>could have ended world hunger
Fucking gotham
Could have ended world hunger
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People die of hunger in America
Like in Arkansas and Dakota and shit
You are wealthy, relatively, but homelessness is still an issue
The cows seemed a tad hard to control.
But why use a cow? compared to farm animals that take a shit load of resources compared to other forms of livestock. Why not make a super chicken or pig? or just cut the middle man and make turbo veges.
A goat would be ideal, really. You can get cheese and stuff from it too.
Turbo onions that would make his daughter grow gigantic breasts?
Because cows equal burgers.
I love how tv's idea to solve world hunger is MAKE THE FOOD BIGGER
that's not how that works. Unless you still have as many as you had before, using the same energy, but they got bigger somehow
We have that now, by accident anyway.
>that's not how that works.
It's a cartoon. Would you rather the super science create evil protein bricks?
>People die of hunger in America
You'd have to be retarded to die of hunger in America.
So the retarded should die?
Because most poor people can afford cheap shit thats made with no nutritional value and loaded with corn sugar. So they bloat up to the point they can't function like a normal like a normal human and claim "disability" and continue to eat shitty food. Then you have the rural rednecks who weren't smart enough to realize that the mines/factory weren't gonna stick around for ever and are stuck in a dying town were they have to make weekend trip to the wal-mart 2 hours away to buy food with their food stamps.
Bit odd to advocate killing a good 46 percent of your population through starvation, user.
Fuck, we could end world hunger now. It's distribution that's the problem
Enjoy having a stomach full of tumors
is this a reference to something or are you just stupid?
>super chicken
yeah, what can possibly go wro-
>super chicken or pig
Feral ones would go and eat people.
>super chicken
It's a sheep, stupid.
his daughter has some nice tits
>super pigs
Do you know how fucking dangerous normal sized feral pigs are? Last thing we need is feral super pigs the size of hippos, able to bite a man in half.
Damn skippy. Best super-strong one-shot henchdaughter farm girl.
>super chicken
Gaze in awe at the absolute unit.
A lot of the poor are mentally and physically ill, and if there aren't resources in your area, food is tough to get. You're way more likely to die of lack of health care, though (even if you're very well off but something happens) in America, though, and somewhat more likely to die of exposure. I've known pretty well off people who've died because of some shitty health care reason where they fell in a hole, something wasn't covered or weird shit.
why was she so strong again?
She claimed she was dosing with Beef Steroids...but she probably had custom genetic splicing done for low tier super stength without deformity.
RIP 80% of the population.
Moo Nieu, I see you have returned!
World hunger? More like third world hunger. Put those research grants into curing diseases. Those actually effect important people.
Where's the stream link?
Shhh,he is but legend
That still doesn't make them die of hunger. The first one is a symptom of the food industry going nuts and the FDA doing jack all. The second literally has the government covering for a decent amount of food.
If anything first case is going to die of Diabetes and the second a meth overdose.
it's the word filter fucking with posts
>Scared of Flashes
Some would say I'm scared of the Reverse.
>the retarded should die?
Muscle mass doesn't make you immune to physics unless she's so dense that she weights as much as 20 people.
>Then you have the rural rednecks who weren't smart enough to realize that the mines/factory weren't gonna stick around for ever
Only because they didn't know how badly their leaders were stabbing them in the back
We know you want to die, but you're the only one responsible for your life. Don't hide your self hatred behind false principles.
cowlets, when will they learn
>Super pig
You know not what you ask, fool. You'll doom us all.
answer this
Maybe she dug her heels into the dirt.
The kick was angled down, so she would ned to keep her posture and get booted backwards only slightly.
>turbo veges
I read that as Turbo Vegas and got anxious because I lose enough money in regular Vegas.
GMO veggies are good tho
>Then you have the rural rednecks who weren't smart enough to realize that the mines/factory weren't gonna stick around for ever and are stuck in a dying town were they have to make weekend trip to the wal-mart 2 hours away to buy food with their food stamps.
It's OK. Trump promised to bring the coal back.
Hey, everything you've eaten is a GMO. Even your pets are GMOs, and if you're African American...
Oh shit was that a mother fucking Dilbert reference!?
>Then you have the rural rednecks who weren't smart enough to realize that the mines/factory weren't gonna stick around for ever
The only reason mines or factories shut down is because it's cheaper to outsource labour to brown people.
Like, America is an extremely oil rich country and both it and Canada have an abundance of extremely useful ores. The issue is that companies would rather pay next to nothing to buy another country's oil and minerals than pay their own countrymen to extract them because it's far, far cheaper to exploit a foreign nation than to pay your own.
Really the issue here is white people betraying white people by enslaving brown people.
Remember - if you don't support your country's mining industry you're literally supporting the exploitation of poorer nations.
>and if you're African American..
Can we talk about this? Because I have been trying to get people to understand this for years.
Those jobs were already being replaced by automation to cut down on accidents. Instead of going back to them people should have been retrained into another profession.
>realistic physics
pick one
This was a weird fucking episode
Super chicken youtube.com
People who think GMO veggies are bad are brainlets of the lowest caliber