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Why are they dressed like Ducktales characters
Is Stonetoss the Red Panels guy? That shit used to get spammed so frequently here I'd be amazed if it was anyone else but the author doing it.
Shmorky is a big fan of HDL.
>Is Stonetoss the Red Panels guy?
Why would you think that?
Daily reminder that this guy lost in debate with Sargon of fucking Akkad
This guy gets into debates? The fucking BitCoin guy thinks he's smart enough to debate?
That's not how you put books on a shelf.
Also it's a movie, not a book, and it's called "Shoah", not "Holocaust".
In 50 years people will be saying 9/11 never happened.
>Sargon of fucking Akkad
I don't keep up with e-celebs, I thought he was supposed to be well-spoken or good at debates or something
what color am I thinking of right now?
in 50 years no current civilization will still exist, humans who have survived the resource wars will have revert to a nomadic lifestyle in search of unpolluted water sources. they won't know about or be able to conceive of the world we live in now
Nah, he is complete garbage at debates and doesn't do any research beforehand. People tend to follow him around and think he's smart because British Accent.
Why do dumb yanks seem to think anyone with a pommie accent is clever? I honest to God think that's the only reason people ever paid attention to TotalBiscuit. Guy was a fucking moron but people didn't seem to see it.
I envy them.
9/11 truthers are still a thing.
Genuine guffaw.
He takes cheap shots at incredibly easy targets 99% of the time so the 1% of the time when he's in over his head people just excuse it.
I basically just described every political commentator on youtube, television, and radio.
Why did they put it in the wrong way? Also it's more evidence that he doesn't know shot about what he's angry about; atheists are anti-islam too, so much that Richard Dawkins openly calls Islam the worst religion. Bill Maher is anti-muslim too.
Do you switch the topic onto a trolley problem thread to prevent a stonetoss discussion?
To be fair, the concept of trolleys is just a spook in our minds, anyway.
this one got me
user, this is LOL thread.
Step on the snek.
Why don't you post the real picture? You can refute it, right?
I thought he quit desu
Tread on that fucking snake.
My favorite
Put that x a few more miles south and you got a deal.
If only.
No, he hasn't. He just keeps pumping these comics into the void. He doesn't even get feedback on them anymore after closing the forums.
I'll give him one thing, he updates more than comic artists I actually like.
What happened? Did he get racist about white school shooters? Get sexist about white male being rapists more often than white females?
from what I understand
>athetist puts bible in fiction
>jew puts the koran in fiction, making the atheist think he's an islamophobe
>white nationalist books holocaust book in fiction, making jew nervous
Pineapple on pizza is fucking good.
People are saying 9/11 never happened NOW
It's disgusting.
what did Danielle Panabaker do
>He actually closed his forums
He has that going for him. I thought for a while he would just continue to host a cabal of rabid SJWs who hate him and the comics they read.
Huh I always thought people with British accents are either annoying or more retarded than Aussies
Which lever comes with the really bad 60 dollar DLC?
Who is doing the killings?
This one is better when everybody is only on the bottom track.
pretty sure red hat guy is supposed to be a MAGAman
The second panel confuses me. Why would the atheist sweat about the christian putting the koran in the Fiction section?
>Stefan Molyneux
Lmao at ur life
What was funny is someone proved his accent was fake.
So their should be less guns for less violent crimes?
Atheist liberals are strangely defensive about Islam.
Sorry trackies, they're not gettin Lil' Rocketeer
Silly user. Per capita is racist white people magic.
Why the MAGAman be sweating over the Holocaust being called fake?
>If everyone pulls the lever, the death toll is 4 and no more
Seems like a win/win situation to me.
because Trump supports Israel
>less guns for less violent crimes?
Because Trump is as Zionist as they come.
That makes no sense. I'm atheist and liberal, and I dont give a shit about Islam.
>Why do dumb yanks seem to think anyone with a pommie accent is clever?
I mean, a Brit can be so stupid that Americans will see through their bias about British intelligence, and realize the Brit is a moron, like Piers Morgan.
Don't ask me man, ask the non-Muslims that get buttflustered when you talk shit about Islam. I don't get it either.
Republicans love Jews.
Then you are in the minority from I've seen
what are the statistics for guns stopping crimes vs gun crimes resulting in deaths?
I unironically love this
Why hasn't anyone tried having sex with the trolley?
>like Piers Morgan.
It took a while though. The cunt was literally ran out of the country for being the living incarnation of a scumbag paparrazi and he was still feted and given his own show for years.
