Frankie shortly after the others were created
there was some ideas for doing a "2nd Wave" of Imaginary Frankies that would have been imagined by Mac though
that's what Mac is for
What if they had an orgy?
>TFW Grey DeLisle is the closest thing I've ever had to a celebrity crush
>TFW when also a major fat fag
Please stop continue. I can only take so much.
What if all the gaining deepened her voice and it affected her career, so maybe everyone she voices has to get bigger to accommodate their new voices.
I did come up with this cutesy idea where Frankie unknowingly imagines her sci-fi persona Frankerella into existence. Frankerella's unaware that she's an imaginary friend a la Toy Story and takes an interest in Mac believing him to be her young cadet.
Why couldn't have that been an episode?
Then everyone wins
I suppose a premise that would've eventually lead to an existential crisis would've too much for a Cartoon Network show
what if all of the characters she voiced somehow entered the real world to stuff her
A growing girl needs her calories
With her wages?
Would put a whole new spin on the term go fuck yourself
>that episode where Terry imagined a sentient piece of pizza and ate it while it screamed and begged for its life
Was one of the 2nd wave Frankies an older overbearing smotherly version?
They were all TF-based, as I recall. It was really goddamned stupid and helped kill the entire concept. We barely had any material for the first wave because of certain autists driving off any interested drawfags, and then these idiots came along and tried to force in an even bigger second set.
That sucks, it's such a great concept.
It really was. I had some ideas for a series of pics that would sum up Mac's relationship with each Frankie, but everything went to hell before I could even try to request any of them.
I would do literally anything for a sequel episode with more cookie-addict Frankie action. Like an episode where a now hugely fat Frankie tries (and mostly fails) to lose weight, and while that’s happening the entire house is going to shit because Frankie has gotten too fat to do any of her chores.
Time travel back to 05 and pitch the episode
If I had access to that kind of technology, user, we’d be having a thread about how weird it was that there was a scene of Frankie gorging herself in every episode, and how she went from skinny to a blob through the run of the series.
Maybe you did and simply created a branching timeline instead of overwriting the present.
If I did, good for everybody in that timeline I guess. Hopefully it created a sort of ripple effect that lead to all cartoons having at least a little weight gain content, if not having multiple episodes a season devoted to it.
well we could try again, it's been a long time since then so I'd say it's more than fine to reboot it
only if the arc of her losing that weight results in her going the opposite direction
>double failure montage of the main characters trying to help Frankie lose weight (aerobics with Wilt, weightlifting with Ed, etc.) while Herriman attempts to conscript other IFs to fill in for Frankie only to wind up with friends totally unsuited for each chore
It almost writes itself.
Only if you actually accept that it isn't being made specifically for you and you alone, don't bitch about Fat Frankie being fat, and don't pester any drawfags about when they're going to draw more before they even show up in the thread.
Imaginary Frankie was definitely boning that kid.
>Only if you actually accept that it isn't being made specifically for you and you alone, don't bitch about Fat Frankie being fat, and don't pester any drawfags about when they're going to draw more before they even show up in the thread.
I won't(I will say this much though, Fat Frankie should be like either )
>How did Frankie afford all those cookies?
By selling the Nookie?
Begone Brain-Ghost Ferris!
You are not Friend.
It really does write itself. Not quite sure how the episode ends though, because as written it seems like it can only end with an even fatter Frankie.
I’d be okay with a muscle girl Frankie arc. Then we can have her slip into her old gluttonous ways until she’s huge again, and go back and forth. Everybody's happy.
>Not quite sure how the episode ends though, because as written it seems like it can only end with an even fatter Frankie.
Might be a bit of a deus ex machina, but maybe a personal-trainer imaginary friend shows up? Doesn't necessarily have to end with Frankie back to her old weight, just the implication that he's going to actually get results.
I remember an idea someone suggested about Frankie discovering a brand of Protein Shake* that has a flavor very similar to Madame Foster's cookies, so she ends up with an addiction to the shakes(partly because her supplies of the cookies had finally dried up), which leads to her getting swole
*of the kind one sees in cartoons that are basically super steroids in their effectiveness
Isn't cranky in her 40's by now?
I could see that as a way of motivating her to actually exercise, and once she’s lost the weight she just keeps going and ends up ripped. Then of course when the time comes for madam foster to make the cookies again, she just spends all her time stuffing her face and stops exercising, but keeps drinking these protein shakes anyway. Of course, she rides that wave of calories to being an even bigger, more out of control fatty than she was the first time.
Drinking protein shakes without working out is just going to make you fat and possibly give you the shits
Be strong J'onn, don't let the Oreos win.
Honestly frankie shouldn't even be putting up with most of the work she goes through. Aside from that, you kinda have to wonder what got frankie to be at fosters in the first place, have frankie's parents ever been seen or mentioned in the show?
Wilt looks like he had more than a couple of drinks
Some BBW model should cosplay Frankie and make a video that’s a documentation of her eating as many cookies as she can and drinking as much whole milk as she can sun up to sundown until she reaches the calorie total Frankie got to in that episode.
Eh, what does he know about this show anyway.
It was 2 days ago and the Oreos are eaten. I'll get serious about losing weight now, I need to lose like 8 kilos.
Those cookies are very good, though...
Cartoons don't age
I miss when cartoons had weight gain in them.
Bring back the weight gain, modernity.
Bring back the good old days.
(This is from "Wacky Races")
did James Bond direct this episode
Suggest a drawing idea.
by selling special tapes of her and mac on the dark web
>fat Penelope Pitstop
I never knew I needed this before
Normal Frankie and Imaginary Frankie stuffing each other with cookies
Imaginary Frankie thinking it's some kind of game, as she would supposedly lack real Frankie's cookie cravings.
