Why didn’t she age?
Why didn’t she age?
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Gravitational time dilation. She probably fell into a black hole.
Like in Interstellar.
How did she survive an infinity stone? If one almost killed Jane Foster and killed the collector’s assistant.
No, it's because of the Kree blood transfusion Yon Rogg gave her. Kree apparently age slower, and do wonders for humans.
Correction; she survived collected energy from an Infinity Stone, specifically space. Collector's assistant was a dumb bitch who held The Power Stone in her bare hand.
These movies retcon and are stupid sometimes, but at least I pay attention
>Why didn’t she age?
dont worry in 2-3 movie Brie will hit the wall full force.
Just wait for Captain Marvel 2
Still survived. Jane Foster almost died from the stone contamination and the rest of Xandar as well. Unless they follow the comics and retcon her as half kree
She had a blood transfusion with Yon-Rogg. I’m sure Kree blood is gonna fuck your shit up in a good way. Slows down human aging?
technically any time someone goes to space they should be experiencing time very differently, making all of infinity war just nonsense
Dumbass, that's not any different. Jane had the Reality Stone coursing through her body which is, again, a shit ton of energy. A more apt comparison is one of Zemo's Tesseract weapons exploding, only in Carol's case it was a far more complex machine, the warp engine
she betrayed the Skrulls, so they pulled a younger version of her from another timeline.
Just a reminder that Collector's assistant is the MCU version of his daughter (Carina) and we will never see Michael Korvac.
I wonder what's up with her costume(s) in Endgame. That post-credits scene from the movie shows a new one, but the Endgame posters seem to use the original from CM. Is the latter just a ruse to hide the "proper" reveal of the new costume or will she use both at separate times for whatever reason?
Kree cosmetic technology.
Or she just might not age because of her powers.
Harmlessly absorbing energy is half her power set. And her backstory.
That’s a good spin on a retcon, dumbass
That's not a retcon, that's you being too stupid to understand the difference between being exposed to an infinity stone, and being exposed to a small fraction of it's power. Stay mad, faggot
Did you guys forget Wanda and Pietro's powers came from an Infinity Stone too? In their and Carol's cases they came in contact with the stones' powers indirectly, it's not like when other characters try to handle the stones directly
Don't worry she'll age like milk by Captain Marvel 2
Magic Kree blood, Space Stone shenanigans, time dilation
kree blood