Tonight's episode: "Time Bomb"

>NORA DECIDES TO TELL BARRY AND IRIS THE TRUTH ABOUT THAWNE - Team Flash finds out that suburban housewife Vickie Bolen (guest star Catherine Lough Haggquist) is in danger and they race to save her. Upon meeting her, they discover she's a meta-human who is hiding her abilities from her family. Barry (Grant Gustin) encourages Vickie to share her secret with her family, which makes Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) realize she needs to come clean with her parents about Thawne (Tom Cavanagh).


>Stream 1

>Steam 2

>Stream 3

20 minutes to showtime.

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Other urls found in this thread:




Post Snacks

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Wasn't planning to buy any but the fucking smell got to me at the store.

salmon fillet and a baked sweet potato.

life is good

Can I get a summary of last week's episode?
I was in the hospital when it aired.

Pizza and mint tea.

Apples, peanut butter, and some crackers.

Meanwhile I’m baking rusks for a ship’s stew for a larp

>Barry convinces Cicada to take the cure.
>Cicada's adult niece comes from the future and kidnaps him.
>She's a meta serial killer like her uncle and even more powerful, with telekinesis and energy blasts.

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Barry convinces Cicada to take the cure with the help of the doctor lady. When he's cured the other Cicada Grace from the future shows up, kicks the team's asses, kills the doctor, and takes Cicada Sr. with her.

Hope you're doing alright, user.

You okay, bro?

>Don't speak to me or my uncle ever again

Its time

I got some thin mints from the girl scouts.


Yeah, I'm fine, just a sprained knee.

I have my Flash hat and my Flash shirt on. I am ready.

I wonder what Yea Forums's reaction to the King Shark vs Gorilla Grodd fight was.

Got my chips and cup of cereal. Washing down with some water (because I’m healthy).

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>Grace grows up to become Clark's crazy hot psycho girlfriend


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The same as Cisco's.

It was summed up by a Futurama gif.

Drowned out by endless jokes about informed consent.

Too late, little runner.

Hey. I just realized that I forgot to watch last week's episode.

Black Lady Doctor turned out to be a big fat nothing then?

>We joke about Nora fucking her daddy all season long
>Cicada is the one that ended up fucking his daughter figure

Incest and Misery

Cicada Jr should have been introduced ages ago.

Anyone getting incest vibes?

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Think she does kinky shit as girl Bane?

I didn't give you consent to say this shit.

Damn it Yea Forums.

Yep. She just fucking died like a bitch

They should have done this like six episodes ago.

>Gee Grace, how come Mom lets you have TWO knives?

>yfw you get upstaged as an actor in every scene
Why is Chris Klein so bad?

i bet she waits till the end

Cecile is so smol.

Hey Ralph is back.

Thanks for showing up now Ray, after you were needed.

The writers cant keep up with long storylines. Cicada wasnt even supposed to be the big bad and they just fucking dropped the meta tech 3 episodes in.

This whole season has had father/daughter vibes.

Some one screen cap the computer screen with Nora's diary!

Hey Ralph, been like weeks since you showed up.

Because his only acting work came from him being vaguely handsomish.

They revealed her motivation at the last second basically - her fiance died in the satellite explosion. It's okay, not everyone has to be secretly Thawne or something lmao. She was a functional character, and they cast old+fat so there'd be no hint at a romantic aspect to their partnership.

>star labs isnt staying destroyed
I hate that fucking set

I got it user!

Time paradox?

Meta Tech was a neat idea, shame they ditched it.

>operation shazam

Oh shit! Cell must of travelled to the past in one of those time machines!


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Clever girl


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>Operation Shazam
Wait, is Zack Levy gonna guest star?

Oh shit, she's a Jedi.


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Why isn't she making a bane voice like old busted Cicada?

That was such a pointless reference

Honestly it would have been good. We are getting new writers next season with a new showrunner too so hopefully they are better

Did he shoot a G.I. Joe laser gun?

I thought her fiance was killed in Zoom's rampage.

Grace killing this dude is much more sexy than it needs to be.

