RIP Cyborg
RIP Cyborg
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I'm sorry for him, Wilkinson and Snyder, they got fucked hard by WB and Geoff Johns pitch.
>Superman out
>Batman out
>Cyborg out
>SS being rebooted after like 3 years and only 1 movie
>Hardly anyone talking about Shazam other than hardcore DC fans and people who grew up with that character
Good thing you got going here, DCCU. But its totally the MCU that's gonna bomb any day now and everyone will drop after Endgame. Right?..... RIGHT?
I actually liked him in the role, shame about the disastrous movie universe
Him in Doom Patrol is literally the most interesting and likable Cyborg has been since TT
So yeah, good. Who gives a fuck
I really wanted a DC cinematic universe. It's not fair.
Fuck Snyder. If they'd gone with his original plan, Vic would have been a mopey sadsack, and the actor would have been slated
I don't think the DCEU is going to end any time soon considering the success of WW and Aquaman. But it's pretty clear that they're aware that they fucked up big time for the first "Phase" of it and are scrambling to get things in gear for the rest of it.
It's kind of a shame, because Ray Fisher is talented and was good in the role but they never should've went with Cyborg in the first place. Odd fucking choice for a JL movie.
user a lot of people did. But not like that. Not the way they were trying to do it
Not a big loss. It would essentially be another Robocop
Well that's what you get for being a fucking moron who thinks a cinematic universe about overpowered Mary Sues would be something anyone would want to watch
Don't lie to the retard to make him feel better no one wants anything from DC
I liked him, but whatever. Fuck it, just cut bait with everything that didn't work in phase 1 and move forward with what you've got that's actually working.
Fuck off casualfag
Face it the only time anyone ever gave a fuck about this shitty characters was when they had that awful children's cartoon from 20 years ago
They are gonna have to can this shit soon right? It seems genuinely impossible to keep going unless they do a massive timeskip and have half the main characters be dead
Why do people willingly act like faggots for attention?
Literally all they need to do by this point. Just act like everything pre-Aquaman or Shazam didn't happen or if they did, just go for a broad strokes approach.
Doom Patrol Cyborg is superior anyway
Raven movie, just wait
I can only accept
Cyborg and the doom patrol now
>Vic would have been a mopey sadsack
That was GEOFF JOHNS pitch you dumbfuck, he sold cyborg as a self-hating alien monster.
Exactly. Bad movie Cyborg or cheaper TV Cyborg on a show people are actually into. Not really a surprise.
Nah, he's not Mar Vellor or Monica who people pretend to give a fuck about to spite Carol.
Billy has always had a small but pretty strong fanbase. People would be hyped regardless of if MCU existed.
I know, they probably should have threw Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter in even though people are weird about them.
They're just recasting everyone except Momoa, Gadot, and Robbie because they were all in the middle of working on movies when everyone got fired
Viewership will definitely drop after Endgame since so many of them won't be reprising their roles.
I'm really interesting to see who they bring out of the woodwork in attempt to feed this engine they can't possibly sustain.
Still want my Moon Knight series...wouldn't mind seeing Sentry get something either.
>I know, they probably should have threw Green Lantern or Martian Manhunter in even though people are weird about them.
GL deserved another solo movie, which is what we'll get eventually anyhow. MM needed to be like Vision and should've been revealed in the JL movie, after everyone else got solo movies. I suspect if they ever get to JL2, they'll treat that one as the "first" JL movie, with a "together again for the first time," feel.
Ohhhhhh noooooo, that's too bad.
Pretty much, just make a Flash movie in the vein of Shazam or Aquaman that fixes the time line. EASY
>Viewership will definitely drop after Endgame
>Viewership will definitely drop after Endgame since so many of them won't be reprising their roles.
>I'm really interesting to see who they bring out of the woodwork in attempt to feed this engine they can't possibly sustain.
>Black Panther 2
>Dr. Strange 2
>Far From Home
>MCU Spidey 3
>Fantastic Four
>Deadpool likely as well
user, don't be a company warring fag. Both companies have decades of decent material to draw from for a cinematic universe. I'm more of a Marvel guy but read either company if I feel like it. It could have been great, but DC fucked it up by
>trying to rush
>hiring Zack Snyder
I just hope this soft reboot's gonna help
Mar-Vell was mad popular under Starlin. With the reprints available nowadays I don't doubt at all that people are familiar with that material, and disappointed that the movie went to a comic that's been relaunched six times after selling poorly. And said movie wasted 90% of Mar-Vell. Billy, I agree, has fans of his comics instead of feeling obligated to like him, unlike Carol
Two questions:
1. What was Snyder's plan, how was it different from that?
2. Isn't that generally non-animated Cyborg's thing? Woe is him, because he misses his athletic meat body and having a penis?
