The REAL Captain Marvel

Why did Captain Marvel get whitewashed for the movie, Yea Forums ?

Why didn't they use the real Captain Marvel?

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monicafags are posers that only like her cause they saw a nextwave panel on Yea Forums one time, at least genis' little cult actually read his book

prove me wrong

desu maybe I would actually go and see the movie if it was about a hot black chick

the actress that they got is so incredibly bland that just looking at her makes me depressed, just from thinking about the idea that such an uninteresting person can exist in this beautiful world

Racist hollywood.

No need to prove you wrong, it's true. Just ask any of these "Monicafags" which arcs she was actually Captain Marvel and for how long her "book" ran without googling, and await their reaction.
It's pathetic really, specially looking bad for people who like pretty much every incarnation of Captain Marvel (except for the Skrull I guess? Though I didn't read that one) and can actually name these things, but you just KNOW they're doing it out of spite.

Why? Even if you're right that's still more than the Carol Corps has.

this is the only captain marvel i will recognize. it dosent matter anyway, once av4 is done, its going to be xmen mcu for the next 15 years

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This is pretty sad. At some point you just have to admit you're really in the minority. There were never any "Monica Corps" and pretty doubtful there will until a future Ultimates movie (in which she'll be Spectrum, anyway).
And doubtful Rogue will be introduced like that too, but dreaming is free I guess.

you dont think mcu x-men will go full 90s cartoon for max nostalgia value? im pretty sure people are sick of the boring power absorbing only rogue, they want another kick ass flying, super punching x-men character

>you dont think mcu x-men will go full 90s cartoon for max nostalgia value?
I really don't think it will. I believe it will go the route of the comics more closely, without touching upon the things from the cartoon everyone's already familiar with that were also changed from the source material.
>im pretty sure people are sick of the boring power absorbing only rogue, they want another kick ass flying, super punching x-men character
Sure, but I honestly doubt they'll do it at the detriment of a previously established character, which has pretty much been a loosely resolved issue in the comics: Rogue does that, keeps her in coma, then Carol wakes up and they're obviously enemies but over time they just... Let it go? And then have this sort of passive-aggressiveness going on whenever they meet, it's just poorly handled overall, and I don't see them doing that in the movies, in the short timespan they generally cover.
>"Right Brie, you're going to end up in a coma in this one movie, and you won't appear for two more movies for your triumphal return, sorry!"

>let it go
i dont think they will let it go, maybe rogue steals half her power, so brie is still around, just not as punchy? it could be a big issue in the unavoidable AvX 4 part movie that no one wants, but we will get anyways



>maybe rogue steals half her power, so brie is still around, just not as punchy?
That's the question really, how to handle this situation where Rogue manages to absorb all this power (which is pretty much an unlimited source too) from Carol, without leaving her in a coma, but also making sure there's enough animosity between them to make a bigger deal than it was in the comics.
If it does lead to AvX I'd also like to think the X-Men launch a full blown attack on the Avengers and that Carol is only one of all the other Avengers that also get targeted, in a way that makes them all wake up and realize they're a collective threat and whatnot. Honestly I don't want AvX in the MCU but I'm sure some fans are itching for this shit

The real captain marvel was mar-vell the alien, right?

No, the REAL Captain Marvel was the one who could split his appendages like this.

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I just came in here to say, that even Phyla-Vell would be a Better character than fucking carol, and Marvel would get the brownie points for having the First LQBTQ lead Superhero film

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Phyla is a bigger fuck-up than Carol and is pretty much a deviantart tier character whose only redeeming factors are her costume and her sexual orientation. She was Captain Marvel for a short arc, was a terrible Quasar, and died a lame death as Martyr.

This, I've NEVER seen a storytime of any comic with her as Captain Marvel outside of Secret Wars and Nextwave flashbacks.

I mean ok, but that won’t change anyone’s opinion that Carol is a shit character or that your a shit troll

Plenty of people have read Stern's Avengers run

Being a fuck up doesn’t necessarily make them a bad character it’s how they are written and overcome being said fuck up, which Phyla did unlike carol

Not really, if you had actually read any of her comics you'd know she actually overcame these things, but she gets shit for it. Meanwhile, retroactive "Phyla fans" pretty much ignore how much she sucked during Annihilation Conquest: Quasar and during DnA's GOTG (and have never read Genis' Captain Marvel) to see how she was basically a one-note character to the point she had to be permanently tied to Moondragon in order to elevate her. They gave the lesbian a DRAGON!