>all the streams died

No, that was a Spiderman animated series laser gun.

>everything could have been solved if they just cure grace.
How fucking stupid are they.

No lung damage.
I don't think she looks very attractive, but her voice does things for me.

It's just like how Commie Supergirl never really went anywhere either.

None of these shows seem to have strong enough editorial oversight to actually work continuity. Except maybe Legends sometimes?

Should I skip the rest of the episode to hookup with a guy from grindr

You are going to build a time machine in the future and come back to stream for yourself.

>How fucking stupid are they.
Do you really have to ask?

I get them confuse a lot.

It could have lead into stuff that straddled the libe between magic and science. Like the Hero Dial. Explaining in Universe shit like Alan Scott’s Lantern & Ring or the Core rings in general. Or, even better, Motherbox

Oh, okay. It was something like that.

Also goddamn Cryer as Lex was awesome.

Well user, isn't grindr for gay people?

Cisco made the CCPD some rayguns to (ineffectually) fight Metas with.

Anyone have a good stream. OP's aren't working today

She didn't consent to that.

No they've gotta figure out who it is like it's not obvious

kek Joe is getting too old for this shit

Do they know it's Grace?

feed 2 in the second link seems to be working for me, tentatively

user, that's gay.

Black Lightning has fantastic continuity.



A guy

That reference is horribly dated, Cisco.

They like to pick and choose as well as the episodes are written like 3 weeks before filming. There is no in advance writing past the first 10 episodes.
I like to hope

But they've got to get consent to take away the insane serial killer's built in murder weapon!
Red Daughter seems to finally become relevant next episode. Seems like Lex may have been involved in her creation.

I have yellow fever now, Yea Forums

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..,the fuck Dibney?

What if he said it's Maggie Simpson shot Mr Burns bad?

So is Girlfriend the reason they use to write Cisco out?

True, but it's a totally different production team.

That teacher looks like she fucks students?

>Red Daughter
Fucking seriously


user, what have you been using the internet for?

Go for it. i would.

Well that took long enough to figure out

2D mostly

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Her parents got killed like a bitch by accident.

How have those scorch marks not been scrubbed off?

Her guardian did tho.

>Time travel sucks
Took five seasons to finally figure it out.

Huh, it wasn’t a meta attack. It was an unstable power side effect

>Grace, what's wrong?
It's kinda nice that he's still in dad mode even with the future version of her.

He's starting to some like a normal person again

Why is he still making that batman voice?

Huh, I wonder if this ties into Arrow's bad future.

It was at this moment Orlin realize he fucked up

ah yes, the zero metas plan.

Hey, Barry quit timetravel like two seasons ago because he realized it was bad news.

Its like being in constant pain and a duper power fugue effected his psyche?

She needs to consent you fool. What if a guardian consents for his daughter to fuck her?

Because he's acting having bad lungs.

He's Man man

Don’t forget Zari’s bad future. With Meta controls

What if she takes control of Nora's body and joins forces with herself in the past?

Why not start with yourself bitch

Ew charred dark matter residue is gross!

Is that a sequel to the movie?

It seems ridiculous that a plot point started last season finale is finally becoming important 15 episodes in of the next season. A lot of the CW shows are bad with plots and drop stuff but thats a new low. Most shows use cliffhangers to fucking bridge seasons.

I think thats still legal in like Arkansas.

Technically yes in that it would chronologically take place after the movie

Medically Oriln is responsible for her treatment. They even asked him and he said himself and then her.
What the fuck are you about a comatose patient cant give consent

He's bad acting bad lungs.

He is average man.

Every future is a bad future. I wonder if they'll acknowledge the different "canon" timelines on one of the shows.

then barry can fuck nora and grace at the same time.

user, Arkansas is a 45 minute drive for me, I will go check it out.

Let girlcada kill this bitch

Bitch you are going to jail for involuntary manslaughter

>and who the hell are you?
Bitch please

>Peter Parker'd her

>I Peter Parker'ed her
You killed her with whiplash?

I Peter Parkered her

Is it spiderman reference week in cw land?

They're really doubling down on the Marvel references this week.


