MiB International

>Literally NO news or media attention in almost 2 MONTHS
>NO new Trailer in 3 MONTHS
>Liam Neeson playing a secondary Character
is it gonna get New Mutants'd?

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it's based on Comics, it's Yea Forums.

>New Mutants

I assume he means burried in re shoot limbo and delays to point where should just br scrapped entirely

Unironcallly this

>is it gonna get New Mutants'd?
One can only hope.

mmm diversity lemme guess

diversity hire 50% more edgier than Will?

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You know, I would probably give half a fuck about it if Hemsworth didn't play the same idiot he played in Fembusters.

>Thor and Valkyrie teaming up again.
>Liam Neeson as the elder who will either get killed, or betray them.
>Critics will say it;s fine, but pan the film because Liam was honest in an interview about his feelings.

>mmm diversity lemme guess
main cast legitimately less diverse than the first 3 films, what are you on about

This really just seems like one of those direct to video sequels that studios make because they want to cash in on the success of the franchise but don't have the money or actors to back it. This cast isn't bad but it's so uninspired and just copying the original but in a soulless way that it will probably be in theaters for a few months and be on Redbox a month after that.

>hurr durr diversity
>a white one and a black one but this time the black one has tits
you do not have an intriguing mindset or worldview, grow up.

Why would they bombard people with trailers if the movie is probably ways to go. Trailers 1 and 2 can be a year apart sometimes.

>it's based on Comics, it's Yea Forums.
Barely at this point. But you are technically correct.

>two out of the three characters on main poster are white males
>hehehe, forced diversity

Go fuck off and die. Or seek mental help. Either which would be a benefit to society.

Tessa Thompson:
>I don't wanna work wif wypipo no mo'
Liam Neeson:
>Let me tell you about the good old days when I used to go nigger hunting..
It's too perfect.

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>there's only one
None is too many.

>A sequel to a massive sci fi film that starred Will Smith in the lead that doesn't have Will Smith and ibstead replaces him with a Hemsworth

It's like Hollywood learnwd nothing drom the fairly of Independence Day: Resuregence. What's next, a Hancock sequel starring Charlie Hunnam?

Goddamn she's ugly.

When will Yea Forumsmblr learn to ignore the bait? ffs you guys are even worse than the /pol/ retards

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>technically correct
Which in my book is the best kind of correct.

they should've adapted the comic instead

This poster is repellent instead of appealing.

It will crash.

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Liam Neeson is clearly the bad guy.
I'm still going to see it though.

Wait there's a new MIB coming out? what the hell

You want... what? A negative number of people? What would a movie with a negative number of people look like?

We need to discuss this.

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>Liam was honest in an interview about his feelings.
What'd he say?

Most people forgot about it and the only ones who were upset where white bitches. Ironically, many people in black community where actually accepting that had had the balls to admit his fucked up past and actually willing to better himself instead of pretending to have always been woke.
A long time ago when he was in his 20's a female friend of Liam's got raped by a black man. He got so pissed that we would go out in a poor black neighborhood late at night hiding a knife so if any black guy would try to start shit he would kill them.

He did this for a week before realizing that he's fucking nuts and went to therapy.

Being honest to a fault like that is just stupid though, I have no clue how he thought that would possibly not become humongous shitstorm especially in our current political climate.

>He did this for a week before realizing that he's fucking nuts and went to therapy.
Oh please, that's just PR BS to save face. He still hates black people and wants to kill them, he just knows he can't be public with it at the moment.


Nah, let it hit archives. Nobody cares about this garbage.

The fact he randomly brought it up in an interview promoting a movie is the part that makes him a dumbfuck.

>The Universe is Expanding
What a fucking slogan. You can't get more on the nose and to the point than that, can you?

Imagine if the next fucking DC comics film was a Justice League reboot and had a tagline of
>Forget what you knew.

Honestly from the trailer casting seems like the least of this movie's issues. No cool looking aliens, no intriguing world, just PEW PEW LASER GUNS AND FLYING CARS FUCK YEAH, which is unsurprising considering the director is from the fast and furious franchise.

>is it gonna get New Mutants'd?
No fucking way. This is from Sony Pictures, not Fox.
Sony will do anything to keep a movie in the theater. Emoji Movie wouldn't have even made it as a direct to video movie at any other studio.

Independence day resurgence had many, many, problems. Will Smith not being in it was quite far down that list. The script sucked and it completely missed the point of the original which was an underdog story.

There seems to be a lack of self deprecation in our two new leads. J and K were cool and competent while at the same time silly enough for stuff like getting slimed, flushed down space toikets and getting eaten by aliens. I have a hard time believe our new leads will be willing to do anything as silly as get into a fight at a bowling alley and toss an aliens head at the pins.

