Why does Hellboy come off as a guy who's constantly drunk in this clip?
Why does Hellboy come off as a guy who's constantly drunk in this clip?
>Why does Hellboy come off as a guy who's constantly drunk in this clip?
You mean why does he come off like Hellboy?
Also RIP Shitztain. First Pet Sematary and now this.
from what little I read of Hellboy he never came off as a drunk to me, unless he was drunk.
He sounds like Sylvester Stallone.
What I want to know is why "Pet Semetary" is misspelled, even on the book itself..
Because it's written by children
Probably because there was already a story called "Pet Cemetery" and King was just not going to find another title.
>Stephen King is actually 3 kids in a trenchcoat
That actually explains a lot.
Well that's just silly.
He has a vision for a new world.
oh so it's supposed to be misspelled? I thought it was just mistranslated when I saw the adds for it and they didn't bother to correct it
And it's coming at you.
He fell into the bottle once or twice but never really part of his defining character
>oh so it's supposed to be misspelled?
What the other "Pet Cemetery" about?
He was on a drunk bender in Mexico after his dog died, and after that he was drinking with dead people after his father died and left the BPRD after he had enough. Other than that he's stone-sober. It's basically his main feature.
I feel as if everyone who's defending this movie either because they never read Hellboy proper, or love him so much that they're in denial.
Fuck if I know, that's just my idiotic speculation.
A burial ground for pets
>Why does Hellboy come off... drunk in this clip?
Bad prosthetics that make it hard to talk
Hellboy isn't constantly drunk, only sometimes
>I feel as if everyone who's defending this movie either because they never read Hellboy proper, or love him so much that they're in denial.
Why can't you defend the movie while between the two camps? Why does it have to be the one or the other
there is the third "idiot with no taste" camp
Because nothing we've seen so far warrants that kind of reaction.
I have you know I'm an idiot with great taste.
So you're the second one
Quips sell.
Watch the movie Monkey Bones. Stephen King makes a cameo in dream Land. Turns out one of his creations took his place in the real world and his consciousness has been stuck in dream world.
Saying "man's best friend my ass! Damn Cujo."
He says to Alice once that he basically spent months drinking with ghosts and decided to quit drinking altogether with the Excalibur business.
And then there was that time he was a luchdaor
Would you buy this?
who wouldn't?
Yes, actually
Or this?
How much does this cost ? I'm assuming it's an unique piece.
How much?
I dunno I just like spamming his stuff in Hellboy threads
that gun is horrible
Sure thing, man
I’m not sure how I feel about this.
Oddly enough, what bothers me is Professor Broom. He just doesn’t have the fatherly feel that I always assumed Broom had. John Hurt nailed the softness of Broom, the kindness that Hellboy was lucky enough to have in his life.
I'm not diggin' this
Hellboy's seen it all twice but this dude trying to imitate Marvel Thor in a world where nuance isn't a real word.
True but Broom was barley a character in the comics
Why aren't I laughing?
Go watch the MCU if you want quips.
What did Hellboy do to deserve this kind of treatment?
>MCU if you want quips.
How would that help for laughter?
you mean like
>I'm a Capricorn and you're FUCKING NOT