NO im captian Marvel!

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I have
but the real captain marvel is this guy

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Disney and Disney watchers are racist. It’s why Black Panther got the lowest bugler of the Marvel movies.

Black characters don't so as well in China. Also by using a white woman as Captain Marvel they can tie into the current comic run of Captain Marvel, the same one that appears in all the other media of Marvel. The left gets their White Female savior, Disney gets money, and black people get fucked. Business as usual.

>trying to co-opt black folk's oppression
Monica Rambeau is in the movie and they pretty much set up that she'll become a big deal in the future, just like they did with Cassie in Ant-Man & The Wasp. It's only a matter of time, so no point playing this game.
Plus technically Carol was created way, way before Monica anyway, name notwithstanding.

This character would be a million times better as a girl

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Phylafags are even bigger posers than Monicafags, but they still don't hold a candle to the Carol corps, the only group of posers to be acknowledged by a major comics company.

That's lewd, you're lewd.

There's only one marvel character who deserves the Captain Marvel title.

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At the moment, Kamala stands as more deserving of the title than Carol ever was.

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But that's not Genis.

He's dead, Jim. Let him go.

>This character would be a million times better as a girl

fund it

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He's certainly my favorite and one of the best things about this run is that PAD finally managed to make Rick Jones an interesting character, the interplay between him and Genny was great from the onset and got so twisted by the end.

I don't mind him being dead I just wish Nicieza hadn't made him job to Zemo, he was fucking awful in Thunderbolts. They should have just done a new Death of Captain Marvel

They’re two separate characters and Carol has existed long before Monica. Stop using buzzwords that you don’t even understand the meaning of.

I am dead too but I still here.

>Carol literally has her memory erased so she doesn't have to deal with her past
Hmm, yes, she has overcome her problems.

Stern's run is the best of the whole property, and his stewardship of Monica is one of the highlights.

Another proof you didn't even read her. That shit happened during KSD and was promptly ignored by others, because, for example, Bendis had her go to AA with Tony and the Christos Gage run reference her alcoholism again. Then in Stohl's run she has to confront her past failures and the people who died/failed around her. But you do you.

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I've only read a few issues here and there. I'm fully willing to believe I missed every good issue of Captain Carol.

And the amount of them who actually make and post in these threads are probably in the single digits.

Obviously, because plenty of her good arcs happen during times where people were just focused on events where she was painted as a fascist or completely mishandled in general, or mention shit like the KSD run in general as if that one didn't have its own stinkers. Plenty of good arcs to be had here and there, as every other character... You have to dig them out just the same.
That picture for example comes right after Secret Empire, during one of these "cool down" issues. You know, the ones people ignore because they think it's filler, yet they're good for character development.

They are not posers. They're totally honestly call themself nextwavefags, not monicafags. I never seen somebody who called himself monicafag. It's just "we want nextwave movie" thing.

Sure thing buddy, sure thing.

1- The fuck is a "Monicafag"? You mean people who bring her up when talking about Cap Marvel? Guess cause she's got so many fucking names it's easier to just call her by her real one..?

2- Bitch, I read all of NEXTWAVE and I will never stop asking for a NEXTWAVE movie.

Characters like Monica are great.

Barely used and her "major" appearances are mostly good.
You could comfortably read every comic she does shit in within a week.
Stern Avengers, the one-shots, Nextwave, Ewing's Mighty Avengers and Ultimates, and at the end you can read those lame gal pal minis (Divas, Heralds) if you need a sleep aid.

I found out about her from reading ultimated plus I like black chracters so please point me in the direction of her stories.

Why would anyone want to ruin such an amazing comic by giving it a shitty watered-down mainstream movie? You would have to neuter/remove everything that makes Nextwave great to even begin thinking about adapting it. If you truly love comics then you should celebrate Nextwave as a triumph of the medium it was created for indtead of clamoring for a lesser version.

It's still more than what Carolfags have.

