What the Hell Happened to DC Comics?

What the hell happened to the DC Universe? I was an avid reader from 2002-2010. I remember fondly Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Final crisis etc.

Was a big fan or Moore's Batman and Johns Green Latern. Was all about crossovers and have every issue of countdown to 52. These stories had pay offs and implications that lasted years it was great to be so invested in the story.

Last I remember was the new 52 and reading some of Batman Incorporated. I dropped comics due to studies and other interests.

I have now returned excited to dive back in, but after poking around what the fuck? There seems to be nothing worth catching up on.

What happened to the DC Universe, what is worth reading?

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Nothing is worth reading. You dropped out at the right time.

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis

There are only a handful of titles/runs worth reading since. Didio fucked everything up

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Final crisis etc.
>Was all about crossovers and have every issue of countdown to 52.
You were a stupid idiot with no taste. Now you're growing up.

yeah identity crisis was definitely a jump the shark moment imo. i still bought dc stuff here and there but it was never the same for me after that

I don' believe anyone would quit after so long and not read up on anything that has happened since

believe it or not I have read a comic book in about 9 years. Probably because I had a relative at DC with the hookups that i had a falling out with.

I saw that there was an upcoming Watchmen HBO show so I decided to re-read and then research what I have missed in DCU since.

Yeah I was definitley 12 when reading Identity Crisis ha

you just grew up

Go ask boomers that grew on pre-Crisis comics, they will tell you exactly the same "uhh what the hell happened to muh kumix" crap

not really. The Batman run from that time still holds up from an older perspective as do other comics and graphic novels in general.

I still consider myself a lifelong DC fan but I haven't seriously kept up with them since the nu52 and, to a lesser extent, DC Rebirth. I'm not sure what happened since the latter at least since most seemed to really like Rebirth. Last time I got super hyped for a DC book was The Multiversity, which was incredible. Speaking of, I'd love to read Morrison's GL but I'll wait for the trades.

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis
Stopped reading right there

>I was an avid reader
>I remember fondly Identity Crisis
You had shit taste.
> These stories had pay offs and implications that lasted years it was great to be so invested in the story.
>Again, Identity crisis

The New 52 was the moment everything went to shit. Rebirth showed a possible turnaround but they fucked that up too. Geoff Johns was supposed to hit the big reset button with Doomsday Clock but decided to turn a one shot into a 12 issue maxi that doesn't come out on time because he DESPERATELY wants to be Alan Moore so now we have Heroes in Crisis fucking things up yet again because Tom King would rather work through his PTSD in comics than seeking professional help.

Young Justice is the only DC book I'm getting at the moment, and I'm honestly just waiting for Bendis to fuck it up and make me drop it.

New 52 turned everything to shit.

Rebirth PARTIALLY fixed things. But then they decided they weren't interested in committing to Rebirth, so they abandoned much of what Rebirth was about and went back to being shit.

The DC was already fucked in 00s. You should go back to earlier stuff.

whatever and fuck off -- was just saying i remember enjoying DCU then and named the events that came to mind

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis

52 fucked things up with some good runs (azz WW. Williams III batwoman and Morrison Batman) and Rebirth tried to fix things with no success and now we just have the shittiest writers in charge of everything (Snyder. Bendis. Tynion) and the terrible management of Dan Didio. DC is fucked.

And Tom King is shit too.

>was just saying i remember enjoying DCU then and named the events that came to mind
And that's because you have shit taste.

DC became Marvel after Johns left to work on movies. Didio realized that without Johns to stop his plans, he can let out all the autism he has sealed in heart.

>Didio fucked everything up
Don't forget Bendis, King, and Johns are making things even worse.

what do you recommend i read kind sir since i am getting back into comics?

please enlighten me with your taste

Not him, but ALL the rebirth Superman books, but drop everything once you get to Action #1000, there is nothing good past that point.

>Rebirth Superman

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis,

Holy shit this has no merit

That was a dogshit event and really the precursor to everything going wrong

This is the same shit with people who remember Civil War fondly and then get to read it again and find out it was always trash.

>not liking the best Superman run in years
Next you'll be trying to say that Metal was actually good.

Oh, and Sideways too.

I read identity crisis and I'm going through infinite crisis now. I don't understand all the hate.

>>not liking the best Superman run in years
if by best you mean most boring

Reina Telgemeier's graphic novels. They're appropriate for your age range.

You reply like a child and expect anyone to care what you say?

Bendis, leave Yea Forums and go to bed.

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis

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you recommend garbage comics and expect anyone to take you seriously?
Bendis can eat shit too

Alan Moore's suggestions for developing good taste: American Splendor, Cerebus the Aardvark, Herbie Popnecker and Love & Rockets.

You don't want to disappoint Alan Moore now, do you?

>tfw 2 for 4
Cerebus still intimidates me

>not liking the best Superman run in years
That's more a testament of how shitty Superman has been these years than a seal of quality for Rebirth Superman. Just because they're not aggressively shitting on the character with stupid creative decisions that doesn't mean mediocre writing is good.

>Oh, and Sideways too.
my nigga. Also Brimstone.

