>Venom dropped -53%
>Aquaman dropped -42%
Fugly actresses have no place in China.
>Venom dropped -53%
>Aquaman dropped -42%
Fugly actresses have no place in China.
People who have money invested in this movie don’t give this much of a shit good lord
You seem to be ignoring the fact that Black Panther’s drop was even more severe, and it still made $1.3 Billion.
Black Panther underperformed in China.
>Already made more than Justice League
Justice League didn’t have to recuperate from a $750 million budget. Captain Miscast still hasn’t made back everything Disney has sunk into it yet.
Based slant-eyed bugmen
Sales in the US tanked as well. Disney knew they were selling old yogurt and calling it ice cream so they pulled every dirty trick they could to make bank on week 1.
Not that user, but putting some posters and ads on every single mayor city in the world will cost you way more than 150 million.
If you really think that that's the true investment, then you're the retard buddy.
not that user either
but most studios only get 25% of the ticket sales from China.
other countries have better rates but even then you have to factor in advertising budget.
Imagine being this big of a loser that you constantly monitor the things you hate. Christ, I thought us cartoonfags were annoying.
>I'm a child and believe gross money is final money in the pocket of the company
fuck off then.
It didn't really. It didn't make as much money as it did elsewhere, but it still made fucktons in China.
According to you spergs, no movie has ever been successful.
>Justice League didn’t have to recuperate from a $750 million budget.
You're talking about the break-even point, not the budget, that's here and yes, Justice League did have to make $750 million to be break even
>Up against an estimated break-even point of as much as $750 million, Deadline Hollywood reported that the film lost the studio around $60 million.[144][145][146] Due to the film losing the studio money, the movie was deemed a "box office bomb" or "flop".[147][148]
Keep crying/tv/ it's literally impossible for it not to make a billion
>a $750 million budget
You people get more delusional by the day
>Yea Forums has gotten so fucking retarded they don't know the difference between a production budget and a marketing budget
I feel like it's become harder for us (and I'm including me) to admit that popular things can be bad and good things can be unpopular.
So it's deeply, deeply important to us that a movie that sucks should be a bad financial investment. Everybody does this now. They look for evidence that the movie they hate is also a flop.
We need to make "hating popular things" cool again. A lot of popular movies are shit. Embrace it.
Ugly feminazis BTFO. China doesn’t like ugly bitches.
No. The movie flopped in China.
i'd bathe her in my male tears if you know what i mean
"Get woke, go broke" he posted confidently for the 50001th time.
Endgame can't get here soon enough, I want to put this CM shit to rest.
Brie Larson isn't bad looking.
Her feet on the other hand...
>Those Aquaman drop numbers
Wow this was because it was Wan directing right?
Does repeating this culture war shit ad nauseam ever get tiring to you people?
It's true that if a bad movie succeeds it can lead to more bad movies but that's just more movies to hate. Hating things is way more fun than trying to find objective evidence that everybody hates them.
Have sex.
Sex is for vague people
Hating things isnt fun though it's just nauseating and bitter
See what I find really disappointing is that this was Marvel's chance to really find Carol's footing and thus salvage her comic counterpart. But instead what we got was a bland protagonist who hardly struggles with anything thrown at her. Why would she even call herself Captain Marvel if her entire character arc was embracing her human name and past?
Personally I think they should have released CM after Endgame, like how BP's movie came out after Civil War.
Captain Marvel needs to make at least 2billion to make up for the 1 billion they paid the shills.
>Ant-Man and the Wasp (-83%)
>Black Panther (-82%)
>Spider-Man: Homecoming (-79%)
>Avengers: Infinity War (-73%)
So, basically, it performed like other recent MCU films.
So we're not going to talk about Venom's numbers? Because god DAYM!
Of course it won’t make a billion, but it was never expected to. Captain Marvel has nowhere near the public interest of Venom or Aquaman
BP was the biggest virtual back pat campaign to ever been wrought by corporate, media, education ever conceived.
