Meet your villainess
Meet your villainess

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>Woody abandon his new kid for no reason

Character development? pfffff who cares?

Josh Cooley id s hack

>fucking Slappy everywhere
Are they voiced by Jack Black at least?

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People are critical of a sequel but I'm happy for one...if it's WELL DONE. Are they going to make Bo Peep annoying feminazi instead of the sweet thing she was in the first? Also why are they making an existential crisis instead of making the spork cute? These questions plague me.

It better be good.

Tom Hanks cried when recording the final scene and described it as "a moment in history". It will be good.

Bo Peep will still be sweet but toughened from having to hold her own after getting lost at the fairgrounds. The spork is obviously an existential crisis but it'll be resolved.

Is it really going be another "surprise" villan? Why does Disney keep doing this?

>first half of movie is about Woody convincing some abomination to not kill itself
bold choice?

I don't find it believable that Woody would jump out of a van to save a spork, even if it was important to Bonnie.

Like, Woody has gone on adventures before but he's not an idiot, if he jumps out of that van there is a huge likelihood he'll never see Bonnie or any of his friends again, and that loser Spork will be forgotten about in a week.

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>first half
Trailer make it seems like it will get resolved pretty quickly.

>actor says the movie they are in is going to be good
I'm shocked

They are only making the movie in the first place because they had a story they wanted to tell

Woody jumped from Andy to the girl. His whole existence has been defined by these other people but now he finds Bo-Peep who has been living a single independent life with no children. This is the movie that is going to address the fact that these toys have been living to please these children who never really know or care and will just get new toys eventually but the toys themselves, they're never really alive until they're on their own.

It's infuriating to me that I'll have practically an obligation to see this movie for being a tailend millennial even though Andy's story has been wrapped in it's entirety. I'm just waiting for Andy to show up with his own children to devastate my confidence.
>character in animated film is starting a family before me

Whatever, I hope it's not shit, but my gut tells me to mentally prepare for propaganda.

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Woody will have to choose between Bo Peep and Bonnie.


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I'm telling you guys, it's going to be feels kino and make you question life

Pixar went to shit the moment humans appeared in Wall-E

everything after that moment has been mediocre-bad

Might be good. Crazy dummies seemed like they'd be minor at least by the trailer. More of a journey of introspection and crap.

And Bo Peep will have to choose between Bonnie (and by proxy, Woody) or that amusement park where she can have any kid she wants. It's going to be a movie about responsibility, sacrifice, discovering what you actually want out of life, and love, from both a male and female perspective seeing equal screen time. Pixar has the opportunity to make some seriously kino shit.

So wait, there's a spark with an existential crisis? Is that an allegory for non binary? Haven't seen the trailer but if that's a real thing, better buckle up.

Why is she so fucking thicc hory shet

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It looks like it's the exact same story beats as 2 and 3? Except it has Bo now I guess. Also Bo looks like a 3d model instead of an actual toy like most everything else.

too much cotton candy at the fair

It's more like "I shouldn't be alive! I'm for eating and then getting in the trash!"

Thats....even weirder. Atleastnthenother 9ne kinda makes sense. This is just nihilistic. This 4th installment should be interesting.

I swear, if there's a gay toy, I'm out.

Yeah it's going to be great watching Toy Story 2 again but not caring since the heart of the story is a utensil abomination and literally who: the kid

You completely missed the obvious hints at the plot. The entire movie is going to revolve around Bo Peep and Woody's self-discovery. Bonnie is just one big metaphor for "looming responsibility and closing doors"

>They are only making the movie in the first place because they had a story they wanted to tell
Or maybe because the first one was a huge hit and a instant classic so they can shit sequels infinitely for guaranteed money?

I also think it will be a surprise villain

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>Trailer essentially reveals Sporkys entire character arc.

I hate when they do this, atleast try to keep things vague

Because kids think that it's a smart movement, they feel more mature when they watch that kind of things.

>thinking sporky was anything but a plot device to get Woody to the antique shop

>le stronk female
I mean it's not even subtle anymore, you all see the programming , right?

>/pol/ brainwashed toons of those reddit kids
Feel bad for you but i think the best thing to do is kys , there is not other route

of fucking god damn course, and they're writing bo exactly like I fucking thought they would

at least the animation is 10/10 but thats par for the course, i hope that wasnt andy though jesus christ what was that

>female character doesn't look from 1910
>must be feminazi
Me think you've been at the coolaid for too long.