I'm fucking happy, Cyborg looked like shit with that jaggies abomination look Snyder gave him, fucking Doom Patrol with his t-shirt cyborg parts is looking better
>Both companies have decades of decent material to draw from for a cinematic universe
Bullfuckingshit there's a reason the only villains in a Superman movie are Luthor and Zod and Batman has the most movies most of which just use the same handful of villains anyway
And somehow they refuse to stop since they keep fucking referencing the justice league and BvS movies
That reason is because WB is timid as fuck and only wants to repeat past success instead of taking risks.
They could EASILY do a brainiac movie, possibly a metallo or parasite movie as well, but whenever they hit even the slightest road bump they pull the emergency Batman lever because it's made them money before.
That's more on the directors if anything. If I were WB, I'd be making a strict, "No direct referencing the Snyder movies," policy.
You are dumb.
Not using good material doesn't mean it isn't there. WB are fucking stupid and lack the confidence to use it. That, and Snyder's a hack who can only use pre-existing material
I don't know whether that's an official statement from WB but I feel like they should just fucking continue the franchise with the same cast but a lighter atmosphere if general audiences react more positively to that. Fisher was one of the best things about JL and if they fire Cavill, they are literally retarded because he's pretty much the best Superman actor if you give him a solid script. I mean they can cut out Fisher just fine if they leave out Cyborg but getting rid of the Batman AND Superman actors is fucking retarded considering both are good in their respective roles. Why SS is supposed to be a reboot is beyond me because I am still pretty sure it will just be a sequel without most of the previous characters
Ladderbro is the most hardcore shitposter around
Let the DCCU burn. They should never have tried to copy the MCU in the first place.
WB doesn't give out official statements. They definitely want a lighter tone after Aquaman made a billion though Shazam bombing might change that. Cavill and the rest are definitely gone. Suicide Squad is a reboot because they want to ignore the last one which is why they're recasting and using new characters.
Wonder Woman 2 should be the last unless they take everything out with reshoots since after Shazam it will be the last one made under Johns short time in charge
They literally only succeeded when they used more lighthearted approaches to their characters, you company war dimwit. I love MoS and even liked the BvS Ultimate Cut but most audiences didn't like that approach. Meanwhile, SS, WW, and Aquaman raked in tons of cash because the characters cracked more jokes and due to the atmosphere
I swear, company fags are the stupidest people on this board and literally know nothing about movies, the material, or even the companies they are shilling
>the next JL movie will cut out cyborg, batman, and superman and put in Shazam to make fans happy
>the new line up will become the most popular JL line up because the normies are already forgetting the JL cartoon since it's been so long
>Bendis synergy will force DC to take batman, superman, and cyborg off the team for the next 5 years
Not copying the MCU is how they got in this mess in the first place
Now they're trying to correct it by becoming MCU 2.0 and THAT'S going to fail because no one wants a shitty MCU knockoff with terrible DC characters when we can watch the real thing
So how the fuck do we know what is ACTUALLY legit? I believe jack shit until WB sort that shit out and officially announce all of that. I also think Shazam is going to do fine. Nothing crazy but fine. After all, it's pretty low budget so as long as it rakes in around 400-500, WB should be satisfied.
shazam looks like it might be fun, and im glad they aren't making it part of the "universe"
honestly, im tired of big overarching movie "universes".
All i want is a good superman movie and a good batman movie. if they reference each other a little thats fine, but Im tired of all this cross movie bullshit that all is just a big buildup to a giant teamup movie. it's really fatiguing.
just gimmie a decent feelgood superman movie with a villain OTHER than Zod or Luthor, and i'll be happy. How hard is it to just make a goddamned Superman movie for fucks sake
>the next JL movie
How does it feel knowing that we live in a world where JLI might one day be more popular than vanilla Justice League?
>I love MoS and even liked the BvS Ultimate Cut
I stopped reading your post as soon as I read this.
You clearly have bad taste, so you likely have bad opinions, which is why I'm going to completely ignore you.
They copied the MCU by trying to rush universe with comic book characters and have them team up like the Avengers on screen. They were trying to copy them. They didn't bother taking the time to have solo movies and just rushed into team up movies thinking the audience were stupid enough to watch their movies and enjoy it.
Yeah, because Aquaman really failed in the box office, huh? Are you even aware of the bullshit you're spouting? People are apparently all in if the movie looks cool enough which WW and Aquaman did.
>Superman out
Recast him as Mr Sinister.
>Batman out
Recast him as Moon Knight.
