Would you watch an Alita: Battle Angel animated movie by Disney?

would you watch an Alita: Battle Angel animated movie by Disney?

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No. They would try to "change" it.

I don't watch Disney animated movies anyway so fuck no

Probably not considering what Disney likes to do with their animated movies.

>would you watch an Alita: Battle Angel animated movie
>by Disney?

I would say Disney wouldn't waste their time making an animated movie based on a box office bomb but they did make that Tron show

Fuck off with that garbage

No, but I would buy this figma.

Let's be honest, despite Yea Forums's utter hatred of disney, they'll watch everything they make because they're a bunch of fucking hypocrites.

Shove it up your ass. The live action was already hard to sit through.

well, Yea Forums obviously ain't one person or a hivemind

Wow you are a fucking fanatic holy shit, kill yourself you fucking slave.

Fortunately Fox/Disney doesn't own the rights to it.

yeah they will probably gave her a black boyfriend right? 7 foot tall, but nerdy and sensible.

I'd watch a stop motion version by Laika

We have a winner!

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>based on a box office bomb
$400 mil worldwide isn't a bomb

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Real Talk: the movie seems to be turning Nova into a generic evil scientist and that is honestly an improvement. The manga version is fucking stupid and any time he is on panel I rush to finish the page.

it needed a billion arks fulfilled with shekels to break even

>would you watch Alita: Battle Angel

apparently not, if the box office is anything to go by.....

No it didn't. The marketing was minimal. Why the fuck are you acting like this was marketed like a fucking marvel movie.

i'm not acting like anything dude lmao

Memes aside, the thing hasn't made three times it's budget yet, it most likely never will. 70% of this already small BO comes from overseas too, it was hardly a profitable investment

Anyways, is it out on home video yet? All this pointless clinging made me at least a bit curious

You're right. You're just an idiot who doesn't understand this shit.

the absolute state of /mcu/tards

dude, i'm saying one billion arks fulfilled with shekels and you're getting mad at this somehow lmao

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Is this an actual figure? I want it.

However it's also being backed by James "Motherfucking" Cameron who is going to be able to push things through Hollywood that normally wouldn't make it

Shit, with the amount of trouble he went through to get the first one made, he's absolutely not going to give up on a sequel.

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This, or at the very least they'll generously provide free advertising by bitching about it every day.

The man is a saint.

how much does an ark fulfilled with shekels is in dollars, even?

Nova is a generic evil scientist. He's almost a perfect template of what it means to be one. The problem with the movie is it's lumping all of the villains into one group. They all have less personality because nobody's operating autonomously. Instead it's all "Get me Alita's McGuffin heart for no reason." The heart's also the same kind of problem that hurts GitS's Major in the movie by treating her cyborg body as something special. They had to make some story element to make the main character unique for the movie that wasn't necessary.

no but Rosa Salazar kept reminding me of American McGee's alice due to the eyes.
I would love a new American McGee's Alice anything. like this
that is Alice to a T except for the smile because she's always been moody

"Trouble". The guy tried to cash in on the popularity of '90s anime and 20 years too late he couldn't even bother to direct it. Besides, you have Avatar right there that was a 2 billion dollars worth phenomenon and a decade later the sequels are still only barely in production

i spit on hollywood

>"So you want us to fund a sequel to a movie that performed below expectations and that you didn't even bother to direct yourself?"

I thought the general estimate was making two times its budget to break even. I can imagine that sequels will only be considered if it was a smashing success rather than a moderate profit.

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Couldn't be worse than the love interest she had in the movie.

Well, someone has to raise the bar.

This, James Cameron is going to use the money from Avatar sequels to fund more movies for his waifu

Nah, I just watch anime

She cute

Breaking even generally means that's when the movie can start profiting, this would imply that the movie so far ranked in more or less 50M dollars of profit ww. But at the same time there's the matter of how much of the BO actually goes into the producers' pockets, because of factors like the theaters taking their cut, which they do in bigger percentages overseas where again the movie made most of it's money

So yeah, maybe nobody lost money in this but they also didn't gain anything significant

it's a massive bomb


Disney is the only studio that makes good content so probably

It’s production cost was 200 mil. How is doubling your production cost in returns a bomb?

