So other than eye colour why are half the Kree indistinguishable from humans?
Captain Marvel
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Cheaper to just leave them as regular people than it is to make them look different
something something star trek something something
also what are the odds that there's another sentient race that are bi-pedals and carbonbased
comics motherfucker, do you read them?
I thought we were talking about the movie adaptation
There's pink Kree and there's blue Kree.
Humans also just so happen to come in pink, same as how there's green aliens that have nothing to do with each other
>There's pink Kree and there's blue Kree.
Pretty high. It's not like alien planets have completely different atomic elements to us.
>also what are the odds that there's another sentient race that are bi-pedals and carbonbased
Probably pretty high considering the only sapient life we have seen are bi-pedal and carbonbased. Sadly we don't have much of a control group.
Blue Krees are pureblood Kree's and non blues aren't... or something like that.
But in some old comics all Krees where pink instead of blue so I don't really know what's canon now because I don't read Marvel stuff anymore.
yeah and they look like humans because that's how they look in the comics
Oh yeah, real fuckin' human
Dark pink
Yeah when is the first time a blue Kree even shows up? In the old Captain Marvel stuff they're all pink.
about 5-6 months after the theatrical release of Avatar
While human looking aliens do really piss me off, the Kree actually have a valid excuse. There are blue and pinkish skin toned Kree that exist. Now if we're talking Xandarians and a shit load of other GOTG aliens, then yes this shit is an issue
Should've been more pink Kree desu.
kind of a stupid question right? you can tell right away that they look like that because of the way that they is.
Canon explanation? Race mixing.
That's not a Kree that's a Ruul you faggot, that shit lasted for like a year or two before PAD undid it. For fuck's sake if you're going to pretend to read comics at least use the Ultimate Kree to make your point
But the Xandarians were also human looking aliens in the comics. Even the Krylorians are just pink humans that have weird hands and feet in the comics
They're lightskin Kree.
So how many aliens have yet to show up in the MCU? We're getting a lot of them on screen.
Top of my head is Shi'ar, Brood, the horse people from Power Pack, Dire Wraiths, basically all the xmen ones i guess obviously
My thought is that it pretty decent. We know carbon is one of only a very few elements that can act as a building block for complex life. We also know that bipedalism is a conductive body structure for intelligent life.
Not saying that aliens, can't look radically different, but we know what works and it wouldn't surprise me if our body plan got used more than once.
Shi'ar and Brood are definitely the most prominent ones. Kymellians, Rygellians, and Korbinites too. Trchnarchy if they want a Borg knockoff. Also the Makluans, who are originally shape-shifters but usually all just appear as space Dragons like Foom now.
I'm not sure if they're allowed to use the Dire Wraiths anymore, or if they are they probably can't call them that.
Any species that could build an advanced civilization capable of space travel like us would have to have sufficiently advanced graspers to build shit and eyes and a brain to want to build shit in the first place. I mean the whole thing that really separates us from animals is our big brain right? We had to think to outwit the environment because everything else about us is inferior to something else.
Black Kree exist too apparently
Korath/ Djimon Hounsou is a Kree
The Beyonders, the Negative Zone inhabitants, Galactus.
Aren't the Brood just kind of a really, really shitty Xenomorph ripoff? I wonder if we'll ever see them in the MCU for precisely that reason.
nobody cares about the beyonders pr the builders for that matter
Kinda, except they can turn you into a Brood and can talk. I never cared for them all that much. Neat design though.
>I'm not sure if they're allowed to use the Dire Wraiths anymore, or if they are they probably can't call them that.
Hasbro trademarked the name a couple years ago. Marvel sued them for it but dropped the suit. They still own the dire wraith design but can’t call them by name, so I doubt they will ever use them again.
It's fine really, they can't seem to make the Space Knights work without Rom and the Dire Wraiths themselves are just grosser eviller Skrulls. Surprised Marvel let them get away with the name though.
Wikipedia tells me the last time a DW appeared in a Marvel comic was 2011. I think dropping the suit was Marvel realizing they don’t ever actually use them. It does seem pointless to waste money on a lawsuit over characters that were only ever relevant to another character whose rights they don’t have anymore.
Claremont used them for some X stuff. I wonder if that’ll effect reprints. Hope not!
With the borg and xenomorphs I never realized how much the X-men just ripped shit off, pretty funny. (If the warlock people showed up before the borg I retract)
Kree are naturally blue, they only have white and black Kree because they have fucked lots of other human-looking aliens out there.
Also they are not supposed to be able to breathe Earth's atmosphere without some kind of treatment. They need more nitrogen to breathe, and can all lift about 1 ton.
The Technarchy showed up before the Borg, they’re safe.
>Also they are not supposed to be able to breathe Earth's atmosphere without some kind of treatment
I don't think that's really been canon for a long time. I want to say either the Zo upgrade or the Nega Bands stopped Marv from having to rely on his helmet/pills and once that happened everyone forgot about it.
So why is the non pure blood Kree commanding a bunch of pure bloods?