Legion of Three Worlds!

Isn't she a murder suspect why didn't they just arrest her

Lol Le epic Marvel references

>Peter Parkered her
>Want her to be a spider girl
Oh Ralph.

>That over the shoulder camera making Cisco look tiny.

Its been two years and her family hasnt caught on.

>Woman who killed Grace's parents just some lady with electric fingers who accidentally blew up an ATM.

Well, I feel like that won't stop Grace at all.

Dibny is so fun .

Sorry I've been behind on screenshoting.

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>Cisco getting physical
That must be some good pussy he doesnt want to risk

I wonder if they are waiting to watch Endgame in this universe?

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“If I am Eobard Thawne,”

The same shit they were on about a sharkman giving consent despite not being able to form sentient thought.

But you can't fuck your enemies, that is against the creed.

Because the CW show The Flash is written by idiots and they expect you to also be an idiot

Scary helicopter noises is shifting into turbo

Wells getting meta here.

A Wells is a Wells is a Thwane.

Ralph is just vertically elongated.

That got a laugh outta me

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Bad Klein is bad acting bad lungs.

Last season they reference Spider-Man like four episodes in a row too.

I wonder what's up with that.

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>nora defending the secret keeper despite her freak out at iris for not telling her she's a speedster

The chair is going to turn him into Eobard!

Why could she see through Cicadas eyes?

That's what I'm super afraid of. This Wells has grown on me.

The whole consent bullshit is the most retarded shit ever. Honestly but if i wanna hype in Caitlin's bullshit medical skills. Orlin gave the consent already

kek you stupid bitch

Who saw that comin- I mean did anyone see that just now?

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Cool, she has Gambit powers.

Ralph needs a Sue to snap him into place. I hope he sticks around for whatever Diet League show eventually replaces Legends.

>we have to help mom
This isnt a Disney movie, you cant do shit against a serial killer with super powers

This meta is destroying Grace, killed her parents and just wrecked her now.

What if Thawne gets CURE’d and becomes next season’s Wells again?

What the shit, Nora has Cicada vison now?

The Flash loves two things- Chicken Wings and Soccer.
Gustin is so good at playing doofus Barry

stream was fucked up, what led sherlock to the wells chair?

She aint gettin in the Justice League at this rate

Just let Grace kill soccer mom, she has it coming.

Suddenly she's fifty years old.

They know its grace and still dont cure her ass.
And why hasnt grace went to her past self?

Holy cow, she's Gambit! Awesome.
Residual connection from that mind-meld thing or some shit.
I think it was just an explanation for why they can't just ambush him with the cure.

Something about being connected when they went to the inside of her mind a while back

Its true, thus show does need a Sue.

the ghost of harrison wells

I think someone in cwland really likes Spiderman.

>Nora connected to Grace's mind and knew she was coming yet somehow doesn't think the reverse is happening
One of those plots I see

She was literally inside her head. They are psychically linked now.

I'm guess cause they're both from the future?

Grace didn't so you can't rape her with your cure Barry.

They should have told her that she killed a couple, she would have actual reason to listen

>we need grace's consent

Did she just John Cena it?

Joe sounds so fucking tired of this bullshit.

Then what the fuck was the point of even suggesting using it on him. I know they bullshitted a "Flash talks down hes enemies" even though he really doesnt.

>we need her consent


Oh look, a reason why they can’t cure the kid now.

This is the dumbest


>We need Grace's consent to stop her from turning into a fucking suprevillian

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My wife is a filthy muttie!


Consent, you can't just rape evil people with your cure.

Good lord, these plots are getting more and more contrived.

Haha they are going to get a divroce and then she's going to prison for manslaughter!

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Glad that I'm not the only one thinking that. I'm betting they cure the mom.

“Why does it feel like we’ve made everything so much worse?”

Because this world needs hope. This world needs Crisis. It needs not to be marvel, amd pulled between Justice and Doom.

>Why does it feel like we made things so much worse?
This is one of the few times it WASNT their fault, this was 100% her own damn fault

Man, Cisco, being moody makes you less good.

