By following the rules you are guaranteed to make a mediocre product that no one can relate to

By following the rules you are guaranteed to make a mediocre product that no one can relate to.

Attached: standards.jpg (512x288, 25K)

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So something Yea Forums will like right?

ATHF was the most redpilled show.

Gentlemen... BEHOLD!

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>It's garunteed not to offend the black people.
George Lowe is an angel.


Yea Forums doesn't like anything you newfag

>By following the rules you are guaranteed to make a mediocre product that no one can relate to

Attached: bobs-burgers.jpg (568x416, 69K)

I don't understand any of this -BUZZER NOISE-


Bob is pretty relatable, he's /ck/ incarnate. Everything is painfully accurate, right down to people abandoning the work station to party

No better example of that exists more than pic related.

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Go to bed Seth.

Why? Most people are mediocre, so they should be able to relate to it easily.

Has there been a single bad episode of ATHF?
Yes, the one they didn't even finish animating where they were butt flustered over the Boston Mooninite bomb shit.

Banana Planet was pretty bad.

Not in the least. The "rules" don't include "shock value is the only value" anywhere, because they're not written to be edgy. Edgy types claim that they have a monopoly on all things good and that anything that isn't written specifically for them must automatically be devoid of any merit, but in reality the absence of edgy shock value detracts nothing from a work.

Some of them try to "prove" their "YOU'RE NOTHING WITHOUT US" rhetoric by making intentionally bad and boring cartoons to represent everything that's not them, but all they really prove is that things designed to be bad tend to be bad, and possibly that they themselves don't know how to write without using spite as a substitute for actual writing.

The episode where Shake blows up cats

Oh fuck off. Bob's Burgers is the best thing on Fox right now.

not a high bar

ironic because auqa teens was a excellent product almost everyone relates to.

That show didn't really follow any "rules" though. It was bizarre and surreal from begging to end.

I can't relate to this.

That's completely fitting though, if anything ATHF tried to push every fucking rule in the book, even down to narrative and structural ones.

Then again, the sheer retardation and autism in the Love Death Robots threads show that most anons have trouble with anything experimental.

He's getting pretty old. I'm not ready.

Imagine missing the point this hard.

Don't jinx it, please.

What is YouTube Rewind 2018?

mediocre and unrelatable but it'll make a shit load of money!

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Most of Love Death Robots wasn't experimental at all.

How big of an issue is Standards and Practices nowadays anyway? Back when this episode was made, you couldn't even say Jesus, but look at half the shit AS does now.

The FCC won't be on your ass, the network executives will be. It really deoends on what mood they're in on the day they view your work.

>By following the rules you are guaranteed to make a mediocre product that no one can relate to.
So Craig of the creek then?

He's 61. Calm down. Still one of the coolest people I've met. He spent an entire con insulting Joseph Michael Linsner at every chance he got

>Special Guest: Ted Nugent
If ATHF was created a couple of years ago, would AS allow this episode to air today?

What did Ted Nugent do again?

FCC doesn't give a shit about cable shows, it's really just them making their own shows "advertiser friendly" before "advertiser friendly" was a thing on youtube.

Crazy right wing stuff.

He appearantly shot Derek St. Holmes.

I mean, they greenlit world peace.

so being an american?

I guess. He's like the redneck American stereotype come to life, he's a living meme.

With a show like Craig of the creek, it would be good enough not to offend the black peop -

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Someone's just made that they didn't get invited to the gay ape party bus


>Still one of the coolest people I've met.

Pretty sure they still air Squidbillies

What a stupid question

Supported the President during 2016, played his final rally before Election Day.

Has ATHF been censored besides the f word before?

I think "fairies" (meaning gay people) was censored from the episode with the pop-ups in re-runs IIRC.

"Faggoty elves" became "sweet little elves" in repeats of T-shirt of the Dead.
I think the same thing happened with "Those gay azalea bushes" > "disgusting azalea bushes" in Broodwich though I could just be remembering that wrong.

Also some user years ago said that he sees George going around his town and acting like a homeless on a regular basis. I respect that.

Like sleeping on the streets? Why does Adult Swim leave their stars in shit conditions?

They started following the rules a few seasons in. Go back to the earlier seasons and tell me that the earlier seasons weren't funnier than anything post season 4.

Bumming around a Wendy's parking lot for cigs according to that user. Maybe a burger.

Space Ghost would literally be another boring talk show host if Lowe wasn’t around, so much of Tad Ghostal was pure George

T. Seth, bob's follow less rules than Family guy

Had an underage gf

The Hypno-Germs episode is pretty damn bad, and I distinctly remember the poor reception it received on the ASMB.

Pior guy.
has the right idea. George Lowe's voice brings so much optimism and hilarity to the show that the youngsters can't replicate.