So did Aquaman.
There's an endless supply of sexually frustrated young men, and this is a release valve for them. It's also fantasy football for geeks.
If only they would have sex..
>The companion movie to the next event movie surpasses the anticipated failure film that was riddled with production troubles.
Sweetie, Justice League was 2 years ago. Just incase if you forgot, DC already released a female lead movie too before your Marvel even considered giving Carol a movie. Try to keep up, buttercup.
With you? Any port in a storm, I guess. Open wide!
*whips out dick*
Lol, no I have a bf already. Just stop hating women and one will fuck you, probably.
>Lol, no I have a bf already.
The more the merrier. I'll let you watch.
>Stan Lee's twitter being used to sell movie tickets
I laughed at how scummy they are.
>La Ayuwoki
what is with this influx of cuntdescending troll posting? are they teaching classes on this shit somewhere?
Yea Forums crossposters, or wherever these smarmy gaslighting fucks come from.
Which us funny because that's exactly what Hollywood accountants want us to believe.
Occasional reminder that according to them the LOTR movies lost money.
That means semen.
Why are the Chinese so sexist?
Its drop was the same as Infinity War and it did well. With a lot of these "event" movies, people who really want to see them see them opening weekend, then they're done. Aquaman and Venom were more low key, though I'll agree they did better In China then people would expect, or that Venom did, anyway.
China loves all mermaid shit.
dont know how to see this. looks not so different from others
anyway capeshit movies are oversaturated like western AAA games last gen.
im sure chinks will get bored of all of those in the near future.
I don’t think the people who actually made the movie are as obsessed with its success as losers like you are, OP
Oh, it's only going to get worse.
I find it hilarious that Captain MArvel already made 50% more in China than Black PAnther ever did. I'm proud of my people. We hate niggers more than Beckys.
Eh, i wouldn't say worse. But it's absolutely certain that we'll get a new shitposting wave every time Carol even just sneezes
Is $105 million "fucktons" for China?
Aquaman most have made mega fucktons then.
If she does anything positive at all in the film, just avoid Yea Forums for half a year or so(Looks somewhat strong against Thanos, is quickly befriended by the Avengers, etc.). They'll be flipping out worse than they are now.
>imagine being so retarded you think that a movie isn't expected to make back the money spent advertising it
Lol, because salty white tears from a one eyed trouser snake are the only tears that are exclusive to males. I'll never look at a pic of a girl drinking from a male tears mug the same again.
>Reading sure am hard!
That's fucking taxpayers money you're dancing on, you brats!
>male tears mug
The ones sold by MRA to bank on passive-aggressiveness?
Don't forget "white privilege" means cocaine
oh baby, that ain't tears...
At this point, I'm convinced Marvel could release 90 minutes of Kevin Feige taking a shit and it would still make at least $700m because retarded normies will watch anything with the MCU label. Quality doesn't matter at all.
...yes it did. Aquaman made megafucktons in China
Youre the retard who seems to think they're separate.
have sex
The most sensible, factual posts are usually the most ignored. These drops are consistent with previous MCU performance and I'm not sure why they try and misconstrue Gavin Feng's posts about China as a surefire way to tell the movie "is tanking", when China is super picky with movies.
That's why DC still exists
Failed in comics
Failed in movies
Given the amount of people repeating this all of the sudden despite years (if not decades) of meaning something else, I'm gonna take a guess and say a lot of bored alt-right fuckos decided to upvote a dumb definition on urbandictionary (something that no one actually takes seriously) and smugly proclaim they won.
Looks like the Alitatards are at it again
Aquaman had 143 millions more than captain marvel in 2 weeks
>WB’s most iconic and well known team that had three widely popular cartoons
>Marvel’s generic female hero who lacks any real personality beyond being female
Kind of embarrassing really
Craptain will not make a billion
it's still going to make a billion and end up more profitable than Aquaman
studios get 25% back from China
I'm not sure what's the obsession with that market
It also helped that black panther wasn’t shit. The only problem that movie has is some cheap cgi.