Will he join the Purifiers, Y/N?

I thought you couldn't consent if you were under 18.
Did they lower the age of consent?

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You are forgetting all the times they couldn't stop Hunter Zolomon for reasons.

Because it's the only way to stop him without killing him. And now that I think about it, this was really a setup to explain why they can't cure Grace - it'd be trivial for them to walk in and inject a comatose girl with the cure.

Id pay large sums of money to get that asian actress in a tight Silk outfit.

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A comatose patient CANT give consent. Thsts why you give power of attorney to a able relative or guardian. Which was Oriln. He gave his consent for the both of them last episode.
The writers havent done their research at all. Its the most bullshit excuse the writers have come up with to keep this storyline going.

I can't wait for the anti-monitor to show up and wreck everything.

>when you start to regret killing people finally

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We need some consent in this thread. Give me a C for consent!


This is tying into that whole legacy thing Barry was talking about last week.

Does Grace kill Orlan by the end of the episode?

How far do you think they could get with referencing SM before Marvel comes in to tell them to cut it out?

I want to see multiple on screen Supermen

She's happy killing metas, Orlin. Why can't you support her?

>Which was Oriln. He gave his consent for the both of them last episode.
To be fair to them, they pretty much think he's fucking dead.

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So I take it the power corrupted his mind

She's like 9 anyways. She can't give consent period.

At least they waited until near the end to get ridiculous about it. Here they shit the bed early on and just keep pissing on the mess they made.

I didn't give you consent to throw facts in my face. If Grace doesn't consent, the cure is a no go. No child consent, no cure rape.

Wait, didn’t we see this item in season 1

Wait... Source

Yeah, she can call you daddy and kill all the meta scum for you!

Oh shit Sherloque figured it out

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Agreed. Even if it's just Hoechlin and Routh.

Is Eobard going to be the Krona of this Crisis?

Didn’t Welling say he’s open to reprising too?

Does anyone notice how Orlin doesn't sound like a cliche villain trying to impersonate Batman anymore?

>inb4 Nora confesses everything just before Wells has a chance to out her

If she called me daddy, we would go kill meta scum I guess.


Well yeah they fixed that last week.

FUCK yes cloak and dagger

I literally cannot wait, the first season was surprisingly great

>Brandon Routh plays Earth 2 Superman

Is Cloak and Dagger any good?

No. I will throw all the facts because this somrtjing i studied in law classes and its pissing me off. A basic google search. And i thought the science was stupid.

What if Nora confesses with Barry's dick in her mouth, wouldn't that be funny, haha funny?

I'd also kinda want Tim Daly.

I'm scared they're going to not feature any Superman so Supergirl can take center stage like last crossover.
I mean, I get it, it's her tv show and there is already a built in fanbase, but come on, when will we ever see any adaption of Crisis ever again?

Glad some Cloak and Dagger fans in the thread, it was surprising good. It always knew how to pick the pace up at the end of the ep to make you real excited for next week's ep.

It had a slow start but it really picked up and was surprising for Freeform.

I actually want Wells to say something first. This is how i see it happening
>Wells starts exposing Nora
>Iris interrupts him accusing him of investigating Nora again
>Nora interrupts and admits she was hiding something
>Wells basks in "I told you so" attitude but tells Nora that "that's not all she's hiding" etc
>Barry is hurt and probably cries

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Nice, the ring in suit

Shills leave.

No. It's painfully average at best, and tries too hard to be relevant.

>Heathers the Musical death cult

Is every writer on Riverdale insane?


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I take law classes too but fuck you, consent for babies to be held.

Christ Almighty that mask is terrible. What the hell were they thinking?

A lot of controlled substances goes a long way

The suit ring is a welcome addition, even if the new suit does still suck.

That running was bad

Maybe if they ask nicely, Tom W will show up with his now grey hair and broader build?

Really, what would be great is if Arrow Earth Supes showed up before crisis played by Hoechlin and did the Superbro T-Shirt n Jeans thing as he’s just starting out. Then during Crisis do the Superman Reborn bit with Supergirl Earth’s Supes. Replace Lois’s actress. Still get baby Jon or Cir.

