‘Captain Marvel’ Review: Brie Larson Is the Beckiest Becky in Movie History

>I’m white. I’m male. I’m heterosexual. I’m Christian. I’m conservative. I’m a Trump supporter. Which means I’m also grateful… Grateful Captain Marvel star Brie Larson only requested that I not review her movie when I know she’d prefer to request my murder.
So, as a compromise, this review is late, a week late, but Captain Marvel still sucked. It doesn’t Ghostbusters-remake suck. Rather, it sucks like Doctor Strange and that second Thor movie. It just kind of lies there in a purple puddle of uninspired but busy CGI; artless and simple.

>If Brie’s worried about this white, heterosexual male objectifying her, she needn’t. Her eyes are too close together, she has the jawline of the Lone Ranger, no ass, and fat toes. She is also a charisma-free zone. Sterile. Bland. No pop. No ha-cha-cha. None. Zippo. My loins would stir watching Gal Gadot kill my dog. Watching Brie Larson do anything is like watching your snooty sister gossip on the phone.

>Oliver Stone pushes a political agenda with bravura filmmaking, audacity, in-your-face posturing… Stone turns his ideology into magnificent art.

>Joseph Stalin pushed a political agenda by bleeding movies white.

>Captain Marvel is woke, but in the worst way, in the Stalin way where ideology triumphs art — actually it stomps art to death with a jackboot. You feel nothing. This is a movie made for mindless simpletons waiting for cheap “foot in your ass” applause lines.

>Brie Larson and Marvel are so afraid of the Woke Fascists, or so lost themselves in that mindless cult, we’re forced to spend two hours with a lead protagonist without vulnerabilities, zero sex appeal, and no character arc.

>She’s perfect — perfectly dull, the Beckiest Becky in all of Beckydom.



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fuck you

Thanks for your shitpost.

Captain Marvel was great. And Doctor Strange is the best Marvel film to date. Swallow that truth bomb along with my giant, veiny cock.

I see you had sex

in all seriousness, what is carol's character arc in this movie? what aspect of her understanding of the world is challenged and resolved through conflict by the end of the movie? the most obvious answer is that her past is a lie and her humanity (which the movie frames as willpower/perseverance in the scene with the supreme intelligence) is her greatest strength. the issue is that carol never has a crisis of will in the beginning of the movie. she is headstrong the whole time, doing whatever she thinks is correct. what changes is her understanding if herself via her past, but that new information does nothing for her personality. she is still the exact same person at the end of the film as she is in the beginning. that's why it feels she has no arc.

Nah. Good effects, lame everything else. Forgettable villain. Bendthatdick Cuminbitch has the worst fake American accent ever. It's a turd.

I don't give a shit about this movie but this is the dumbest fucking shit ever. Fuck you for causing me to read this stupid stupid piece of shit. Clickbait writers should be shot into space. If this is your article and you're shilling here fucking learn to code and get a real job.

Anyone who links to a review of a movie should be ban hammered out of existence.

>Her eyes are too close together, she has the jawline of the Lone Ranger, no ass, and fat toes. She is also a charisma-free zone. Sterile. Bland. No pop. No ha-cha-cha. None. Zippo. My loins would stir watching Gal Gadot kill my dog. Watching Brie Larson do anything is like watching your snooty sister gossip on the phone.
did nobody explain to him growing up that that's also objectification?
>we’re forced to spend two hours with a lead protagonist without vulnerabilities, zero sex appeal, and no character arc.
has he never watched an action flick before? why is he talking like Marvel lured him in with a series of narrative masterpieces?

for that matter, OP, why the fuck are you shilling Bart News?


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It's better than this film.

t. incel

>perfectly dull
So... Carol.

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>Have a decent C-B level character.
>Everyone that reads her comic as is likes her.
>Relaunch character
>Push her to A-Lister status
>No one likes her new attitude, her new costume, or thinks she's good now.
>Comic fails
>Relaunch it like 11 goddamned times with the same fucking team/writer.
>Consumers and fans outright reject this character in it's current form.
>MCU creative team somehow think it's a good idea to take the unpopular new version of the character and use her as the new face of the MCU.
>Even though everyone already rejected her, and she doesn't make money

I mean, I know WHY. It's because Ideology is more important than art to them now. But why would their Disney masters allow something to lose money?

Holy shit nobody fucking cares anymore. How boring is your life that this is what you choose to spend your time doing?

>If you don't subscribe to my propaganda and spin, you're an automaton!
The irony is palpable.

>Still a Trump supporter.
Opinion discarded

>But why would their Disney masters allow something to lose money?
Well, they didn't, CM made three times it's budget back on opening weekend already. Obviously they don't cash in the entire gross, but even if we were to cut the BO number in half and assume that's approximately all profit it would still mean the movie already broke even

Disney doesn't want "break even" tho.

They want to pull in like $750m

Well, it's only the second week. If Ant-man was considered successful enough to warrant sequels i don't see how this movie/character is the one in trouble

Oy vey we better shut it down!

I aint reading all that shit

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>has he never watched an action flick before? why is he talking like Marvel lured him in with a series of narrative masterpieces?

By this point, everybody's seen enough superhero origin movies to know the formula, which involves a character arc to becoming a hero, becoming a better person who learns how to use their powers responsibly and for a good purpose. Nobody expects or wants a superhero origin to have an action movie protagonist who begins and ends the story without developing at all.

Nice contribution.

Anyone who posts anything on Yea Forums should be banned from Yea Forums.


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Ben Shapiro was breitbarts only good writer.

The effects themselves were good but the execution was horrible with all the horrible greyish colours going on. Made me mad as fuck. I wish Strange had had Aquaman levels of colour going on because that would have been one hell of a ride. It kinda surprises me how MCU drones (not actual fans) don't realise how Disney has been decreasing the colour saturation in favour of bad effects in Phase 2 and 3

Haven't seen the movie yet, you're all boring me just from seeing the threads pop up.

Seems to me Carol is, in the comics, a bit of a bitch. So they adapted her correctly? Can't complain 'bout that

Even if the character is a bitch, you can at least give her proper character development

>unironically linking breitbart

You're a shitpost. Captain Marvel was literally the cringest girl power mainline movie to date. have you even try seeing it with an objective eye? It is on the same level as Dark World and Ant-Man. It appeals to a specific demographic that should be regarded as overhyped trash.

I would say the same for buzzfeed, shitaku, and the like.