Soul vs Soulless Edition

Soul vs Soulless Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Critical reviews don't matter! Wait, some of my shit is getting good reviews...
>Box office doesn't matter!, Wait, some of my shit is making strong box office...
>Oscars don't matter!, Wait, some of know what, I'll create the most ambiguous metric ever!!

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Maybe this is what 2019 boys look like
the original is from 1995.

Hey Andy we know we painted clouds on your room but now were going to paint stars. Hard? No!

What are other examples of soul vs souless Yea Forums media? so far I only have Yea Forums and Yea Forums examples.

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Humans and Dogs in Toy Story 1 were true soulless abominations though.

2010 Andy > the rest

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How was TS3 Andy?

TS1 room had clouds then Andy's family moved out, he had a star room since TS2.

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Jesus fuck, is that really what Andy looked like in 1? My memories must have changed to make him look less freakish.

Kid Andy appears in Toy Story 3, there is no reason to change his design so drastically.

He's somewhat less weird in motion. Helps that he isn't in the movie that much.


>they gave Arale brown hair

Literally why

They could have totally reused TS3 Andy.

Nu Disney sucks. No new news here.

That was Toriyama himself, According to him he wanted Arale to look more 90s (?), They also used that design for the PS1 game:

Attached: ARALE1c89bf2e8aee139eeda5a9b8ff8efcf0.png (1000x1200, 447K)

How do you know? You haven't seen it yet?

Admittedly, Pixar has hired SJWs lately.

To be honest, the new Andy looks far better. It's funny because he now looks like a young version of the TF2 Scout.

Jesus Christ, did he deal with a bout of anorexia there on the right?

that's buzz's wing, not the edge of Andy's back

TS3 Andy was good enough for a flashback.

Couldn't they have just reused ts3 Andy?

Yeah but the new one is...well, new, so Yea Forums hates it

I made this crappy pokemon example a while back. Changing how things are colored matters more than people realize

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andy from toy story 1 is creepy

The new one doesn't have fat chicks also this

i'm not defending the movie, I still think this new sequel is fucking unnesesarry, but that Andy design is pretty good. Don't hate it just because "muh OLD GOOD NEW BAD", please

Attached: Kid_Nicole_S1_vs_S5.jpg (736x921, 199K)

>The new one doesn't have fat chicks
Why is this a positive
Why change something that didn't need to be changed
I bet you also think thin pikachu is better than fat original pikachu you bitch

What the fuck is up with her eyes? That's some dead stare shit.

They made the characters have round and tiny pupils over time.

I hate what happened to Toriyama's art style so much.

I miss Teen Goku face.

>Why is this a positive
It looks unnatural, maybe it depends of the country where you lives, but when I go out of my house I see kids that look like the new Andy, it looks more human and I like it.

>Why change something that didn't need to be changed
As an user said, the old andy looks creepy

>I bet you also think thin pikachu is better than fat original pikachu
To be honest I haven't noticed it until someone pointed out in internet and even after that I still don't give a shit about it.

It's just the pupil size, user.

>fat people aren't human
wow fatphobic much

>It's just the pupil size.
The eyes are circles now instead of ovals.

That's not Toriyama so much as it is Toei needing a dumbed down version of his style that is easier for the Filipinos they hire to animate. The last couple years have shown the sheer contempt that Toei has for lifelong fans of its most popular IPs, with how utterly shitty the production values were for Sailor Moon Crystal and DB Super.

>If you have fat chicks you are fat
Uhm... No.

If I make you pick between this 2 models without context, would you actually pick the old one for a movie?
Stop being nostalgic

New one looks like a generic nuDisney princess
I'd pick the old one with modern graphics

This shit literally hurts my soul,why they reanimate this scene? even in toy story 3 flashbacks Andy still have his soul

Another example of unnecessary sequel

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So you are being nostalgic, thanks for proving my point
>Moder graphics
you cannot pick that option, the new one has moder graphics, not the old one, you are letting your nostalgia dictated your actions

I mean, at least it looks more interesting then 3 so far.

