Was he gay?

Was he gay?

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Yes, he was an aromantic closeted, self loathing homosexual, the book makes this clear

Idk was he ur mom?

He probably doesn't know what sex is

Sure why not. Everybody is gay now. Whatever.

I thought he was homophobic

Sometimes it looks like it, however it could also be due to Night Owl being his only friend and the fact he has a child-like mind due to several traumas.

>the split-attraction model
first post worst post

desu that's that impression I got, a super closeted self-hating gay prude

It's pretty clear if you read thr comic.
Plenty of closetted guys are. They hate that part of themselves that doesnt fit into their idea of 'good'. Cant spend their entire lives hating themselves so they project it onto others.

Just a reminder that he is an Alan Moore character and that AM is highly interested in the esoteric and occult. Lots of ideas about masculinity and femininity blending, clashing and mirroring one another in that stuff. Shouldnt be a surprise that he plays with similar ideas when writing characters.

>Look down, whisper "It ain't gonna suck itself"

I'm not sure if that's the case because Hooded Justice was already the closet homosexual with conservative views.

Not even necessarily gay. He's just so sexually repressed that he'd never come close to considering exploring his feelings or potential urges.

At what point

Idk but can someone explain to me why his mask is always covered in abstract dongs?

It was essentially a mood ring. And he was always in the mood for.. oh, shit.

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Dunno if I agree with it, I just think he's asexual and despises the concept of sex in general, but it's certainly a valid interpretation.

Agreed. He could have gay(or even bi) inclinations, but at the point that he's at throughout the story, I think its pretty clear he has an aversion to sexuality in general. But to be fair, this could be fueled by his distaste for his own longings along with his excessive emotional traumas. I always thought it was pretty clear he was homosex but maybr nothing is so black and white after all? Wasnt that also kind of the point of the story?

Multiple closetted guys can, and often do, exist in the same canon or circle though
>source: real life and Yea Forums

>yfw the new series makes the Tumblr crowd latch onto Rorschach as a "smol, angry gay cinnamon bun"

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I'm dubious for the reasons most people think are convincing.
He remarks curiously that he suspects Adrian of being a homosexual, it's not used directly as a pejorative bu it carries the implication that Walter is marking it as something to look into as though odd. Some might say his thinking implies being closeted from conditioning and shielding himself by acting as judge of others, but I don't know.
There's also how he talks disparagingly of female prostitution, likely from his childhood of course but more as if he strongly dislikes the idea of women selling themselves, I won't call it chivalrous or anything but along with the remark he makes as he passes a prostitute about not being offered American love, which is more patriotic than anything but still gives the impression he's putting down their sexual propositions for something he holds to a high ideal, gives the sense to me that he's just the sort of person suffering from some sort of whore-madonna complex atop childhood trauma and abuse that makes him difficult to read under normal labels, and I believe Moore even implied that was sort of the point with Walter. He has as much difficulty with others as himself, trying to simplify him as gay or a misogynist or the like misses the point.

Also an user recently pointed out how there's a panel where he stops under the window of a woman undressed for a moment until he sees she has male company, I recall them saying it suggests he was possibly fantasizing his own idea of himself with her or just her situation until reality walked in and closed all those doors. If he was gay I'm not sure why he'd be gawking at a woman.

Also his relation with Dan shouldn't be understated. Remember Walter had no friends until he began crimefighting with Dan, even Dan had Hollis, so when Dan folded and left Walter completely alone it probably felt like a personal betrayal of all their beliefs, work and trust.

as gay as the reader