Hey, drawfag here, looking for reference for a project i’m working on.
If you were to combine all the best elements of each suit to make the most accurate representation of the comic character, which ones would you choose?
Has anyone ever made a design of iron man that rejects the MCU design model? I feel like even artist drawing the books try to rip Movie Iron Man off, so seeing something different from that would be interesting.
I also love the gold sleeves/legs for the Endgame suit. kinda wish we got better comic representation then just “it kinda looks and acts like it”
>My helmet is uncomfortable, I won't wear it. >My sleeves are itchy, take them off. >My hair is too hot, cut it off. >This cape is too heavy, capes ate dumb. >This eyepatch is hard to see with. I won't wear it. >I don't want to act like Thor anymore, I just want to tell jokes and have fun.
By Endgame he's going to be just walking around in jeans and a t-shirt with characters calling him "Chris, God of Hemsworth."
Matthew Martin
I mean, 3 and 4 as about as close to the comics as it can be expected to get, all you have to do is convince the pretty actor to wear the fucking helmet.
Jackson Bell
Needs helmet Leaks point to classic gold sleeves making their debut. So have hope. If you wanted to draw your own suit, you could go for something clunkier since modern suits are more streamlined. Or hey, pull more from pic related Hemsworth really has been a shit with the costume
She hasn't worn that in a hot minute. This is her latest look, as far as I know. I wish they just cut the Nextwave overcoat and stopped pretending the character is still anything like it was there.
Here's an interview he gave to IGN >Secretly I think I was the biggest advocate for not having the helmet. Secretly between me and whoever is watching [laughs]. It’s just incredibly uncomfortable. The amount of times it would fall off and the bridge would be smashing me in the nose, or the wings of the helmet in one of the fight scenes was getting clipped off… it was something we had to, I think [pushes aside gesture] for the moment anyway.
Sebastian Cooper
He has publicly stated before he didn’t want the helmet, this they catered to him. It’s not a huge leap in logic to think given the MCU’s success, Chris continuously asks for more changes with little pushback. Why the hell else would they retcon the eyepatch?
Gabriel Baker
Take off the jacket and make her show her arms As in this Falcon suitAnd Monica needs a new hair cut The real problem that Marvel is no longer the home of ideas
The problem is also with the current artists. They do not have balls to speak to the editor. I'm going to change Monica's hair and draw her without that jacket.
I know about the helmet, I'm referring to everything else. Like, what does it mean "Chris continuously asks", his look changed only in Ragnarok where it was thematically fit to strip Thor of his gloriousness
Immediately after in IW he's back in the full costume again
Here's an interview with Eric Pearson, one of the writers in Ragnarok >When I arrived, there were certain things they had already decided. We’re going to break the hammer.. Another one was, ‘We’re going to cut the hair.’ I said, ‘Why?’ ‘Hemsworth doesn’t want to wear the wig. It takes a lot of time to get it right.'
I have an irrational hatred of how the center red stripe in his tummy doesn't go all the way down and the ones to the side overshoot into the blue, in the newer costumes. Also not a fan of how the completely eliminated the white from the arms, but that sounds a tad too Chris-chanesque.
Carter Jones
The Vampirela bikini never had any chance of making it in, but it baffles me how Disney refused to use a cape with a hood, it's such a simple design motif to pull off.
For Valkyrie they need to... > Take her black outfit. > Take the metal breast plates off the white outfit and place onto black suit. > Either remove pants & extend skirt or make the pants whites/grey to contrast the top half of the suit. > Give her pic related hair but dyed blonde. It's really not that hard. They have to be going out of their way to spite the fans.
I always hated the armor sleeves but the fact that they still haven't made a good helmet for him is criminal
Liam Reyes
The v2 Black Panther suit looks better with white eyes
Angel Powell
Imagine the disaster that must be a meeting of these MCU staff Some should say what you said and here comes Kevin Feige that says, I liked that but we will do exactly the opposite
Austin Cox
This is only sorta relevant, but my Lightning Knight type character wears a similar garb >Blue and Black cape. More like Superman's - less wavy and more straight down and always perfectly smooth. >Used to wear black and blue full plate mail. >Got WAY too fast, so he just wears basically a plate mail tee-shirt and large fingerless gauntlets. His armor is more for show and the enchantments bound to the pieces rather than the actual defenses anymore. >No more thigh armor, but still wears calf boots. I basically took Iron Man's chestplate, gauntlets all the way to the elbow, and pauldrans and placed it on the newest Thor design from the last part of OP's pic. I have old versions of his design in my bag.