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Can't we all agree on TS3 Andy? He's updated and still looks close to the original movie.

Only if we can ban every single "Soul vs Souless" bullshit thread from now on

>you cannot pick that option
Why not? Why can't that be an option? All they needed to do was stay true to the old design but upgrade the graphics. The new model doesn't even try to look like Andy, he looks like an entirely different kid, a gay one at that.

>just the pupil size
It's more than that. S1 had a different artstyle.

I gave you 2 options and you had HAD to create a new one because you know that you are being a nostalgic faggot who needs to hate everything new. You can't even accept that the old Andy looks creepy as fuck

>Different artstyle
Not really, but S1 has different writing and humor, and yeah, is far better than recent gumball seasons but I don't think the art style is the main reason.

What I'm trying to say is; stop being a crying bitch. Things get bad with time, deal with it.

This movie is going to be shit isnt it?

Today I will remind them

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Xiaolin Showdown (soul) vs Xiaolin Chronicles (souless).

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They redid Violet's BF's model in Incredibles 2. I thought it was reasonable since its been 14 years between the movies, but then I realized it would be 9 years between Toy Story 3 and 4.

>I gave you 2 options
Fuck your options bitch, you aren't Pixar. I do accept that the old design is creepy but only because of the CGI limitations of its time, radically changing a design isn't a good approach for an update either. I don't see why is that so hard to understand.

So Yea Forums let's say you were in charge of Toy Story 4 and you had to make a movie using all new characters a new set of toys to follow. What would you make?

I've said it in the last thread, user, the only difference is the pupil size and the shape of the eyes, the rest is exactly the same.


It's still really weird what they did with Tony, if I didn't know they were the same characters, I wouldn't know it. They only got the clothes in common.

Toy Story 1 Andy is literally the definition of soulless. He looks like a fucking ventriloquist doll.

>I don't think the art style is the main reason.
Are you blind? S1 had a different artstyle. The characters even have side and frontal views. Something the current versions don't

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>Sailor Moon Crystal.
Don't remind me of that.

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Then don't act like the first one is better and "with a soul". We are talking about 2 models here. It's not about if they look like "Andy" or not, is if they are actually a good model of a kid

Should they remaster/remake Toy Story? For its time it blew people's mind, now it looks outdated

I give you a point, the characters are more expressive in S1, in later seasons they enforce the le-meme-face really hard instead of actual expressions. But, appart from the pupil and eyes they are the same, user.

If you were complaning about the humor and mediocre writing I would give you a point, but, come on.

>different head size and shape
>different body size and shape
>different arms
>"appart from the pupil and eyes they are the same"
What are you doing

It looks really bad

Naaah, so many model te remake and I doubt they still even have the files.

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dude Im not that user but look at the example
That's the only difference

More like soulless/soulless lol

He's a cute kid in both

Thing I like/Thing I don't like


That is S2 and S3. Not S1.

>A fucking horse show with DC characters

This is a horrid drawing made on a receipt paper but this is what this scene would look like in later seasons.

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i like the original toriyama designs better. but i sort of like the new toy story designs. at least for the human characters

They try to hide the pain

With Clefairy, you have the old Sugimori design vs the old anime design. Neither is "new".

With Caterpie, you have the old Sugimori design, vs the new Sugimori design, vs the old anime design.

What are you going for?

Teen Titans Go has far better artstyle and soul than that shit

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Bitch, I'm making an effort, I'm really do, but I have no clue what are you talking about.

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Toy Story 4 Andy unironically looks better than Toy Story 1 Andy, BUT, Toy Story 3 Andy was the superior one.

>Thank you, please come again

Well, that's the example posted in the thread so we are talking about it

You are confusing S1 and S2. They had different styles. The only difference between S2 and S3 are the eyes and pupils. S1 was different.

