Hellboy BPRD The Devil You Know #14

Anyone able to storytime this? Stuck at work

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I was going to, but now I wont, because I'd be doing a service for faggots like you.

Great thanks for the feedback

Anyone else?

I agree with the previous poster.

Thanks for the reminder OP, going to have to stop at the lcs after work for this. How many issues are left?

this is a tough look but needs must.

If you were going to storytime it anyway then that makes you an even bigger faggot for letting a single idiot make you stop. But I know you don't even have the issue and are just shitposting.

This is the penultimate issue, one last one left in April. Kinda disappointed Mignola isn’t drawing and how rushed it’s been.

The latest issue was horrible. Hellboy saying such stupid prophecy type bullshit like that. Killing off Abe and making him a mommy, and Howards going out like that? Absolute shit.

RIP mah boy

Is it just me or is Mike's work getting more..... Abstract as time goes on?

Either that or he's just not into it anymore.

Yeah it seems pretty rushed, I wonder what's next for the Mignolaverse, what happens after the movie bombs, is this the end?

He's nott, his other work besides Hellboy is still more abstract than his older stuff but Hellboy is just LOOSER. I feel like he just wants to be done with it.

What the fuck is page 4 of this issue about? Was this alluded to before?

I didn't like it, it was all plot points no soul.
They should've never let Arcudi leave the whole devil you know line has been finishing off every character left unceremoniously.

Yeah plus Mike doing nothing but covers and not even bothering with the art is pretty annoying, Arcudi should’ve been writing this and they should get someone besides Campbell on art duties and they should’ve had enough material to push for a bit longer Fuck would it have killed them just to do a few more, I like it but honestly the ending is feeling rushed

I just don’t get why they’re doing this, why rush out the ending while doing all these 25 years of Hellboy bullshit.

You guys better promise to discuss this shit with me

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>Sub-house style art.
This hurts my soul.

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Fucking between the Vampires and the Osiris club, its just loose end after loose end

thanks for doing this user

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Just utterly wild a character with the second most focus of anyone in the comic series is discarded in such an offhand manner

I still like Campbell, but I don't know if he's suited for all this action stuff
Yeah... it's so rushed
No problem

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This broke my heart

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Seriously I get how it’s the end of everything, but there’s a difference between a climax and axing people off

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To be fair, the Mignolaverse usually sucks at ending plot lines/stories. Rasputin got unceremoniously dissolved by Hecate, who got unceremoniously killed by a side character from years earlier, and Roger got Allahu Ackbared and that was that, and I'm not even through all of BPRD yet.
They are good stories with great tone and wonderful moments, but that's always been one of my major gripes with this universe.

cool Liz panel there though

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RIP Abe. You were my favorite character and they just shat on you here. ;_;

Right? There's some great panels in this issue

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Why again

I think Mignola and Arcudi can pull off anticlimax though, Allie just doesn't do well with characters and that's my biggest problem with this book. He's a plot guy.
Mine too...

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anticlimax like hellboy in hell was alright with me but this and previous issues is just discarding anyone that isn't hellboy and maybe Liz
you can just tell who were Arcudi's characters since they got offed one after another

Hellboy in Hell was a pointed anticlimax. It’s supposed to be a soft end, not a dramatic final stand. That’s the whole point of the shapes. But it just kinda kept chugging on, not entirely to it’s detriment, but it feels like a lot less than what it used to be.

OP dares not post the rest

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True but like this is it, he’s come out and say this is the finale chronologically

Johann got a hell of a climax, I thought TDYK would be the falling action Apocalypse averted and a new bed for stories. Felt like fertile ground.


that’s pretty good stuff


Sorry for the wait

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frankly I’m surprised by Howards dying here, he was a perfect link to the new world


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>that bottom panel
I hate this art with a burning passion

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Bye Abe.
It is absolute shit.
We full catholic now. Which is so fucking weird because it never was so on point before in the comics. Nor were the aliens that much, they always seemed glued on to the side.
For some reason this is so off character for Hellboy. He should have just said Geez!
I hope Howard and Enos will make things go Boom in Heaven.
Abe became a mommy.
Welp, he can be a pirate now. Also, MAMA ABE!
Somehow this feels more cold-hearted than usual by Big Ol' Red.
So, where's Rasputin going?
I thought Franky was supposed to be Golden mode. Nice touch with the halo nonetheless.
These colors are fucking beautiful.
So, what's Hellboy's last task?

