Happy Saint Patrick's day Yea Forums

Happy Saint Patrick's day Yea Forums,

Lets have a thread celebrating our favorite Irish Yea Forums characters and Irish Yea Forumsntent.

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Reminder that Betty Boop is canonically a Bonnie Lass.

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Post sexy sexy green eyed red heads.

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There was a brief Shamrock storytime earlier but the mods deleted it for some reason. God forbid someone actually posts a comic on Yea Forums

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I didn't really appreciate the original run of Futurama when it was airing. I mean I liked it, but it never clicked with me just how fucking good some of the episodes were until I was older. Luck of the Fryrish is solid fucking gold, thank you for reminding me of it.

So... was the potato famine as bad as slavery?

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>tfw when your an Irish American New Yorker named after your dad’s brothers who died before you were born

This episode fucking gets me everytime. It hit me way to hard the first time I saw it

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What are some characters who are in the 'RA?

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I thought she was Jewish

I imagine a couple batman and punisher mobsters were.

She is, I don't know what that user's going on about. Red hair and green eyes are common in Jewish populations and were even a long-standing stereotype until very recently, it's why Kyle in South Park has red hair.

Is Garth Ennis irish?

Every character written by Garth Ennis, even the one who aren't.

I have the impression Ennis is one of those irish who hates the irish.

The Irish ruined Ireland!

T. Northern irish

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Both parts celebrate it or only the catholics?

Some character related to John Constantine's Irish girlfriend

Yes, Northern Irish.
I thought he was Welsh. Is there anyone Welsh in the British Invasion?

Someone should storytime this.
Judge user, I summon you!

Morrison is scottish, Moore is british and Millar is shit, so none?

Ennis wrote this, didn't he?

I'm already here.

He very much did, the absolute Irishman. And it was drawn by the late, grand Steve Dillon.

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It begins.

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>Isle of Franks

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Sing along, Yea Forums!

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Hey Judge, while you're here, do you know if there's a particular reason Wagner decided to set Dredd in America?

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What if Frank Castle was an irish descendant instead of an italian descendant?

Because Dirty Harry was *really* popular at the time. In fact, Wagner had already done an ersatz Harry, One-Eyed Jack, in a previous weekly anthology, although that was set in present (at the time) day.

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In addition, British kids' comics usually had British settings and characters, so characters like Dredd, the Harlem Heroes and the cast of Flesh all helped tap into the bizarre over the top American crazes that were all over the TV at the time.

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Another aspect of it is that a lot of these cool violent American movies were strictly R-Rated, so if you were an eight year old kid in 70s Britain you couldn't go see Dirty Harry. But you could read Judge Dredd, which you knew had more or less the same premise.

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And because they were sci-fi, Wagner and Mills and company could get away with a lot more shit, both overt and subtle, than they could with "present day" comics like the ill-fated predecessor to 2000AD, ACTION.

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Oh, stomm.

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>The device at the Guinness brewery mysteriously fails to explode...

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Faith an' beggorah, the CAPTCHA is fuckin' relentless today.

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Ok, here's something I fucking love about this story.
Last page of this episode: Dredd crashes through window.

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Cover of next week's prog: Dredd shooting dudes while crashing in.

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And the first page of the episode: Dredd landing right after the shots.

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That's was satisfying as fuck. I love Dredd.

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Fuck off jew

And now, the final episode!

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Whotta twist!

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And therein ends this tale. Hope you enjoyed it, Yea Forums!

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Thanks fella, happy Saint Patrick day.


As always, your insight and storytimes are so very much appreciated Judge user.

>eight year old kid
>could read Judge Dredd
Truly a better time.

>Cartoon Saloon hasn't been mentioned yet.
I'm ashamed of you Yea Forums

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The Emerald Isle never appeared again.

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Nah, it actually appeared again for a bit in Judgment Day, and more recently in Blood of the Emeralds, with Joyce's son.

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This reminds me of The Critic..