Is she the best female Superhero?

Is she the best female Superhero?

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What a fucking high bar

Probably Wonder Woman.

She is in my heart

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Yes, but people who have never touched a PG comic will say she has no personality and is only liked because tits

I believe that would be Wonder Woman but she’s certainly up there

Yes. End of discussion



Very obviously the biggest and boldest.

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I see Zatanna and She Hulk posted a lot here.

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Comics you'd recommend that show her character and not just her tits?

Not when she farts super bad.

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You can read just Power Girl v2 if you want, the others are optional
That said, JLE is a nice introduction to lots of other characters and PG is 200℅ more hotheaded in it, which is great

Shulkie is easily the best Marvel woman
Zee is pretty damn boring in my opinion

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Not even close. Captain Marvel's the best.

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But she is nothing but tits and zero petsonality.

No way, you're forgetting her classic appearance in...uh...

This really, if anything she disgraces kara as a established respected heroine who never exxagerated her hotness to be as famous as wonder woman, PG simplifies being popular in order for artists to have it easy to sexualize to nerds.

Karen has never been a good character, she's almost a parody like early She Hulk started but fails to be taken seriously.

What's a good place to read that user? doesn't have it.

This is a good thread

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Not even in the best female superhero in her "family"

Bumping/dumping with some pg

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>same pictures as always
Oh boy!

Reminder that in the New 52 they established that Power Girl only sleep with black men because she still mourning a black friend named Val-Zod she had before Krypton's destruction, the same black friend that later show up as a new Superman and once she sees him she jumps on his bone and they start banging right away. After that her whole existence revolved around this character.

It’s good stuff

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There's nothing wrong with sleeping with black guys.

Yeah, but he's a Vanthlo. Fuck those guys.

Not after 2011

I think Powergirl is best when she’s presented as the kind of broken Superman/Supergirl. A character who isn’t perfect, or even trying to be perfect, and has embraced her inner bitch.

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no, you tits guys are disgusting.

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Shouldn't her be just as powerful as Superboy Prime?

Were there really only 12 issues done by Conner for Power Girl V2? Felt like there were more than that. Guess it's just the long shadow it casts over the rest of it.

Cute girls dont do that.


>le great tits character

>embraced her inner bitch.
Wondie's filled that niche just fine nowadays.

Nah. They're from different universes.

She's only had one good run. She-Hulk and Wonder Woman have more.

That's actually kinda hot.

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Not with that skirt

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fuck off carolfag

I wonder how tight her pussy is.