>Cyborg out
Recast him as the OTHER Powerman
Let the salt fly as Marvel scoops up those who turned away from DC just as DC took away James until Marvel realized how stupid they were and took him back.
actually, what got them in the mess they're in is they tried to play catch up with the MCU.
the MCU had been building up slowly but surely, since 2008's iron man. It started off slow, with individual movies that didnt always cross over, in fact for the early ones, Sam jackson and Coulson were often the only crossover elements, and they were more background as an overarching government agency.
DC was making a new Superman, that had nothing to do with any universes, but when Marvel made Avengers, DC realized they had to respond and started desperately trying to play catch up, starting with the team movie first, and the character movies second, which was an awful mistake.
You forgot Ezra Miller has also dropped out as Flash
Reminder that Nolan made a billion dollars TWICE with non-comedy Batman.
Reminder that Logan made $619m, nearly same as JL but with 1/3 the budget.
Reminder that even BvS made nearly $900m.
Stop acting like only comedies can make money. There's plenty of interest in more serious movies, but problems come up when they're simply not good and ruin franchise hype.
The same way you knew Affleck and Cavill were leaving.
Shazam is DoA. It's tracking is laughably low and most people will choose Pet Sematary or Dumbo over another terrible DC movie and then of course there's Endgame
>im glad they aren't making it part of the "universe
See this is why everyone calls you DC fans retarded
I feel you, mate. I loved MoS and I really want a sequel. I'd even take that abominational Metallo flying saucer if need be. Mxyzpitlk would be even better. A Reeve Batman movie, a solid Flash movie, and a proper GL movie and I would be satisfied as fuck
Are you going to keep siting Aquaman after Shazam and Birds of Prey bomb? What about when Wonder Woman 2 fails to get half of Captain Marvel's box office?
>They didn't bother taking the time to have solo movies and just rushed into team up movies
>starting with the team movie first, and the character movies second, which was an awful mistake
Why do people keep acting like this was the problem? The problem wasn't that they started with team ups. Everyone already knows Batman and Superman - they didn't need solo movies.
The problem was that Justice League sucked dick. If they had made a Justice League movie that was good, we wouldn't be in this situation.
Suicide Squad, Fantastic Four, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men... people can accept team movies without solo movies first. They just need to not blow.
are they making it part of the dc movieverse? i thought it was supposed to be a standalone because of it's tone and shit
I think cavill wasnt a bad superman, I feel he was, much like Routh, a victim of a bad superman movie.
But maybe its time to move on and start fresh with a new Superman.
Reminder that everyone hates Nolanbats which is why they're so excited for Reeve's piece of shit
Reminder that X-Men were such a failure that Fox didn't want to EXIST anymore
Reminder that because of Batman v Superman DC is literally the most hated brand in history
Obviously, you are too retarded to read an entire comment because your attention span is that of a 5-year old
>talking about taste
>implying the MCU isn't collossal dogshit except for the movies that are more solo focused (IM1, WS, IH, Thor 1, CA1)
WB did the team up thing in a solid way but the audiences just didn't like the serious tone of the movies, you retard. Have you even seen the reviews or talked to people IRL about the movies? SS was the first movie to succeed because people just liked the tone of the movie and that was objectively the worst movie of the DCEU. Audiences want to have a good time when in the theater, not some "deep" approach to a superhero character.
Yes, it's part of it. It has never NOT been part of it. There's tons of references to the past movies. And fucking really? You thought it wasn't connected because of TONE? do you think Winter Soldier isn't connected to Iron Man? Is Guardians of the Galaxy not connected to Infinity War and Endgame?
>Reminder that everyone hates Nolanbats
Literally untrue.
>Reminder that X-Men were such a failure
Not until Apocalypse. And even after that, there was still Logan and DP2.
>Reminder that because of Batman v Superman DC is literally the most hated brand in history
This is hyperbole but yes.
>Shazam is DoA. It's tracking is laughably low and most people will choose Pet Sematary or Dumbo over another terrible DC movie and then of course there's Endgame
Hmmm, why does this sound so familiar?
>still blaming the tone, not the quality
nigger I dont know, I remember hearing shit about it being separate.if im wrong im wrong, whatever. I just didnt realize.
>lost their batman
>lost their superman
>lost their cyborg
>lost their flash
>fired their main director
>gained popular director from marvel
>...then they took him back
Is the DCEU the biggest clusterfuck in film history?
Alright fine when Shazam beats Pet Sematary, Dumbo, and Endgame and goes on to make a billion I will apologize and proclaim you the new nostradamus because you were able to see what LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD saw
And then I will eat every DCEU blu-ray 4k and regular
No but it's definitely top 3
Shazam will beat every one of those movies save for Endgame.