Note that I never said I was a good drawfag. I only draw for fun. Yes I know I suck at hands.
Old version isn't really what you're talking about, but I'd say that I prefer the newest Thor design. If I had my up-to-date drawings, I'd be able to show you way better what I'm talking about in terms of picking out of good designs to make a great one. I have so many drawings of this character's armor and sword in different ways, and it took a ton before I even got to that drawing I posted.
Charles Martinez
>hated it it in Doctor Strange >thought the yellow gloves were a nice edition in Ragnorok, despite being more of an Easter egg and productions too cheap to apply the scarring to his hands >loved it in Infinity War
I dunno if it was just being able to see Strange in action is all the customer needed or it just grew on me.
The suits from the Ant-Man movies are among my favorite live action cape costumes of all time. The Ant-Man suit from AM&W is probably my favorite MCU costume period. It takes the best parts of his two previous designs and combines them in a way that looks refined and heroic.
I used to think this, but I don’t think it really would look good without being too small.
Wish his shirt and torsoe didn’t look so bulky, but 616 Strange straight up wears the pirate shirt from Seinfeld minus the fringe, so theres no winning there.
I also do wish the Eye of Agomotto was more of a broach than a necklace.
OP here. If you guys make a list of what elements for all versions of a character’s costume can be put together to make a definitive version, I can sketch it out and see how it looks.
Angel Morgan
Sheeeit, I hadn't seen the Endgame suit. Good reference, almost exactly how I anted the OG suit to look like.
>tight suit with a bigass trenchcoat hnnnnngggg the only one who's done this til know has been guillermo del toro in hellboy and even then that went to shit with the new red and his shitty made coat
I'd just be fine with somebody else recreating the suit from its original design or something,
It's just one of these few scenarios where the design is unbelievably cool and wasted. Kind of like Darth Maul, but nowhere near as invested in the story.
You could've made Yellowjacket and Ghost designs switch places and they would make their movies better respectively.
Ghost as Pym's protege and Yellowjacket as the hunter in AM&TW.
Ugh, I could dream :P
Wyatt Cruz
Ultimate Alliance 2 had the most legit 'modern interpretation' of ol' Shellhead's classic armor.
You know something? I didn't even realize he had gloves at all. And I had forgotten that his hands were supposed to be fucked up to begin with. Why were they never mentioned again?
Jonathan Hughes
XM Studios Iron Man statue pulls this off amazingly well.
It's made to look like his propaganda suit. It's intentionally goofy.
Carter Martinez
I'm gonna post so you know you weren't the only one. I didn't realize it was so hated until I started coming to Yea Forums.
Evan Davis
Jesus, that Avengers 1 suit...if you told me that was Captain America in the Arrowverse, I'd believe you.
Noah Bennett
The eye patch was CGI in Ragnarok and IW.
Ryder Lopez
>the eyepatch was CGI in Ragnarok
why the fuck would they go to the trouble of CGI'ing an eyepatch over his eye for 1 scene instead of just sticking a real one on him on set? It's not like they couldn't afford to make one, doing it in CGI would cost 100x as much. They even had Odin's one lying around too.
Ian Martin
his hands are still scarred throughout infinity war
you can see them more when he hands the time stone to thanos as well
When the original Thor came out I was hoping we would get more rustic warrior-ish outfits in the sequel and we did and while it proved to be a improvement for Thor specifically, lately I have grown to like Sif & Hogun's 1st outfits a lot more.
they didn't cover the eyepatch in the trailers, they covered his bloody eye in the shots of him on the bridge at the end. Which is completely different from giving him the eyepatch at the end of the movie (which wasn't shown at all in the trailers) with CGI
Lincoln Scott
The end of Ultron one is a great design because it's the comics headdress upside down
James Cruz
Without the helmet I think it’s great
Matthew Nelson
I liked how his hair was braided… that’s probably it.