Captain Marvel

How do feel about the first mainstream lesbian superhero Yea Forums?

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Silly user, Carol doesn't have a love interest because the only way to be a strong and independent woman is to be a sexless weirdo

Do you think she's been kirking it up with all the alien chicks this whole time?

She's the best!

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CaroLes thread?

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Anybody remember the descent? An all female cast movie about horror?

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>Carol doesn't have love interest... and that's awesome.
>Carol movie is fine... and that's awesome.
>Carol isn't heroic... and that's awesome.

Etc etc why there are so many articles about how awesome are things that, when lacks in other movies, are considered bad?

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Gain carnal knowledge.

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Wake me up when Monica's an actual character and not just black cheerleader for Carol #3.

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Even if Carol was gay, there's no way she's the first mainstream lesbian superhero

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> it's 2019 and the carolfag shitposter is still here forcing it

>Carol is a bland and overall boring character...and thats awesome

But her girlfriend wasn't even in this movie

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Cast her

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Tell me this is from a joi

That was a great movie, but what does that have to do with anything?

>brainwashed to fight for green-uniformed fascists before meeting Nick Fury and breaking free
They have even more in common now

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>all female cast

Dead husband has a scene in the beginning

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We’re they just friends or just (((friends)))?

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Mantis counts right? A force's gonna be gay as hell.

Shippers sure are cancer

wow. Just like you, user!

sucks because its more of the "strong women cant be straight" shit everyone does. they try to roll all the brownie points into one and it ends up being negative because it tells people that only gay (masculine) women are tough. basically making a straight male character and saying hes female

>that scene when she sees the photo of them celebrating Christmas with matching pyjamas.

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If they were a gay couple, then Carol is a terrible person for abandoning her lover and her effective child for twenty years to punch people in space.
Also, unfortunate undertones that the black girl's father figure walked out on her, leaving her to be raised alone by her mom.