>DC is literally the most hated brand in history
Jesus christ, company war faggots are legit mentally ill
I dont think anyone really thought this would come out
Name one worse. Name one brand that gets constant jokes about how terrible it is. People are STILL making Martha jokes INCLUDING major motion pictures
>1. What was Snyder's plan, how was it different from that?
Snyder was forced to work with Cyborg, he didn't want him on the League, that was 100% WB, wilkinson designe was based on the instructions that: he was alien tech and could not look like iron man. Snyder plan was to present him as a machine re-learning to be a man instead of just hating his cyborg part. JL Main PoV was Cyborg, Snyder knew that Johns pitch was shit and that no one cares about Cyborg so Fisher would had gotten the more character development,Cyborg being a useful way to interact with the flashbacks was a way to make cyborg "fun" to watch, exposing the new gods world, etc, he would had been "evolving" the entire movie, have a "battle mod", to make him more toyable. Fisher got most of his escenes cut
>The only options are dead-on-arrival or billion dollar gross biggest film of all time
Chill out. There's absolutely no way Shazam is going to do Aquaman numbers, but it's going to make bank. I just think it's hilarious that doomsayers like you were predicting Aquaman to completely bomb, got utterly blown the fuck out, and still haven't learned your lesson about trying to be industry analysts.
>though Shazam bombing might change that
Shazam isn't going to bomb
They already did polls and most people that watch that shit don't know RDJ won't be coming back again not to mention others.
Black Panther and Captain Marvel proved they don't need RDJ or "others"
Also Leto Joker is getting recasted whenever they use Joker in the movies again, the solo movie Joker wont be used, what the hell are they doing
>Barry still the same shit actor
Kill him off and have Wally take his place
>this bait
That’s a shame, Fisher was actually one of the better aspects of the film (after you get past the creepy stalker shit from Snyder’s part of the film). It’s also really disappointing that Ezra still has a chance at a flash film when he was the worst part of the movie
No he's rewriting the script
>>gained popular director from marvel
>>...then they took him back
Are you talking about Gunn? Because he’s still working on Suicide Squad and GotG3 is being put on the back burner until SS is done
>Dark universe
kek, I forgot that was supposed to be a thing.
I will never not laugh at the fact that they started using that picture with the Fantastic Four cast cropped out
Also, being Channing Tatum is suffering. Almost no one else on that stage gave a shit about those roles, but he actually really wanted to be Gambit.
That said, being Taylor Kitsch is REAL suffering. Dude can't catch a fucking break.
>Hardly anyone talking about Shazam other than hardcore DC fans and people who grew up with that character
There's nothing better than looking up Shazam on social media and seeing most people are talking about the song the app helped them find
You can't be this stupid.
A lot of people only go to see those because they're linked to the stuff they care about, once that goes away they won't stay.
he’s working on a script with Morrison, and if the studio rejects the script Ezra said he’s out. Also reports are that his contract is up in a few months
>will beat Pet Semetary
I assume it will. It's not surprising for a cape movie to beat a horror film. IT was an exception, not the new norm.
>will beat Dumbo
This is a toss up. I think you're right, though. Dumbo doesn't seem to have much hype. It's all going to be down to word of mouth.
Shazam will do well, and probably beat those two, but there's no way it'll put up Aquaman or Captain Marvel numbers. And it doesn't have to - it's much lower budget and not a tentpole.
I know he didn't leave SS, but he's not exclusive to DC. Having him away from Marvel was good for them; now that Marvel has him back, there's a good chance they could keep him for a post GotG3 movie.
>good chance
It's as sure a thing as Endgame making a billion
I can't believe I'm in a timeline where fucking Aquaman is carrying the DCEU
See I don’t know, Gunn got fucked over by Disney, if I were him I would have my reservations
You realize Black Panther made more money than literally any other solo movie ever, right? And WITHOUT RDJ or any of those other links.
Are we seriously repeating this shit again? It's the same old song and dance.
You missed Irons
Well he took the job on Guardians 3 back, so obviously he's dealt with whatever reservations he has.
He was never fucked over
In fact he was never really fired
Shit, I guess I assumed he was still in it. Fixed.
>still white knighting Snyder after everything
This is some battered wife shit
>In fact he was never really fired
what's this revisionism?
>Justice League BTFO by Doom Patrol just like the painting ate Paris
WTF chaos magic works
People think the public firing was just a ruse so that Fox's shareholders wouldn't back out of the merger. It's not a completely meritless theory, since after all they announced the "rehiring" at a point where the deal is about to be finalized.