>Atheist liberals don't like it when you shoot dozens of people in a mosque, therefore they love Islam.
I'm bored.
Where is the downside?
Multitrack drift it
Then it hits the children and ISIS, but stops short of injuring you. If you're lucky it'll hit the media too.
No, he's right. I've seen supposedly atheist-run forums ban anyone who so much as says a bad word about Islam.
Which does make me wonder how exactly Muslims are supposed to become more moderate and integrated when everyone's telling them how great their faith is and how anyone who criticises it is a racist.
Thanks for proving my point. I reference not liking Islam and talking shit about it and you immediately leap to a shooting to garner sympathy for Muslims as a form of defence.
This one is definitely my favorite.
Pretty much, yeah.
If you don't love Islam you should be ok with dead muslims that's just common sense.
You think that if you don't even understand your opposition and instead rely on echo chamber stereotypes.
That's almost every Stonetoss comic though.
Good job proving his point
They can't if they actually follow their religion
try not to be too jealous
It's an old Hollywood cliche. The wise British mentor. Obiwan Kenobi, Gandolph, Professor Xavier, etc. Other cliches are the old magical negro, usually played by Morgan Freeman. And the evil, yet stylish bad guy with a german accent. Die Hard. "Haaans!"
Finally, my philosophy degree has come in handy.
The day I see liberal atheists go after Islam and Judaism with the same fervency as Christianity then I'll consider admitting I don't understand them.
That's a shame. Of all the religions that need to have the piss taken out of 'em, Islam's at the top.
I think the guy that went to shoot a church and the guy that went to shoot a mosque are both cowardly turds. What now?
But you don't know they will. It states you don't know them or how they'll react to the ethical dilemma you're putting them in.
>push lever
read the quaran
You have a reasonable opinion, and have expressed it.
Any shooters that aren't gunning for the wealthy elite that influence media and politics are fucking up anyhow.
sick come back idiot
>muh good versus bad comparision
>implying its ever okay to infringe the 2nd amendment under any circumstance
fuck off kike
Get on my level trolleylets.
You wouldn't think he was coward if he had a semi auto pointed at your face, tough guy.
You tell me, dummy. If you ever get near a point, then make it.
They go after Christianity more often because the conversations you're privy to is more relevant to western society. "One nation under God" "God given rights" "Merry Christmas" these ideas are just are a few of the common Christian concepts that dominate the western atheist's life. If they're the type that they begrudgingly allow religion as a sort of freedom thing, they come off as pro-Islam because they want to be fair, if Christians get their ridiculous religion, so do the mudslimes.
Moral dilemmas are silly because none of us actually know what we'd do in that situation until we're in the situation.
>Liberal Atheists are harder on Christianity because they're typically from western countries with that as its main religion, and Christianity has been a bulwark of conservatives for ages
Gee, that was hard. Why do you think that the people most vocal about the misdeeds of Islam in countries where that is the main religion are typically from those countries themselves? People just complain the hardest about things that affect them most personally.
It's a win-win scenario.
Save lives
Get pineapple on your pizza
BioWare please
Not him but the point is that the solution seems to be less gun.
Based stonetoss
>They go after Christianity more often because the conversations you're privy to is more relevant
Bull fucking shit. Leftists bash christians because they know christians won't chop their fucking heads off like muslims. Or ruin their careers like the jew. Leftists are cowards. That's the only reason. If christians went full Tarrant, then leftists would start shutting their mouths.
Not him but it's not
Yeah, it's a great comic about how retarded the comic is. Reminds me of good Dobson parodies.
Are you also surprised that american atheists don't go after shinto and Buddhism?
Less guns means less gun violence.
That's just math right there.
It needs that dumb lip he always draws.
Kill the fat man obviously. If he's only a machine then I can stop the trolley without killing anyone at all.
Yeah nah, I don't buy your bullshit for a second.
>Slander Christianity in public and social media and insult Christians
>Slander Christianity in public and social media and insult Christians
>Get investigated, turned into social pariah, death threats, etc
You're not fooling anybody
>chop their fucking heads off like Muslims
As white people living in America, why would they be afraid of that?
>Le kikes control the world meme
Your /pol/ is showing
No it doesn't
people outside of California often get shitty pineapple pizza, like pineapple from a can or burnt pineapple. Chain stores are not always consistent in how they prepare food, so a 'jake pizza' in California won't taste like a 'jake pizza' in New York.
Basically, outside the western US and even sometimes then, pineapple pizza really does taste awful because they don't do it right.