>Then of course when the time comes for madam foster to make the cookies again, she just spends all her time stuffing her face and stops exercising, but keeps drinking these protein shakes anyway. Of course, she rides that wave of calories to being an even bigger, more out of control fatty than she was the first time.
eh not much of a fan of that part of the idea
>Drinking protein shakes without working out is just going to make you fat and possibly give you the shits
she'd be working out too(and even if she wasn't directly working out she'd still be getting a lot of exercise from all the work she does around Foster's), plus we're operating on cartoon logic anyways(even if Foster's is a relatively grounded series outside of the Imaginary Friends themselves)
>Suggest a drawing idea.
how about some muscle Frankie
Some Frankie/Mac mutual gaining? Something cute with the two of them stuffing their faces, maybe emphasizing that there's still a pretty big size difference between them despite how huge Mac's gotten.
Sugar high Mac fucking feeder Frankie. No clothes for either.
Mac getting a face full of Frankierella's cleavage
Goo lying on an immobile Frankie's belly, feeding her sentient cookie friends.
Frankie and Deb Turnbull from Robotboy both hugely fat and fighting over the last cookie.
Jesus, at least include the little boys.
>Bulge Frankie
>Noticeable Erection
An enormously fat Imaginary Frankie wearing panties sitting on top of an annoyed Normal Frankie
Frankie getting rid of her cookie gut by tossing them.
A fat Frankie having sex with Grey DeLisle
A hugely fat and sweaty Frankie getting tempted with cookies while she's trying to exercise
This ditzy Frankie in lingerie saying "Like, ohmygosh, can you help me find my like, clothes?"
Big buff Frankie after caving and going on a cookie binge, her abs replaced with a big fat gut
What if we're all just God's imaginary friends?
I'd still fuck it.
Immobile blob Frankie, far too fat to feed herself, asking or getting a girl scout to climb up her body and feed her the cookies she ordered
Probably maxed out her credit card.
>nonfat black frankie good character idea
>frankie as a name for a black girl also cute
Frankie wearing a symbiote.
/fit/fag here
If you ate them it's completely your fault. Yes she bought them but you were the one who made the final decision to eat them. It's typical of your wives/gf to sabatoge because they can't stand to see someone improve themselves. Next time she buys them throw them strait in the trash or have some damn self control.
>jamieeeeee, put down da cookieeeeeee
>you kinda have to wonder what got frankie to be at fosters in the first place
Jesus Christ, that ass
>Her smile and optimism: gone.
I changed my mind
Why couldn't THIS have been an episode?
I want to see this happen, but it might also be really dangerous.
That's some lore right there. Was this ever mentioned in the show?
Not to my knowledge.
I want to see her just walk around at a con
Because the comic wasn't an episode, for one thing.
Holy shit
He actually delivered
No, I'm not the guy who was taking requests. That's just a pic I requested a couple years ago.
Italian or Mexican women, some specific types of white trash, and french hillbillies
I don’t know why I laughing so hard at that picture, it looks like something out of ATHF.
Walking around at a con dressed as Frankie, and constantly stuffing her face with cookies? I could get behind that.
You find this waiting for you in your bed what do you do ?
God, that reminds me of an idea I had, where Fat Frankie was trying to lose weight, by helping regular Frankie do all her chores, which leads to Regular Frankie gaining weight, until the two end up getting mixed up, and Fat Frankie takes over Regular Frankie's life. Wish I saw more of that
Call the police, I don't know how old she is.
Shoot the trespasser.
It'd be great
I don't think she's conscious.
Make her eat more cookies until she’s too full to move, then fuck her silly
Ralph: You have to it all the cookies
Superior Fetish Frankie coming through.
>just a young boy who imagined her
>thus, Imaginary Frankie has a dick because the kid has no idea what girls have
>she also has a monstrous libido
>Real Frankie has to care for her idiot whore self and finds out before long
>One thing leads to another and before you know it real Frankie is a grouchy and self-loathing slave-for-life to her imaginary self's big idiot girlcock pounding her loud and raw every single night
Gonna try to get a doodle done late tonight. Have an old one for now.
Oh hell yeah. Looking forward to it.
why do you choose to be stupid?
Why in the world do you choose to say that in a fetish thread?
>You can make a bimbofied waifu version of any real person in the Foster's world
How does anyone there get anything done? Everyone would be boning their imaginary friend sex dolls 24/7
Adults can't create imaginary friends.
>Hey Timmy, you see this girl in this magazine? Do you think you can do daddy a favor and imagine a friend like her? Don't tell your mother, this is our secret
Really nice
Sorry about the lateness.
I like this. I makes me feel good somehow.
Maybe its schadenfreude.
Eyes green?
You fucking bastard.
makes sense, Madame Foster wasnt paying her shit
>falling for the CICO meme
Good job.
>Timmy, not knowing what sex is, imagines a woman with no genitals.
I want to protect that smile
this isn't your blog, faggot
>Frankie fats
Nice. Space cookies likely have an out-of-this-world calorie count.
Just lift more to balance out the Oreos, nerd
Is that banna galactic?
Thanks, Frankie in any form is cute with a bit of gut.
There are no wrong fetishes, only dumb ones
Correct, there’s never enough of Frankie with a gut.
>slob chubby Frankie
Literal diamonds
She eats pizza the same way she eats cookies.
With such a powerful addiction to those cookies, it makes sense that it would gradually transfer to other foods until she’s addicted to eating in general.
Their every attempt to break Frankie's food addictions just ends up adding another one.