No revisionism just truth
>dark universe
It was obvious from day one. Gunn had a "Pay-or-Play" clause in his contract, which basically states that no matter what happens regarding his involvement with the movie, so long as he produces a script he is entitled to at least $7m. When he was 'fired' the contract never got cashed out. It was never finalized, Alan Horn jumped the gun and sent everyone into panic mode trying to fix it.
cyborg is lame anyways
Someone post the Fox one, but without the F4 cast
Ray was a good Cyborg. I was looking forward to his movie.
>WITHOUT RDJ or any of those other links
Bitch, he had JUST appeared in a movie with RDJ and "those other links" you brain dead buffoon.
Also BP was mediocre.
>Shazam bombing might change that.
>Also BP was mediocre.
Not only does the general public disagree, but it still made over a billion and is one of the most commercially successful movies of all time.
>jokes = hate
got it.
>Suicide Squad reboot
>tfw I wanted more of these two
Such a waste.
enjoy your mandatory castration then
I hope you like being pegged in the ass
>Hardly anyone talking about Shazam
and this is how I know you are talking shit
That couldn't even stop Gunn
His tweets were about child abuse though, not as important as misogyny.
The only Shazam people know is the app on their phones and most of them think the movie is either another Emoji Movie based on that app or made by morons who didn't know the name was already taken
>Hardly anyone talking about Shazam other than hardcore DC fans and people who grew up with that character
I guess everyone was talking about Cap Marvel and Antman the days before their movies released other than people from MCU groups.
Well Captain Marvel is about a week away from a billion so yeah
So did I. Then they went and made movies, and...well, at this point, burying the corpse is doing it a favor.
Wonder Woman still fits. Just ignore her part in BvS and JL. onsidering she was the first part that was an unqualified success, they'd be fools to toss it in the trash with the rest.
I wish they kept Karen.
She was cute.
Nice reading comprehension.
Actually feel bad for him, dude legit seemed into being Cyborg.
>Shazam is DoA. It's tracking is laughably low and most people will choose Pet Sematary or Dumbo over another terrible DC movie and then of course there's Endgame
These are different audiences. Goddamn, this is why you will never be part of the industry.
>Hardly anyone talking about Shazam other than hardcore DC fans
Delusional ladderbro.
Ray Fisher was flat in the JL movie, I could see him recast as pretty much anyone else and it wouldn't make a difference to me.
>we'll never get another peak at his not-Bayformers body redesign from the end of the movie that actually looked decent to good.
So. Black people and Black characters are too good for the racist low life comic book industry. I wish they would just keep it real and stop making Black superheroes altogether.
Also is it any wonder that it's going out of business? All of the comic book stores look like porno shops. Mile high is even having a bondage theme night.
Nah, they just need to make movies about the black characters that people actually like. BP doing gangbusters is proof that black heroes can work, they just need to not be shit
Why are people talking about that pedo gunn in this thread?
Did anyone actually thought they were going to make a Cyborg solo movie?
You don't understand. Everything bad in the movies Snyder made wasn't Snyder's fault at all and everything good in the movies he didn't make was entirely because of him.
The comic book industry is racist. Point blank. Sure fans online talk nice but they don't want to see a black character succeed. The only reason they let BP succeed is because those freaking crazy as hell white liberals want to restart the black panther party from the 60s to push their socialist agenda.
They're trying to build wealth off the backs of those poor short ugly mexican migrants. Yea. I guess they save the fine ones for actors vacaying in Mexico and of course the cartels.
Laddercuck, laddercuck
Trying to get his disney buck.
They were the first ones to drop any mention of it right away.
And nothing of value was lost.
The Doom Patrol one was better.
I'm 32 years old and already financially stable enough to retire, I know full well just how retarded the rest of you are so I understand why it was successful.
Go watch Drive, now THAT is a great movie. You've experienced very little of the world and not enough quality material which is why you could find BP to be anything more than mediocre.
>Geoff Johns on suicide watch
>mfw he spent literally over a decade trying to push this boring as fuck character under the guise of diversity, so he can save the GL spot for his make-believe boyfriend Hal cause he knows that everybody would embrace the fuck out of John Stewart even if he was just riding it out on the coattails of JLU when there were plenty of other black characters that don't violently throw people into a coma while reading about them
Ray Fischer would have been a great young John Stewart. Or J'onn.
Too bad no one thinks being black in your "human" form is enough for diversity points, and Geoff refuses to let movie GL not include Hal. And fuck man, I love Hal he's my favorite Lantern but it just wasn't the way to go.
>Another piece of Snyder is removed
>added in deadpool characters as if they were there the whole time
holy shit that's funny
All I had to do was wait, soon we'll get a Shining Knight and Vigilante team up movie or even a star girl movie/Series!
