Why is rose “titty monster” quartz always underrepresented and ignored when it comes to lewd

Why is rose “titty monster” quartz always underrepresented and ignored when it comes to lewd

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No one wants tumblr snooping around threatening to kill them.

But thicc girls are hot

Because she's a fraud and looks like a pink clown in her true form
then again this was the case before the reveal, poor rose

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Because none of them are canon titty monsters. None of them even have genitals.


Rose is literally the only one to canonically have genitals and to have a visible cleavage.

Is it wrong that I fully believe Rose used her gem-goddess magic to grow Greg's dick to absolute monstrous proportions for her entertainment? Still to this day Greg is walking around with a mega-cock in those jean shorts.

I think Rose saw Greg as a play thing at first, like a human woman looks at a hitachi, but then slowly fell in love with him for who he was.

Gems have tits and pussy, jasper has clevage in some shots and she wouldn’t have known about human biology otherwise.

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I dunno, but I absolutely believe that every time he was spent and exhausted, he would give him a healing spit BJ instantly restoring his stamina

Because nobody like FAT porn.

Attached: Steven Universe_Ranarldo_Drop_Beat_Dad_132.png (1920x1090, 1.2M)

Fuck off Ronaldo

My semen puddle would like a word with you

oh god this pic is still being posted
please, no

Attached: bra.gif (1000x715, 134K)

Yeah but God forbid you draw her tummy one half pound too light it's the fucking pyre for you.

Yeah, this ones better

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I'm reworking this one too, shush there

Because artists are afraid of tumblr going after them for not drawing her like a hambeast. They fucking latched onto her first appearance as some kind of fat acceptance icon, because she was pregnant in that video and tumblr is so far up its asshole about representation and social shit that they actually confused pregnant with fat. Then they went on a crusade against artists that don't draw Rose "fat" enough for like 3 months that scared a lot of artists that had previously drawn more of her off. She's canon thicc sure, but anything less than an actual fucking whale was rallied against for a while. It's had a lasting impact to this day, even though people don't really give a shit any more.

Relatedguy, is that you?
can you draw Sadie’s moms ad topless

Oh shit it's you, on the thread topic you draw a real fucking nice Rose man.

You poor sweet summer child.

Attached: ....png (814x588, 159K)

Not as hot as Steven.

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Even if you buy into the idea of Rose being fat, it's fucking porn and artists can draw her however they feel like. Most of the stuff involving Rose recently actually isn't fat at all.

quints confirm

I just want to say I love you Stevens ass poster

God I wanna fuck that Rose's tits

>God I wanna fuck that Rose's tits
We all do, son. We all do

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How about one with Martha please?

Attached: SU_Martha_02.png (587x779, 347K)

What did Sugar mean by this?

Attached: Steven_universe_by_jane1.jpg (1024x1152, 212K)

Good choice on the pic.
>I want a green short-stack of my very own to FUCK.

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Martha is an underrated waifu

But that's a happily married lady.

Ya couldn't bother to nude Pearl out too?

Attached: SU_Pearl wants some of that fusion.jpg (1280x720, 212K)

>I want a green short-stack of my very own to FUCK.
The emphasis on FUCK has made my penis the big penis

Just found it on better quality.

Attached: SsQvMbD.png (484x716, 261K)

On the surface, but longs for that fresh young meat of her son through strangers.
>I would prefer to see her in a threesome with Onion's and Connine's mum.

Attached: SU_Martha_Pleasant.png (540x1060, 128K)

Like that's ever stopped relatedguy from doing pics of Priyanka

Only naked boys allowed, sadly.

silly question
you drive a hard bargain, but you convinced me.

>tfw your favorite Gems barely get any lewd art now.
Unless I'm looking in the wrong places, but it's sad...

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That's what you get for waifuing a one off FOTM

Why is ok to post a trans show like SU here?
Shezow is unironically less gay than that

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True, but rage babies want their strawman because they love bullying Steven Universe fans into suicide and don't care that they're too stupid to keep their strawmen straight. You can tell their real priorities because they alway bring it up to demonize people who like Steven Universe, or people who disagree with their politics, and never as an argument against bullying even though that's the entire premise of their excuse. Of course, any glimpse at their actions will show that they don't actually oppose bullying in the slightest, least of all the bullying of Steven Universe fans like the one they claim to be martyring.

That's exactly what I want.

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I want to shower with Peridot

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absolute beauty, who is she? i must know>

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Her name is penny underbust and she does absolutely NO porn

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Flat is justice

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Who drew this?



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Does Steven's butt qualify as flat?

>Her name is penny underbust and she does absolutely NO porn

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im fine with that, a little playful teasing is nice two, thanks for answering me bro.

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Oh, hi Lana

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I think not being real is what killed it

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>I think not being real is what killed it
Don’t go their

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Nobody likes fat chicks and Rose Quartz is fat not thicc.

>no one likes fat chicks
My erection would disagree

God damn that's hot

Fucking cringe, it's porn you faggot

>Nobody likes fat chicks

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Rose absolutely saw Greg as some kind of animal under her. "I really want to play with you / the way human beings play, I like to play along / haven't we been having fun", Greg didn't feel respected at all. I think their relationship only got "real" after "We Need To Talk".

Do you think greg ever came inside her clevage?

They did it all dude.

Even face fucking pearl?

>Even face fucking pearl
A man can dream

Attached: Pearl's face.webm (1278x720, 952K)

>you will never have pearl gag and spittle on your cock, as you climax in her throat and watch with ecstasy as your jizz drools out of her nostrils as she gargles in protest

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>Not Dr Maheswaran

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>get bullied for drawing skinny rose
>sucrose makes her canon skinny

But Rose isn't even fat. She's the physical definition of thick. Plus, being agile in combat only further separates her from fat slobs. Don't be fooled by all the fanart depicting her as obese or chronically pregnant.

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Attached: Rose Dio Pink diamond.jpg (735x414, 36K)

Ugly and disgusting

Hottest girl in the show by far

People parrot the fat meme because of the bullying event and trying to find a reason to shit on every aspect of the show. Outside of the pregnant video tape there's not a single shot of her in the show where she actually looks fat.

Attached: Rose quartz dress.png (1920x1080, 1.41M)

I want to lick her tummy

Sadie's mom is single.

She doesn't show up enough for people to waifu her and thus commission art of her.