Good old Edward. Stuck with Hellboy until the very end.

Next issue when ?

There you go, letters page for those interested. It was nice seeing Frankenstein again!

I am too, I thought for sure he'd make it out of this.

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You are absolutely retarded for typing this. Commenting a page once in a while is a thing, commenting almost every single page in a post just make you a narcissist who think people are going to take the time to look back on each page you quoted just to see why you reacted this way.

I'm not going to read your shit and I want you to understand virtually all the people in this thread think you're both pathetic and retarded.

I would appreciate this more if someone like James Harren was still on the art duties.

I love Edward, Witchfinder omnibus is coming finally.

Last issue is April 17.

The storytimer wanted a discussion, he got it. Happy?

Or better yet, Duncan Fredrego.
This art is the definition of "barely serviceable".

Campbell is great for mood, and he really pulls off some great panels in this one, but James Harren has an energy that no one can match. The dude can make still pages move.

People seem to be hard on Campbell, haha. I like him, but he's better at character stuff. Fegredo and Mignola are teaming up for a one-shot at least! That should be good.

Have I really waited 25 years to see Rasputin go "NYEAH, I'm the super-destined one!" and come back from the dead AGAIN, and a neck snap? How rote.

The weariness of the author with this subject fairly rolls off the pages. Like "I've got to wrap this up or I'll miss my plane to Tahiti.
Not Douglas Adams style resentment, but just a deep, deep desire to just put an end to it and be done.

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Fuck man, Hellboy echoing all our thoughts. Also bullshit he’s dead again for this climax. Where’s Hecate

Agreed, why isn’t Mignola writing it. Hellboy versus Nimue felt more climatic and meaningful than this, and they were just shape shifting multiple times as the world finally ends Ends

Everyone has to die so Mignola never has to listen to fans ask him "When will you continue X's story, I really dug that guy".
He can get away from it, maybe write a "Hellboy in 1968" throwaway when he needs booze money.

What did you think user, are you based Chrono user?

Mignola is now a movie producer and in his spare time he paints skeletons. He doesn't have time for this kiddie shit, you plebs.

This does seem pretty rushed, it's a weird feeling, reading these books for years and it just sputtering out like this.
Yeah, it was strange hearing that come out of Hellboy's mouth. It felt a little out of character for sure.

Oh, look.

....and then the few stragglers you didn't really care about went off to live in the land of "Fuck Off, the Story's Over", and Hellboy stuck around for the last issue to see how Abe's spawn are going to make out.

Abe isn't actually dead, right? Right? :(

The new movie looks like trash on the micro, Hellboy’s makeup is awful compared to Perlman’s, sounds like he’s chewing marbles. The tone is so entirely off but somehow praised for being truer to the comics.

GDT feels a lot more Mignola tone in comparison


they say the last thing you do before you die is cum eggs I guess?

Guillermo del Toro


Del Toro's movies are like one master craftsman riffing on another.
Legendary as Fuck Hellboy looks like a generously budgeted SyFy movie.

Oh yeah, definitely. Allie handled the whole thing terribly and the obvious lack of Mignola's involvement is like a slap to the face. And here I thought that Guy Davis leaving was the low point of the book.

Is next issue double sized or this universe truly ending on a fucking whimper?

Shitty Marvel events got double paged enders

This looks like someone has skinned Perlman's head and is wearing it Chainsaw Massacre-style.

