I think Zantana is my first real waifu

I think Zantana is my first real waifu

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Can't blame ya. Bitch is hot.

It would be an excellent choice user! if it were not because she is already my wife! ONLY MINE UNDERSTAND IT SHE'S MINE MINE AND MINE, SHE'S MY WIFE

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This isn't /cog/ multiple threads are allowed and incouraged.

So this is the reason Bats never married that.


It's not the real dialogue

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Paul Dini would like to have a word with the both of you.

Paul Dini is such a fucking hoe

Based Paul Dini turning his waifu into a loli.

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it's a fun show

Why is that hip waggle so cute

And yet you can't even spell her name right.

Because hips is the fetish of intellectual gentlemen

Y-yes ma'am

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All right, this is bullshit. Nobody is allowed to have two waifus, not even Paul Dini. So which is it, Paul? Is it Zatanna or Fifi?

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>tfw you'll never be able to relive seeing rock event live

So where can I watch pirated versions of the new show and the season opening movie?

I don't know who Fifi is, but I'm sure Dini's wife can cosplay her too.

I remember when everyone kept talking that Zantana was a forgotten character.
But this came and everyone who said that now hates it.
Pure irony.

Search "DC Super Hero Girls mega" in the Yea Forums archive, buddy.

Well to be honest it took her a long time to make a comeback.

Justive League helped a lot in the eyes of normies, she is not an A lister (yet) but I greatly appreciated her small appearances in batman cartoons.

Dini made his waifu real and married her. That's a level of power not seen elsewhere

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How the fuck did Paul pull THIS shit off? Did he call in a favor to Grant Morrison? Was this the secret reason why Seven Soldiers was written?

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Paul is such a fucking hoe, having 2 OFFICIAL waifus automatically cancels everything with the 2 or more waifus, so Paul is such a stupid cunt, Zee is only mine, fuck that stupid

Post more of these please.

I want Dini to write a Zatanna episode

Fifi played Zatanna in that one episode, so...

purple is top color choice for Zee, people realized that 25 years ago

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But she's just Rarity with a new hat.

He knows what's good in life.

I would imagine he owes a shit tonne of "favors" to DC

You guys need to stop posting edits of the dialogue and scenes because it confuses me

a canon fused character.


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>ywn make your waifu real
Paul Dini is a true god among men.

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>not twilight
M8 did we watch the same show?

Keep making the same Kanye reference someone will laugh at it

You are the cancer.

I think it's fun

Too bad they censored her legs unlike WonderLoli.

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Chaos magic, bro
Think Chris-chan with hermetic knowledge instead of autism

A reminder to everyone in this thread.

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as long as people don't start using a name for the fans of the show and don't start posting images of the show in unrelated threads i think we are safe.

Can I post reaction images from the show?

if they are relevant for the topic and you aren't spamming them, i don't see the problem

Stop talking about /mlp/. There's a board already for that.

patrician taste

Is this from a new episode?



Wise Words.

damn zatanna look like THAT?

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she is perfect, she's a goddess understand that you human SHE IS A GODDESS

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It's OK user. Shit happens sometimes.

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>Zee gets two costumes
>both of them are great

That alone makes her best girl.

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I'm trying to watch this online and the thing I can find are animated shorts on Youtube. Is this it? 2 minute videos?

... What?

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>not seen elsewhere
Read about the guy who made The Addams Family.

Theres a cartoon on Cartoon Network.

Check their...app? Website? I dunno, I haven't watched CN in years.

Too bad
Because I'm gonna to do it anyways
>tfw no magical yandere gf

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Oh, Lauren Faust has a child. I didn't realize they tried again after the initial(?) miscarriage. That's wonderful.

Yeah. I just checked their site. What the hell is going on lol.

That outfit is garbage though. Keep Zatanna in the magician outfit or fuck off

shiggers want to call themselves shggers

You're gonna make the physical representation of Batman raping Joker happen and marry it?

Humanity has been a long progression of repeating the same mistakes

clearly not. did you already forget the fashion bit when they went shopping.


user, I agree, but i'm so used to her sexy comic counterpart that this version of her isn't doing it for me. maybe its the colors?