>Bitch, he had JUST appeared in a movie with RDJ
Yeah, and the same will be true after Endgame, you tard.
They used RDJ and co to build BP and CM up as brands. Now they've done that successfully, and they don't need RDJ and co anymore.
What's hard to understand about that?
>I guess everyone was talking about Cap Marvel and Antman the days before their movies released
Are you new here? The entire past month, if not longer, has been about Captain Marvel.
>brags about financial worth online
>without it being brought up
>on a fucking anonymous comics and cartoons board
>thinks that has any bearing on taste
Christ, you're insecure aren't you?
How about in the WW sequal something causes her to change the past and we get a butterfly effect?
They'll do that in the Flash movie, that's his whole bread and butter
Anothe Piece of Snyder sounds like a great band name
WB said screw it Marvel is too good at this cinematic universe stuff
>came here to see if anyone was posting about the new Suicide Squad being a reboot
>rumours of Cyborg leaving that I'd not even heard of.
>all this glorious schadenfreude.
At this point the DCEU is a train that's been de-railing itself over the course of six or so years and I'm just here to watch. I've got popcorn if anyone wants to share.
Boom done. Let's break for lunch, is paying.
How about they just ditch the connected universe shit altogether?
Aquaman didn't need it. Wonder Woman didn't need it. Hell, even Suicide Squad didn't need it.
Just go back to making movies on their own. Let Marvel stick with the shared universe gimmick.
The best would be to leave the "shared universe" thing to aknowledging the other characters exist (like in Shazam) so you can have an eventual team up movie but otherwise just leave it alone.
Of course, that's not where the money is. Marvel has proven than even the most mediocre movie can make much more than it should as long as you attach it to a "universe".
It seems that's the plan now, building mini cinematic universes, they're doing it with Aquaman and the Atlantis stuff (Trench and The Others) and Shazam with Black Adam spinoff leading up to Shazam 3.
Well according to one person that's exactly what's going to happen
The good new is the Martian Manhunter will never be on the big screen.
Cyborg still wins.
DC lost just by quitting. Not only did they blink they haul tail even after Aquaman made a billion.
Took them long enough
Aquaman making a billion during a long holiday season with little to no competition will hardly make up for every other DC movie bombing
It'll drop, but I doubt by a lot. Spider-Man is still popular and always will be. Captain Marvel and Black Panther were such successes that they'll have a steady fanbase going for years, and since those two are likely going to be the face of the Avengers movies going forward, those are secure too. Doctor Strange and Ant-Man and the Wasp are solidly performing too, so the fans there will likely stay. Plus I'm sure they'll be able to ride high for a long time after that when they get to announce new X-Men and Fantastic Four movies and talk about how "they're all coming home."
Someone accuse them of racism for not making a cyborg movie.
No one want a freaking John Stewart Green Lantern movie. This guy literally has no supporting characters and has been in deep space since the 2000s. How are they gonna make a movie about that.
People that like John Stewart must be crazy because he never had an ongoing and probably never will.
It's pathetic to see them post about how great he is when he only ever appears in a few panels.
Don't forget that their successes are due to copying marvel. Its basically admitting defeat and inferiority.
>I've got popcorn if anyone wants to share.
Mind passing some over, user?
>with little to no competition
Nice revisionism, it would have done Jumanji numbers then.
>This guy literally has no supporting characters and has been in deep space since the 2000s.
Katma Tui, Kilowog, and so on.
I got you, famalam.
Kilowog is every GL's supporting character.
Kyle could even claim Soranik, but after her being revealed to be SInestro's daughter, you'd probably be doing her a disservice to not set up the Hal/Sinestro dynamic.
BASED user
What if they made the Flash movie (if it will happen) about flashpoint?
I just wanted something to match the DCAU in live-action. That's all I wanted. That's all I fucking wanted
Clearly, chaos magic also got Brendan unJUSTed
If the MCU has taught us anything, it's that we live in an age where the reputation of the property in question does not matter anymore. The only thing that matters, the only thing that guarantees success is getting the audience to be on board with and like the characters. And that can be done with literally any property.
>I wanted it to be like my boring shitty cartoon from 20 years ago
Retards like you are why we still have to suffer in a world where DC hasn't gone out of business
This might sound petty, but I began to hate DCU when aquaman took attention away from Spiderverse. Fuck them and hope aquaman 2 flops.
>And that can be done with literally any property.
Except this one because they decided to make "archetypes" instead of actual characters
It won't be in theaters until 2022 and if Star Trek and Lego Movie taught us anything it's that long wait times between sequels ALWAYS mean success
Hell, even the DCEU has proven this.