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fuck you this isn't real delete this post

The filename of the first Gumball example posted in this thread was "S1 vs S5"

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People actually defended this, and they make me sick.

MLP Backwash vs. its' counterparts on the same channel. Not a good argument.


Why are current cartoons so afraid of thicc outlines?

A really bad picture but I'm tired to actually make a good one with better examples

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>Toy Story 3 was the perfect, complete trilogy
>Toy Story That Time Forgot was a surprisingly good special and a welcome entry
>Toy Story 4 looks like a forced, pointless sequel and a soulless cash grab (that and "strong woman" Bo)

if we must go this way, we shall

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A kid trying to cope with being molested

>2 shows run by the same person
i guess dexters lab and samurai jack are the exact fucking same then too

Thanks for posting this, user.

if you really think that goanimate tier motion tweening is any better then more power to you

Her shoulders keep getting higher.

Like SpongeBob

Attached: spongebobevolution-580x326.jpg (580x326, 35K)

first 2 rows are alright. 3rd row is awful

Shit we've seen before
Shit we've seen before

I don't understand your point, pal.

imagine being an original dragon ball fan who despises dragon ball z

i dont think you get the point im trying to make

Unfortunately Nu-Toriyama isn't much better, his new art style looks weak

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One looks better than the other despite being the exact same shape. It shows how color and shading is important and newer flat coloring has no "soul"
Also you're retarded. ESL posters leave the site

I hate what they did to Goku’s physique. It was best in the Piccolo Jr. Saga, where it was somewhat bulky but lean. Now he looks like a Ken doll.

>Consistency is bad

First and second row are in a distinguishable pose, that's not the case of Third row.

I'm not really into Gumball, and when I watch it I prefer to pay attention to the background characters. As a hardcore dinofag I prefer the Tina design of later seasons.

>Nicol is thiccer in later seasons
I hadn't had noticed it if you wouldn't have shown me that picture.

>The franchise has been there for over 20 years
>Asking for consistency
>Asking for using the exact same models from decades ago.

You only see the top as having soul because you grew up with it. Original Andy was a weird alien-headed freak.


>Nicol is thiccer in later seasons
Not really. It's just her skirt. She actually got thinner. She had a huge ass in the first season. She lost it in S2.

At least they're getting Kazuko Tadano back to do the character designs for season 4.

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>butt-ugly early 90s CGI that has aged like milk is better than decent-looking modern CGI
I know they don't even look like the same character but come on now.

I don't know what you're trying to say there. Making the toys look more like toys was a necessary change and it didn't affect how they looked, while severely modifying Andy's design for no reason at all it's going to rub everyone in the wrong way. Why didn't they pull that same shit with Monsters University? What about Finding Dory?

I can already hear the trans headcanons coming

>severely modifying Andy's design
They just made their chicks thinner, user.

>it's going to rub everyone in the wrong way.
I'm pretty sure only nostalfags are complaning. I've watched the first three movies as a kid and I like the new design of Andy. I think this movie is fucking unnesessary.

what do you mean?

Th...there are others?
I thought I was the only one

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Please let the SJWs win and make Andy gay. I need fujos to pump out more hardcore porn of him.

It's not a big deal, but I hope they improve the head designs for the characters in future movies. They've been actively making every cute/young character now look like anime characters, mainly female styled like the current princesses in Wreck it Ralph 2.

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>I'm pretty sure only nostalfags are complaning.
What does that have to do with anything? I don't care too and the change just seems off, it's not only that he's thin, his skull shape has changed. By your logic they should have changed his design for TS3 too.

Confession time : I LOVED Dragon Balls when I was a kid but I wasn't smart enough to realize when it was on or not cause I had no notion of time. One day, I catch what I think is DB but something is .. Weird. Wait?! Goku is dead and he has a son?! How many episodes did I not watch?! I really tried to like DBZ but it never really had the same feel as DB, which in the end made me drop the serie.

