Cartoon Fans are really puritanical. Mr. Enter and others are always bitching about adult content in adult cartoons, as if sex and violence and profanity are bad. They sound like censors.
Can we all just admit that most adult cartoons are just badly written, and that has nothing to do with their "adult" content?
No. Adult cartoons, on average, have much much higher writing quality than for-children cartoons. At least the popular ones. And for the rest, nobody cares. Can you admit that you, and all of the youtube cartoon commentators are just arrested development?
Hudson Myers
The problem with adult animation in the west is that TV networks/audiences expect it to be edgy/low-brow/zany pop culture meme schlock.
For every Last Man, Samurai Jack season 5, Castlevania, or hell Love Death Robots... you get a dozen Seth MacFarlane shows.
Gavin Gomez
But that's part of it why does every adult cartoon has to put sex topics in every episode or cursing to the high heaven, this is why I love Bob's Burgers
Joseph Myers
Cartoons need more nudity, Tits, Ass and fanservice, I'm sick of the SJW crap we keep getting like "Dyke-Ra" and the latter seasons of "Adventure dykes"... I think that for once John K was right about this.
South Park Samurai Jack Bob's Burgers The Simpson's Are the only adult shows I watch ( Mic drop)
Caleb Jones
>South Park >Bob's Burgers >The Simpson's Incredibly shit taste, user.
Andrew Price
>I think John K was right I don't think I've ever met anyone so rare
Zachary Nguyen
>any of those >adult shows
user those range from children/family shows to young adult.
Protip: Subtle humor isn't adult humor. A kid with a farting keyboard is still a fart joke, even if they make a joke about him being molested.
Andrew Ward
>cartoons need more sex >blames SJW's and "dykes" for his lack of interest in cartoons aimed at children despite wanting to watch more cartoons with adult themes >John K was right
Probable cause the post.
Adam Murphy
People like you are the reason manga sells better than comics nowadays.
Asher Bennett
>people like me >people who buy manga >people who don't buy comics
Yes but something tells me you meant it as an insult.
Andrew Diaz
Low-brow is just a buzzword, don't use it. There's nothing wrong with enjoying material that is abrasive, taboo or non-intellectual, and to imply otherwise is very presumptuous and fascistic of you. Can you even explain why I shouldn't find farts and violence funny without using a buzzword? I guarantee you cannot, because it's subjective.
By this terms, Animaniacs are in worst scenario as suited to adult-animations norms as Bob's or Simpsons which is bullcrapish logic and shows lack of vision for modern idea.
Julian Robinson
>Not knowing a meme.
John Gomez
He has autism. You are belly aching over autistic people.
Jonathan Sullivan
>Simpsons >Adult show Homer get iPad
Luis Taylor
I don't mean to hurt your feelings but Animaniacs was very much a show aimed at children with humor for young adults. This doesn't diminish the shows quality, just like Courage the Cowardly Dog or even in that Anons example Samurai Jack, they are still good shows, they just aren't adult shows.
By your logic Cat in the Hat was an adult movie.
Caleb Diaz
Thank you and that's why the 90's cartoons broke the stereo type that cartoons for no one over 10. like it was in the 80's packet-ed with a fucking it's side.
Jonathan Mitchell
>TVMA14: lets do some stupit ship
Adult TV: Fuck My Ass I order you to before I rape the world
Yah I'm sticking to Bob's Burgers
Jack Campbell
The problem with 90% of adult cartoons in the west is that they feel like they're made by that edgy kid in middle school who just drew dicks all over his notebook. Just because something is made for adults doesn't mean they need to just go over the top "LOLZ DICKZ" and "LOLZ SEX" all the time.
Aaron Lopez
>Netflix: Boobs and vaginas, lol
Anthony Clark
John K. is always right, only "CalArts fags" hate him.
Adam Richardson
YouTube: bobs or vagana, whichever will it be
Liam Reyes
yeah, just a meme
Elijah Cook
it's so hurtful because two of my favourite writers were on this show. Why can good people make bad things?
Logan Johnson
Have some shame.
Alexander Torres
Nice try John
Chase Jackson
>Maho Tsukai Tai. >Card Captor Sakura. You can't deny John K. has good taste in lolis.
Owen Reed
I always believed and still believe that john k is the most based man alive and i dont give a shit what roasties or bitches think about him
Luke Morris
>They sound like censors. >sound like No, no, let's get this straight. They are censors.
Jackson Rogers
>Being this scared of the influence of a guy with a Youtube account and a Windows Movie Maker editing software Based Enter living in Chantards head rent free,you're just mad because he made a good point and you cant fathom the idea that legit autistic people can make a good argument You faggots will praise shit like Allen Gregory and Mr.Pickles just to keep your hipster street cred intact