>instead of the sweet thing she was in the first
I mean at the very least use context clues, for fucks sake of course she isn't going to be sweet and kind like that anymore, that's the entire purpose of her redesign.

They could just make another one, but maybe toys cant make toys. Interesting thought.

>the moment humans appeared in Wall-E
Still disappointed. Just make a separate movie about humans and the future and shit.

Fuck man, why not just start with a new cast of toys, set in the same universe? Too hard and they cant cash on nostalgia, thats why.

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He’s become the dad to all of bonnie’s toys and looks after their well being
This is important because Bo has become the mother to all of the lost toys

We already know Woody will choose Bonnie/Forky.

So this whole movie is just pointless.

He fucking got bumped off the RV trying to rescue Forky because Bonnie is obsessed with it and he is doing it for her best interest. Nice try at a shitpost though, if only your apathy didn't reduce your attention span to a squirrel.

>Bo Peep now looks like Elsa

Can someone shoot up Disney next?

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>It's infuriating to me that I'll have practically an obligation to see this movie

If you pay to see this movie you may as well take a butterknife to your cock and balls right now, you corporate cock slurping bellend faggot. Replace that molded cord of Dollar Tree instant dessert gelatin you call a spine immediately.

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Even inhuman dolls suffer from disney sameface now

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Maybe Woody an heros at the end.

Yeah, at the next shareholders' meeting, the story of "LOOK AT ALL THAT DOSH!"

Supposedly they don't speak at all.

Epic gif man, they totally are different faces based on it!

The movie is less about if Woody goes home but if Bo goes with him. Which will be easier to do if that tiny cop turns out to be the villain.

The light reflection on the porcelain makes it look like she has been covered in something oily.

Did I just fucking watch the whole movie in this trailer?

She's made from... Porcelain?

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>porcelain doll trying to act like a badass action girl

There's commentary here somewhere.

Subversion of expectations. That's why Sideshow Bob/Mel characterizations sticked.


maybe its to appeal to chinese audiences

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And let's not forget the opportunity for endless merchandising. That's where the real money comes from.

Toy Story t-shirts
Toy story lunch boxes

They had dangerous sounding dialogue in the trailer. Double subversion in that they think she fell to evil, but isn't.


I hope there's another twist where Bo Peep isn't a villainess, but just an anti-hero who Woody changes her mind

Here's the most likely prediction: Woody and Buzz go there seperate ways at the end.

Woody goes with Bo Peep (finding true love) and Buzz and the gang stay with Bonnie.

But Jessie and Woody are different people, even if Buzz likes them both.

Seriously What the Hell? At this rate Toy Story 1 is going to be the black sheep of the franchise.

This is all stuff Woody came to terms with in TS2 and TS3. What is the point of having him tempted by another life *again?*

Everyday until he wears a poncho and becomes a wandering nerfman.

Jessie already saved Woody in Toy Story 2 you paranoid fag

oh wow, a suicidal 'toy'
see kids, don't turn household objects into toys they just want to kill themselves

Reminder that Bonnie should be in high school since TS3 was nine years ago.

From what I remember, Woody didn't even remotely consider the museum a good choice in Toy Story 2. And "the choice" looks a lot harder here in 4 anyway.

100% plastic

The trailer looked alright but this thread has my hopes up that it'll be kino.

He did when being fixed and when Fake buzz came to save him

>TS3 was nine years ago
T-that can’t be right

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I can see it, a problem that Woody keeps resolving gets resolved by dragging him away from what he's settled on by a girl.

Nah, she'll change Woody's mind.

>girl toy all the way in the back of one shot is holding hands with another girl toy for .67 seconds
>theyre confirmed gay because one of the 39 writers for this movie tweets it

Since you're a 12 year old or mentally retarded, you'll love it no matter what.

not the first time he's done it. he went to a garage sale full of people to save wheezy in ts2.

So I guess there's no chance the movie ends with Bonnie finding out the toys are alive.

>I buy bullshit marketing
Did you also cry at WW like apparently everyone on set did?


>I was made to help a child. I don’t remember it being this hard.
Felt a little emotion there, despite myself. It’s a good line read.