Look into this trade, it has pretty much some of her most prominent stories:
>Collecting AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #16, AVENGERS (1963) #227 and #279, MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) #142-143, CAPTAIN MARVEL (1989) #1, CAPTAIN MARVEL (1994) #1, and AVENGERS UNPLUGGED #5; and material from SOLO AVENGERS #2 and MARVEL FANFARE (1982) #42 and #57.
Though it doesn't cover the entire Avengers arcs where she's among the main members, as well as the introductory arc that took place between #227 onwards. There's also the Avengers Epic Collection: Judgment Day, covering her time as the leader of the Avengers.
As you can see, it's all pretty scattered, and a lot of that stuff isn't really collected.

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Why are you trying this hard? You literally have to sift through old issues to find arcs relevant to her, and you're telling me she has more fans than a character that has been in cartoons, videogames and has her own movie? Don't be delusional.

>the real Captain Marvel
Said no-one ever before this movie came out.

I remeber back when Hickman’s avengers run was picking up speed, some user posted his theory that incursions were being caused by Genis pulling himself back together. Would’ve probably been cooler than God Doom vs Ayys.

OP is just the Magneto shouldn't be a Holocaust survivor/Psylocke shouldn't be Asian guy on his newest false flag kick., he doesn't care about Monica, he just wants to spark outrage to take Carol down a peg.

They’re called the Carol Corps, haven’t you been paying attention to marvel’s marketing team?

>Magneto shouldn't be a Holocaust survivor/Psylocke shouldn't be Asian guy on his newest false flag kick
And the "It's Ivy, not Poison Ivy, she's no longer a villain" guy.

>pretty much some of her most prominent

The only thing of merit Carol has ever done is act as a power battery for Rogue, suck, and get raped into giving birth to her future son.

Psylocke should’ve been killed off years ago, she’s just one in a long line of redundant psychics in the X-men books.

Like fucking clockwork.
What? Are you struggling with words or something?

This thread is just concern trolling. Next wave with its memey humor drew a lot of appeal even from people who don't normally read comics. Beyond that, not really. It would be cool to see a Nextwave cartoon or something, though.

>giving birth to her future son
I’m getting real fucking tired of you goddamn retards spewing this shit, you fucking faggots should know by now that Marcus is not Carol’s son in any capacity. She only birthed his new body on earth, so that he could escape his limbo prison that Immortus left him in.

I haven't even read Carol's Tenure as Ms. Marvel and I can tell you that Carol's tenure as Binary on Claremont's X-Men was of more merit than Monica's entire brief tenure as Captain Marvel.

They never actually read Avengers #200, it's just the same canned response to anything Carol. Guarantee that guy can't even name the issue when Rogue absorbs her powers without looking it up.
>Carol's tenure as Binary on Claremont's X-Men was of more merit than Monica's entire brief tenure as Captain Marvel.
And this is correct. Cosmic Carol is best Carol.

IMO Spectrum sounds way better for her than Captain Marvel. I read the Avengers stuff she was in, her short lived solo, Nextwave, Ewingvengers, Ultimates, and I'm also reading Avengers: No Road Home.

I think it's kind of shit what they did to her character in the movies since she's essentially Kit Renner (she lives with her single mom who is Carol's friend, Carol's nickname for her is Lieutenant Trouble, she fangirls Carol, Carol leaves her and her mom to go to space). In the comics Monica's dad was also a big support for her and partially why she decided to be a hero so it sucks that he's out of the picture in the movies. Monica is also a pretty moody person so I hope at some point we get that Monica, maybe she's angry at Carol for leaving her mother for so long.

Remember when Mystique killed Carol’s boyfriend by shapeshifting into her and beating him to death?

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I like Phyla but lol no, anyway it looks like if Gunn has any say she might be Quasar. Wendellfags on suicide watch.

KSD loves giving people amnesia, she did the same shit with Aquaman.

>Wendellfags on suicide watch.
I'm one of those, but eh, I like her too... Just to a lesser degree. She really isn't a good Quasar goddamn it.

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I agree, she was Ok as a temp Quasar but Wendell should be the only Quasar. Phyla should get the negabands and just do shit with that.