Literally the two biggest characters in the western canon. Batman had two billion-dollar films in the past decade. Superman had a successful reboot just a few years earlier.
And then what happens? They completely fuck up the crossover that should've made the easiest billion in history. But it still made money... then they fucked it up even further with major production issues on Justice League and took a fucking bath on it thanks to the inflated budget.
>Wonder Woman
Basically no mainstream representation in 40 years and manages to be the biggest domestic solo movie to date and over $800m worldwide.
Been a joke character for decades. Was in the major-flop of JL. And then goes on to make a BILLION at the box office.
The "brand reputation" meme is one of the biggest lies that people here believe.
Let's be realistic, Spider-Verse was animated. It was never going to get as much attention. We should be glad it got the attention and word of mouth it got because it looked like it was going to bomb in it's opening weekend
I mean, in the end, one of them got an Oscar over Disney so I'm good.
>Superman had a successful reboot just a few years earlier.
Ehhhhhh, technically MoS' financial return is the reason the DCCU got into the state it's in now in the first place
>4 years
>long wait
Why are you people so casual?
In the current movie climate, 4 years between movies is pretty long.
I think that Katana is salvageable.
Only because WB was way too reactionary to it. It made $668m, which was still pretty great for 2013. They were expecting Nolanbats or Avengers numbers for some reason, but didn't stop to think that Batman Begins only made $375m and the MCU started with Iron Man at $585m, with Cap, Hulk, and Thor all well below that.
Man of Steel did well. MoS 2 probably would've done better. But instead they got scared and rushed BvS.
I don't think it's a total lie. BvS made the money it did on brand recognition. If it didn't have that it would've been Fan4stic tier.
Geoff, please.
>But instead they got scared and rushed BvS.
It boggles my mind they decided to address people bitching online about the destruction in MOS in the form of a 250 million dollar movie. Bruce Wayne is pretty much Devin Faraci in that movie. The voice of the online wankers inside the movie. They should've just fucking ignored it. If you can accept a flying alien in the movie than accept that people got out of those buildings in time, ffs.
>The few scenes in Aquaman with Starro subtly taking over background characters
>Literally nothing will come from it
Don't forget that
>Will Smith left and is now in Aladdin
>Idris Elba is replacing him as Deadshot
That was a thing? Where in the movie was Starro?
>BvS made the money it did on brand recognition
Sure, but then it threw all that brand recognition away for the next movie. However, it probably could've still done fine if JL was just a good movie.
Meanwhile, GotG - the most literal who comic movie of all time - made nearly $800m.
Brand reputation is only a part of the puzzle. Star Trek, Fast and Furious, James Bond, Star Wars, even Batman himself have all squandered and recovered their reputations at various points.
No it's not a thing you gullible moron
Hey, I'm an excitable moron. Starro would be really cool in a movie.
Aquaman was already recast.
Will Smith left because he didn't want to be associated with that pedo Gunn.
>Aquaman was already recast.
what are you talking about?
Wrong hebleft because he's shooting Bright 2 and Bad Boys 3 this year
Good, threw that shit away and focus in solo movies.
>doesn't want to be in bad sequel
>would rather be in two lower budget bad sequels
>bad boys
stick to the MCU, pleb
Hey, I don't care about Bright but don't shit on Bad Boys
Bad Boys is fine, but BB2 was 16 years ago. The sequel will almost certainly be shit.
>different director
>different writer
>past their prime actors
yeah, I'm sure it'll be totally great
1-Snyder wanted to make Cyborg the most important character and the one with the most development, and I'm not kidding. That was scrapped when Wheddon arrived who clearly didn't give s shit about him.
2-Kinda but at least in The New Teen Titans he had Beast Boy bouncing him off.
>implying bright is on a different level than MCU
>DCEU dead as fuck
>aquaman made money due to no competition and china pandering
>WW84 delayed
>nobody from skwad staying for part 2
>shazam flopping or not won't mean anything
the absolute fucking state of DC. geez.
thank god; that cyborg was terrible
can we just reboot DC with the Doom patrol and move on?
It's not that he doesn't want to it's that he can't
Bright 2 films in July and Suicide Squad films in September
>I guess everyone was talking about Cap Marvel and Antman the days before their movies released other than people from MCU groups.
Uh, pretty much, yeah. It's been a topic of conversation for Anti-Marvel and Anti-Feminist talking heads for months now, and there's been dozens of threads on Yea Forums all about Brie Larson, and whether the movie with succeed or flop.
Are they still letting Ezra Miller write his OWN script for the Flash movie? And stamping Grant Morrison's name on it for credibility?
