Being a god-like character takes away your smile

being a god-like character takes away your smile.

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No, having shit writers/directors does that.


Except Carol smiles all the time.

Clark smile tho.

I don't get it. Carol is a smug cunt for much of the film. Where is that "no smile" shit coming from?
Her real problem is that she doesn't have a real character arc and flip flops between personalities constantly.

still better than Superman

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No, not really.

i honestly dont understand why people dislike this movie

It was garbage and now Captain Marvel is out which does everything objectively superior.

Not everyone

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Captain Marvel was trash, 62% on top critics even with all those feminist bonus points when WW got a 90% show how shitty it was.

Nice try, shill

>Imagine shilling and defending Captain Marvel.
They're like white knights defending Twitch thots.

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It has cool moments like the flight but it's not a good movie as a whole, that's all it really has going for it, spectacle. Most other things about it just piss people off. It probably would have been seen better had it gotten a proper sequel to advance the character but that didn't happen.

Its your average marvel movie just with a polarizing actress this time. There's plenty to like & dislike.


He's quoting MoS

No being in a shitty band does

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>/threading your own post

Weren't they wildly successful?

>Rotten Tomatoes!
Reminder that Disney literally bribed RT to delete and block negative scores for Captain Marvel. And the person that owns RT is a former Disney employer

>Disney Shill: B-B-B-But WB!
WB owns 10% and Universal owns 30%. And Disney controls all of it.


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Reminder that fabricating company wars bullshit is a sign of mental illness

I always assumed it was because of their attempt to make her "Marvels Superman" thinking she would be someone who inspired hope and good will among people while saving them and the world (Like comics Carol always wanted to be, much to our entertainment when she totally failed). But they just made her into a flying brick with no personality and talks down to everyone because she thinks she;s better than everyone because she's written to be that

Snyder ruined Pa Kent and fundamentally never understood either character. BvS is literally the Last Jedi in unintelligibly

it's almost as if shill slaves of the mousejew are intimidated of DC's existence or something, they won't stop mentioning Carol in these threads