But Gunn loves the DnA and Valentino GotG run so maybe he will go with Wendell but I do know he really likes Phyla and hebkindbof teased Quasar on his twitter but we'll see. That said I don't think anything Quasar related might happen in vol. 3 with Adam and all the stuff happening there.

The (You) is powerful in this one.

To be honestly, i would like to see the Nextwave show from "Doom Patrol" creators. But Nextwave is marvel, and today marvel is only MCU with no chance for experiments.

>But Nextwave is marvel, and today marvel is only MCU with no chance for experiments.
They're making specific shows for MCU characters, and there's also that New Warriors show that has Cannonball and Squirrel Girl in it. I wouldn't knock it right off the bat.
And yes, I don't think there's much time to do a quick introduction to either of the Quasars and I genuinely thought they would go for it during Captain Marvel given the Project Pegasus link, but unfortunately it wasn't thecase. I really just want them to branch out with the Cosmic characters, and Quasar in particular would make any attempt by DC of making Green Lantern's powers look in any way original.

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Off topic-ish but maybe Monica can lead a Nextwave movie now that Boom-Boom's rights are about to be back in Disney's hands.

I havent seen that show but I seriously doubt it's anywhere close to the level of gleefully stupidly nonsensical that Nextwave is.

Umbrella Academy is better anyway.

>The only thing of merit Carol has ever done is act as a power battery for Rogue

As long as we all understand hot slutty boom boom will be the main draw

Christ how many Captain Marvels have Marvel had? I know there was the white Kree Captain Marvel, black woman Captain Marvel, Blue Captain Marvel(was he gay too?), Lesbian Captain Marvel, and nowadays we've got Carol, am I missing any of them?
Also, what periods were they active?

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I'm mature enough to know that just cause I may not like an adaption it doesn't make my enjoyment of the source materiel go away.

So no, they can never ruin NEXTWAVE

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I was obviously exaggerating, of course it wouldn't ruin the comic, but my point still stands. A Nextwave adaptation would be hamstrung on the sheer basis of not being a comic book.

Speaking as someone who grew up reading my uncle's stash of 80's Marvel comics, Monica has held the title of Captain Marvel a helluva lot longer than Carol ever did. If anything, they could've had Carol as Binary which was her peak power.

For a virtue-signalling company, Disney made a big mistake not depicting a black female superhero.

>am I missing any of them?
Yes, the Skrull one, Khn'nr.
>Also, what periods were they active?
-Mar-Vell, since the 60's to 1982
-Monica Rambeau, since 1980's to 1990's
-Genis-Vell, since late 90's to early 2000's
-Phyla-Vell, a short time during the early 2000's in Genis' PAD book
-Khn'nr, 2008
-then Carol as Captain Marvel (2012-2019)

Attached: Captain Marvel Carol.jpg (1280x1707, 461K)

>Monica has held the title of Captain Marvel a helluva lot longer than Carol ever did.
Carol won't change the title anytime soon though, so she'll definitely catch up to her. Plus Monica already went through other names so at this point it's pretty silly to cling to that identity. Spectrum suits her better since her name is goddamn Rambeau and her powerset involves using the the electromagnetic (wait for it) spectrum.

I remembered the Skrull imposter, but never really considered him a proper one.
Thanks for the summary

>once av4 is done, its going to be xmen mcu for the next 15 years

The MCU has spent the last 10 years establishing the Avengers as a brand, one which has had some of the most successful movies of all time. Are you that delusional that you think they're just going to stop and abandon everything they're doing to focus on X-Men?

Stop denying that Carol had sex with her own son right now, and get to work with casting ideas to play Marcus in Captain Marvel 2.

Also Marvel Boy was very briefly the Captain Marvel of the Dark Avengers.

Did anyone ever admit that they really planned to bring Mar-Vell back, then backed out and made it a Skrull, or are we meant to believe they really always planned for him to be a Skrull?

No problem. As you can see, aside from the 00's there's been a single Captain Marvel for each decade. If something were to change that pattern, someone else would take the mantle around 2021, as unlikely as that might be considering the movies and whatnot.
>Also Marvel Boy was very briefly the Captain Marvel of the Dark Avengers.
I haven't read Dark Avengers but I do like Marvel Boy a lot so this is good to keep in mind.