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I never got the dislike some people had for it, it hits the story beats, Hellboy’s character is translated perfectly and tonally it’s extremely on point for the poor BPRD boys.

>TFW you look exactly like David Harbour and were all excited to see how Hellboy-you would look, instead it’s just a big mound of molded plastic.

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Please don’t summon tommy.

Too hopeful, I suppose.
In his defense, Del Toro didn't know it was all going to wrap up in this dreary slog.

Solicits say 32 pages. I'd say I hope Mike does some of the pages, but at this point I don't even care anymore.

>Hellboy’s character is translated perfectly
I did not sign up for a cat loving manbaby. Perlman and the make up were perfect overall, but the script shat the bed.

Nope, haha. First attempt at storytiming, sorry for the hiccups. I'm still processing it... I liked it, but I just can't help but feel that this whole book has been really rushed. Mostly I'm just salty about how Abe went out.
I hope not :(

This would only just be barely acceptable if Mignola had died in a sudden accident and others were forced to wrap this up for him.
That he's alive and dicking around G.R.R. Martin -style is actually pretty insulting to people who've bought his comics and stuck through all this.

I didn't know Abe was a grril all along...

i knew apocalypse was always meant to be the end goal and climax of the story but fuck me if it didn't shit on what made hellboy good
comic went from comfy demon roaming around the world meeting interesting creatures and characters to generic 'men vs monster' war with anime powers

way to turn one of the best comics ever into an underwhelming mess

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I miss Guy Davis, he doesn't even do comics anymore.

I mean, the GRAND REVELATION in this is "Hellboy won't become evil, instead he will punch the Evil in the face."?
We settled that question ages ago. What is even the point of issues like this? They could have just wrapped it up with an exposition dump.
"And then Howards and Abe died abruptly like bitches who didn't know how to fite, Rasputin says the angry words, Hellboy punches him dead (for realz this time!) and that ghost dude shows up and say "no gentle reader, you are on the hook to buy one more issue!".

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For all it's flaws, Invincible ended far, far, far better than this.
This is the sort of ending I expect out of Walking Dead in the year 2047.

No worries user thanks for doing it, I mean it’s not BAD it’s just not like anywhere near what was expected. TDYK 11-15 are a standalone climax and feel like an afterthought. In no way does this even come close to Johann destroying an Ogdru Jahad, Hellboy in Hell’s climax, hell even King of Fear

It just feels like we had a nice open ground to work with after Hell on Earth ended and Mignola decided, “Actually no, end it now”

i started liking guy david because of this week's bprd storytime. never appreciated his art much
shame he quit, his art had personality. mignola greedy cunt fucking the people who worked with him over like he's not rich enough already

>This is the sort of ending I expect out of Walking Dead in the year 2047.
Can the walking dead even end at this point? How would that work? Aliens?

Funny and true. I am kinda sad now.

Considering they were a part of the original yet fake pitch, sure. Make a full circle.

It really can't end as is. The zombies just aren't a threat anymore and rick and co can kill anyone who bothers them.

It's going to go on forever like Heathcliffe or Mark Trail comics, he'll will the rights to whichever of his kids seem interested, and they'll still be fighting dipshit-crazy people when we are all dead. Because YOU READER, are the Walking Dead!

I expect in 5 years Rick and co. will be dealing with mainland Chinese invaders powered-up on powdered Zombie dick. Their leader will be Cu-RAZY as fuck.

Could it really devolve any more than it has?

dude howards died like a bitch

They'll give them a scarf AND an eye patch

Do not ask questions you really don't want the answer to.
Kirkman's new landscaping isn't going to buy itself.

That actually sounds awesome in a fun way

He should have just died holding the cave entrance, “None shall pass” would have been 100x better thsn this strangled end against a monster they literally walked around. Yes I know he liked kept it busy but the art in the cave is extremely confused and not in a good way.

...and this is why Kirkman will always be financially set.

Good to see these guys still kicking around, even with the Dragon manifested.