Also, I kind of want to see Icon in the mix for Crisis, and do the Big Bang after Crisis.

Meta's are a disease, and I am the cure.

I've always wanted to be up against the Flash too.

Oh shit Orlin with the save

rip uncle



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Ah, Grace has the power of Plot Hax.

Grace is a cunt, confirmed.


You dead now Orlin


Knew it, and saying "its too late" only sealed his fate.

That can't be good for her timeline.

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Well so much for Daddy Bane.

Or the suicide.

Fuck consent. Dose coma girl now

he died as he lived

Who didn't see that coming?

So who is going to raise her after she wakes up from the coma? Is she going to raise herself?

Who didnt see that coming.

you have to go back

You can't fuck consent without consent's consent first.

>Say good night Grace

Bitch, you think you're George Burns or something?

Like a worthless moron?

>"Save my Grace"
Is this consent now you absolute dumb cunts

That's Legends-tier timefuckery.

>Gets taken out the same way he did metas

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She will be raised by The Knife.

You first.

>3 minutes
Cliffhanger before Nora spills the beans

Random Caitlin

Empathetic psychic helicopter noises

All good detectives come in at the perfect time

No, because Grace did not consent to herself getting cured. She is now in a coma and now her own guardian, she has to give consent for herself.

Oh Nora, can't even tell the truth and needs someone to hold your hand.

Sherloque going full Columbo.


>getting new identities
How will that help someone who can track her powers?

Oh Cecile, you and your Telepath's ethics.


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Holy shit I dropped this show at the start of S4 (but saw the Earth-X episodes), is our boy Eobard really back? How much of a presence has he had and what has he done/implied to have done so far?

>inb4 they out right hate her now instead of just wanting answers

I guess its time out for her.

>instantly cages her
Smart Barry

Expose that bitch

Damn, straight up locked her up.



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YOOOOOOOOOO I legit thought he attacked her

Geez Barry, you are taking no chances.

You're in a timeout missy

You're grounded for life young lady!

lol time out

>Nora, are you fucking Eobard Thawne?


Barry, you can’t put all your problems in the pipeline

>imprisoning your daughter without letting her tell her side of the story
The heroes, everyone.


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>Barry grounded her



Well he killed Barry's parents, so I think its slightly understandable.


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>April 16th


He’s gonna be a big bad during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Uh she didn't consent to your illegal prison Barry


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I told you faggots Barry will cry

What side. She literally trusted a dude on death row instead of speaking to her family

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>4-Week break


he put her in prison without her consent! thats racist!

Now, does Nora know how to use he a pipeline toilets to escape?

I missed the preview, what was promised?


Fuck off, Eobard's pulled enough shit that that's the reasonable thing to do.

>Needs consent to cure metas
>Doesn't need anyone's permission to throw anyone they feel like I'm their confined secret prison

The dude who killed her grandmother

Ok so who else is gonna download the so to screen cap all the moments Nora diary was on screen?

It is one thing to lie. I mean, who hasn't done that on Team Flash?. But to work with Thawne? That's pipeline-worthy, even banishment worthy. Barry was right

It is supposed to be Barry going to the future but it looks like there are glimpses of Nora's past. As well as a "Run Nora Run"

They need the repeated long breaks for various reasons:

- They’re still rushing out the plot/scripts and have been pretty much winging it the entire season
- To give audience a much-needed break from the excessive idiocy

>gee wilikers I wonder how my daughter time traveled without attracting any wraiths
>isnt that convenient

And she lesrned also killed Cisco.
But she still continued to work with. Fuck Nora. I hope the real Dawn with Donovan comes in.

Because obviously nobody in her family told her what she needed to know. By the time she knew better, it was always too late.

Thawne bribed the time wraiths with sex favours.

Hes still on fucking meta human death row. Plus his suit is in the Flash Museum.

inb4 thawn jumps in front of cicada's dagger to save nora because he "really cared" thus further becoming an enigma in barry's mind and then it turns out that it's a remnant or some shit and that's how he gets out of prison

Red Sun already happened in cwverse you sillygoose

>last minute of season finale
>two twins pop through a time portal
>"Don't listen to that imposter!"
>cut to black

We still havent heard the "were gonna need more diapers line" if the writers havent forgotten. But Iris might be pregnant by the end of the season.

