Finally, Disney’s X-Men

Finally, good X-Men movies. Finally, crossovers with the Avengers. Finally, comic accurate costumes. Finally, Rightclops.

Thank you, Based Disney.

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Look all I want is a short guy playing Wolverine and his hairy ass in a real costume/mask

its all so tiresome

>comic accurate costumes
If you think we're going to get anything like Psylocke's leotard costume with Disney's prudes like Fiege in charge you got another thing coming. All women must cover arms and legs. No sexy leotards allowed.

I think that will be the way they go. Give everyone their colorful costumes and cast everyone true to the character. Iceman will be gay but that never really bothered me (ideally he would be bi but whatever). Outside of that there will be no need to push diversity because the X-men are already really diverse.

not him but
>Lizze's titties
>Scarlett's ass and cleavage
Don't know what you're smoking, but Disney don't mind at all.

leotards and shit are retarded costumes

Excellent pearl clutching

>Thank you, Based Disney.

Attached: based.gif (600x433, 1.95M)

>Incel only cares about things that get his wee wee hard

The only x men characters that should show skin are psylocke, Emma frost, beast, colossus, and storm in that order

I’m just hypothetically speaking about what I think they will do. Any retard knows they want their X-Men movies to stand out from the old ones as to not confuse idiots. The best way to do that is to give everyone their individual costumes and accents/nationalities. It’s common sense.

>Finally, Rightclops.
I wouldn't set my hopes so high.

Good. Leotards are stupid.

All of you shut up! SHUT UP! Don't you realize what this can mean?!

Don't you fucking realize that Rogue will drain Danvers?!

You have no appreciation for some good campy comic accurate classic superheroine fun. And are probably prudes.

First of all,
Why do you think your fancy politically charged way of calling someone a "virgin loser" makes you smart? And why are you so against sexy superheroines. Why such a sex-negative prude?

Too bad current marvel-disney are prudes who like covered up superheroines, like captain carol.

>comic accurate costumes
>based Disney
two years ago, I was telling everyone who was saying that Disney shills were real to fuck off but now, it couldn't be more obvious. People really do suck Disney dick hard now, don't they? The MCU is releasing turd after turd (Russo movies are an exception) and mainstream retards are eating that shit up like crazy. It's pathetic

Finally, good Star Wars movies.

>You have no appreciation
dude, on this board, only 1/20 people actually have appreciation for comics and cartoons. the rest is made up of Yea Forums fags who worship everything MCU related

>Why do you think your fancy politically charged way of calling someone a "virgin loser" makes you smart?
because they are antisocial retards who are unable to have a decent discussion with strangers. the internet brings out the worst in people which you can see on a day to day basis if you visit Yea Forums

>Too bad current marvel-disney are prudes who like covered up superheroines, like captain carol.
I have been saying since Avengers 1 that Disney is ruining the film industry and comics in general due to their way of doing things, which unfortunately is very successful due to the shared universe aspect. They don't give a shit about comics as long as it makes money
To be fair though, Marvel fans Disney's MCU fans because actual Marvel fans see through the shit Disney has been up to while Disney MCU worshippers don't care about quality

I hope they go the Homecoming route wherein because they aren’t the only metahuman show in town, the public barely cares about mutants until either Xavier or Magneto’s lads do something amazing:

“So you’re like, Inhumans...but you don’t need cocoons. Rad.”

They will literally have to either do a butterfly effect type of scenario or flat out dimension hopping to introduce mutants. Having mutants being there the entire time would be retarded as fuck
Also, Homecoming was the biggest insult to Spider-Man's character I have ever seen and that says something. Having him being a flat out Iron Man fanboy instead of doing his own thing robs the character of everything that makes him special. I know Disney likes to fuck up but if they do that to X-Men, they are even worse than I thought. I don't see an issue with just letting the X-Men stay in their own (new) universe

>implying costumes in Disney movies are comic accurate

look at Hawkeye please

You clearly haven't noticed Scarlett's cleveage dissapeared literally after Avengers 1.

disney manchildren soys only care about seeing a little man in yellow spandex

Because “virgin losers” need are useless. Any man who can’t achieve the most basic form of human intimacy shouldn’t be allowed to contribute to discussions

But he didn't say anything that implies whether he has or hasn't fucked. You just reeed because he had an opposing opinion you can't counter with arguments.

Ok now look at Cap, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Vision, and so on


Oh you’re retarded

but at least I'm not brain dead like you

No he’s an incel and incels are faggots

>Days of Future Past was bad
>Logan was bad
Yikes, made me give a (You).

How so?

You could go the Umbrella Academy or live-action Doom Patrol route. Like Charles and Magneto both wrangle around 3-4 young people each in the 70s or 80s, but paralleling the Flower Power movement going to seed, the Mutant revolution fails to take off in either direction because very few actually manifest. It doesn’t help that their respective squads are rather ho-hum (X-Men have Wolverine, Beast, Angel, and maybe Ice Man; the Brotherhood has Toad, Blob, and Unus) with only a few flashy standouts.

But lo and behold, after Infinity War, mutants start showing up again and Charles has to galvanize his old squad out of retirement to beat Magneto to the punch (Angel’s a middle-aged CEO to his family company that hasn’t flown in years, Wolverine’s skeptical of the X-Men actually working this time around, Beast is struggling with his second mutation, etc). Magneto’s team is little better and he hasn’t to bribe or blackmail some of them into re-entering the fray (Unus is depressed at the fall of Soviet Russia, Blob has slimmed down thank to a Quiznos diet, and Toad is really reluctant to help with the search because he feels that a lot of these new mutants are “more special” than he is).

You could do some Gen-Z satire with the mutant kids they hope to recruit trying to use their new powers to be e-celebs, recklessly trying to be discount Avengers, using them for mundane everyday tasks, or committing petty crimes.

Easy way to add X-Men to the Marvel Universe is Legion.

Just do Age of Apocalypse and make whoever the avengers roster is during that movie be a relevant part of the plot, they can even make it an unobtrusive two parter with the timelines of the movies overlapping a bit with the first being avenger perspective and second being mutant perspective or vice versa.

Go to hell.

>Comic Accurate Costumes
Scarlet Witch says hi

You keep your Avengers shit out of my Xmen

It's "another think coming", actually.

And you people are sex-negative prudes who want suppress female sexuality.

And quite possibly faggots yourselves which is why you don't like see attractive women.

name three good X-men stories with the avengers in it

Why is that necessary? The Avengers weren't in GOTG 1/2 or Black Panther. Of course Fox already mined most of Claremont's famous stories, so...

A fat black gay leftwing deadpool! oh yes!

>good X-Men movies
>comic accurate costumes

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>Look all I want is a short guy playing Wolverine and his hairy ass in a real costume/mask
We didn't have Hawkeye and it's the same fucking mask, so I don't think so, lad

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