I wouldn't be surprised if he was always meant to be a skrull, comics do love their weird twists and headscrews after all.
Also, I always thought that Captain marvel was one of those characters people never really wanted to bring back because their death was so well-regarded, you know like with Skurge

That is so Raven.

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They still bring back Mar-Vell whenever they can for one-off stories, like Thanos Imperative, Marvel Legacy, Infinity Countdown... But at least they respect him enough to keep him dead, as ironic as that sounds.

It depends how long Marvel were really planning Secret Invasion for, and if anyone other than Bendis was working towards it. Mar-Vell returned during Civil War, in an issue written by Jenkins, then appeared in Millar's final issue of the main Civil War book. There was over a year between that and Secret Invasion, during which he only had one other appearance, in a Young Avengers miniseries before they revealed him to be a Skrull.

Marvel had recently pulled off the unthinkable by bringing Bucky back, DC had brought Jason Todd back, it's certainly possible that Marvel thought they could get away with bringing Mar-Vell back.

DC has had at least four different Batmen: Bruce Wayne, Jean-Paul Valley, Dick Greyson and Jim Gordon. Eight if you count Terry McGinnis, Damian Wayne and Thomas Wayne. Plus, 5 Flashes, 3 Wonder Women and a Gorillion Green Lanterns.
Now, imagine the uproar on the internet if they had made the movie with Monica Rambeau or Phylla-Vell and her WIFE Moondragon.

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Ten Batmen if you count Tim Drake Batman from Tomorrow's Titans and Jason Todd Batman from Countdown to Final Crisis.

Now put the budgets for each movie and divide the gross by it

>Production Budget: $170 million
Captain Marvel
>Production Budget: $152 million
Shall I actually do the math or is this already telling enough?

The Avengers are nothing without the actors though. And it's an open secret that RDJ, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, and Scarlett Johansson. And I doubt Mark Ruffalo or Benedict Cumberbatch will stick around much longer either. Disney isn't stupid enough to bank on boring Carol and a bunch of nobodies as the Avengers. And they can't just recast them. So why not recreate that success with a new team, one that already is iconic and has always been far more popular than the Avengers? It's time for the X-Men. Best get used to it.

>What? Are you struggling with words or something?
>Pretty much
Kind of, almost
>some of
Not all
>her most prominent
Not necessarily good.
I was impressed by how non-impressive the statement was.

Is this supposed to save Alita? I just did the math, Alita made about 2.32 times its budget, Captain Marvel made about 4.35 to 5.01 times its budget. Alita most likely isn't even profitable, Captain Marvel already is several times over.

>Psylocke should’ve been killed off years ago
She was.

>Disney isn't stupid enough to bank on boring Carol and a bunch of nobodies as the Avengers
... As opposed to a bunch of nobodies portraying the X-Men, because that worked oh so well for Fox.
People don't like Captain America because of the character, or Thor because of the Norse God, they like him because of the portrayal. At this point Disney could put literally who characters (Wonder Man, Nova, Black Knight, Doctor Fucking Voodoo) as Avengers and as long they have great actors behind, people will lap that shit up. The X-Men alone can't carry a movie, as proven by how badly the last few movies are received and how the only two properties that have worked (Deadpool and Wolverine) are because they've kept them as far away from the rest.
>Not necessarily good
Turns out she barely has any classic stories completely focused on her, most of them are stories where she's present. That's why you have to sift through a lot of old stuff to find them.

Nextwave isn't even from her time as CM (is it?).

I have also wondered this.

Would it be weird to have a trio of Cap Marvel movies where
1 - Rambeau
2 - Rambeau into Danvers
3 - Danvers into whatever that little girl's name is, and we see Rambeau sidestepping into Nextwave, with Nextwave a spinoff movie?

It's not. Nextwave actually mocks her time as a leader of the Avengers, and shows her as a grumpy Al Bundy type character.

What's funny is when it's worded as 'Gave birth to her own son'. Like, as opposed to...a daughter?

I swear it's a copypasted response, someone made that typo a long time ago and they've been repeating it since. I mean, whose son is it, if not hers? And it's not her son anyway, if we get down to it.

>... As opposed to a bunch of nobodies portraying the X-Men, because that worked oh so well for Fox.