Yep, the story of Toy Story Land, now open at Hollywood Studios.

>Pixar has the opportunity to make some seriously kino shit.

the trailer looks kino itself


the twist in this movie is him going with Bo Peep in the end

>Andy: Woody please do a good job helping this girl to grow up as great as you did it for me
>Woody: bye kid

but sometimes life throws a curveball

should he go with Bo Peep and finally find happiness, or stay with Bonnie? I mean Buzz and the rest will all be there.

Gee I wonder if he'll do exactly what he did in TS2 and TS3

In some countries few VAs for main characters passed away already.

This will feel awkward hearing new voices from old characters.

This is different because this is the very last movie, for real this time.

Threepwood is that you playa
I still haen't finished monkey island 2 yet but at least I made it off scab island

>6 results before even 100 posts
this board is fucking garbage

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>he thinks the voice actors had any say in that
>he thinks the voice actors are not contractually obligated to continue playing their parts


>soi memes


The guy you're replying to is retarded but to be absolutely fair, Tom Hanks is saying some really good things about it. It doesn't just sound like marketing shit either.

>This, I couldn't even get through the last scene. They've got great characters but a couple of scenes toward the end were really hard to get through.

Get ready for crykino, lads.

Don't worry kids, they'll get used to living in time!

doubtful, she's so creepy
beside, if it was a spoiler they wouldn't have made her a bad guy in the trailer

How the fuck is someone this naive posting on an imageboard?

I can't really see this being a surprise twist. Maybe she's an antagonistic force, but either she gets a semi-happy ending or there's not really a villain at all for this film. I really want to see a flashback of how Bo Peep got separated from Andy.

i want to see woody meeting a buzz lightyear spinoff female character now.

looks like they changed her nose to flick more out and her neck to be thinner, plus slightly longer hair

The real problem is that they somehow forgot that TWIST VILLAINS ONLY WORK WHEN YOU ALREADY HAVE AN ESTABLISHED ONE.

shut the fuck up retard

It's rare to have situation antagonists and not just something you can point to. Even metaphorical antagonists these days usually end up with a form.

I don't mind the plot of the movie, but holy fuck the feminists at Disney really need to avoid the growing list of cliches they're creating. In a vacuum, there's nothing really wrong with what happened to Bo Peep per se. But in the broader context, it's getting fucking annoying to see MUH ACTION FEMALE portrayed in the exact same fucking way. The only thing missing here is her being asian and having a blue streak of dyed hair.

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Why are this movies always about Woody going through an existential crisis, it could be someone else for a change.

based on his reaction to Spork jumping out of the trailer, I think Woody's going through some of his own inner turmoils, probably with Andy and possibly fears of outliving the kids he brings joy to or something like that.

I don't really know what you're taking issue with. Try to be more specific about what you dislike about Bo Peep's portrayal from the available promotional material.

Andy got in a car accident and is dying, Woody's trying to remember all the good times he had with him but realize he's slowly forgetting his face, just like we never saw Emily face in TS2 even tho it was from Jesse's perspective.

>It doesn't just sound like marketing shit either

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She can read your mind ooOOooohhh.
Not really, but the back of the box said so.

Just the way she is designed, moves, and fights. It's kind hard to articulate since the cliche is still in development, but it's that 'action female' look and style that you see in the Lego Movie or Emoji Movie. The strong independent female type who has had to learn to survive against some oppressive whatever whatever. Like Sarah Conner or something.

Again, it's not bad in and of itself. I just hate that we only get that now. However, I will say I do like the way Bo Peep sounds; I forget what she was like in Toy Story 1, but it certainly does have that country girl twang that treats Woody as if he was some old friend she knew back at the ranch or something. That part is fine, everything else about the design reminds me too much of Rey and Wildstyle and others of that type. All I ask is something different be done, not to abandon the direction they're going for.

Wasn't Bo Peep's direction in 3 "all the friends we lost along the way"?

Yeah, she just wasn't there - probably because the big cast needed trimming - and I don't mind her ending up in the antique shop/carnival in 4. Again, the problem is how unoriginally they're going about all this and not what they are doing. You can just feel the 'FUTURE IS FEMALE' politics from this, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That wouldn't be the case if they didn't design her as if there was some sort of checklist for 'strong female character'.