It gives them excuses to say people don't like X or Y franchise, or in this case, "ugly actresses". Let's just conveniently forget they liked Venom.
But it still doesn't really matter then, cause if it does do well over there, they'll just say China has shit taste or Disney bought the theaters/tickets.
China does have shit taste though, they've almost single handedly kept the Fast & Furious and Transformers series going.
All too true. And the market pandering to them wouldn't be an issue if it didn't mean outright censorship or shying away from subjects that "wouldn't go well" over there.
it already made money, so not like it matters at this point
>Already made more than Justice League
And less than Batman vs Superman, Wonder Woman, or Aquaman
It's also barely the second weekend, but who's counting, really?
Well yeah user, you cracked the code, shitposters have to make up arguments on the spot with near to no consistency
>less than Batman vs Superman, Wonder Woman
Learn to read, it's made more than either of those.
China is notorious for buying off theaters and inflating ticket sales
Plus the price of Imax adds to the numbers.
Only fanbois, and corporate cucks care about how much money a movie makes. It was pretty much garbage given what is expected from a Marvel flick. Especially aimed at inspiring little girls. This movie was so fucking cringe it hurt to watch. It's like the movie was designed to appeal only to girls, and not a general audience like the rest of the franchise.
If you praise this mediocre trash heap. You're a fucking hypocrite as a feminist. This movie was embarrassing. I wouldn't my daughter or any of my children which this low brow shit.
Nah it was great.
It wasn't, it was awfully boring, and painful.
>Especially aimed at inspiring little girls. This movie was so fucking cringe it hurt to watch. It's like the movie was designed to appeal only to girls, and not a general audience like the rest of the franchise.
I don't see the problem at all, despite it all. I actually dug the attitude she had and how, as you said, "inspiring" it felt to rise above the stakes. It might not be for everyone but I resonated with some of it.
Plus, that wide shot of her floating above orbit while wearing the jacket, without helmet... I thought it was perfect. But again, I guess you have to like the character and resonate in a particular way with it to enjoy that.
Yea Forums needs to be deleted. It's clear they know absolutely nothing about film or television
There's also this.
That's officially a billion, right?
Nevermind, my math failed. Worldwide adds also nationwide, so not a billion yet. But getting there.
Does nobody know how Chinese box office works? Infinity War dropped 73%, in fact, most movies drop 70-80%. Aquaman and Venom are the exception, not the norm.
>BP needed over $600mil from the US in order to cross $1bil.
The absolute state of Americucks.
Who is China's favourite western superhero, Yea Forums? I think Stark may be Japan's, considering he's had a few animus made of him.
Anyone have the gif of the black girl placing her leg on the white guy's table before he trips her?
Not for another week or two maybe a week and a half
>"Get woke, go broke"
Products don't fail because their writers decided to be socially aware and put it in their movie. They fail because they're garbage products.
Black KKKlansman made $89.8 million and its budget was $15 million.
Get Out made $255.4 million and its budget was $4.5 million.
There's no such thing as "Get woke, go broke."
They are. Rule of thumb is marketing is half of production budget in Hollywood
I hope Cheese's movie makes a billion. She's so charming and entertaining. She should be in all MCU movies from now on.
I guess we're reaching the coping stage and Yea Forums can finally shut up.
Well they usually do this for Chinese films or films they invested in like The Meg or Warcraft
>chinese propaganda somehow squirmed its way into Yea Forums
wtf i love stealing lying totalitarian governments now
>expects garbage from all Marvel flicks
>is still watching them 21 films and 10 years later
who's the real retard here?