This. Howards deserved his Bridge at Gjallerbru moment.
This came off as "You guys walk around this, Imma throw myself on it and die before this story gets too shitty".

howards lasted much longer than I expected him to. When he was introduced i expected him to job but he turned out to be a total badass. And yes he did deserve a much better sendoff

So Liz goes anuddah shoah on the world again I suppose? Or will she burn Ogdru Jahads' cocoons?

>And yes he did deserve a much better sendoff
This pretty well sums up the last few years of Hellboy/BPRD.

Do we care? Who is she saving the world for at this point? The idiots in the superchurch?

With Rasputin dead (again) what’s even the point of burning it all (like the solicit implies)

None. Every character we even remotely care about has either died or reached some protected shangri-la. The world is a decaying cesspool of shit, going fallow so Abe's nameless spawn can muck about in it, and the aliens guys have sat in their vessel STILL whining about whether their assassin should have done something.

What if one of the aliens turns out to be Rasputin in a disguise and lets the Jahad out?

I really want to love Campbell's art, but I just don't. Which is frustrating since this is the end to the book that made me fall in love with comics. I don't think Abe is DEAD dead, and I kind of feel like Howards is going to make it out too.

I miss Kate most of all. I wanted her to live against all odds...

>I don't think Abe is DEAD dead, and I kind of feel like Howards is going to make it out too.

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Don't post a less disappointing comic in here, we are already hurting.

>everything Abe went through is just for this and Liz doesn't even shed a tear for him

I'm still salty they killed gas mask bro. This shit is so annoying

fuck yall, Campbell has been crushing it. His art has made these last few issues worth it. As for the writing; it’s fine. Allie is better than Roberson; but not in any way taleneted. He knew enough about the universe to give us some sort of ending, Mike said he would have ended the thing with a 5 issue mini series.

It's like a score of little "Death of Andrea"s, except the other characters get a single panel to react to it and the writers handle it like even doing it is a chore.
Which is what this arc feels like, a necessary chore, cleaning up after the party that paid off their houses.

I would have been fine with them taking off for 5-10 years, building up some ideas and some "give-a-shit" and wrapping it all up with some style and grace.

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Agreed, for a grand finale it feels limp. I miss Arcudi, but he left the book in a good position to continue, tying up loose ends with his characters and setting up everyone else for the next cycle. There was SO much potential.

I fucking hope LAF Hellboy bombs worse than Dredd, and Mignola's dreams of big MCU money turn to ashes.
Everything past Hellboy in Hell has been a weary middle-finger to his readers.

Also; John Arcudi quit because Mignola fucked him out of character rights. Arcudi’s getting no money for Daimio’s appearance in the film; I’m not sure if he’ll even be in the credits. Arucdi alluded to Guy Davis having similar feelings.

Nice job grabbing this grabbing this from my reddit post guy.

Harren should have been the house artist. He was IMPECCABLY suited for this.

Finally some support for Campbell, haha! I like him, but Allie doesn't really know how to write for him. Compare this to Cometh the Hour, it's just not as strong. Arcudi and Campbell were a team and that's why the end of Hell On Earth was so good, I think the problem here is with Allie's writing.

amazing how a man who managed to garner my constant good will over 15 years to the point I have gotten into debt over importing Hellboy books can destroy it all in a matter of weeks
4 weeks to be precise, I know it because the day the Arcudi stuff spilled over was the day my gf of 6 years broke up with me

>Mike pulled a final Finger
What’s happened before, shall happen again.

No one could have written this rushed and unceremonious send-off well.
Howards and Abe get a quick "fuck you-you're dead" so we can spend most of the issue listening to the same garbage Evil Villain dialogue Rasputin has repeated since the beginning? One last thrilling Hellboy/Rasputin slap-fight with Kirby dots? WTF. just WTF.