Surely this will make Green Lantern look like a critical and commercial success.
>Suicide Squad being rebooted
>The Batman probably being set in the 90's
God yes, I don't care about cinematic universes, just give good solo movies.
its just a stalling tactic, cheaper to run out the clock making miller think its still happening. as far as miller, wouldnt be the first time dc strung him along
>implying Will Smith doesn't have pull over scheduling
>Go watch Drive, now THAT is a great movie.
It's actually kind of sad how hard the DCEU fucking JUST'd itself.
That's good actually. Snyderverse was fucked from the start.
Speaking on Wonder Woman isn't her boyfriend who died in the first movie going to be in '84? Do we know how that's supposed to work?
>WW84 delayed
>nobody from skwad staying for part 2
>shazam flopping
Okay, I'm clearly out of the loop on this, when did this happen? Also really? Nobody from Skwad is in Reboot Squad? Holy shit.
Pic related is the absolute state of DCEU.
I would assume Margot Robbie is staying for the reboot.... the only one we know for sure is out is Will Smith and the fire bender that died.
I swear to god, I'm giving up on these movies if they make the first ever Flash movie to ever hit cinemas fucking Flashpoint.
Like, if that happens, I'm just straight up done. Not even gonna bother anymore
DC had nothing but amazing movies before Snyder showed up
It's not gonna be Flashpoint m8
Margot Robbie is sticking around but she won't be in Skwad 2. She'll be in Birds of Prey. She was going to be in Gotham City Sirens I think but she wanted to be in the hero team more so nobody knows whats going on with GCS anymore
Is this bait? It has to be, right?
So... Margot Robbie bailed on villain teamup 1 to be in villain teamup 2 but is now in hero teamup 2, leaving villain teamup 2 sans a character?
Fuck, man. A layperson could get tied up in knots just thinking about this crap.
Wasn't Batman & Robin so bad people though Superhero movies were dead for good?
>Single handedly ruin your cinematic universe
heh nothing personel, kid
Don't forget her solo movie which will have a new Joker presumably..... I mean DC won't try to make a Harley Quinn movie without the Joker will they.... I mean i guess if he's in prison and she's in a relationship with Poison Ivy maybe but I doubt WB would do that.
>Cavill, Affleck and Fisher out
>Ezra, Gal and Momoa in
Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
I feel he's being sarcastic.
DC should just double down on animation and do theatrical releases for this shit. Like their animation department, for the most part, has always blown Marvel the fuck out. For whatever reason the people who make DC's cartoons seem to actually love the source material, but are still willing to do their on shit as well while nodding to various books.
Then again I know fuck all about audiences and stuff, so maybe nobody would go see a DC cartoon in a theater.
Yeah, this entire cinematic universe has no plan and is basically winging it harder than FoX-Men's timeline at this point
>Batman & Robin
To be fair, it wasn't just him. It was him, the studio that enabled him (and kept him on for more movies and scheduled more movies while filming said movies before seeing the reaction to those movies) as well as bigwigs giving up on the franchise and wanting that cash money early
Ezra may be out too depending
Ezra..... that's assuming WB goes with his script which would likely be a money sink and bomb harder than catwoman, largely because his new suit will look like catwomans.
>Like their animation department, for the most part, has always blown Marvel the fuck out.
DC's heyday of great animation has been replaced by shitty low-cost direct-to-dvd.
Mask of the Phantasm was 26 fucking years ago.
The odds of DC producing something on the tier of even Big Hero 6 or Spider-Verse, let alone a mammoth hit like the Incredibles is pretty damn slim.
> largely because his new suit will look like catwomans
? I don't get it
I think that's the joke. Basically only Donner Supes, Burtonbats and NolanBats have been the only success stories.
But hey, we've bot WW/Aquaman now
One of the WonderWoman2 producers tried to claim it wasn't a sequel to the first movie.
Despite directly referencing the first movie, and starring he same actors.
I think it's supposed to be a gay joke
With a big brain like yours you must be from Yea Forums
Remember when Harley was supposed to be in Skwad 2, BoP, GCS and Joker & Harley with two different Joker actors simultaneously?
All WB knows is that Joker and Ms Joker pays dividends.
Even the Bat failed to deliver the billion fighting Superman.
Here's the new Flash suit
>with two different Joker actors simultaneously?
No and she's still in those
WB wants a Harley movie every year
If they want a black hero movie do Static Shock. Just hire me WB. I know what to do
Leto Joker movie is officially kill.
And? that doesn't explain how there would be two different Joker actors simultaneously in one movie
Uh oh.
Hell Leto is officially kill
no idea who ray fisher is but if they put some random black actor it would be the same.