Unironically for DC get:
Morrison New 52 Action Comics
Johns Aquaman
Abnett Aquaman Rebirth
Johns JL
Percy Green Arrow Rebirth
Snyder Batman
Tynion Rebirth Tec
Priest Deathstroke
Venditti Hawkman
Morrison Green Lantern
Azzarelo WW
Tynion JL Dark
Cornell Demon Knights

But that’s assuming you’re not being a retarded memester like the rest of Yea Forums I’m reading plenty of DC and Marvel while companywars faggots chimp out at each other.

>Johns JL
>Snyder Batman
>Tynion Rebirth Tec
>Tynion JL Dark
>has the audacity to imply others are retarded

>I’m reading plenty of DC and Marvel while companywars faggots chimp out at each other.
Yes, FINALLY, another enlightened intellectual who reads BOTH kinds of comics.

well sir, i said above i just re-read Watchmen so wanted to see what was up in DCU. Have read much of Alan Moore

This thread is asking what to read in DCU so take your snark and fuck off

You have no business recommending anything.

>Have read much of Alan Moore
None of those comics mentioned are Alan Moore's. Clearly you know less about comics than you thought.

>One of the best Superman run in years

old = good
new = bad

what are you even talking about ding dong?


Can you explain what
>Have read much of Alan Moore
means, assuming that it doesn't mean
>I don't have to read those Alan Moore comics because I have already read much of Alan Moore

What are YOU talking about, Identity Crisis fanboy?

He said he read watchmen and he's read a lot of Alan Moore I don't see how your retarded mind gets that he thinks all other stuff mentioned was written by Alan Moore?

Disagree with JLD but I'll add The Terrifics and Silencer

>user recommends Alan Moore's guide to not being a pleb
>OP says he's read much of Alan Moore which isn't really relevant to user's recommendation
>user calls him a retard for being a retard


WHY is he saying that? It doesn't really fit into the conversation unless he thinks that those are Alan Moore comics.

Looking though my DC folder-
>All-Star Section 8 and Six Pack & Dog Welder- Hard Travelin' Heroez
>Bug! The Adventured of Forager
>Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye
>Doom Patrol by Gerard Way
>Super Sons
>all of the Hannah-Barbera crossovers
>Flintstones by Mark Russel
>Green Lantern by Sam Humphries
Pretty much all of this is after Rebirth which started out beautifully, then went to shit when Doomsday Clock started and then Bendis got hired.
As for New 52 stuff, there's plenty of good stuff, but it only got it's shit together around Forever Evil. Before that there's only a handful of titles to bother with.

>no mention of all star western
Come on Yea Forums, get your shit together.

thanks! this is my first thread ever on Yea Forums

I am saying that because I am familiar with Alan Moore and his recommendations. Im asking whats good in the DCU recently and dont need your pretensions and reccomendations OUTSIDE OF MY QUESTION

All you can think to do with your waste of a life is tell me I have shit taste for asking whats up in DCU.


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Exhibit A of the retarded memesters I was talking about. Don’t be like these fags.

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis
>Was all about crossovers and have every issue of countdown to 52

Really, OP?

>I remember fondly Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, Final crisis
I loved DC, but those were all shit. I liked Final Crisis, but it was still a mess. Infinite Crisis was a screw up and nearlyboffed Dick Grayson. Identity Crisis was an abomination. A tryhard Watchmen wannabe just mucking up DC heroes.

Those were DC going wrong. I loved DC then despite those.

>and now we just have the shittiest writers in charge of everything (Snyder. Bendis. Tynion)

So why don't you read smaller books like Electric Warriors, Deathstroke, Wonder Twins, Freedom Fighters, The Wild Storm, the Terrifics, Shazam!, Red Hood and the Outlaws, Catwoman, American Carnage, Green Lantern, etc.? Oh right, because all you care is MUH A-LIST. This is what it all boils down with you people, you only care roughly a handful of titles and if you don't like them you immediately claim every single book DC is putting out is terrible.

You lost me at Identity Crisis and Final Crisis. Both are boring, mediocre “events”.

stop trying to push this meme, DC was never good to begin with.


>still daring to call others retarded after recommending Johns JL

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Just because you have no sense of taste doesn't mean everyone else are the same. Now shut your big mouth.

Identity Crisis still has enough good elements that it's better than most of what we're getting now. Compare it to HiC.

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Because I'm just trying to accrue (You)s dude it's not that deep.

Except most of those books you listed suck too.

>Was a big fan or Moore's Batman and Johns Green Latern
So you meant to say Morrison right, but your bait fell apart?

Half of these are bad. Most of these are mediocre.
Priest Deathstroke and Azzarello Wonder Woman are the best of the bunch you listed.
For normie-tier you're missing King/Seeley Grayson and King Mister Miracle and King Omega Men.

The Terrifics, The Wild Storm, the Books of Magic reboot, and The Dreaming are all worth reading. Mark Russell's Prez and his Flintstones books are both very good.

Still, most of DC comics are trash and the books haven't recovered from the New 52 debacle.

>the dreaming
>worth reading

Because you are living in the world created by these comics. They have become normalized. You don't understand the possibility and hope that was possible before the culture that created Identity Crisis smothered it

What's it like being a contrarian with terrible taste to boot? I'm doing an anthropological study.

Is «The Wild Storm» good, for real?
I only read issue 1 and it was a borefest, the art was medium-good and the dialogue... gosh!

What can Yea Forums tell me about it?

All-Star Western was alright.

Identity Crisis is the best storyline, prove me wrong

The plot and reveal was poorly written.

There are other stories that exist that are less poorly written.