I heard about this too, was it a work for hire situation? It's fucked, at least a credit to Arcudi would have been something. Guy Davis and Arcudi MADE B.P.R.D., it's just not the same book without them.

well that’s depressing as hell, I didn’t know

Maybe you're right, but I just feel like fifteen issues is a lot to work with for a better writer. Those deaths were so disappointing...

The Devil You Know ironically had an awesome premise to begin with, low level after Johann killed a fucking a dragon head. Vavra leading a cult, rebuilding, etc and then suddenly it’s GAME OVER.

Should have let some seeds grow for a little while, react to Johann/Kate/Panya dying. Hell even Devon got cheated

15 issues is A LOT compared to the rest of the Mignolaverse, where most arcs clock in at 4 issues.

But it’s not been 15 issues, it’s been 9 issues of Vavra stuff and post Hell on Earth and 5-6 of OH SHIT ITS ALL GOING TO END NOW.

The climax feels crammed into the very ending

Is this the danger of working with a tired and spent creative?
They jealously guard "their" masterwork because it's their retirement nest-egg, so they never have to do this shit again, and can piss off to Hollywood and get residuals? No one else's efforts is important, because it's THEIRS and THEIRS alone.

What a sad end.

I actually think the book started off strong, I was iffy on Allie writing but it seemed as if he was working on building what Arcudi left behind. And then several issues later it's just... ending. Abe and Devon suddenly getting along after everything, only for Devon to be killed pages later is bullshit. I mean, I saw it coming but there were better ways to handle that.

Yeah the arc’s start was great, plenty of fallout to deal with and new dynamics especially with Strode around then its

and so on and so forth. Like Johann’s final words seem completely ignored, I thought it’d be Ereshigal but no Hellboy needs to choke Rasputin to death while giant sized

I think the book is as good as it could have been without Mignola or Arcudi. Mike or Darkhorse is hellbent on every Hellboy mini being 5 issues; and I believe the 15 issues was decided on simply so they could get 3 volumes and 1 clean omnibus out. If Allie would have 5-10 more issues to flesh it out we all might have been a little happier.

That's rough buddy

I think you're right, sticking to that structure has really hampered this book. I don't know if it's a cost or production thing, and I'm sure they get most of their money out of trades, but would it really have hurt to get a few more issues out of this?

It just feels like this whole line of books is on the decline. Roberson's better now than when he started, but I feel like ever since Arcudi left and he came into the picture it's all gone downhill. It makes me sad, I love Hellboy...

>Is this the danger of working with a tired and spent creative?
It’s the danger of working in a creative field.

I hadn't been following current Hellboy very closely, so when I finally got around to reading the entirety of it chronologically, I was getting pretty excited as I got up to Devil You Know. I was thinking "Hell yeah, I get to get on at the ground floor of another 5 year arc like Hell On Earth," so I was pretty shocked when I found out it's only 15 issues and it's ending the continuing series. Then I read it and was so disappointed that this is how it's ending.

not even half my story but eh, life goes on i guess

Hecate said they would be together at the end, either as king and queen of the new world or dead . Next thing he's gotta do is finish what's left of the world so the new races of man can begin their story, and so Alice may begin her rule as the new Faerie Queen.
And that includes the King taking the Queen, with the last Witch (priest, or supernatural medium) as witness.

It really is ending.

But he’s dead (again)

He went off with Arcudi to do a title he wouldn't potentially get fucked for creating content for.

This wasn't billed as a story arc, it was billed as a story cycle, which previously was 4-5 omnibis worth of content. This is 1 omnibus worth of content.

is it confirmed that this is it it? Like the end of all future BPRD?

Yup, it's the final chapter of the Mignolaverse


But someone literally storytimed it

This whole fight should’ve just been like two to three issues it’s the fucking end fight that’s been building for decades for fucks sake, should’ve had part 1 be Rasputin getting the upper hand before hellboy kicks his ass in the end

Oh fuck off, Allie.

Mignola stopped giving a shit two issues into Hellboy in Hell, but he properly wrapped that one up because it was his personal creation. I really hope the movie fucking bombs now.