Naw, Alita is pretty garbage as a franchise.

Alita is trash.

Carol is the superior character. Carol made more money. Carol got more critical acclaim and praise. Carol is getting a sequel.

Carol would destroy Alita in a fight just as the cherry on top.

Fucking cope you weeaboo faggots. Your robot waifu is SHIT and got flushed like shit.

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>Breaking even is a success
People don't invest in movies to make their money back you retard. They invest to reap incredible profits.

3X the budget is what you need to make as a rule of thumb to not be a garbage film.

Guess what? Alita goes in the trash. Not even Japan was willing to give this shitty waifubait film cash.

>would you watch an Alita: Battle Angel animated movie by Disney?

No. They already toned down some of the violence from the manga for the live action movie. If Disney gets ahold of it, they'd probably make Alita a princess who goes to the ball with Hugo and wears a big poofy dress.

Cope weeb, cope.

Carol vs Alita is a microcosm of the eternal weeb vs cape debate. Alita couldn't even beat Carol IN JAPAN. It's an embarrassment. A Z grade American superheroine bent a "beloved" weeb icon over the table and made her cry yamete Carol dono yamete.

I delight in the pain Carol's victory has caused casualgators and weebs alike. Know your fucking place. Learn what a good female character looks like.

You’re right. The black single mom was a good female character. Don’t know why you kept saying carol in that post

Because Carol was a superior character compared to the cardboard that was Alita and proved it by demolishing her.

"Muh boycott" "Muh Alita challenge" AHAHAHAHAHA!

Your shame and helplessness will never go away!

no. the animation is already unsettling, no need to put it at the very bottom of the uncanny valley.

carol didnt do as good as thanos.


Anywhere from 95% to 100% of the time a "what if a non Yea Forums related thing was a Yea Forums related thing" thread is created, it's for the sole purpose of discussing things that are neither comics, nor cartoons.
Yea Forums is not a refugee board.
Go back to Everyone else, report the OP for breaking >>>Yea Forumsrules/1

>They invest to reap incredible profits.
A 200% return on an investment in two and a half years is pretty incredible. It's way more than that money would get in the stock market, which is why movies continue to be made even if not every one will be in the top three highest-grossing of a given year (Alita is currently #4).


maybe someone else

Is there any reason to watch the live action movie instead of watching the OVAs or reading the manga?

The author disowned the OVAs but praised the movie, so there's that.

The OVA is dumb
The manga is really long and also just not that great - it's like an endless tournament arc

It seems to me it's essentially Alita abridged, they ram a ridiculous amount of plot arcs into one movie.

>instead of watching the OVAs
Yes, because it's better and covers more content than the OVA.

>or reading the manga?

If it was extremely faithful to the source material and did it justice, sure.

user, while there were a lot of things to like about the Cameron/Rodriguez movie, they changed things too, and they changed things for the worse. Nova should not have been introduced until later, and should not have been a generic "lol kill everyone" villain. Motorball should have been shown but not participated in yet. Ido's wife should not have been added. Gally's Mars faction should not have been turned into good guy rebels or whatever they were implied to be, when the whole point in the comic is that they were morally nebulous as best. They could have just merged the first two arcs of the comic, and there'd be loads less problems with the movie, like its pacing would be more even.

Also Hugo should have been played by an actor that didn't turn every scene involving him to pure diarrhea. It feels like they just grabbed the guy for the YA audience and it didn't work at all.

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Why are you replying to an obvious gaslighter?

>A 200% return
I don't think you understand how this works

Everyone look at this dumbass. This is the average Alita Battle Failure fan.

The more they change the better the film would be because the source material is garbage.

Cameron praised Terminator Genisys, that's not exactly the best criteria

It's also not what Alita has

I'm talking about Yukito Kishiro, not Cameron

I know, i just made another example of creator endorsement

Trying to understand why a number of fanboys is clinging so much to this one movie is kinda weird. There's this one user review on RT for example that basically goes
>Terrible pacing, confusing story, some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard
>Cool CG tho, 4/5

We are all healed by Alita.