Ok shill

Design-wise, she's a just a woman (toy) without the big poofy dress that generally hampers one's movement. We don't know how she got abandoned by Andy. She's not here to be hyper-competent and show up Woody like what Buzz did in the first film. Woody's here to see what she's done to establish herself in a wholly different environment from Andy's house. It's interesting, from my perspective.

And you know, they're toys. I don't think we're going to see much discussion on gender stereotypes based in human interactions. It's more of the same "we live to make kids happy" schmuck.

You take that back. Bo is 100% pure porcelain

>I don't think we're going to see much discussion on gender stereotypes

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>the toys get lost and they have to get back to and-I mean bonnie!
Y a w n

Disney's/Pixar's writing machine works by frontloading the first two acts so they can fit all the jokes and character development in without conflict and then shoehorning a twist to create instant conflict. Only the first Wreck it Ralph did it right (Villain is only spoken in hushed tones. Has a dark back story that shows he could be anyone and could strike at any time and the villain twist is more of shedding off his disguise than revealing he's a villain since there's plenty of build to the reveal). Probably will get the same shit here where they build that Bo Peep might be the antagonist but it's some random side character. (Though Frozen 2 seems like it's going to be straight up YA Action and bring in an actual antagonist early in the film)

I have a feeling Bo will be an antagonist but, unlike the previous antagonists, she'll actually be convinced to stop trying to force Woody to stay in the end. Bo staying or going will be the real question.

I'm more bummed that it's another Woody focused story. Though with Bo being a focus I guess it really does have to focus on Woody for it to work. I hope they give Buzz more to do this time around though.

Okay but what if Andy winds up being at the fair with his girlfriend and sees Buzz as one of the toys up for grabs in the carnival game

I thought those dummies looked familiar.

>i want to see woody meeting a buzz lightyear spinoff female character now.
Was it Nova, I think? Idk, been too long since I saw the cartoon.

Movie makes 1.2-1.4 billion at the box office because of the Toy Story name, but is not a good film nor a bad film; just an average film by Pixar standards.

91% on Rotten Tomatoes, 70% on Metacritic, 7.3 on IMDb. Considered the worst of the franchise, but still comparable to the rest of Pixar's later sequels (i.e. Monsters University and Finding Dory).


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Well unless he sees the "Andy" under his foot, I don't think he will recognize him as HIS buzz. But he may get a bit nostalgic, sure.


>literally considers staying at the carnival with Bo Peep in the trailer
At least watch the trailer before you try to argue for it.

>the feminists at Disney really need to avoid the growing list of cliches they're creating
feminists didn't write this movie you dumbass. this is a portrayal pushed and developed by execs with glazed over eyes. actual feminists like rashida whatserface fled like rats off this film because lasseter tried to hug their private parts

are you honestly mentally broken enough to think that feminists made the emoji movie?

Then in TS5 then reunite again

really? a cape and a staff?

Nobody cares who wrote the movie, they care that the writing is formulaic and boring.


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>"Women are stronk, valuable, independent
>That's why we completely erased any prior identity of this one and remade her in our image"

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>Trailers NEVER have audio over different scenes or sometimes added in dialogue to help summarize movie points! NEVER.

....Is that Slappy? From Goosebumps?

yeah you can totally tell by 30 seconds of screen-time

What the hell are you even trying to say here? Not a part of this argument but didn't you literally just say that if they did a line placement change that it was to help summarize movie points? As in yea, he's thinking about staying at the carnival?


Yea, you can tell she isn't the quiet natured soft spoken ranch girl anymore. I'm not sure where you intended to go with this. Even press releases/bios say that she has changed.

we hypercrisis now

The fact that you get mad because she has changed. People change you autist

They have to get a fucking spork...that's the fucking movie?! Fuck this gay Earth...

What? All I fucking said was that she changed to someone saying you couldn't tell in 30 seconds of video. How did that come off as mad? It's these kinds of responses that showcase how badly this board needs to be nuked and tried again in a few years. Wipe the slate clean..

Do you even remember your posts?

That isn't mine and the one you responded to (three times as a matter of fact) was clearly different.

Not only will this be the third Toy Story movie in a row where they have a twist villain, it will be like the fifth or sixth big budget Disney movie in the past decade that has one. We get it, you're creatively bankrupt, just go under already and let the memories rest in peace.