Fucking none. Rasputin WAS the Dragon itself. They could just go around burning ogdru hem and slowly rebuild.

I remember when Hell on Earth ended they originally said the final cycle would be "at least as long as the original BPRD run". Something actually happened with Mignola that made him lose interest in all his books.

If you still have doubts, just look at the way they canned the vampire uprising plot that had, no joke, like 50 combined issues of buildup.

You can bet your ass they'll try to milk it for years by trying to fill every single gap in the story, so expect a Frankenstein series, more Aliens series and irrelevant one-off series like Crimson Lotus.

>Like "I've got to wrap this up or I'll miss my plane to Tahiti.
>Not Douglas Adams style resentment, but just a deep, deep desire to just put an end to it and be done.
I thought that was obvious as soon as they announced the end was in a handful of issues. Mignola has been tired of Hellboy for years. After he handed the writing over, he was only ever interested in short bursts.

To me, at least, this is clearly just Mignola rushing an ending for it to end.

Probably also has to do with being able to offer studios a "finished package" to adapt into movies, series, etc.

Probably that too. Having a full story to fuck with probably helps with getting it picked up for tv/film/digital.

Well. Unless the new film shits the bed. I'm still iffy about that.

Man, this Arcudi and rushed ending stuff is such a bummer.

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I just wanted to remind everyonr it was the exact same with Baltimore. A promising start, a very good first half, then a gradual descent into "meh" and a completely retarded half-assed ending in which Mignola had barely any input. The man just can't be arsed to see a project to completion.

What happened to Arcudi?

Apparently got screwed out of the rights to creators he and Davis created during BPRD.

Ah. What a shitty thing to do to someone so integral to the franchise.

I'm not even angry about Hellboy, that comic has been losing steam for a while and you could tell Mignola was over it.

But I am fucking pissed about BRPD. I followed that comic and the characters and I really cared. Seeing them get picked off like is just horrible. What was the point of all the stories, all the character development, all the build up?

HB/BRPD are going to be remembered not as a great work in comics, but as the series with the most disappointing and lazy endings. And that's tragic.

Anyone going to the signing on Saturday?
Hopefully I'll get all 7 library editions signed by Mike that day

What's tragic is you choosing to see it like that. Kys.
It's about the journey not the destination. Everything dies.

It's beyond depressing, but not in that good old B.R.P.D. way.

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Way to miss the point of the series. Yes, everything dies, but what matter is how it goes.

Go to bed, Mike. You ruined it.

Tell him to go suck skeleton cocks for me.


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You guys shouldn't be so quick to believe rumours. It could be true but you won't get any confirmation for years if ever. Just give people the benefit of the doubt.

How can you guys not be skeptical of information on Yea Forums? inb4 someone insults me.

Because the proof is in the comic you just read.

The movie is going to be awful by itself and it's going to get buried by Avengers.

And Shazam. What a crappy release date they moved it to.

This is so bad. I wish Mignola had really just left it at Hellboy In Hell, tonally it felt like a perfect ending and obviously it was entirely made by his hand. This is just depressing with the bad writing and inappropriate art.

Howards should have died a while ago, doing something a bit more meaningful than fighting a hentai monster. I loved his arc, but turning him into the new BPRD badass got boring.


Liz probably going to die in final issue. but at least she will meet Howards in heaven. (〒︿〒)

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lobster Johnson omnibus when

did giaroco survived the shot shse the only one im rooting for now

This was pretty awful.

You know reading how this wound up, it amazes me how well Mike Carey's Lucifer wrapped up by comparison. Everything from the callback at the end to the buildup to the very last page resonates with the devil's journey. To take another middle ground by comparison, I'd argue the original Hellblazer run was both an asspull designed to end a comic that needed to end in a hurry, and also at least made an effort to be true to the spirit of the comic as a whole.

This is just...well, other anons put it better and more directly but this is frankly just Mignola sleepwalking while making someone else pay the privilege for steering him.