>MEH VEIL is an old woman
>skrulls are muslims
Bravo disney
Some are blue.
616 Yon-Rogg is pink Kree that looked basically human in the comics too, long before there were any makeup budget considerations.
>the whole thing that really separates us from animals is our big brain right?
nope, it's hands + thumbs + bipedal + hyoid bone + land species
brain got bigger because of those not the other way around, dolphins and whales have larger brains but no way to express their intelligence, Crows have teeny brains but are as smart as 3 year olds and also cannot express their intelligence properly.
thank you biologyanon
it gets more interesting if you look into it, humans used to have super ape strength but it was ditched for fine motor control cuz it turns out you can't have both, jaws changed because of cooked food and speech, carrying things let us have babies with larger brains that are years under developed physically so we could carry them around, hair was lost because we hunted by just chasing shit until they died from exhaustion, humans are the best endurance animals on the planet, and so on.
>best endurance animals on the planet
Try outswimming a tuna.
I'll outswim any tuna on land any day of the week
kek, Gladiator from the Dark Phoenix saga was a blue Kree
I honestly can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending to be
He isn't Shi'ar. He is a different race than Lilandra
he's not Kree either dipshit
The old Captain Marvel stuff is what introduces the blue Kree. How far did you read?
Ronan the Accuser is the first blue-skin Kree (and the first Kree, period) to show up in the comics, although funnily enough he's not colored blue until later Captain Marvel appearances.
The blue Kree are supposed to be the "pureblooded" Kree who claim racial superiority over the pink Kree.
Get raped faggot.
I don't remember it's been a long time. I had the first few masterworks up to Starlin's run I think and yeah I just remember Ronan being fleshy for his early appearances
read comics roodypoo
>Mar-vell is a man
Did they change this in recent publications?
>"Blue blood"
>0 Results
Jesus, Yea Forums What the fuck?
I'm just gonna assume this is bait
What character is a Black Kree? or did they add this color just to be more inclusive?
I thought Yon-Rogg was still alive? He appeared in KSD's run and probably will appear again thanks to the movie.
Why are his lips and tongue not blue? Why does he not have a blueish hue to his skin tone?
>high considering the only sapient life we have seen are bi-pedal
I would assume they're pulling from some comic. The writer probably noticed a miscoloured Kree and just went with it.
It's an old entry from 2006.
not sapient
they're as sapient as an 8yo human
grey parrots and gorillas are also sapient
sapient literally means a human or relating to a human, they aren't sapient. they might be sentient in some capacity but they are absolutely not sapient.
>Sapience is the ability of an organism or entity to act with judgment.
Both humans and cree were crafted by Celestials
lying on the internet is futile you know this right?
>first definition invalidates your argument
>choose to adhere to the second definition
After doing a little digging I found the only Black Kree
>science fiction
that ain't science my dude
>black kree
>named mon-tog
>tfw no comic with a montage of him making baked brie
The trolls have been no match for Captain Marvel
- Bill Bradley of HuffPost
Pretty high since biochemists have been dicking around with other elements with similar properties as Carbon (e.g. Silicon) and can't even get simple shit to be/act/look similar.
That's why in modern-day sci-fi movies, they always talk about aliens being made up of elements that aren't on the periodic table which (a) is just retarded and (b) because we know that non-carbon based lifeform isn't even theoretically possible with what we know/see so claiming it will just make all the nerds bitch and moan about it.
Look at Evolution. The Geneis (or however the fuck you spell it) was supposed to be nitrogen based life but nobody thinks it's possible anymore.
Nobody mentioned to you the Badoon, shame on them really.
Technically the Majesdanians appeared in Runaways, but TURNS OUT they changed the name of the race to Gibborim for some stupid reason. There's nothing stopping them from using the Majesdanians, yet they went and did that.
On top of that, I kinda doubt they would show up on the movies beyond a throwaway background alien race, so I question the motives behind the change. Yes, this is a bit of a hot issue for me because it almost ruined the show for me.
Gladiator is a Strontian... Jesus christ so many fucking casuals today.
So are the Blue Kree basically the equivalent of negros?
Nah. Pinks are brothas and sistahs being held down by the Blue Devil.
I'm surprised that no author has used Yon-Rogg since 2013 even though they made a big deal of his return, trying to make him into Carol's archenemy.
>before PAD undid it
How did he undo it exactly?
>humans are white, yellow black and mixed
>kree are white, yellow, black, black and blue
>skrulls are green
>chitauri are grey
>horny alien debicki and her race is gold
You couldn't be more wrong. In Kree society, the blues like Ronan are the elite, and the whites are the lower classes that are seen as genetically inferior. Kind of wish the movie had addressed that.
It's been awhile but I'm pretty sure it was when Genis reset the universe. That or everyone just forgot about it.
Wait, I thought that the original Kree were pink.
>what are retcons
The retcons go back to the very first appearance of the Kree. Ronan was white when he first showed up in 1967, but he was later made blue. I have no idea when blue Kree first became a thing, it wouldn't surprise me if it was a coloring error that stuck.