The Fox X-Men cannon is coming to an end...

The Fox X-Men cannon is coming to an end. Which is best order to watch these movies that were built on a horribly-made timeline?
Including The New Mutants and Dark Phoenix.
Also consider that Deadpool probably will continue with the Fox-Disney deal.

Attached: dofp1.jpg (825x464, 266K)

Other urls found in this thread:

First Class > X1 > X2 > X3 > The Wolverine > DOFP > Logan
Origins, Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix don't matter.

The only ones which make sense continuity-wise are the first 3.

Origins is actually referenced in The Wolverine.

1. First Class.
2. X-Men.
3. X-2.
4. The Last Stand.
5. Days of Future Past.
6. Logan.

I just pretend Logan and DOFP are different endings to branching timelines. Because of how fucked up the continuity is, and as good as Logan was, I want to pretend the X-Men had a happy ending that didn't get destroyed by Charles having a violent seizure.

Original timeline:
X1 > X2 > X3

Original timeline with new material:
First Class > X-Men Origins: Wolverine > X1 > X2 >X3 > The Wolverine > DOFP

New timeline caused by DOFP:

First Class > Apocalypse > Dark Phoenix >DOFP epilogue somehow

Logan Timeline:
X-Men Origins: Wolverine > X1 > X2 > X3 (if you count the deleted scene) > The Wolverine > Logan

Same. Days was the right jumping off point.

Logan can't really be in-continuity with either future of DOFP. It does reference X1, Origins, and The Wolverine, also X3 if you count that deleted scene. They also reference the Essex Corporation taking Logan's blood, I think, but that's from Apocalypse. But it can't be in the new timeline because Caliban in Apocalypse and Logan are different.

>best order
The order they came out, stupid, except skip the shitty ones.

I'm going to be "that guy" and say most of the X-Men movies are misfires, and that outside the handful that are decent most just aged poorly. X2, First Class, and DOFP are all still fun, but I'm looking forward to what Marvel Studios does with the characters.

Also, fucked up opinion; Apocalypse was actually the most accurate X-Men film, despite being dogshit

Attached: AW MY STANZA.png (250x369, 94K)

>says most are misfires

>likes First Class
is he really that influential?

Mostly from cast performances (except Beast and Raven), the rest was eh

other than the black leather i don't have much to complain about

Bacon was pretty bad as Shaw. Also
>January Jones
>Zoe Kravitz
Were way worse than Lawrence and Hoult.

> Bacon was pretty bad as Shaw
what terrible taste

his teeth are fucking piss yellow

Jones and Kravitz didn't have shit to do, that was as much a script problem

Nothing can be in continuity with DOFP because it doesn't make sense.

Nothing to do with taste, he was objectively just playing plain old Kevin Bacon, which I enjoy but is nothing like comics Shaw.

And when they had a line they felt like robots. Thank God they didn't have shit to do.

Good tier-
>X-men, X2, First Class, Days of Future Past and Logan

Okay tier-
>The Wolverine

Shit tier-
>The Last Stand, Wolverine Origins, Apocalypse and most likely Dark Phoenix

Look the only good ones are X1/X2, First Class, DoFP and Logan.

And honestly, FC and DoFP have major problems, but the high points are high enough that on average they are worth watching.

The rest is utter, complete, garbage. I'm including DF without even watching it.

Switch First Class and Apocalypse and you're on the money

he was never going to be comics shaw, since right away he was nazi shaw

can't wait for the Deadpool/Spider Butt teamup movie

I mean in terms of behavior. Comics Shaw has a calm, collected, smug, charming facade hiding a violent sperg; movie Shaw is a twitchy nervous motherfucker who really doesn't have this bipolar/facade quality to the same extent and isn't convincing as a master manipulator, despite the script absolutely allowing that to be showcased. So yeah I blame Bacon even if I usually like him.

I honestly don't get how FC's high points cancel out its flaws. Yeah McAvoy and Fassbender are good but there's a ton of bad acting, shit CG, setting up the Raven-centric movies, non-characters just hanging around, lots of miming because characters have to poorly speak foreign languages but Americans hate subtitles, Xavier losing his legs in a hilariously coincidental way, ...