Was this the peak of the Dragon Ball franchice?

Attached: Goku.jpg (480x360, 18K)

>terrifying doll eyes vs a moderately well-rendered face

>Disney was so up their own ass, they were convinced they were going to win by default

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You're not alone user

That picture always brings so much joy to my life.

Man, that baby fat just fell right off.

You whats funny I didn't pay attention to the dates and thought the 2018 one was the before and 2000 was the after and thought it improved...

>that pic
You're that faggot who said that TDK was a bad movie and that Box office, Reviews and Oscars didn't matter.

I don't really follow the show but the rounded eyes with the small pupils just make them look like souless puppets, it honestly looks kinda creepy...

If this is real
>we were warned.

Attached: dib.jpg (2081x1256, 283K)

Tobias' sister looks way too cute for current Gumball

You forgot to add the "T" face.

If you showed me the second image id think it was from some Universal or Dreamworks bullshit.


>user doesn't know how advertising works
Of course they has cards printed out for their displays announcing it's acadamy award before the actual award was won. It takes time to design, print, and ship out even something as basic as that to all the businesses that distribute their product. It most likely was sent with instructions not to display it unless it actually won the award. Disney is not the one who screwed up here. Some low level employee at some retail job is the only one who should be embarrassed by this mistake, and they aren't really paid enough to give a fuck anyway.

I know this is a meme, but in the context of a still image for a flash animated show, it'll defiinitely look worse than it actually is.

My mistake. THIS is what it would look like. (Sorry for the shitty text, it's the only paper I have)

Attached: 20190319_212712.png (2097x1256, 2.96M)

this is the thing that gets me. i dont mind jhonens art style evolving over time, and i actually think most of the other characters in the IZ movie look great. but DIB on the other hand seems to have completely regressed in terms of design philosophy, and it bugs the fuck out of me

So is that just the lighting somehow, or are they actually making the Membranes not white Mexicans this time?


But seriously, why do they use that face so often

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Faust but with toys. Foolish young boy wishes he were a toy so he could be one of the toys he plays with, because he has no friends (no neighbor kids, lives in a small town full of old people, school is a series of shitty trailers stuck together and the kids there are all losers you wouldn't want to hang around with) so he sells his soul to an evil fairy, the Orange Fairy, because that's the opposite of blue fairy and this is like a twisted reverse-Pinocchio, and becomes a toy. He and all his toys are transported to "Toy Land" a world of wonder and merriment where all the toys live and play. Things are good for a while until the evil orange fairy returns to "Play with" him, and since she owns his soul he has no choice. The orange fairy then proceeds to torture the boy in silly but horrifying ways and most kids watching will be frightened out of their mind orcrying, because it's not Disney if nobody's crying. The kids toys hatch a plan to rescue him from the equivalent of toy hell. They sneak into the orange fairy's home office at night, find the contract the boy signed with the fairy, cross out his name, and then put one of their own on it. Then, they see that the evil fairy has several of contracts with other kids she took souls form, and evidence of other wishes come true and twisted into torture. Bravely, they cross out all the names and replace them with their own. They accidentally knock down a shelf, which wakes up the orange fairy but it's too late, she has lost all of her souls in exchange for a bunch of toys. The children transform back into children and immediately swarm the orange fairy. She tries to fight back but there are too many of them, they push her down a flight of steps and stab her in the leg with her magic soul-stealing pen, which causes her and the magical world around her to warp and collapse. Then they're all transported back home with their families and belongings, but with a creepy little toy orange fairy under their pillow.

Whenever Gumball is uncomfortable, anxious, or trying to fake a smile, that face is their Flash asset.

It'll probably be bitching about "fat-shaming".

The top looks like some Video Brinquedo shit, "Little Toy Cowboy" or something.

He lost some of the baby fat

I guess they stopped getting Pizza Planet

>But seriously, why do they use that face so often
Same reason they use the pixelated penis joke all the time.

so much soul

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