Talk about wasted

Talk about wasted

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>Talk about wasted

Describes many elements of the movie tbqh

did she get a ship explosion death?

imagine having a character who could potentially be a villain for a later movie and killing the fucker off
I can't believe they'd waste Klaw, Dr. Minerva, etc. on shit like this

Yup. Her small, agile fighter ship was gunned down by a bigger, slower transport vessel in a narrow canyon.

things like these is why i never liked mecha

MCU doesn't really do recurring villains.

Why was she on one of the posters if she was just a nobody like Korvath and the other blue kree?

Maybe she was more relevant 7 writers ago.

Because Disney/Marvel realized who Gemma Chan was after filming and how everyone made a big fuss about Crazy Rich Asians.
Oddly, they didn't even do a closeup on the cockpit when she exploded like most films would do.

Attached: DxEf8PbVYAEG2tR.jpg (810x1200, 232K)

Yon Rogg survived, though and will probably return as a villain in Captain Marvel 2.

>no closeup on cockpit
confirmed alive

that said, fuck the franchise if they go with her actually not surviving

Yon Rogg? More like Yawn Slogg.
He is no threat and shouldn't be considered a threat, if I can speak as frank west would

Reminder that Nebula was just a Korath-tier thug in GotG1 and now she's an Avenger...They both had similar ends in their first films so I do think she'll get a bigger role.

>Nebula was just a Korath-tier thug
Reminder that you've never read a comic in your life. Also she was the secondary villain after Ronan you twit.

I'm hoping they do a Contest of Champions film where Collector and Grandmaster yoink the villains before their deaths and force them to fight each other, what with Killmonger, Minerva, Yellowjacket, Ronan, the Black Order, and Hela fighting each other on different teams would be a fun watch.

He was even less threatening that fucking Malekith! Like, Yon-Rog might be the worst MCU villain!

I know of Nebula's role in the comics they still could have easily killed her off. Plus she wasn't really, she felt like Ronan's lackey, she got fleshed out in vol 2

He was better than Malekith and Kaecillius

She was Gamora's sister and a daughter of Thanos, how long has it been since you watched the movie?

Was he a "villain" though? Like yeah, he was a dick, but he did genuinely seem to want Carol to be the best her she could be with all the constant training.

And so were the black order who died in their first film, it sounds dumb now because we've seen her in more movies but she could've gone that route