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What twist was Toy Story 2? Stinky Pete wanted the same thing the whole movie.

Weird horrific question: Are Tamagotchis alive in Toy Storyverse?

Video games weren't alive in TS2 so ... I hope not.

Live and die.

But the speak and spell was alive. And are we sure videogames aren't alive? Maybe it's the same universe as Wreck-It Ralph.

This is going to be amazing
I hope it's the last in the series, because it seems like it will be the perfect end to the franchise

I think Toy Story will be the perfect franchise if they stop here

But even if they don't, and they bring it back in 10 more years, it will still be pretty fucking amazing

user, stop, don't go in this direction, i'm begging you, please.

nicely done

>This is going to be amazing
>I hope it's the last in the series, because it seems like it will be the perfect end to the franchise
are you 10

You're innocent. But the real truth is money
If they wanted a story to tell, they'd make a new ORIGINAL IP movie. But no, people eat up nostalgia, so nothing new will happen until everything crashes. There's nothing we can do.

>but a couple of scenes toward the end were really hard to get through.
Let me guess; Bo Peep breaks?

Hot damn he's right.


Is that Boo?

Bullshit. They'll pump out a 5th one 9 years later

>even old designs arent safe from sameface

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There's not gonna be a game is there? :(

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It's hard to imagine that they can do anything more with Woody's character and it's especially hard to believe that he would consider abandoning new kid after, you know, the whole 2nd fucking movie exists.

I still find idea Forky hilarious, but it just better not go where I am thinking they are going for Woody.

fuck off

Dude just fucking pirate it

>separate woody and buzz instead of going back to the status quo for toy story 5
haha no

Wait, that's not how Toy Story 3 went though.
Woody already chose the kid nearing midway of the movie, it was more of a prison break movie, the gang didn't go through "we have to make a choice", it was more like they had to fight against force of nature which is time.

>Bo Peep is actually the Prospector
>melted himself down and fell into a figurine producing facility
>dressed himself up as Bo Peep
>is using this as a cover to figure out what Woody cherishes most, then destroy it
>ends up driving a car through a Pizza Planet and slaughtering 38 children

I see it ending with Woody ultimately deciding to stay with Bonnie and forced to leave Bo Peep behind who refuses to give up her new life.

At what point does he claim Woody's virginity?

It was a twist that he was deliberately being sneaky, manipulative, and aggressive about it. He also basically started the trend of Disney/Pixar twist villains.

What's the worst thing that could happen to a toy from a kid's perspective

You lose it

What's the worst thing that can happen to anyone

You stop cherishing them

I get it

>still farts just as often as he used to

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The twist was that his value worked only with Woody and hoe as a set. He wanted the same thing the whole movie even if Woody didn't want it.

What flavor was it?

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Why mess with the money formula?

Boot to the head.

the beach boys song got me.

So realistically, which is more likely?
>toy story 3 route: the friendly leader turns out to be a completely expected twist villain
>incredibles 2 route: woody becomes an exaggerated incompetent asshole in an embarrassing attempt to make bo peep look better

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Woody will probably leave Bonnie with Forky as her favorite toy.

Jesus Christ

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Mountain Spew

I actually always wondered about Buzz's popularity and thought they'd address that. In the first movie Woody was already a classic when we see him, but Buzz was hot new thing, the space rangers was all the buzz that's why Andy got him.

But like, what about now? Is Buzz a fad or is he still popular? I thought it'd be more clever to make a movie centered around Buzz realizing he was just a fad. You can do something funny with army of bargain bin Buzzes that no one is interested in, Buzz army.

Whoa there Bo-Peep!

Attached: Bo-Peep Ass.png (349x211, 144K)

>Muntz and his dogs playing Poker in the painting

>You know Woody this is even weirder than that time we were trapped in another dimension with that toy from a video game.
>I still think that was a fever dream we had

One of my friends did an undergrad internship at Pixar last year and was partly responsible for this poster.
>marketing says they need a poster
>the pre visualization is pretty much done
>the four main characters in the center were already selected
>marketing goes to the group of 9 or so interns
>"we need some more characters to fill it in"
>"just pick whoever the fuck you want"
>this is the end result

>tons of clickbait articles calling this a win for diversity
>people tweeting with excitement, drawing fanart of these background toys
>other people claiming Disney is pushing an agenda
>still more people saying this doesn't count as representation


How do toys bang?