It was enjoyable. That's it, really. It's a flawed but enjoyable movie.

The narrative that it's become a rallying point for hilarious alt-right failsons is a misconception based on one guy doing that... who happens to be the same guy who has been making two videos ranting about Captain Marvel every day for the last month. The guy's prodigious output of shite has actually changed Yea Forums's perception of the internet, on both sides of the political slapfight.

Who gives a fuck what he thinks?

Casualgators are closet weebs. They always have been and always will.

What if by “Disney-produced Alita,” OP meant something like Fireball?

Seriously who can stand looking at her creepy fucking eyes for 90 minutes?

It's weird, sometimes I was fine with them, other times it weirded me out a bit

Depends on how the accounting works for the sequel. Tech groundwork that has been done for the movie (and Cameron's space smurfs saga) can now be used for a sequel with less cost involved. Also, if it really did manage to at least break even, I could see them making a case for now having an established potential franchise. I think a big deciding factor will be how it does in the auxiliary market. "Hey, we didn't make any money, but we didn't lose any either and now we got a known brand on our hands." That sort of thing. Think Pacific Rim.

I mean, fucking James Woods tweeted about how everyone should support Alita while shitting on CM. I'm sure they don't represent the entire fanbase, and i understand liking flawed or unpopular things (speaking of anime i enjoyed the Johansson GitS for example), but damn does that sort of crowd try really hard to hijack the discourse for lack of a better word

I could not enjoy GitS at all. Calling it flawed is an understatement in my opinion.

Funny. I enjoyed Alita despite its faults but GitS made me want to kill someone.

>Alita: Battle Angel animated movie by Disney

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I have not intention to watch Alita anyways. It looks lame. Too much tits not enough violence.

The original manga is notoriously cut short. The movie adapts just under half of it. He went on to do two sequel mangas that are stupid long and while they have their purpose they also kinda spoil what worked about the original manga.

not by disney.
they're pretty high on my shitlist recently.

>10 volumes of a tournament
>two flashback volumes about unironic vampires
>dragonballz-like power creep through the whole thing
>space politics

last order was a mistake

I know someone failed to conquer their karma.

On the other hand, Alita has actually taken part of a half decent comic. Can't say that about carol.

also lol about power levels when Alita was fighting people who can punch black holes into existence

>manga author praised the movie
>even though the secret of Zalem is impossible to do in the movie now

maybe he forgot?

>Alita not getting blitzed at light speed
Cope weeb.

Thought this was Betty Quinlan

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>this movie from marvel (the mark well known that has been filming movies since 2009) is BETTER because it made (any bullshit percent) more than your newly introduced franchise
fucking retarded idiot

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You're a total faggot for posting like this. I'm giving them a (You) just to spite you. Next time, if you don't want to give them a satisfaction of a (You), don't fucking post in the first place. Faggot.


You're retarded. Also, would it kill you to sage?
Fucking christ.

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>would it kill you to sage?
it would?

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They respond to me because in their hearts they know I am right.

Captain Marvel>>>Alita Failure Angel


I think we all know who the real battle angel is, and its not the obscure sexbot known only to a handful of japanophiles and alt right stooges.

Carol is the true battle angel. Accept no substitutes.

Nah, they'd fuck it up like they're fucking up other good IPs they've recently got their hands on.

Because cute

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Jesus Christ that is nightmarishly ugly.

I like that the movie removed that plothole from the comic about Alita breaking the warrior code by stealing Hugo from that Zeiram looking hunter and outright killing him. I mean, is the only reason she got away with it because none of the Deckman's saw her do it?

You get used to it seeing it in motion, but that didn't stop the writing from ruining the movie.

Wait, so Trinidad? I mean, I like the idea of them hatefucking, but that's worlds away from being a couple.

It's like one of those AOC parody images. How the fuck can anyone defend it?

Weeaboos have no standards.