Earbud Thorn’s great.

Where. The Fuck. Is Terry. McGinnis.

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LUTHOR?! Stopped watching sometime around season 3, is there anything worth picking back up for?

>Thawne (Tom Cavanagh).

Haven't been keeping up since Malfoy

Who or what's the Wells of this season

Sauce, Google, and Wait provide nothing. Who's the pissed off bride?

The Wells of this season is just Sherlock Holmes. Thawne himself just so happens to ALSO look like Wells.

Haven't seen the flash since he went to prison
How crazy have things gone? I know his daughter is XS and king shark fought Grodd for some reason

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Either after the Earth X crossover or at some unknown point in the future something happens to Thawne that leaves him halfway between his actual body and Wells, hence the face, but also the dirty blonde hair and different eye color

Caitlin's father is alive, an evil meta and loose somewhere. Cisco appropriated his bunker to develop a meta-human "cure" that strips anyone of their awesome superpowers, but he swore the whole team not to apply it to anyone unless the other party says "Yes, take these awesome powers from me, please".

Oh shit, that makes sense. It's like how Jor-El has Pa Kent's voice actor in For the Man Who Has Everything. Remember, we don't know what that clock is counting down to yet.

Not if you're one of the types who says
>i use comics to escape the real world, not deal with it!
no. But I think Season 4 has had the best usage of real-world issues in a fictionalized form, essentially taking on the alt-right as "Agents of Liberty" i.e. alien-haters. They've done it in a way that works even if you know nothing about America, but if you do, that just makes it more interesting. And yes, they do tackle Antifa aka the "alt-left" via Manchester Black and the Elite. They racebended him, but he's still british and most people aren't complaining because the actor's great in the role.

My only complaint about Manchester is that they didn't make him psychic, so the writers needed to keep coming up with excuses for how he could fight J'onn and Kara. That said, this treatment is right up there with Superman vs. the Elite, only with the added dash of relevance that you alluded to.

That'd be OP for this show though. They can' even do J'onn right. Half the time they halfass an explanation as to why he can't use read minds, the other half he just forgets about them.

Cali time.

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You go to hell and you die

Given last episode, I’m inclined to think he’ll be back in full force woth powers from the way he was just dispatched

That's likely, even if a little derivative of Dr. Manhattan.

A little.

You know I would have liked his Elite to do more aggressive super heroics. Like topple a fictional regime while they were out and about

I'm officially dropping this show they're going to force another pregnancy plot down our throats.

>Manchester BLACK
>Race bent
Race corrected*

mega? missed the episode

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Sherloque is meh imo, crappy accent and he feels like a slightly different take on H.R mixed with some of the Council of Wells guys, should've been more fresh than that.

Better yet, it could've been a supposed new Wells who turns out to be Thawne again. Or a Johnny Quick speedster Wells.

KEK now you are onto something, grace is perfect cicada from an alternative future.

No its not pipeline worthy. Barry just reacted like the bitch he is. The whole scene was trash since sherloque outed her before she was ready to talk.


March Madness or something apparently.

maybe, just maybe, that's why she became the new cicada in the future, because her uncle was killed by a metahuman too.

Children are allowed to give consent to hormone therapy and reassignment surgery.

That doesn't sound right

>Why don't you just put the whole WORLD in the pipeline?

She was, she’s his niece in the coma from the future

We speak about fuckin Thawne here, he is Satan in flesh.

Funny, I noticed no one caught on to the mention that a woman in a hood was present at her parent's murder as well...

>It seems ridiculous that a plot point started last season finale is finally becoming important 15 episodes in of the next season

Not really, they've been building it bit by bit, with the military grooming her to be a super weapon. Makes sense she isn't automatically the big main focus and for what's it's worth, they actually bothered to actively show her whenever something like the Kryptonite shit happened that would obviously effect her as well.