Why do people hate Captain Marvel?

Why do people hate Captain Marvel?

(pic unrelated)

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pasta pillows

Honestly? If it was just a movie that could come out without anyone inserting "girl power!" or any of that nonsense into advertising I would be for it. Also, I hate it when a character is made into the opposite gender or race (Miles, Gwenpool, Electro, etc) even if they don't replace said character.

Wonderwoman would never be replaced with a dude, Rogue would never be replaced with a dude, Jean would never be replaced with a dude, so why is it ok to replace male characters with female?..I just hate seeing that inequality (though if there is something I'm missing I'm open to discussion)

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manufactured controversy

If it was a stand alone movie that had fuck all to do with Marvel it's barely a B movie, that's how I usually judge movies anyway, if they aren't good without the name recognition they aren't good movies.

brian buttfield

Underwhelming origin story with boring space shit done better in other movies mixed with a dull protagonist who blows past any obstacle placed in front of her.

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Same reason they hated Green Lantern

If you are talking about the movie, then it's because of outrage marketing.

Carol Danvers is a boring as hell character. She was boring as Ms. Marvel. She was boring as Binary. She was boring as Warbird. She is boring as Captain Marvel. She has replaced many characters that people like. She replaced characters that were either interesting, Monica Rambeau and Mar-Vell, if put in the hands of good writers. Carol Danvers has never, ever been interesting in the hands of any writer. Hell, her most interesting story arc was her being put into a coma by Rogue, a much more interesting and a much more beloved character. They even had her raped and live with her rapist, and she was still boring.

And now you have an actor who's entire career is based on outrage trying to use outrage marketing to make her movie a success. You have people running campaigns to send little girls to see a movie because gurlpawah will save the career of an actor that will probably end up doing SyFy quality Sharknado movies.

The character using the title currently? Yea Forums used to love her back when she was Ms.Marvel, the "promotion" push came with a slew of changes that played down or erased the appeal points, in fact i will say that she was probably more liked then Captain Marvel for most. Funily enough it seems to be the same situation now since people seem to like Kamala better then current Carol.

The movie? No idea, i personally think the whole MCU sucks and am more annoyed at the Yea Forums posting every fucking movie in it brings, i think there was some shit with the actor acting offensive for GIRL POWER-POINTS but IDGAF.

quiches lorraine

Because she's not Brian Butterfield

I don't give a fuck about Captain Marvel post more Butterfield

Because it was a bad movie and the character and actor were unlikable.

Though I agree, in many cases the reason behind the rule63 characters isn't malice or superiority complex, though there are some; it's because since the cape comic industry is crashing in slow motion since the death of superman, they never take the risk of creating new characters. Tell me how many of the 90s donut steels remain? How many of them have running titles in the big two? Aside of deadpool I honestly can't name one.
So, since they want to tap into the female market and get good PR, but won't take the risk of creating new characters, they use name recognition for everything, since their brand is the only thing that really stands after all these years.
That's at least my interpretation, and I don't defend this bullshit, but it's better than
>women bad
>I wanna get laid
>she no big boob
slight exaggeration

Hot mini cricket stumps and fried flag

i dont hate it

but i can see why someone would, there are alot of good and valid reasons to dislike this movie but i wont repeat them all here for the 1000th time.

form your own opinion, hate, rate, masturbate

Rogue could be replaced with a dude, but would inevitably be written as some bad guy rapist allegory who forces himself on other mutants and 'takes what he wants' from them

I don't hate it, but it's painfully mediocre, which makes its ridiculous financial success all the more unfortunate since the only lesson studios will take away from this movie is "hey, as long as we sell our shitty movie as controversial it'll make a billion dollars! we barely even need to try anymore!"

Which Butterfield would you like?
Theatrical Ghost?
Lord Mayor's Croupier?

And that's not all

Because I don't like the Pop Culture References and """"Jokes"""" and the lack of a great villain

But this is standard Marvel shit I cannot stand, CM herself was decent.

I don't hate Captain Marvel.
Hate requires more energy than I consider it worth.


Essentially Sylar from heroes, sans the cutting open of heads

hoisin crispy owl

I don't, but I have little desire to see it. I personally found the shitflinging from multiple sides to be more enjoyable than anything else.

That's the reason why I'm not happy with how much money it's making, it might give them the idea that they can make any movie low budget and still get money.