It did though. Fox's X-Men films and spin-offs made bank. DOFP made $750 million. Now pair the fervor behind X-Men with the MCU fanbase, the Disney marketing machine, and the wonderful casting of Feige and crew, and you've got a box office monster the likes of which has never been seen before.

Also, don't kid yourself on Brie Larson. She's not likeable. She can't be the anchor of a franchise.

I really think the name Spectrum fit her a lot better. It describes her powers a lot better than just taking an unrelated character's name a few years after he dies.

>Monica has held the title of Captain Marvel a helluva lot longer
Actual numbers? There can't be that much in it.
>Marvel calling a movie/character BINARY in the gender-fluid era.

Yeah, Monica's best story is the one that actively takes the piss out of her and portrays her as a bitter shrew who holds her fifteen minutes of fame in the Avengers in far higher esteem than it really was.

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>Now pair the fervor behind X-Men
What fervor lol, Apocalypse made $544MM, literally $200MM less, and that was the third entry of the franchise too, which by all means should've been more successful than the previous. They're basically poison now.
I'm not saying they can't be successful in the MCU, but don't kid yourself that by name only people will flock, they need A LOT of work and good will for them to be appreciated above the MCU.
>Also, don't kid yourself on Brie Larson. She's not likeable. She can't be the anchor of a franchise
It's obvious that your whole emphasis here is talking about Larson ONCE AGAIN because you niggas are obsessed, but she's not the only one who's going to stay after Endgame. Stop pretending people don't like the other characters too.

Nextwave fags are obnoxious but it's still pretty retarded that Marvel is so deadset on forcing Carol Danvers that they'll completely re-write origin stories moreso than any other character to get her into Endgame that quick.

And then they fuck up Monica's inspiration for being a hero while they're at it and completely shit on Mar-vell

I guess Genis and Phyla and the other thirty d-listers nobody cares about would never have made it anyway but the whole Captain Marvel situation at Marvel is completely fucking dumb to begin with and not just because of Carol Danvers

wasn't her mother's callsign 'photon'?

>don't kid yourself that by name only people will flock
What are you wranting about? That literally has been happening with MCU films. Disney can put out any average film and still clear nearly a billion dollars. MCU IS the brand that sells.

>they need A LOT of work and good will for them to be appreciated above the MCU.
LOL, Disney bought the X-Men. So any X-Men film from made by Marvel Studios will be part of the MCU automatically. Shit man, how are you this dense?

Therefore, all the MCU fans will watch AND all the X-Men fans will watch. Now imagine if the movies aren't shit and have at least a likeable cast?

The marketing thing they did ('OOoh, there's a Civil War book with Mar-vell's star on it, The RETURN') always led me to believe this was intended to be a proper comeback. Then readers didn't care much or were outright against it, so retcon.

Now imagine the non-uproar if it had been Mar-vell.

>That literally has been happening with MCU films.
Yes, after 10 years of goodwill, not by shoving them all in an event movie from the start and expect people to care.
>Disney can put out any average film and still clear nearly a billion dollars
See above
>So any X-Men film from made by Marvel Studios will be part of the MCU automatically
DUH, but they have to reboot the X-Men altogether, and they have A LOT of characters to work with, which they can't simply use liberally without proper care. That's what Fox did and it backfired on them, even though you went and nitpicked the only notable success the franchise had and ignored Apocalypse. I see you.
>Now imagine if the movies aren't shit and have at least a likeable cast?
Wow, I'm convinced now?????

Unrelated, but it would be great if they did make a Nextwave movie and it revealed that Monica did try to become Captain Marvel during Carol's absence, but nobody cared and by the time the MCU started, everyone completely forgot about it.

Mar-Vell, Genis-Vell, and Monica were all better choices for a movie than Carol. Mar-Vell and Genis both had fantastic runs you could use, and while Monica was more a team player she still had her own arch enemies and some good stories you could use as a basis.

Carol literally only has anything when you tear off pieces of Mar-Vell’s story and slap it on her. Otherwise you just have her almost killing Lockjaw, giving Rogue Powers, and fucking her son.

If anything Mar-Vell would’ve been interesting to add because of his long standing rivalry with Thanos.