>Rule of thumb is marketing is half of production budget in Hollywood
Yep, this is correct, but on Yea Forums it's actually AS MUCH as production budget, even though 30s of a Super Bowl ad is averaging at $4 million. Makes no sense they would spend upwards of $100 million just to promote a movie, it's usually way less. Billboards cost an average of 11K to 25K, and there's also the Times Square advertising:
>It costs between $1.1 and $4 million a year to buy advertising space in Times Square. Moreover, it can cost up to $3 million per month to advertise on Time Square's largest billboard [1]
You can definitely see it can't stack up to $100 million, it's only like half of it even if you go for all fronts.
I know your seething from my harsh truth bombs. As I'm right when you compare this same PG-13 flick to that of Iron Man, and even the first Avenger's flick. This movie was abjective trash, and the coping mechanism from you fanbois, and shitposters making it all the sweeter. Money does not equal quality.
I don't care if you don't like it, my post was my reaction in earnest towards the movie and how I resonated with it. If you got a problem with that then, I don't know, deal with it I guess?
And I wasn't even talking about the money it made, though apparently that's still a touchy subject for the likes of you who still can't cope with the fact that many people liked it... At some point you gotta start admitting that.
>takes pride in watching movies he hates
>thinks he wins
Seething? Nah, just sick of Yea Forums endlessly crying over a movie only an idiot would think fail because they got butthutt over it's dumbass actress. Especially when they're shitting up other threads in said butthurt. Haven't seen CM, not interested in it enough to care about 'truth bombs'.
Its a subject you faggots always seem to bring up in defending this tripe flick. All the shitposting in these threads defending a mediocre flick? It is fucking annoying. Have sex already.
I watch a movie to judge it otherwise you faggots just bitch about not having an opinion on it if you haven't seen it. Cope.
Then go back to fucking Yea Forums incel, and take your company wars with you.
>Its a subject you faggots always seem to bring up in defending this tripe flick.
Except I never brought that up? And you're in a thread that seems to hint that the movie is doing badly even though the same picture shows Infinity War and Black Panther dropping as hard as Captain Marvel, while both movies went on to make a billion. It's all about context.
Either way yeah, money != quality, but you seem hung up on the fact that others enjoyed it; maybe not in here, but elsewhere I've read people going three and four times already. If that bothers you so much, I kinda get the feeling this isn't the right hobby for you, because there's characterfags for everyone.
>get a life
where do you think we are
Looks like it's going to hit $1 billion after all. Are we done here? Does this mean that Yea Forums crossboarders can stop making these pointless threads? They're clogging up the catalog.
I think you replied to the wrong post. I said I'm sick of Yea Forums and this nonsense.
Are you retarded? If they have money invested, they absolutely do
Yeah, they are in this very thread.
I wish but no, they'll just find something else to be wrong about and make constant threads about it until they get BTFO again
Just updated this pic for the sake of it, didn't want to repost outdated data.
tl;dr, it's doing well and likely will gross a billion, but this won't stop the shitposting.
>I watch a movie to judge it otherwise you faggots just bitch about not having an opinion on it if you haven't seen it. Cope.
Have you ever thought about just ignoring the movie altogether? Why invest so much time in something you hate?
nah, it looks like it's a half of Black Panther meaning it shouldn't be more than 800 millions, if it reaches 1 billion it's gonna be some trick cause in China aka the gold mine isn't so interested in this film
>nah, it looks like it's a half of Black Panther meaning it shouldn't be more than 800 millions
Second weekend and it already got $760MM, but whatever I guess. Pointless to argue with the numbers.
It's already made more than BP did in China, you tard. BP didn't make massive waves in the international market, it made most of its money in the US.
>nah, it looks like it's a half of Black Panther meaning it shouldn't be more than 800 million
It's not going to magically disappear after Tuesday. It's going to run for months
BP didn't great internationally just okay in China
Yea Forums needs to stop talking about box office y'all don't know shit
poor Alita
Poor little flea
This needs to be updated
Sure, I did it for you. I couldn't retain the low quality aesthetics but I did my best.
