Blackmail's such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool

>Blackmail's such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.

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It's the same fucking shit.
Based Wakka poster

Meaning ain’t the point, it’s how cool the word sounds

I have another one.
>Forced ship's such an ugly sentence. I prefer pandering. Every modern shit makes it sound cool.

>I hope he didn’t die. Unless he left a note naming me his successor, then I hope he did die.

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But Bender, aren't machina forbidden by Yevon?

So, same VA thread?

A gross? Stu, that's a 144 eggs!

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"Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. You are all things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone"

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I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on.

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Now that’s fucking weird

Bless me bagpipes.

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Raziel, can't you understand? When Kain abandoned, anyone else would have drowned you. And this my thanks for taking you in and raising you as my son?

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It is... heartening, after all these years. To hear my name spoken, without contempt.

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>The X makes it sound cool.
Sad Panda.png


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Did you get that thing I sent ya? Sprout?

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It's Hero time!

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Shadow of Destiny was a weird game.