>The Avengers are nothing without the actors though
COME ON. People liked RDJ's Tony, and as far as the casting has gone, that's about the only one that's really mattered. You think people are watching Avengers because the ex Human Torch, who was also in a teen comedy spoof, is Captain America?

>Otherwise you just have her almost killing Lockjaw, giving Rogue Powers, and fucking her son.
>she only has the three panels Yea Forums uses to shitpost and nothing else, nothing at all!
>"What is Binary tho???"

>and that was the third entry of the franchise too
It wasn't the third X-Men movie, and it wasn't even made by the people who really started the McAvoy/Fassbender run.

>Captain Marvel sends his body parts to do menial job at a random blood bank for some reason
>While his fucking head floated around and try to direct people


>Treat shit skins womyn how they should be treated


Right, it was the FIFTH, I forgot, after all they tried to reboot it with First Class then fumbled around with Days of Future Past. A complete shitshow of a franchise that is best left forgotten.
Wow, this is pretty bad. Which butthurt comicsgater did this?

>ITT casualfag Yea Forums posters that just now found out about this since the movie came out

It's unedited, but the context is that Ms. Marvel is reading fan fiction.

>Right, it was the FIFTH
No, sixth.

>after 10 years of goodwill, not by shoving them all in an event movie from the start and expect people to care.
Oh you mean like with Black Panther and Spider-Man both getting their first appearances in Civil War?

Oh right I forgot about Spider-Man, such an unknown character that seriously needs an introduction...
Civil War was pretty much Black Panther 0.5, it's not at all what I was talking about. It's not like he was shown there as a regular character without proper introduction, the movie itself served to give him an origin before his solo.

Is this free-domain?

Binary is only Marvel trying to write Carol out of use.

Moving goalposts, whatever.

I didn't even know she was in Nextwave
I know her exclusively from 80s Avengers which is more reason to know any other Captain Marvel aside from Billy of course.

>So why not recreate that success with a new team, one that already is iconic and has always been far more popular than the Avengers? It's time for the X-Men. Best get used to it.

As X-fags constantly need to be reminded, it's not the 1980s or 1990s anymore. X-Men comics haven't been on top of the sales charts for more than 15 years, and while Logan and the Deadpool movies were hits, the last actual X-Men team movie seriously underperformed, there's no hype at all for Dark Phoenix or New Mutants, even before Disney bought Fox, nobody cared.

Also, the only X-Men characters normies know about or care about are Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Deadpool, and maybe Jean, and at least half of those, they care about them because of the actors playing them, who won't carry over into a reboot.

If you give birth to a boy, how is he anything other than your son?

And X-Men in MCU are going to have to be given some kind of origin/explanation.

>sales charts for more than 15 years
You mean since before all comic sales started tanking?

Surrogate mothers exist.
And it's still not her son, he used her to birth his body on Earth, but he doesn't carry her genes.
Are you seriously trying to imply sales are tanking because the X-Men aren't as popular anymore? You kidding, right?

>Wolverine, Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, Deadpool, and maybe Jean, and at least half of those, they care about them because of the actors playing them, who won't carry over into a reboot.
MORE than half of those have had different actors already.

No, I'm saying modern sales are a crappy way of judging anything since they're ALL in the shitter.

Monica made her debut as Captain Marvel in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #16 (1982), and held the name until Avengers Unplugged #5 (1996), but Genis was also Captain Marvel as of his first solo book (1995). Keep in mind that after leaving the Avengers in 1988, Monica got two one-shot specials, and appeared in some event stories like Acts of Vengeance, Galactic Storm and Starblast, but was in limbo the rest of the time.

>they're ALL in the shitter
>every year they're on the rise and there's several more titles than 10 or 20 years ago, splitting the share
>Genis was also Captain Marvel as of his first solo book
Wrong, he was using Legacy.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-18 Comichron Yearly Comic Book Sales.png (544x929, 66K)

Agreed. Unlike the return of Bucky or Jason Todd, nobody had a big return of Mar-Vell story to tell, Marvel just threw this out there in the middle of an already crowded event, and they were met with apathy. It really doesn't feel like they always planned him to be a Skrull, it feels like backing out of a poorly-received return.

>Otherwise you just have her almost killing Lockjaw, giving Rogue Powers, and fucking her son.