Probably Dr Strange. China slobbers over cumberbatch for some reason
>not Wong
Think, user! Think!
I know you jest, but the Sherlock series is pretty big in China too, the short movie even made quite some dosh
Didn't you know, Marketing budget = 500 gorjilion times production budget. Literally no movie has ever been profitable!
>qt lesbian waifuheroes
Hang yoruself
No. It’s really not a lot. China can completely save a movie, and give half a billion.
And she'll make it because there's really nothing else to watch except her movie.
the funny thing is that the numbers are weird for Disney sometimes. It's true they bought their own comics to inflate the numbers and it's true it's very strange if it reaches one billion without China, it would be very very strange 850 or so millions would be normal but one billion...China is the gold mine if they don't like your film so much then you don't reach one billion
Interestingly Black Panther wasn't a big deal in China, they didn't care about the film, just average box office
Yeah. Female leads never went down well with Chinese audiences.
>China is the gold mine if they don't like your film so much then you don't reach one billion
The Dark Knight made a billion without even being released in China.
There are plenty of movies that made a billion that Captain Marvel has already made more than in China.
The last a film similar to Captain Marvel appeared and I'm not talking about WW (though China wasn't especially interested in WW) it had a very short life, it didn't have legs one month and the big box office was reduced to a couple millions every weekend and the first film for a woman that isn't WW isn't an event like BP for afro audience.
850 or so millions is more probable
Because there’s so many people there that even a much lower percentage than they normally get can still bring in hundreds of millions of dollars.
Not sure why they do it though, China makes it illegal to take money out of the nation in huge amounts (iirc the limit is like 5k a year).
The Dark Knight is another thing we shouldn't compare that film and Captain Marvel besides that was in 2008 so the situation was even more amazing. We have to remember we're talking about Marvel films and what I said about the gold mine is true today for Marvel films
Billions of dollars, that's their obsession cause just 10 American films can reach China every year
The drop this weekend wasn't drastic at all, so we can expect a similar performance next weekend. It's not going to go anywhere.
Next week there'll be threads about it reaching a billion, you can bet your ass.
Based china
You people are delusional and need serious help
China's favourite movies are Warcraft and Transformers. I don't doubt that Captain Marvel is mediocre, but insinuating that China's preferences are anything but negative in regard to the quality of a movie is facetious.
No matter. It's a shitty term nonetheless.
>Being a yurifag
It’s shocking that we’ll researched posts like this one don’t get any recognition because people would rather believe their narratives.
o i am laffin. What will the trolls come up with next to complain about this movie? It had a great opening weekend, it has legs in America, and it broke their "$750M break even point" goal. What's next? Complain it didn't do good in Kenya?
It got recognition. Sane people just already knew it, and the unwashed masses of morons can't acknowledge it because they can't argue against it. In fact, I'd bet that the $750mil number user pulled out of his asshole as the number CM needed to make back was done specifically because he knew that was the case for JL, and he wanted to attach the failure of something he liked to something he doesn't like.
>a lot of bored alt-right fuckos decided to upvote a dumb definition on urbandictionary
Didn't something similar happen on urban dictionary with a different word, where a particular definition was upvoted?
i remember some politician guy said something bad about homosexuals so one guy made his surname into a word that basically means shit mixed with semen
There's also the urban dictionary definition of misandry that the same thing happened.
I think the difference is the Santorum thing was basically going after a prominent public figure who made a long career out of negative identity politics, whereas trying to pretend male tears means something else just looks like "No, I'm not triggered!"
I was referring to misandry on the same site.
Which was just as butthurt.
There's no point in responding to shills with actual facts or industry knowledge, that rule of thumb, for example, has become a meme response on this board and others like it, and on click bait sites, where it's not even the average any longer and hasn't been for the past few years.
There is not point in replying to these people as you will just garner responses that refute logic with idiocy (see >106487657) and it serves no purposes and sadly doesn't even elevate the discord here.