It's Yea Forumssh

Some movies just don’t go all out on movie marketing like Marvel Stuidos

Fucking chill out you paranoid fuckwit

That was the main fucking problem. He was the lead in the original, had all the best lines and was a charisma and box office dynamo at the time. The only up and coming action star today who could be as good in that role as him is maybe Chris Pratt. Certainly not the least talented of the Hemsworth brothers.

How about a Hancock remake that doesn't completely lose itself in the second half?

I dunno they seem to set up Hemsworth's character in a way where I could see that but Thompson's just seems to go full smug confidence with a tad of naivety. Which could make her getting egged on funny, but yeah I don't think that's what they're setting up.

New Mutants is getting fucked because of the buyout

Nobody hates black people, people just emphatically feel the Dr
F hate that negroes ave for themselves whenever they notice how out of place they are in a civilized society where families and agreements hold everything together. It's like Mods and platypuses.

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>Nobody hates black people
That's rich. Especially coming from someone on this hatemongering hellmouth of a website.

>Nobody hates black people
Yeah right, next you're gonna write that nobody hates Jews or gays or women.

I'm disappointed Neeson isn't playing Alpha.

Ah yes, black people, typically averse to family. Read a book, burger.

Nobody hates anybody my shiggleboofnikknakkpaddywhack. People are to self absorbed to care about anyone else outside their own tribe and generally only experience emotions in relation to their own self esteem. Blacks are very emotional and are good at projecting their own self hatred into others around them through channels of empathy, via social awareness, through group think, by understanding, using love they transmit their disgust with themselves into others.

Hatred toward blacks are blacks cucking people's emotional processes. Otherwise everybody would just ignore each other like the traumatised PTSD'd worker robots that they are in real life.

>"nobody hates [insert non-white or non-Christian people of your choice], it's just them projecting their worthless existence outward. It's no one else's fault they shouldn't be allowed to exist."
Just translating for those that don't speak /pol/.

Do you really think that in 2019 s time where we have psychiatric drugs for every mood disorder we can catagorize, where genetic testing can put a political candidate from claiming native American or African ansestry, that we don't scientifically understand the differences in human capabilities?
Science very much understands the effects of melanin on emotional experience but if society let's go of the EQUALITY standard how are we going to oppress one another? Racism and bigotry have never made sense at even the most primitive level, if someone is born not good at something how does hating them make them better and why hate them in the first place? Birds of prey don't hate fish for being unable to fly. Racism just doesn't make any sense. But it exists because whoever is in charge likes watching all of the animals of all the colors fighting because bread and circuses.
I wonder if this will be the premise of.MIB.getting above the race was and seeing who controls the strings from beyond.

I don't know if that's accurate because "exist" is too big of a test set to relate to a word like "worth". Also I don't want to get into the dynamics of professional victim Hood because again too wide of a spectrum to categorize in human value sets .

Two things everyone here should agree on:
1) This movie is trash and nobody cates about it.
2) Hatred is the TRUE emotion that fuels humanity.

>diversity hire
did you not watch literally any of the movies or are you just autistic?

i can get someone not liking it because K & J aren't in it but if you're seriously complaining about that type of shit then where the fuck were you when they racebended J (who was white in the comics) for the movies.

I can't be bothered to hate it. It's a direct to DVD production getting a theatrical release with knockoff writers and directors. Ed Solomon is too busy working on Bill & Ted 3 to give a fuck about this and he was probably never asked, and I have no idea where Barry Sonnenfeld is.
The obnoxious irony here is that Ghostbusters is a concept MADE for in-world franchising in different locales with different crews and Sony absolutely fucked that idea up with 2016, while MiB gains nothing by doing it.
Also, Thompson and Hemsworth are absolute flatlines as actors and Neeson is no Rip Torn. Yeah, the original MiB was written for Dan Aykroyd and Eddie Murphy, but their substitutes absolutely nailed the roles and better than the original casting would have

>ruins your blockbuster movie with ugly malformed face and bad acting

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Aslan, Thor and Valkyrie, what's the problem?

>mfw an user called this weeks ago

It begins

Thor Ragnarok actually did great

>Liam Neeson as Alpha


Who will do the rap?

Oh it made a lot of money so that makes it good? Transformers 3 must be a fucking masterpiece then

>Liam Neeson playing a secondary Character
Liam Neeson is playing fucking Sean Bean.

I didn't mention money. It had positive reception

No one says "did great" for reception, that's used for how well is performed

This hasn't been Yea Forums since the 90's.

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This is a thing?

Damn. I was hoping for something like K finally passes on peacefully from old age and J falls hard into depression because the one person he considered family is gone from his life. So he wants to retire and decides to train a replacement, going full circle.

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>it's based on Comics, it's Yea Forums.
No. The comics are Yea Forums. The TV show is not. This was cemented during Pacific Rim. If you don't like it then go whine on /qa/ or mIRC.

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How is the MIB cartoon not Yea Forums?

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TV show as in, presumably upcoming Live Action TV show that OP wants to use as an excuse to shitpost. Don't be purposely dense.