Woody actually convinced himself the museum was a good idea and was go along with it. He was actually gonna go with it if Buzz didn't show up to rescue him and talk some sense into him.

Wouldn't surprise me. Behind the heroes to their right is a weird place for villain characters. More often you have them looming over the scene larger than life, because they're less front-and center in the story, but their menace drives the plot. Putting them there almost looks like they're backing the heroes up.

Man, Bo Peep got fat.

They're brought to life by the imagination of a child, Toy romance is probably pretty chaste in most cases.

Gushing Granny

What would be pretty cool and interesting:
>Bo Peep really is the villain of the movie, having become disillusioned after losing Woody and subsequently being lost

What's probably going to happen
>Bo Peep turns out to be right and Woody ends up staying with her in the end because freedom and other nice-sounding things

This one sort of feels like it's at least partly about Woody in a mentor role. He's matured a lot since the first movie, and whereas before he would have been jealous of another toy taking the star position in his kid's life, now he understands Forky's importance to Bonnie, and wants to integrate him with the other toys. How Woody's old flame Bo fits into that, I have no idea.


>What would be interesting
>A twist villain in a modern kids' animated film

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>Bo Peep really is the villain of the movie
The fact that this wont happen infuriates me. I just hope Woody doesn't go bitch boy and stop being Bonnie's toy.

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Nah what will happen is
>After convincing Forky that his place is with Bonnie, Woody realizes once again that that's where he belongs too
>He tries to convince Bo Peep to come too, but she wants to stay free
>They sadly part ways, but know they will always be in each other's hearts

What kind of a sick fuck fills the soda machines with the same flavor in every slot?

>A twist villain in a modern kids' animated film
You missed the point. Bo Peep isn't just another Hans clone, she was established in the first two Toy Story movies as one of the good guys. It would be interesting because it would be an unambiguously good Disney character falling to the dark side out of despair and disillusionment, and not coming back to the side of good in the end.

It won't happen because Disney won't allow one of their already established good characters to become a villain.

For the record, I hate speaking in terms of pure black-and-white good and evil. It's what I hate the most about Disney's movies. Why can't there be a character who isn't exactly good, but not quite evil either? I can count on one hand the number of Disney characters who haven't been totally one way or the other. 99% of the time, it's always "here's the heroes, here's the villains, they fight, and the good guys win". It gets old. To have anything even remotely different would be really great.

it's character development on woodies part, in the first film he was petty and jealous, unsure of his place in the world without his kid.

So he threw buzz out the window and only went after him when he was shamed.

Now, he doesn't need to be the star of the show, he just needs his kid to be happy. And he'll risk himself to do it.

Now his struggle comes from wether he's done enough for kids and wether he should live a life for him.

Prime retard right here. The signs are all there, I'll wait for it to be a big disappointment just like Incredibles 2

Wait for Kingdom Hearts 4.

What about the Barbie and Ken dolls?

Alright, you got me. I have no idea how this thing works. Maybe the Barbies in the Al's toy barn and the Buzz Lightyears on display come to life because of the larger atmosphere of belief and imagination from kids who have already played with other versions of the toy? Other than that, I got nothing. Forky's the first time we've actually gotten a glimpse of something not a toy becoming a toy.

Kinda glad they went with the piss off an entire generation of incels route. Funny how all it takes is 1 strong female to do that

Either his or the writer's brain is rotting.

I don't remember the other posters looking so stilted and cheap


Cripes, do you people ever interact with anyone in real life, ever? This is some Cold War levels of paranoia right here.

Honestly, I don't think they can top this again:

but Bonnie doesn't know they come alive, so by making a replacement she wouldn't know the difference.
Only the toys would know the spork doesn't have a soul.

this scene was so fucking reddit

Well, the CIA was actively mind-fucking the population and there's no indication they stopped...

I'll be honest, this trailer wasn't as bad as the previous ones and doesn't seem as bad as what most of Yea Forums making it out to be but I'm mostly just saying this because I'm more interested in the wooden puppets. I hope they get more focus. The idea of villain puppets in a TS movie sounds too sweet to pass up but I know I'm getting my hopes up.

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I'm trying to say if Woody did say that, it's possible it doesn't happen right after the carnival at all but after something major with Bonnie and not "for no reason".