Imagine if this is the plot for the sequel.

>Wow, this is pretty bad. Which butthurt comicsgater did this?

This is Mark Waid, it's meant to be satire, he probably genuinely thinks he was 'punching upwards'.

Xavier and Magneto have had different actors playing the old and young versions, people care about both. Mystique is the one character that people cared about more after they re-cast.

Alita:Battle Anger

>Production Budget: $170 000 000
>Domestic: $81,821,894 20.8%
> Foreign: $312 223 838 79.2%
>Worldwide: $394,045,732 In 2 MONTHS

Captain Marvel

>Production Budget: $152 000 000
>Domestic:$264,884,063 34.8%
>Foreign: $495,869,447 65.2%
>Worldwide: $760,753,510 On 2 WEEKS;
it will hit a Billion on less than two weeks.

Attached: captain marvel is winning.png (1201x1284, 1.96M)

>Wrong, he was using Legacy.

The book was called 'Captain Marvel', and he took on the name during the initial storyline, leading into Monica changing her name because Mar Vell's son had more right to it.

>Mar Vell's son had more right to it
See, this is what we ain't gonna do: applaud this guy for taking the name off a proud woman of color due to some "Kree" privilege he supposedly has.

So Monica was only really in use as CM for 6 years.

>NO sale numbers

>there's several more titles than 10 or 20 years ago, splitting the share

I literally can't even tell if this is bait or meant seriously.

>people care about both
Which shows you can re-cast and people will still care!

NO TOTAL sale numbers either.

Should I seriously do your homework for you?
It's all there, dig in.

That's not re-casting for a reboot, it's casting old and young versions within the same continuity, and they cast talented actors that people like. It's not a given that normies care enough about Xavier as a character that they'll care about MCU Xavier whoever gets cast, while whoever follows Jackman as the new Wolverine is going to have a struggle to be accepted, unless a lot of time passes first.

I'm interested in numbers of comics sold, and I can see there that from '97 to now they've dropped by over 25%, and we all know they were even higher in the 80s and early 90s.

She hasn't been "Captain Marvel" for decades, and she was a shit bearer for the name.

that is hardly a good argument in favour of cpt manverse. As she also has been a shity captin marvel, I would even say a lot more shitier then monica.

>Turns out she barely has any classic stories completely focused on her, most of them are stories where she's present. That's why you have to sift through a lot of old stuff to find them.
There's basically nothing worth reading for Monica till Nextwave and Ewing's Mighty Avengers and Ultimates. I dare someone to tell me otherwise. Her time on the Avengers was so forgettable, when it was time for her to leave the team literally forgot that she was on the mission and left without her.

>Bitch, I read all of NEXTWAVE and I will never stop asking for a NEXTWAVE movie.

all 12 issues, whew.. did you take a break from taxing your brain for a while afterwards?

>Who should we have as Captain Marvel
>Uhhhh let's have the character who held the title 30 years ago and is most famous for appearing in a satirical comic a decade ago that portrayed her as a complete joke.

>That said I don't think anything Quasar related might happen in vol. 3 with Adam and all the stuff happening there.
Didn't he say Vol 3 is going to set up several new characters for Vol 4?

>There's basically nothing worth reading for Monica till Nextwave and Ewing's Mighty Avengers and Ultimates
You're not lyin'.

Attached: Ultimates 2 (2016-) 006-010.jpg (1200x1845, 400K)

Now I get why you're so easy to bait, when you can't recognize a simple joke comment and jump at the assumption that I'm trying to get a rise outta you.

Attached: Ultimates (2015-) 007-005-fs8.png (916x910, 304K)

> Monica nerd
> haven't read Nextwave
> No desire to read Nextwave
> because I read the majority of Stern's Avengers instead

There, now you're MORE than wrong.

Nah, if anything you just sound like a stuck-up elitist who's clinging to a specific Avengers run as if that's the ultimate reading while denying yourself the pleasure of reading something good.

It would be interesting if they played with Carol the way they did with Thor in recent movies - as a superhero who has to deal with loss and being unable to save as many lives as possible.

Would be cool if she puts the blame of the eventual death of Cap and Tony on herself, even if tis not ehr fault