So... the World Trade Center just... vanished? Ah who am I kidding these are the same kind of people that believe the Earth is flat.
Less gun violence sure, but the overall rate of violence doesn’t go down since criminals end up using other methods and people become less able to defend themselves.
Seems like it.
But it isn't
This is actually sad news.
>in America, why would they be afraid of that?
Did you just wake up from a twenty year long coma?
>Your /pol/ is showing
You couldn't even deny it, much less refute it.
It needs to actually represent what his strips are like, which it cant
>live in Christian nation
>Christian majority
>Christian law
>amazed that people talk about Christianity more often shinto
You are so fucking stupid.
There's a difference between saying "Conservative Christian values are tearing our country apart!" and "Islam is a religion of evil!". None of those things you mention would happen if you made statements about how fucked up Islam is in relation to female circumcision, for example.
Like every terrorist attack in the us in the last year was white nationalists
also implying isreal/zionism=all jews, not a good look, lol like it matters on Yea Forums what am i saying
When was the last time someone was beheaded in america for insulting/criticizing islam?
That's fine, the problem is how easy gun are to kill people.
This the guy who also writes books where all of the positively portrayed men in his stories are bears?
Trump called the democrats the anti-jewish party so I'm not even sure what you're mad about.
>Did you just wake up from a twenty year long coma?
No, but you might have been dreaming up a nonexistent epidemic of beheadings of Americans who said mean things about the Islam.
Unless you're implying that 9/11 happened because they got upset about Islamophobes in the west, because that's potentially even more delusional.
You should look up the statistics for how many crimes are stopped by legal gun owners being able to defend themselves. It significantly outweighs any negatives.
>play dumb and pretend to not know why
>Get told why
>Repeat yourself as though you didn't read a thing
Yeah nah, I don't buy your bullshit for a second. You're not fooling anybody
We were told it's because they hate our freedom.
They don't say 9/11 didn't happen, they just don't think it was done by Arab terrorists. They know the event occurred, they just disagree with the details of it.
No 'my wife is a doctor'
He says that a lot? Why?
nice retort retard
prove it
A beta piggy backing his wife's accomplishments.
because he has few if any real accomplishments of his own so he tries to appeal to authority through his wife
What does the line between the tank of acid and the nuke mean?
he's proud of his wife
If you don't pull the lever, the tank of acid will tip the nuke over, preventing it from launching.
You first
Niggers are ____
Yeah, but then you're subjecting everyone else to a trolley problem, creating more harm than good.
Oh, I see.
>you can refute it, right?
Racial profiling distorts crime statistics. Is this your first time defending racism?
That was the same stupid reason I was give, I'm gonna guess it had something to do with securing oil rights and installing more corrupt leaders that do their jobs too well and all the rich people getting pissed and funding some zealot groups
Every day of the week. I'll push a fat man off a bridge to unclog a toilet, given the opportunity.
Honestly if I was that brain in a jar I'd just go home, this predicament sounds too hard
Isnt it crazy that a few whites can kill 50 people but that still doesnt even things out?
We're conditioned from a young age to associate a British accent with intelligence and poise by media memes.
This one is actually kinda funny if you completely distance it from Stonetoss as a whole. It feels like it’s missing a panel where someone puts a “global geography” book in the fiction isle though.
Is this Shmorky?
Took me a second.
Why is this comic fucking slaying me right now, it doesn't even make any sense
>white male being rapists more often than white females?
Well no shit, women don't need to rape to fuck who they want.
I pull the lever and pretend I was never there and hope for the best.
All of the people, both on the other levers and all of the tracks, have direct line of sight of you, any survivor can easily identify you.
Killing people that did nothing to you is getting even?
Not only that but your future unborn childrens souls hover nearby, observing you with perfect clarity and understanding. The decision you make now will influence them profoundly.
It’s a good thing that they can kill easily, it lets the physically weak defend themselves against stronger/more numerous attackers.
What the fuck I love it
If a book is a dead tree this is truly what the trees say.
Only if you print it out, otherwise it's what the minerals and petrol (plastic) that composes your computer say
God I hate niggers
I don't know, ask the blacks.
Why would the atheist be bothered by redhat guy moving the koran to the fiction section?
I don't care how fat that guy is no way his fat ass is stopping a train, and even it somehow could I wouldn't be able to budge him.
I think he's more perturbed that there are three "Fiction" signs, even they all three are obviously in the same aisle.
What's the downside?
I have never been to california and I like pineapple on pizza, also I greatly doubt california could do anything properly let alone better than any other state.