Now give me the booby toy

Why is there such a push for Bo Peep? We already have Jessie who's actually fun and likeable.

what the fuck you made her ass and thighs look pancake-flat like they've been run over by a steamroller.

Nah, we always get ass/hips and never tits.


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assfags are shit

>>Woody abandon his new kid for no reason

You can just admit you didn't watch the trailer.


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Are sex toys sentient in the Toy Story universe?

nice try!
I wonder who's behind those posts...

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He's clearly saying forky isnt a reason. You don't have to agree with him but I'm sick of the gay ass arguments on this board stemming from acting like you can't comprehend any god damn other perspective or meaning.

I'm interesting in what scene they're talking about too but I'm not watching this shit in theaters or anywhere other than at home on a movie site stream for free. I also don't think it'll be good solely on shit statements like that.

this has all the shitty tropes used at face value holy shit.

>Bonnie makes Forky
>They go on a roadtrip
>Forky jumps out because he's having an existential crisis
>Woody goes after him to save him
>They go into a town and find Bo Peep in a curio shop
>Woody gets attacked by creepy Slappy dolls and some old fashioned baby doll thing
>Bo Peep saves him because now she's some hardcore survivor or something
>Bo Peep takes Woody to the fair to show him all the other lost toys
>Woody lets the pussy get to his head
>Bonnie and her mom stop at the fair
>Buzz and everyone run around looking for Woody
>They find him and Bo Peep
>Buzz puts some sense into Woody
>They try to go home but all the other lost toys are like "What's a home what's a kid what's playtime"
>Bonnie finds Woody and Buzz and etc. in the lost and found with all the other toys
>All the other kids at the fair come by to get their lost toys and everyone's happy the end

>Woody is an old fashioned toy who only stays with one person
>Bo Peep is the liberated, youthful toy who wants to be with as many people as she wants
Disney what are you trying to say here?

>toy gets separated from owner
>Woody goes to get them back
>like in Toy Story
>or Toy Story 2
>or Toy Story 3

Yeah, no reason. Makes no sense.

Forky is a fucking retard and Bonnie is like 5. He saved Buzz to save his ass, he saved the others because he was best friends with them. Everyone acts like Forky is a nuisance that they have to keep around for Bonnie's sake because he's her first creation, even though that makes no sense because he doesn't want to exist and she wouldn't know a difference if they just made another one.

I though Woody was shipped with a female cowboy character?

how about watching the movies retard

none of these makes woodie act like a character, he's the listener of each other character that's only there to agree with them.

It's almost like... I dunno, these movies are for kids or something.

why are they making bo talk like that

>inb4 the movie ends and retcons everything by making it say every adventure we've seen has been just in the imagination of whichever owner had the toys and they never really were alive and went anywhere
i'd cry too, tom salinger

"Woody Let the past die" - Bo peep

Pixar movies have always been suitable for adults too. Also being a kids movie doesn't make it exempt from criticism

>Also being a kids movie doesn't make it exempt from criticism
It does if the criticism is why isnt the kids movie fucking deep and complex.

I'd ask if this was a man or a woman, but I don't care either way. I hope they get lewds.

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Is nobody going to point out that Duke Caboom is in the Incredibles 2 as an easter egg? And that in the trailer they're clearly trying to make the creepy doll look like the villain? Hell, at the end of the trailer you see Duke jumping off the ferris wheel. Not sure what his motives are but he's clearly the surprise villain.

Also Woody is probably going to stay with Bo and Forky is going to take his place as Bonnie's favorite toy.

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If we're going off the theory that imagination and shit are the things that make toys sentient, than dildos and the like are probably out of the question unless someone actually plays with them. Sex dolls however...

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>For the record, I hate speaking in terms of pure black-and-white good and evil. It's what I hate the most about Disney's movies. Why can't there be a character who isn't exactly good, but not quite evil either? I can count on one hand the number of Disney characters who haven't been totally one way or the other. 99% of the time, it's always "here's the heroes, here's the villains, they fight, and the good guys win". It gets old. To have anything even remotely different would be really great.

Its a fucking kids movie.

You mean traced, bro?

Jessie's his sidekick.

Better question: Why is the machine so fucking huge? It'll get dumped all over you if you're not careful