Luther was best boy

Luther was best boy
Don't @ me

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Actually Klaus was pretty good as the show went on. The show demonstrated well why he was as fucked up as he was. Diego and Luther were disappointing. Diego because of his edgy lying bullshit all the time and Luther because even though he kept trying to lead he was retarded. And he never came across as that strong.

as per usual, Yea Forums has just the worst taste in men

Vanya is worst girl, I think we can all agree

Luther was an insufferable dick and easily the worst. Vanya was easily the best.

>Diego because of his edgy lying bullshit all the time and Luther because even though he kept trying to lead he was retarded
I miss a Ralph and Leo dynamic

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>anyone better then 5
Yeah nah, he carried the show

Wasn't it Luthors fault Vanya became the White Violin?
He fucked up and was a shit leader but still entertaining and I liked him.
Klaus and 5 were best boys.
Ellen Page was awkward to watch but that's exactly why she was a good Vanya.
Vanya was pretty annoying and unlikeable but I still felt bad for her nontheless.
Diego was meh and his revenge bullshit was a boring cliche.
Allison was worst girl BUT tried to be a good sister to Vanya which kinda made her okay again.
Ben was a nice support to Klaus.
Hazel and the Donut lady was a cute sidestory.
Cha-Cha wasn't interesting at all.

How was Allison worst girl

Not him but
>never used her powers fucking ever even when her family and herself are in danger and might die
Kind of bullshit

>best gorilla

I liked Pogo. Wish he had more screen time, or did anything at all really

I enjoyed how he was played completely straight as a close member of the family and even Diego felt bad when he insulted Luther about his apeness when Pogo could hear him

Allison's power is completely broken and removes tension from basically every situation, so I get why it doesn't get used often. Haven't watched the show yet, but does she getr her throat slashed like in the comics effectively rendering her power unusable?

I thought Luther being a shit leader was part of the point. Dude was a follower to a fault, through and through. His blind loyalty to his dad was extremely sad yet charming.

The whole thing was a cascading cluster fuck of bad decisions that led to vanya blowing up but Luther gets the shit for it because he was the last one before she nuked the house. If any one character had just not done one thing the plot as we saw it would be different. As we know since in 5’s future luther ripped out Leonard’s eye meaning vanya didn’t find out he masterminded her breakdown and killed him.

Ben was the best...

She needed some love...
Monocle was a fucktard

I don't usually react to character death but Pogo's got a slight noise out of me...

Seeing an elderly ape die like that was a little upsetting.

Ellen Paige does a great job at being a boring drugged up nobody, so does the character great.
I love moralfags and Luther was this sad bad leader that I just loved. Actually cried when he found what monocle did. Still was an idiot that caused white violin but would give him a hug.
Diego was good, enjoyed how he was kinda normal while also being an insane vigilante. Could see the revenge story coming a mile away tho. Needs a hug
Allison was a shit sister but she tries and deserves a hug.
5 was best character. Acted the smartass know-it-all but made it work, and his love for the academy was nice to see.
Klaus was best boy, thought I'd hate him at the start, turned into best character. Deserves two hugs
What pogo did was shitty but he didn't deserve what happened, wished he did more
Interested in season 2/10

Why was Klaus called spaceboy when he only went to space as an adult?

And with Klaus I meant Luther

Klaus is the absolute worst character in the whole show.

Yeah that's great writing, not overplaying the expected group dynamic..

Doing something different that sets the tone of the show.

I liked it a lot.

Although I have not read the comics so have no idea how closely they follow..

Hopefully picked up for another season.

It's great to just watch without picking a favourite.

That’s all I saw as well.

Why, he was annoying in the beginning but turned into one of the best charaters in the show

Oops was replying to

Yes but in the show her power is nerfed from flat out reality control to just persuasion/mind control

Carry over from the comics where he went and always wanted to go since he was a kid


5>Ben>Pogo>Klaus=Luther>Mom>>Diego>Allison>>>>Vanya>>>>their cunt of a father

5 and klaus easily carried the season. diego was just 'meh'. allison was alright.
i thought luther was pretty well done. the first time he really makes a decision as a leader (choking and imprisoning vanya) it turns out to be the wrong one. kinda like how they blame him for bens death in the comics...
that said ellen page, having the biggest name in the cast, was the worst one performance-wise. every scene with her was just like: I know what they're trying to do but it just never works. really disappointing.

Like 90% of the plot would've been solved if only Pogo told them the truth.


Don't you mean the dad.

Pogo was complacent in a lot of Hargreeve(?)'s schemes

I understand letting monodad do the first bad thing because graditude, but why the second?


The music in the show is really nice

Do not underestimate it's power

>fucking your sister
god damn it Luther

The They Might Be Giants scene in the first episode went a long way in convincing me to keep watching the show.