Beavis and Butt-Head

This show was, in many ways, the distilled essence of youth culture for 90s kids, who would overwhelmingly consider themselves and the show left wing. Is there a better expression of the role reversal that's occurred between the left and the right than looking back on B&B and thinking about the public reception that it would get if it were a new show in 2019?

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The show was revived a few years ago but MTV's viewer demographic had changed so much since the 90's that B&B was destined to fail, really fucking sad too

i really liked the reboot season

ripping on the reality shows were great

It's hard to argue this show as taking any political side, it takes shots at the right and the left via side characters. B&B themselves don't have any real political stance, it's more about how it works on a level where you can laugh with them, or laugh at them, depending on your own age and experiences.

It is, however a fact that in the 1990s it was the type of show that offended right-leaning groups who would have campaigned against it, while today it would be offending the left. The way the two sides have basically done a 180 on fun and on the tolerance of things people enjoy is a bizarre cultural shift.

>It's hard to argue this show as taking any political side, it takes shots at the right and the left via side characters.

Really. Mr. Van Driessen was everything stereotypical about liberal hippy wimps, while characters like the Ross Perot parody (dude with the sock puppet) was a straight up lampoon of Conservative Christian stereotypes. Judge didn't pick a side but gave everyone shit.

>The way the two sides have basically done a 180 on fun and on the tolerance of things people enjoy is a bizarre cultural shift.

Stop spreading this meme. Right Wingers still get mad at any tv show for having a gay character or when someone says Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

Most modern right wingers don't angry at non-whites, women, or gays. They get angry at the swiss cheese narrative of the evil traditional straight white male oppressor and our fascist society, the clear double standard on whether identitarianism is bad, and the commie solutions to the left's made up problems. If the left were ever going to aim to depoliticize ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation, gender would have been depoliticized before most of us were even born, race would have been depoliticized before Obama's second term, and sexual orientation would have been depoliticized in the early 2010s. Instead, they panicked at the end of a gravy train and began groping for anything that they could twist to justify the idea that they're being oppressed. "No, you're definitely a bigot, it's just in your subconscious where neither you nor I can make any sort of coherent argument for you being a bigot. See, you looked away! Microaggression! What's with that dumbfounded look? There's another! You evil white male bigot! Give me money and preferential treatment in the workplace!"

If you depoliticize and normalize, you don't get to use the issue as a bludgeon to tyrannize and exploit others. The target of the tyranny and exploitation SHOULD be angry, and things won't calm down until the instigators (the left) are brought down just like the neocons and fundamentalists were in the last decade.

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I heard the ratings were decent but MTV just didn't like it shitting on their other shows

The ratings were pretty good by 2011 TV standards, but yeah, MTV thought it stuck out like a sore thumb from all of it's other teen-girl focused programming. It would be like Disney Channel all of the sudden having a gritty, adult-aimed TV show playing between 2 wacky sitcoms.

>>Some sjws yelled at me on social media, and my favorite comic book series went full-on pandering. This is definitely the same thing as facing structural disadvantages in real life.

>Right Wingers still get mad at any tv show for having a gay character

Yeah, and how much positive attention do they get from the mainstream media?

And even in the 80s and 90s Leftists were just as outraged as they are today, often over the same things but for different reasons. Liberals launched huge campaigns against heavy metal, slasher movies, rap, comics and cartoons and tv, it's just that conservative idiots who hated the same things like Jack Chick, Gary Greenwald, Pat Robertson, Phil Phillips etc are more remembered today because a) their diatribes against those things are pretty funny and have gained big followings among camp fans and b) pretentious fans and creators have always liked to pretend that they were fighting a big cultural war and act like their favorite properties were "subversive". Pretty much every one-hit wonder 80's 'satanic' band likes to act as if their careers were cut short because they caused 'outrage', but if you dig deep enough, it was usually due to changing tastes and low sales.

Even in the 2000s, J.K Rowling (whose books are pretty much the modern Left's bible)'s most serious enemies were feminist speculative fiction critics who hated her for not making Hermione the star, fantasy hipsters who considered her a sell-out and wackos like N.K. Stouffer, who accused her of plagiarizing her unpublished novels. Those people did real damage to her reputation, brought her to court and affected her output, not some hicks in bumblefuck Arkansas unsuccessfully trying to ban the books from the school library for witchcraft.

Structural disadvantages? Like... the destruction of the presumption of innocence for those accused of rape, which is every bit as gendered of an issue as viewing children and marriage as a paycheck? Being forced to work around a walking lawsuit that you'll be sued if you avoid? Affirmative action? Having their money seized by the state and siphoned off to neighborhoods where nobody will set up shop because the residents can't go a month without stealing and putting bullet holes in everything in sight, which is somehow their fault too? That same seized wealth being used in a neo-colonial endeavor to import tens of millions of people from the third world and stick them on welfare as voter livestock to usurp them via a mockery of democracy? Oh wait, you're talking about women choosing people-oriented fields like administration over more lucrative abstract thing-oriented fields like engineering, a tendency which is shown in babies fresh out of the womb. Carry on.

And this is just the shit that they've implemented. They want to explicitly take money and property from whites and give it people who already get 60k per year in money and benefits from whites for nothing. They want the destruction of due process to move from the social sphere to the legal sphere. They want to strengthen affirmative action so that white males will be discriminated against based on their race and gender in more aspects of life. They want people who criticize them to be in prison or dead. Get fucked with that shit. You're the ones creating structural problems based on bigotry, and fuck everyone who pushes your narrative.

>applying political road signs to shows

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I don't understand why they couldn't have just moved it to Comedy Central. Both channels are owned by Viacom aren't they? And CC had been trying out tons of different animated comedies around that time.

Winger sucks

huh huh bump

white males arent under attack by social programs and vocal idiots dont speak for the entirety of either side it jsut so happened that back then the msot vocal group was fundamental christian conservatives because they had the means to express their outrage from offices, newspapers, tv, and etc now with the internet even more fringe groups can become just as vocal which is why it seems like sjws and alt right or whatever you wanna call these groups are causing so much noise if anything now its people like you spreading fear and misinformation thats become the new norm

You're both delusional. Look up who was behind the ESRB. Look up who was behind the "Parental Advisory" labels on CDs. It was ALWAYS democrats.

Beavis and Butt-Head was not as "controversial" of a show as you think it was.

Judge has explicitly said that the main audience for the show was juvenile delinquents. In no way, shape, or form was the audience "leftwing". It was politically incorrect even for its time.

>Right wingers and left wingers.

The economic (left–right) axis measures one's opinion of how the economy should be run: 'left is defined as the desire for the economy to be run by a cooperative collective agency (which can mean the state, but can also mean a network of communes) while 'right' is defined as the desire for the economy to be left to the devices of competing individuals and organizations.

I feel people made up fake definitions of right and left based on abstract cultural ideas. and it somehow became a thing that stuck?

>cooperative collective agency
Meaning you could have an economic left "government" run by Walmart.

It'd be retarded. But any form of government that takes economic control from the individual is retarded.

i felt the reboot lacked anything that improved from the original, it's still just two guys trying to have adventures in normal Land, failing to achieve their pointless goals

>cooperative collective agency
Meaning you could have an economic left "government" run by Walmart.
"Cooperative" in the sense he's referring to means worker-owned and democratically-run. So pretty much the opposite of Wal-Mart.

>that episode where they reviewed the human centipede

Well, the reboot did one thing right: B&B shitting on all of MTV's current retarded lineup.

Post your favorite clips, fartknockers.

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